The Baily British Whig 1: No. 105. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1924 LAST EMTION $300,000 GIFT TO fr forms bird in fv Ped LESS TALKING names.) WHEAT MARKET 2 » HOSPITAL = reine BY TERPS: Ss Wis pT | of Statisti estimate $ for and believed to have perished within the past twenty-four hours : Breas of Bt as crop for in forest fires which are sweeping all sections of the Pacific coast. # this year at 318,640,000 bus- @ Be Gir % They were W. 0. Dillon and family of six, with six loggers caught by As Al Parties Want fo Pro- # hels. The crop last year was $ 3 Foss ; fire on Trapper Creek, Idaho; party of thirty-five persons, including N + 474,109,000, + = some children, trapped by fire'at Wheeler's Mill, Pend O'Reilly rogue This Week. J vo * + From: Estate of the Late (Charles Sand- couyty, Washington; four Doukhobors caught by fire in Salmon eli, 0920400000000 000 3 i . ; . Valley, British Columbia. ¢ ) EO : MUCH BUSINESS DONE YEAST MAGNATE'S WIFE Fo KC. Montreal. DOUKHOBORS BURNED, GETS DIVORCE DECREE dis ' eC A -- A Nelson, B.C., July 15.--Twelve Doukhobors, nine badly .burned, . Mrs. Fleischmann Said td]. em roa ; Tt to Forsapiee Crue Most Important Resolution Was| " ryeye Received $5,000,000 | Was Reported To Be Suffering = The Eldest Son of the Late Sir Alexander the entire valley is devastated Wilcox Mine i id One For Canteen Fd Frony Husband, Fron Worst Drought West Arrow ranchers have sent a oll Necss, for pay loomed, Distribution. New York, July 15.--Setting at Seventy Years. Campbell Leaves a Splendid Legacy rife in Kootenay areas. y » Tes ae : rest rumors which have been current Chicago, July 15.--Predictions Ottawa, July 15.--Evidence that| since the departure of his wife for that the wheat crop this season in 5 . N . nan His atv City all parties in the House of Com-|Europe three weeks 320, Julius! o.pada world less than , To ¢ y (il , sly Who was wearing only a bath- mons are endeavoring to see pro-|Mleischmann, America's "yeast the yield Hy a be wd nua halg =f . r - Ig sit put on his sweater to pro- rogation a reality at the end of this | king," yesterday adinitted that a de- with a t The governing board of the Kingston General Hospital has! tect herseil against the burning- week was given yesterday by the ex-| cree of divorce had been obtained by Sena vue ol Mids been advised that the late Charles 8andwith Campbell, K.C., hot sun. With the next wave.that |pedition meted out' to Government | her from the Paris courts. Trade. Maximum gains of five cent a «A distinguished lawyer of Montreal, and who was the eldest 5s ve: Sua ak. Sent poy [measures which came up for consid- Nails the terms Of the decreg Mer. | bushel werc registered, with values pc A Sverhoard and sunk. Still the |eration. Also it was evident that the | not made known, they are, under shaded only a trifle at the finish. -- ~ and last surviving son of the late Sir Alexander Campbell, a| gir! retained her hold. Government was collaborating by | stood to have included the settlement Excitement among traders in the i Heutenant-governor of Ontario, bequeathed to the Kingston | "From Thursday aficrason to the announcement that two bills on DL ciscamany Bpon iy te of Bo Chicago' wheat pit attained a high 000,000. 8 8 80 sald that as soon |, after word was out that 50 2 the sum of about three hundred thousand dollars for i A sae tuid we, she (the order paper were dropped, name- et o It, Mis. Prefect By -Thi © urchison Sos either dr! WDE @ the canoe or |ly. «an act to amend the act to|as the law will permit, Mrs. pCi" | ner cent. damage from the Canadian ~ the extension and maintenance of that institution. - This is th Margaret NM Clung £0] c'inzing to its keer wi: Other authorize rearrangement and trans-| mann will be wed to Jay oii [Bnd cluding recy = largest gift ever received by the Kingston hospital, and the Canoe Ser 1 i Wave set it rolling. How she held out gers of dutles in the public service," | Broadway idol and "King of Hearts,' cognized expert on crop conditions, governors are greatly elated' over the splendid bequest of a enty- Wo fours. |.. SBE ls difficult to understand." and the other amending the Admir-| With whom she 'is sald to have been A. O. Crowell, representing sre of dn Of the Limestone City. -- 2 1most immediaieiy 91 her are laity Act. Both these bills stood in| friendly for more than a year. ine largest grain houses here, made former son ton : rival at the Wilzinson cottage, the name of the minister of justice.| Mr. and Mrs, Fleischmann were {,, Statement. A report from him, ~The late Mr. Campbell was a wealthy citizen of Canada's f C Mes Murchison fell ini» a siumiber In all one resolution and one bill married in 1920. 'Both had been dated at Saskatoon-1n the heart of ¢ married previously and divorced, At -- "Metropolis and died over a year ago. -His estate has not yet Ct exhaustion, and 0;. McCormack, were dropped, two bills first read- the Canadian wheat country, said: g Who was summoned to attend her, ing, and an amendment from the | the time of his divorce from his first "Neither Winnipeg nor Chicago s intimated that the amount that o ordered that she must have fourteen [Senate on a rallway bill concurred | Wife Fleischmann settled $2,000,000 realizes the situation in Canada. It ©ome to Kingston's hospital will be in the vicinity of $300,- (irl : S$ burned And hours' uninterruped. sleep. Unless {in The consideration of these bills | UPOR her and a yearly income of $25,- is the ors: in "70 on res 3 The governors have not yet decided ho wthe bequqest uh Fheumonia sets in she is expected |was marked by an absence of pro- vp. Fleischmann's former hus. |5™iD is near fallure hero, Superin- will be expended, but it comes at a most opportune time when S$ ---Put to survive her harrowing ordeal. |)onged discussion, and the Progres- dant w A Thman Heminway, - who | todents of grain deparinent of, the Institution is bei extended . ' sive group, which usually takes up d ] Y, railroads and other such peop'e A ng . on Dead Man $ weater Mother and Daughter Meet. most of the time of the House in|made a fortune as a silk manufac. agree that the wheat crop will be. + The late Sir Alexander Campbell, father of the legator, : . Brechin, July 15. -- Margaret debate, kept unusually quiet. turer. only half of last year in the three was in his day one of Kingston's leading lawyers and was the| Brechin, ont. July . 15.--Storm- | Murchison is today slowly recover- provinces. This is in line with my ing from the shock of her terrible i * eda . tossed and verging on total collapse ' o! CRIPPLE WINS Cp ideas." senior partner for ears of the firm of Cam from the harrowing ordeal of cling. | 8dventure. In addition to being very Cantéen Funds. 2 The ensuing scramble to buy was : h $ ing for three days and nights to the | badly sunburned and suffering from The most important question to one of the liveliest that has been C drifting canoe, clad only in a bath- | exhaustion and exposure, Miss come before the House was a resolu- AT BISLEY SHOOT held in Chicago for a long while, 'Oharies 8. Campbell, K.C. Ing: suit and sweater, and terribly Mdfchison 1s a ujesting fom tion in the name of the Hom. Dr. notwithstanding a flood of sales fo X blistered by the merciless rays of | Poison ivy contracted when she firs Beland, minister of soldfers' civil S------ realize profits. Notice meanwhile The news of the bequest will be heard with great pleasure | (he 71s sun, sixteen-year-old Mar. | Srawied ashore at Comore Point. i sr providing tor the | Logless Officer. Captures Don-| thet Kansas City had received wpe by the people of Kingston. It is a great help to Queen's medi-| gare Murchison of Barrie was found | It is expected, however, that she will distribution of canteen funds of a egal Trophy--Hawkins Rants of 1.000 ory J ae haat ay, more than dou ° "cal col .|@t nine o'clock yesterday morning, | be none the worse for. her terrible total amount with accrued interest cal i-00 lege, as the latter uses the hospital for clinical purposes. struggling through a belt of reeds | experience after 3 few days complete of $2,296,936.06 which. were ac. Ranks High. a year ago. was without the least - Wl ; Which skirt the waters' edge at |Test and medica treatment. lated during and "immediatel parent Influence as a check on the cident marvelled that yourig Norman Concord Point, a mile and : halt | The reunion yesterday of the girl ny the. war. Ee redolution aed Bisley Camp, July 15.--Beautiful advance of prices. b did not fracture both his legs. from here. She is receiving attention | 4nd her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. vides that $20,000 will be held for| Weather and fine shooting conditions vd 4 at the cottage of E. A. Wilkinson, of | Murchizon, of Barrie, Ont., was one payment of outstanding accounts; | Prevatled yesterday for the opening Excited Speculation. | of the second week of the National Kansas City, July 15.--Sensgtion ------ FIRES STILL SERIOUS. | of gratitude and sorrow. Their i - Toronto, and is expected to recoy daughter : second, that §100,000 will be admin Rifle Association's 61st annual meet- | oy reports of poor condition of Te er from, the effects of her experience | Youngest daughite istered from Ottawa by a central Blazes In B. ©, Continue Out Of | ypjess pneumonia sets jn. them, had re rin ghe gr Sages oi. ratets ya the pur<|!T8. The Daily Graphic, open to ail Canadian wheat crop, together w pa une Cantal, It was an epic of amir} but y--could! DEES hole oth 1350 of maintaining 'a adfilstnsent | Somers; at the 200 and 300 yard growing fear that the United statu Vancouver, July 15.--Forest fires | the wind-tossed waters of Lake Sim. | of daughies, N ith, sorro {se for the benefit of ex-service | T20Ee, With &even slots at each dis. with 'produce a small corn A at Rock Ba da 1 : Vine ol > 3 » and the "Duke of Cambridge" ulated excited ative y, Redonda Island, Nar-| coe, of tne drdwaing of Wilbur Hos- [at thelr Barria home at realisation men, these trustees, not to. receiye| 'A0C¢, and the year "stim : Tows Arm and Haslam Lake Con | king in a sudden squall off Big Bay | that her husband was dead. any Temuneration: thirdly, the sum ~--ten shots from the 900 yard Tange | huving of both grains for {ature tnue out of control. New outbreaks point, of the death of her brother.| of $50,000 to be paid to the United | the Principal events on yester-| yyvery nore yesterCay, and the mar- occurred over the week-end at Read | in-law, Edgar Smith, in her arms » Services Fund of Great Britain and | 98's programme, have attracted | pos closed in a turmoil with ad- take, "20 8 the Seymour Creek in. from heart failure after she had Charch Union Bill an equal amount to the American | 'AT8® entry lists. 5 ¥ances.for the day of four to five - page, oi thrice snatched him back from the : Red Cross to be used by them to| 10 the shootoff for the Donegal | conte a bushel Passes the Senate Challenge Cup, which carries with i July wheat sold up to $1.13 3-4, : | The fire on Read Island, which is threatening waves, and of t about. one . hundred 'miles north of | period of g Nave : a ying Bost ex-members of the Canadian the Gold Badge and £10. Lieut. Suth- and corn advanced to $1.06. ¢ + William Norman, while working on | + ; and starvation, Expeditionary Force and their de- \ . wp a alt flold pointing the brick-| YOU Yer: Is being fought by a Iog- | with decn lurking at her elbow with ~~ bendents resident in Great Britain | ®fland, late of the Black Watch, who Since the market started to ad as tent ¥. Harrison building | 52 erew. every lunge and turn of the unsteady Ottawa, July 15.--With a pro- and the United States why are in| lost both legs in the Great- War, turn-| vance in June, wheat prices have = % Princess street, around 11.15 os Ahi igh logging railway bridges boat to which she clung, that the {. test from Hon. Dr. R. Reid that genuine distress. The fourth pro-| od in the best JON: vith Capt. g gone up 19 to 20 cents and corn "morning, fell from the third storey oy ie Tg Tred bY the. Roe Jazed girl sobbed forth in her semi-| the measure had been "rail- |vision of the resolution provides ourth. os center o si1.| Mas risen 25 cents. - the pavement, 8, distance Of be-f int, which is about 150 miles SoRgeious vg Hen , She wag roaded" through, the senate fat the Josidus of the Junay - tv er hades a 1a both SION MOST ACUTE : 'tween twenty-five an} thirty feet and north of Vancouver on V Giseo rant. Of . jast night gave the third reading e divided Into nine provincial allot A d TENSION MOST g "was uninj beyo J ronto ustralia carried off the first three was ured nd a slight shak- land, are sens a heouvet To! » yesterday morning. She to the bill to unite the Presby- ments on the percentage basis, these %es in the Overseas match, open Ing. up and a moderate' amount of pped by dense! had drifted ashore in the cance allotments to be administered py | Pr! fx "ALS; smoke and transportation ditticul- some time Sunday night the vessel terian, Methodist and Congrega- only to British subjects resident » ial | { trustees, a hia father, H. F. Normas, the ties. being Qecovee Ts a yards tional churches. There were Brovinelal a es, aud overseas. South Africa won the Simla, July 15.--The sitpation in was working 3 oh a ovably cats Lines have been built north 'and further up the shore, . three divisions, but they were those interested, and the trustees to| fOUrth prize, with Sgt.-Major W. A. Delhi is well in hand thanks to the FSlung from pulleys, A rope But of Buslam Lake to shut off. the "I was out in a rowboat, just oft | all in committee stage 24d WETS, | receive no remuneration, The per-| Hawkins, Toronto, in . fifth place, prompt disposition of troops and B one of the blocks broke and one train op rae mouuiaiuside from | the shore of Concord Polat, when I| therefore, not recordsd. There centages are indicated as follows. | leading the Canadians, solic but ieuion bet wien Hin p ad. swung downwards, the son tall | "0 ign e Umber, heard faint cries for help," Mr.| 'wag little discussion. Alberta, 7.346 per cent; British I She us a n rained from - ing off and landing on his feet on the | g.; et is % airons Arm, near! Grant said. "I saw what first looked : nim, 4 |Columbla and the Yukon, 10.286 por| GASPE FOREST FIRE Mules they re Jip seitisiand a ard ¢1elt, Is burning high on the Hk€ a child, struggling through the BIG ELECTION WAGER. |cent.; Manifoba, 10.702 per cent.; QUENCHED BY RAIN; [eokine oo he as ach authori- h pavement. The father, who had ! 1 ag ne at the time, held tase | BOUBtainside. . Fonds along the water's edge. Think- { -- New Brunswick, 4.203; Nova Scotia ------ ties. The rioting on. Friday night a SE ---- fy » . lo is 10 his end and kept the heavy cradle| Vicentini, Chile, knocked Bg that it was lost, I rowed ashore. $10,000 Against $30,000 That Davis [6.439; Ontario, 41%41; Prince Ed. Heavy Downpour Came to the culminated in Incendiarism, Mahom- : [from crashing down with himself on Then. to my surprise I saw that in Will Beat Coolidge. ward Island, .857 per cent; Quebec, Be 'the boy.. Ee aus, Ruffalo, Monday reality it was a young woman appar- New York, July ehage. iargest [12.718 per cent., and Saskatchewan, Assistance of Hundreds Jeddn hétehers beraing ova Hinde _C. E. Taylor, manager of the T. F. Ee Reap] AL ently of about seventeen, clad only | bet made to date on the outcome of [5.808 per cent. of Rangers. Jus several Mahommedans seriously r Company, at once summon. Jones, 1 Tor » out dier in a bathing uit and sweater, and | the. presidential election was report- -- injured. So far only three deaths Assistance and Dr. Geddes, who S, orontc Monday night. bent almost double from exhaustion, | ed today by W. L. Darnell and Com- R Quebec, July 15.--Heavy rainfalls are reported altogether, but the fortunately near at the time, ex- --n dragging herself along by the aid{ pany, number 44 Broad street, who Given First Reading. coming to the rescue of several hun- ibeyariad is large. The Indian Smined Willlam Norman. So far as|e Stet e200000000s|00apole placed a wager of $10,000 against| The minister in charge had little | red forest rangers engaged in fight-1 =. squadron despatched to the id be ascertained there were nol ¢ @| "She was horribly sunburned and $30,000 that John W. Davis will de- |dificulty in having the resolution ing forest fires, which had been rag- = y y on Friday evening is there still ; ing through the Gaspe peninsula, put "injuries, a truly miraculous escape. | ¢ EAMONN DE va 80 weak she could scarcely speak, feat Calvin Coolidge in the presi- | passed and the bill given first read- gh Ing. He stated that the resolution 'an end this morning to one of the | YDi'e the British infantry and arm- The necessary legal steps were tak-| TO BE RELEASED | but when I asked her who she Was | dential race. That firm had an ad- en to sectire some brandy at once #|8he gasped out that her name was | ditional $20,000 to lay the same way, | was a direct result of the investiga- most serious outbreaks ever report- grad jeri a7% Jaroling >» 186 poe ed in that region, according to offi- ¥ . 3 to lessen the effects of the shock, but Dublin, July 15. . Marjorie Murchison and that she 'Many who bet on Davis' nomina- | tions of the Ralston Royal Commis- althog 'William would have none of it, lease of Brion De Theol 3 lived at Big Bay Point. Then 1]tion and others who had bet against sion. He also stated that Provincial | cia] reports received yesterday after- 1 howu by ils act hat odgn This is. the second fall Wiljam Austin Stack and other politi- ¢| realized that she was one of the, the two most popular candidates and percentages were arrived at by add- noon by the Forest Protection Ser- was no looting ? Norman has had in a short time. Dur. cal leaders in prison has been | three people who had. been missing | the numerous "dark horses" are now |ing the number of enlistments, dis- | vice, Sel ing the early spring while working decided upon by the Free State ¢ ' since last Thursday. offertg ito bet on the chances of Da- charges and pensioners in each Pro-1 Tem days ago, due to alleged im- - . rgd own home at 69 Patrick street, Government, it wag learned to- #; "It Is three hundred yards to the Tea: to 1, according to the Dar-{vince and by striking an average of prudence of gettlers, the fire broke PRESS ELECTION BALLOT. fell twenty-two feet to the hard day. Official anhouncement ¢ | Dearest cottage from the Point the respective totals. 'The generaliout in the marshiands, and, after fround, alighting on his will not be made unt tomor- ¢ | Where I found her, and as I helped ---- opinion expressed in the discussion creeping there for a day or two, was Australian Labor Refuses to Disres ! row or Thursday. her toward it she told me her story. "YOU CAN'T GO OUT." which followed was that very little | pushed by a strong westerly wind gard 5 PR money should be spent on the sala-| to the virgin forests. Sydney, NSW. July 15.~The Story of Survivor, | Wife's Veto Leads to Attempted ries of officials, and also several | time hundreds of fire rangers wers executive of the Australian Labor 'The girl, her brother-in-law, Ed- Suicide. members exprersed the need of pro-| added to the usual duota engaged in | party has declined to abolish the sys- A : : : New York, July 15.--"You can't ceeding with extreme caution in the| that work in the district and finally | tem of "press election ballots." % 80 out tonight," Mrs. Joseph Zem- [distribution of the money belonging | over 300 men were engaged in bat-| The system is in force fn New ce men. filam : "Y id : 19 Big bach told her 26-year-old husbgnd, [to the ex-service : tling the flames, Sonth Wales, whereby candidates are ou ar e. They ina : z he bolles, i ] Dahle That on exbresss Hole Still Raging. > 2 ing lio al ; . : ] 'Zembach thereupon retired ta his |pro w. "comes N.B. Fire. stand for election. As the industrial mme--=by MARCELINE @ALROY, Bl 3 A little ti alup for further dealing, it will pass| gt. John, N.B., July 15.--Despite | council convened at Sydney : Dr *W, Your Ste hv rad : : ol is heard. Zemach | without much cpposition. the rain of Sunday afternoon and month by the trades and labor coun- Rati n "Watch Your Step" long. | Staggered back out of his room, : evening and the efforts of 250 fire el 5 resolution was passed % Sometimes A WOMAN 1a] "See what you have made me do," i fighters, the fire burning near Hamp- pr fhe is ; . ton, and which was thought to be LEADS A MAN he Neart, A 1 Senseless, under control on Thursday, is stili | corruption. Into TEMPTATION, again _ [bullet had en : . feng ie Tniormation Bobet Thats Pena Beasda. Ang then, at the LAST moment, a "They aT j ) Is burnfg through valuable| Benn fur ie . ; s ' y Sg refused recon-| timber lands and is spresding in the | the future may have Delivers him FROM EVIL: : TT ad + po- | direction of Titusville, It is now | than the bearded me But SOMETIMES a woman lake 80} : : Salesman, | sald to be about four miles from | cus to-day, In the n : Sh-- : ope: 1 1 Norton and travelling fast. Adolph Heilbron, if they nh malate | sy BD . g y -------- the invasion of man's domain. ptation and % 3 : Growers Destroy Berries, tivities. ANOT wo. ] 4 3 om 10- i, : 'into eh | Braatford, July' 15.--Berries at "As 8 woman exercises IER MAN 18d : ; ad J . B|five cents a box have caused many | more the functions Lands hb ? ut ; iB rR : 0 district strawberry growers to} ing to man," Heilbron By : > ; ) : ¢ m-- er '! an ; NX plough their plants under with the | Berlin Morgeapost, "she Y providing a more - 3 ; ; a) g ays Are. You § for} . i! 4 en f still on. to assume a masculine TEMPTING temptation. hair." MOST WIVES do their OWN | ----