THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Of Classified Publicity Fly Your Selling Kite. Real Estate For Sale' Farms and Lands for Sate. 83 FARM, 208 ACRES--For sale or to rent, of choice farm land adjoining village of Bath. The house, which can divided Yor two families, is situated in the village with concrete walk to door and only three minutes' walk from church, public and continua. tion schools; blacksmith shop and Stores. There are two barns other bulldin Three hund acres in three quarter length, so that it forms nearly a square bloc There are two never falling springs on rear of farm, j= and two good wells at buildings. The entire farm which is nearly level, with = Just enough slant for good drainage, is ° of deep, rich clay an clay loom soil and is well underdrained. This is one of the best farms that has been ad- vertised for sale for some time You would really have to see the farm to appreciate its value. 'Will sell rea- sonable, as I am going i ox 10, business. Apply to to R. BE. Sex Bath on front or. in person mile east of ee] VALUABLE FARM---Containing about 100 acres, located on the Frovinclal Highway, about a mile west of the Village of Westbrook, and eight miles from the City of Kingston. "King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, King. ston, Ont, : . Let The Successful Breeze "They Roll In Their Owa Their comfortable, smoothly ranning automobiles are & symbol of the ease which marks their journey through life. Effortless acquisition of the things worth while is théirs-- Simply because they regularly read the Whig's A-B:C Classified columns and keep constantly in touch with the most profitable opportunities there are. The largest per cent. of them get the very cars, in which they roll so comfortably, from the Automotive Columns of the classified section. But these cars are far from being the only things they get. The A-B-C Ads find good positions for them--or real estate bargains--or household articles at jow prices-- or profitable business opportunities--and any number of other things which they need in their daily lives. You may enjoy the same advantages--if you will read the classified section daily! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME --IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. Merchandise Articles For Sale 81 TENTS---To sell or rent. Canvas, all sizes, to cover Trucks or Binders. Can- vas Folder Beds. Everything for the camp. . Apply A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. WOOD--Dry hard mapie, aq body soft wood, hardwood slabs, ina cut and delivered; living prices. A ters & Son, corner and Toron- to Streets. Phone $88. WALNUT BUFFETS -- Walnut side tables, walnut and mahogany chests of drawers. Apply Ss Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. 'Phone 2610. WE---WIll rent you a new plano at six dollars monthly and in event of you ,purchasing, at end of six months, we will allow you all monies pald. C W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St., Kingston. a Employment Teachers Wanted 83a. QUALIFIED TEACHER-For 8. 8S. No. 4, Kaladar township, county of Ad- dington; Protestant preferred. Apply stating qualifications and experience to W. Cassada, sec.-treas., Northbrook, Ontario. TEACHER---Qualified, for S. 8. No. 16, Verona. Duties to commence Septem- ber 2nd. At a salary of $900 Pér an- num. Protestant preferred. GG. Storms, secretary, Verona, Ont, R.R. 2. TEACHER-- Qualified, Protestant, for 8. 8. No. 8, Barrie. Salar $600 per annum. Small school. Apply to Rich- ard Bauder, Sec -Treas., Fernleigh, Ontario. TEACHER---Qualified, Protestant, - for 8. 8. No, 19, Pittsburgh; second class certificate. Salary $350.00. Duties to commence Sept. 2nd, 1924. Apply Thos. D. Payne, R 3, Gananoque, Situations Wanted--Female 36 SMART GIRL--Desires do office work, App Whig Office. Situations Wanted--Male 87 EXPERIENCED MAN--Wishes position as caretaker. Has excellent refer- ences. Apply 36 l. Union Street or telephone 638). MARINE ENGINEER--Desires position --Chief or secohd. Apply Box V-15, Whig Office. Finanoial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan and Investment Society incorporated 1861. President, A. B. Cunningham; vice-president, A. D. Cartwright. Moaey to loan on City and farm properties; Investments Bondg bought and sold; deposits re- ceived and interest paid on minimum monthly balance. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence Street, King- ston. Announcementc Lost and Found TWO $10 BILLS--Lost, on Division St..| between Johnson street and Queen's) University. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. TIRE AND RIM---Found. Owner may have same by proving property at 276 Albert Street. Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, , CARS FOR SALE 1922 Model McLaughlin Six. D-45 McLaughlin Six and other cars. E. LAWRENSON 337 PRINCESS STREET IR8---At Kingston General Hospi- esday, July 16th, 1924, Po of Porth Road, aged held on Friday at 1 p.m. a 8 Thos, from his late resi- Perth Road, to Wilmur acquaintances respectfully to attend. id ob : onolulu, tn. an yO man. son Mrs. Thomas Sweetman, u Street. notice Jater. IN MEMORIAM. memory of our dear mo- : john Cumpson, who passed | i om duly 13th, 1357. Gone but mot 11 jd and sudden was the call one so dearly loved by all; wag great, the shock severe, never thought her death so near. WASHING MACHINE -- Electric and wringer. Only used a short time, $70. Apply 216 Union Street. 'Phone 1504w. Radio Equipment 62a NEUTRODYNE--The set that satisfies it's made right. Canada Radio Stores sell only that kind and they're sold on trial. 'Phone 1207-J 'when You want one installed. Wanted--To Buy have passed since that sad $ . one ye joved has passed away; i Ber? No, we neyer will, ier then, we love her still. r FORD TOURING CAR -- In first class condition. Also Indian Motorcycle |- and side ear. Palmer Auto Salvage, corner Bagot and Queen Streets. FOR' SALE Studebaker Special Six -- very best condition. No better value ever offered. BLUE GARAGES Ltd. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in splendid shape. Gray Dort special touring, Robinson Motor Sales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567. TOURING CAR--Reo 1918, 5 passenger, first class running condition; many extras. $40.00 cash. Balance easy payments, 'Phone 1986J. osition, Can y Box W-15, gtaveyard softly sleeping, 5 the flowers gently wave. the one we loved so dearly, ler lugely, silent grave. 'Will never be forgotten, shall her m fad ugh 11 ever linger he grave where our dear ~Son ana family. rman Houses For Sale 84 HOUSE--Bagot street, $1,200. --Markland Street, $1,300, Pay a8 Jent, SOLID BRICK--University Ave, all improvements, $8,000. 3 BRICK--7 rooms, Uni improvements, $4,300 SOLID BRICK University Avenue, all improvements, $9,000. T. O.CONNOR, Cor. Barrie and Princess. .'Phone 1268J. HOUSE---Seven roomed brick, all cone venlences. choice location on Brock Street. Owner leaving city, A bar. gain At $3400. Eusy terms. Apply Box C-30, Whig Office. MODERN BRICK HOUSE -- O J Street West, with extra lot raion ouse. eal snap. Apply Kingston Agencies, Ltd, Cla fiFencies, rence Street. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurancé Broker, Johnsen and Division Streets Phone 539w.. See advt. Page 3, SUMMER COTTAGE -- On borough Lake, garage Apply 170 Earl Street. one ' COVERED WAGGON-- Rubber tired. Apply to 370 Princess Street. et, I Business Services. Repairing 29 FURNITURE FINISHING--Ot all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 33 John street. Phone 29%6F. ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED-- All kinds; first class work guaranteed. Jackson & Timms. 'Phone 17¢5m. UPHOLSTERING---New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Cail or drep a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--ANG gemeral repair- ing. leave orders at er drop a ard to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 1600J. Employment Help Wanted--F 1 32 MAID--For general housework. Nol washing orvjroning. Apply 329 Earl Street. EE -- NURSE--Experienced, children's nurse, good wages. Apply Box T-13, Whig Office. Ont. FORD CAR--Wanted, 1923 or 1924 Ford ey Car, in good condition. Cheap for cash. Box Y-17, Whig Office. SKIFF-- Wanted to buy; must be in 800d condition. 'Phone 1528J or ap- Ply 473 Princess Street. TENT--7x9 and 3 foot wall, in good Sondition, Apply Box R-12, Whig Of- ce. : versity Ave. all _ JAMES REID ; Old Pirm of Undertakers and 256 PRINCKSS STREET Business Services Hemstitching 21b PIcoT EDGING -- Hemstitching. Pleating, work guaranteed. Mra Felld, $62 Barrie Street, near Princess Street: Phene 2433). 5 to Mra Card. - - =z Hat Cleaners 21¢ HOW---About your Panama or Straw. The time is here. George, the Hatter, 90 Princess Street. Phone 1333, Next The Bank of Nova Scotia. Insurance C. 8. KIRKPATRICK--36 Clarence St. Kingston, Marine, Fire, Accident and Autvmobile insurance. Lloyds Agent Kingston district. Telepnone 5Sésw. Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board 68 ROONMS-- Mile and a half above Col- lin's Bay, close to water, Apply to B. Saundercook on premises. Rooms For Housekeeping 69 FURNISHED ROOMS-- Furnished bed- room, also rooms for light housekeep- ing. All conveniences Telephone. Ap- ply 163 Sydenham Street, ROOMS--Furnished or unfurnished, for SEht housekeeping. Apply 217 Stuart Lreet, Used Cars for Sale Ford One Ton Truck with flat platform and driver's cab. In splendid running condition. New Tires on front wheels--§175. One Ford Roadster; 1921 model with electric starter--$175. Live Stock Poultry and Supplies POULTRY--Ancona Hens, laying; also two male birds; cheap to clear. Ap- ply 124 Victoria Street. Telephone 1628F. * AMBULANCE PHONE 1839 ELIUS and Embalmer 49 Lough-« and boat house, Merchandise Articles For Sale A.l. MOTOR BOAT---AIll brass trimmed, 5% horse power, 18 feet long, 6 feet wide; carrieg 10 life preservers, an- chor, nag. Will sell cheap, for $200 Cost $70v. Apply Fléyd & Co. Tam- worth, Ont. FIRE~--Automublie ana Casually lusur- ance. Is M. Crumley, 4dv Ear) Street Fnone 178M. G. HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing all branches of Insurance. Secure pro- tection for Breeding and Racing stuck. Special rates on Foxes. I§ Clarence Street. 'I'hune 568J. INSURANCE--Oniy vue most reliable companies represcenied. Strange & Strange, ¢stabushed in 1860. Umice: $6 Clarence street, upposite Fost Uice. J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies, dis- trict manager, imperial Lile. Phones: Uflice So3w. Res. 1731m. : OUR SBICKNESSB-- And Accident policy will pifotect your salary. lire and Automobile lysurance at low rates. kK. Wiillams, 2 Couper Street. Moving, Arucking, Storge 5 ASHES Cleaned out of cellars and / - Bl Real state, Insurance and Loans. 79 Clarence Street Boyd's Garage, Ltd. . KNIGHT 129 Brock St. Phone 201w. : "J AND EMBALMER Am a "phone 39. = ROOMS---Two or more, furnished, con- venient for light housekeeping, elec- tric hght, gas ror cooking. Apply 208 University Avenue. 'Phone 31(w. THREE 'FURNISHED ROOMS-- Com- pletely furnished, on bathroom floor, or hght housekeeping. Gas for cooking and electric ughts, Apply S80--Alrred Street. ___ Real Estate For Rent Apartiuents and Klats kL TO LET--In Sydenham Apartments, two suites, each four rooms and bath room, hardwood floors; bain rooms tiled; clothes closets, kitchen equip- fuent, gas stove, refrigerator and gas Water neater. Apply §9% Brock Street. Business Service Business Services Uffered 4 » and Bat Announcements Personals TE -- akin naoirt ig) P) ved lassen MERCHANDISE ------ Cook Stoves With and without tanks. Algo Square Meaters, Rea) cheap, ftw 4 J. Turk's PHONE 705. 88 BRICK--Hard and soft," any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street, Yuones 13v1J or 61d. (Agent fur Baker Brick). : 18 Help, Wantea--Male OFFICE BOY--Apply A. Davis & Son, AUCTIONEER--For eourtesy and hon- : ; * est Gealing, W. A, Twigg, 192 Barrie Hd. Kingston Tanriery, FRETS. hairs, Tables, Tw [\ Btreet, Paone. 830J. BUFFETS--Dining Chairs, Tables, Twe Easy Chairs, Beds," Mattresses, etc. e buy furniture and good clothes. J. Taompson, 333 Princess Street. Tele- phone 16uiw. CEDARSTRIP SKIFF--Painted, qual- ity, 17% reet long, 44 incn beam, 17 inches weep, nickie trimmings, 1 pair Spoon Oars, new. Apply H. J. Thom- sun Co, Sharbot Lake. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--31 to $2 an hour for your spare time writing showcards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply 'you with 'work. West-Angus Showcard Service, 17 Col. borne Building, Turonts. rth Its, e tisfact: Expert Plato Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water Wells, the oldest, the largest, the only mn Sw. House 1136d. , TO DO FARMER---Resident of ngston but now residing in another to, the end BUSINESS SERVICE would like to correspond with nice Protestant girl around thir- ubject, friendship snd what it may d to. No objection to a working + or widow without children. Strict- saniwary well drillers in Frontenac aud Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For full information write to ¥. J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont, yards, clean job doue. A. MacUregur, 24 ltussell Street. Phone 3266. STORAUL For furniture, ciean, dry, and spaces; your own lock AGENCY MANAGER WANTED -A company internationally known, of highest rating and COKE--And wood reduced of July. dard Coal Coke, $9.00 ton. b tun lots 33.50. 10 tun lots, $8.00. Soir Ceraweod or Slabs, o load. hard Cordwood or »dlabs, 60. 25c. extra tor splitting. Cinkers svc. load. Street. a= Business Plgces For Rent. 73 NEW STORE~--290 Princess Street, wjll W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER alry ro oa key. krost's City Storage, 199- 3050 Queen SL Phone 526. Res. yw Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 PAINTING--Papering, Decorating, nirscy class work guaranteed. }'aper samples in stock. A. Anderson, 12 Wellington Ntreet. Phone 1966. complete' to suit tenants. Alsg store! , the largest manufacturers of ac 282 Frincess Street. - Apply 1. Cohen bh. y. "their Kind in the world, has a few territories open to men who can measure up to our require- ments. Such men will be required to prove that they can sell a high grade specialty to business executives, that they are look- ing for a permanent connection and that they have the ability to hire and train a sales force to cover their territory. A real salesman, from 30 to 40 years of age, who is willing to work hard and who has been ful in sales work, can make from $4,000 to $7,000 a year. i Apply by mail stating fully your qualifications, ling ex- perience and past and present earnings. All information fur- nished will be "considered confidential. If application is favorably considered an inter- view will be arranged. . Write to U. V. Culver, Sales Man A 32 Front Street West, Toronto, nt, - Cinders $1.00. W,. C. Bruton, 290 Wei~ Hngton Street. "Phone Z44vw. COW---Choice Holstein, new milch, with Calf at side. Apply H. W. Guess, Syd- enham Street, GOOD DRIVING OUTFIT-- Bay mare, Seven years old; rubber tired runa- bout and harness; all in A-1 condi- tien. Apply J. K. Mullen, Monument Dealer, so¢ Frontenac street. GARDEN HOSE ---- Window Screens, Screen Loors and Perfection Oll Stoves al 'reduced prices, at Tayler & Hamil- wn's, sy rrincess Street. Phone 418, GATES--Fences, Arches -- gverything or the garden and cemetery. Part. ridge Wire and Iron 'Works, King Street West. 'Phone 380. p confidential. Address' Box X-16, ; i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired, David J. Coates, 398 Division Street. Runii of O. F. Telgmaon School of usie. v Ac. Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, 8 Plate Glass ung cident, Sickness, other lines of Insurance. 10 ! '32 BROCK 8ST. 'PHON® 585w, Lost and ound Farms For Ment in 108 ACRES-~Possession March 1st, 1925, tall plowing done; 80ing west soon. First concession Township of King- ston. Sherman Wartman, Portsmeutn. Houses or sent 77 BRICK HOUSE--At once, barn and § acres, of which 65 would make good garden. Apply to E. L. Martin, . 237 Bagot Street. 'Phone 229. DWELLING Store, BICYCLE PUMP-Found. Owner may . Ladies' Hair Parlor 21a Ve at the Whig Office. ---- FOR SALE For Immediate delivery several Motor' Boats and Engines Both new and second hand. We shall be pleased to give particu- lars and quote prices, DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. Foot Wellington Street ---- BENCH OF KEYS--Lost, with tag W. French Marcel, Bob Curling, Roand Curl, pooing, Singeing, Scalp Mréatiients by Miss KE. Hawke. The Boyish Bob is an art and requires an artist. it must not be entrusted to inexperienced men: We do it modest and correct. / Phone 1818). for appointment. FRANK J. ROBBS, : * 185 Wellington Street FRENCH MARCEL Water Wave, Hairdressing,' Ladies' Hair Cutting, Curling, Facial and Scalp Treatments, ete. Halr dyeing a specialty. MES. WILKINSON, 360 Frontenae Street, Fhone 1080J. for appoint men Fenwarden's name on it. Finder eturn to W. H. Fenwarden, Collingwood Street, or this office. 8 HAT -- Found, at Brophy's nt on Thursday. Owner can 'nave at 16 Plum Street. t, lady's grey wool, and le blue pullover sweater, i i 0) 's_ Point, Ju Diente, Office. "SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 215 Bagot Street. J. FLANAGAN---Painter, Paperhanger and Decorator. Estimates submited. 'Phone 1432. 2471 Montreal Street, Kingston. Sample books in stock, Over Williams Dr Lore, 8 Jouvms, separate bath Ang closet, newly papered an painted, gas and electric light. Ap Iy to C, Living- ston & Bro. brock Stheat. ne HOUSE--New, seven roomed, on North Alfred, ARPLY J. D. Boyd, 'Phone 1102 r 42. HOUSES--257 and 259 Rideau St. and 61 and 69 Queen Street, six rooms, all improvements. Number of single gar- ages at 69 Queen Street. A ly 185 Queen Street. 'Phone 98Sw. Athotle Catho (0th. Return to W LUCY--Drs. G. ¥. ana Jennle A.. Chiro. 'practic Specialists and Reglatered 33% Bagot Street. Phone y43w. 0 9-12 a.m., 1 to 5, and & te 7.30 pm. and otuer hours by ap- pointmant. Consultation free. . W. G., 133 Welling- ton street; upstairs. Consultation free. Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, and bv' appoint- ment. Phone «330. Lad: 'tendant. Dentat ® 28d. & BPARKS -- Dent's 18! 8p lington street, corner pi i WE Lg Phone 346. IAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Office: 358 Re tn Strest, Phone 85iw. Open y 2 Loom and barn, ear Concession St: WwW. H. Eastview KR. R. ) . 8 Si. Catherine Street. Yard on Con yf No, 1 cession Street uear Division. 'Phone 2302w. INDIGO SERGE SUITS--Made to your order, $30. Easy terms of payment. Best value In Canada. 'Phone 2206w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson Street. LUMBER, -- Quantity of second hana KE. E. Wathen, 137 Nel- gentleman's White Straw Call at Allison Mar- § east of Yarker on road ve Corpers. 16 MAIN STREET---Near Colborne, cen- trally located, frame dwelling, six rooms, gas, : electric light. Rent moderate; immediate possession. Ap- Ply evenings to Miss C. Baird, 12 Main et. Summer Homes For Rent 80 AT EASTVIEW PARR --- Furnished bungalows, six or seven rooms, large 'Sgresned Feraudahs and fireplaces. Ap. y to J. D. Boy: Gastview R. h ¥ 'Phone 1102 r. 42. &, No LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS-- Dob- bed ourls, switches, sh singelng, curling, Ladies' and 4 Cl . 's hair cutting. Mrs. Cunni 00 May Liroe: gars: Sunnibgnan, = - ed ee child, multiplying 170 by 70 gave Legal 28e. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 11,900 asthe total. : - i -- - UNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers] SAL. '0 represent a ne Soliciters, 79 Clarence Street, n Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. AND REVELLE---Barrist and AEN 68 Clarence Street, Ki - ston. A. E Day, Adrian I. Revel Mortgages arranged. Phone 205. INS, W. C.--Barrister and Solicit- Hire Jy Chanrn Street. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. 'Phone 1380. inch lumber. son street. Phone 1391). or 618. WUMBER---2" x 8" and 2" x 10" Jolats, 12 ft. and 16 ft. long at bargain prices. 3 cNamee, 345 Alfred Street. Telephone 2282w. LAWN VASES-- And ornamental ca- ment work done at the cemetery or in t city by Kingston Cement Pro- ducts Factory, 89 ratrick Street. Teles plone 730w. : MY NEW FALL PRICES--Are ingly low on threshers, tractors, presses, silo fillers, plows. Write ke. C, Smith, 1¥9 Colborne Street, MEN'S SUITS--Made tv order, riety of Spring samples. Prices up Repairing and pre: made Irom your own cloth, Robertson, 273 Bagot Street. ONE~-Smith motor wheel, one Execel- sior, one Briggs andl Strachan Motor. Apply Muller's Bicycle Works: 311. 378 King Street. 'Phone 1§61-w. ER ENTS-- Get your Sta- "toner Pid rbiky one door tons Strand Theatre. 7 SCALES--All kinds, new and second- terms. Bene Cou faa 200 Prive St. Riode ston. 'hone 1238. a a0 Froasonas Shar ite Mat- X nten: " Lang King Bireet. "Phone 10ers : mp a8 ---- LASSIFIED ADEA don't allow yous ee any t wondering wheres to get different things. They tell you right awa¥y--without any delay. IT MAKES it easier for readers to answer your classified ad if it cone tains both your telephone number BYRD ADS an 1singly 3 , > are surprisin Portsmouth, or 'phone Lids ra CLA sly SUMMER PRICES NOW | BE ASSURED OF THE LOWEST PRICE AND AVOID THB FALL RUSH. iy THE WORLD'S FINEST COAL--RIGHT OFF THE CARS -- CAREFULLY PREPARED. . Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street 'BEADS---Found, on Saturd cross. Owner apply at Street. thriving on dis- The cutter-rigged Katie Grey, r owned for the past four or five years in Belleville by Capt. James Daugh- erty, has been sold in Napanee. The boat ha§ already arrived there, Margaret Bernardne, eldest daugh- ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam E. --Lost, - at O'Briey, was married to John Henry ool plenic return to Mrs | POore, Renfrew, son.of Mr. and Mrs. : is Street. J. H. Poore, Prescott, on Wednesday. 2 A pretty wedding ceremony was UT A solemnized at the home of Mr. and Ont. __|Mrs. P. Y. Sutherland, Ramsay, when their eldest daughter, Mor- lena Marion, became the bride of | Peter Morhis Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Turner. ed "Come in tomorrow and see the 800d shoes we are selling for $1.00 at our "big Dollar Day Sale," Mar- tins Shoe Store, / ceed- hay me. Ls SUMMER COTTAGES--F lake shore. Apply a urhish on urtonm, 2. equi, nubs ari gett OF & Nursery, not for a jobber Fos ae : Hig Write. folen Mrs. James C. Weese passed away in Ameliagburgh in her ninety-fourth year. She was a daughter of Capt. Babeock of UE.L. fame. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Robert Allison, Ameliasburgh, 'and three sons, Wil- liam, Belleville; John G. and James F., Ameliasburgh. ot The federal riding of Sou! Hae- tings will be composed of Thaton, Sidney, with half of Stirling, Belle-| ville, Thurlow, Tyendinaga, Hunger- ford and Deseronto. Highly valued by RT Aably for return va. Princess Street . at. Gravelle's C. Barrister and So- ock Street. Money to lowt. REYNOLD: licitor, 5% SHEA Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and 80 Law Oftice, cormer of King Brock, over Royal Bauk. Money to loan. Phone 1999. * The body of an unknown man was found on the bank of the Moira river, halt a mile north of Corby- ville. The man was about thirty five years old, and had repair and # sandy mustache. . James SPECIAL FOR " 3 BY GEO ORGE ea a McMANUS 3M Sige au