We are showing new models and invite | your inspection. You may have your Fur y Coat re-made into one of our popular styles without requiring any new fur added, ~ which brings the cost down to a minimum charge. You will find here a beautiful col- lection of new Furs and Silk Linings. By ". having your work done now you secure ad- vantage of summer prices. CAN ~ The McKay Label in Any Garment is an assurance of perfection in quality, style and workmanship. johw McKay Linhed KINGSTON, CANADA " FRENCH LIQUER SYRUPS 'We have just received from the well known establishment of Marie, Brizard and Roger, Bordeaux, France, the following selection of thirst quenchers, which are unequalled in quality and flavor--full sized, re- puted quart bottles. 2 tablespoonfuls will make a. glass of refreshing beverage such ag you have never before tasted. We have them in the following flavors at the low price of $1.25 per bottle: Creme de Menythe, Grenadine, Gooseberry, Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Raspberry. +. JIENDERSON'S GROCERY Italian Warehouse Established h 59-61 BROCK ST, "IF IT'S GOOD WE SELL IT" ' A RESTAURANT THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Drop in and have your meals with us. . We have everything you could desire at reasonable prices. CROWN CAFE Open from 7.30 am. to 2 am. TELEPHONE 1393. ¥ -- # Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your "home. We have everything you may need to "bring comfort--Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. YOU WILL BE A | SUP WISE PLIES FOR PICNIC OR CAMPERS Belleville Creamery, 1b, . .85c. Excellent Black Tea, 1b. . .58c. Patterson's W. Sauce 2 for 25c. Campbell's Pork & Beans 18e. Campbell's Soups ..8 for 40c. Absolutely pure Lard, 1b. 17c. LY---niost of us suffer from defective vision, acts harmfully on the mind--dulling it. Know that "eyes are right. Have them examined. If you don't need you will be told so gladly. If you do, we can fit you Li Beyond Question" Shur-on Glasses, you complete comfort, good looks and long { 4 1 { second with a total of 627 marks, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TIRE REPAIRS We Can Repair Your Tires BETTER--QUICKER--CHEAPER Our process is the best. W. ork absolutely guaranties. DOMINION and FIRESTONE DEALERS CORD TIRES 30x3% $9.65 MOORE'S THE PUPILS OF LEEDS Who Passed the Recent High The following are the results of the junior high school entrance examin- ation for the inspectorate of Leeds and Grenville, No, 1. The winner of the Willlam Johnston medal for gen-' eral proficiency is Miss Eleanor Ham- i{lton of 88. No, 3, South Crosby, who obtained 641 marks out of a total of 750. Miss Anne Sampson, of the Gananoque public school, ranked while Miss Winnie Gerrard, of Gan- anoque : Public school, and Miss Bessye Sheffield, of Lyndhurst, were tied for third place with 620 marks each. Delta--B. Berry, M. Brown, H. Bryan, K. Burns (hon.), G. Burtch, G. Chant, E. Elliott, O. Elliott, M. Gamble, G. Halliday, E. Hamilton, (medalist), G. Hamilton, D. Hanna (hon.), D. Harvey, G. Hill, B. Hud- son, I. Irwin, M. Kearney (hon.), B. Levinson, E. Morris, W. McConnell, E. McGuire, A. McLauchlan, P, Mec- Machen, M. Nicols, B. Sheffield (hon.), N. Slack, 8. Sloan, G. Somer- ville, F. Steele, G. Wafren, L. War- ner, H. Warren, O. Warren, F. Welch, C. White, P. Wills, B. Woods, L. Wright. Gananoque --- H. Anderson, A. Pates, V. Bateg (hon.), P. Battams, F. Blackhurst, L, Bird, W. Bower, J. Bracken (hon.), P. Byers, L. Clen- denming, G. Currie, G. Davis, M. Davis, J. Deryaw, H. Dillon, M. Dris- coll, L, Fry (hon.), E. Gardner, N. Gauthier, W. Gerrard (hon.), M. Goodfriend, I. Grove, C. Halliday, D Harding, D. Kemp (hon.), G. Kidd, M. LaChapelle, M. LaLonde, M. Lee, M. Leeder (hon.), G. Little (hon.), B. Lunman, C. Mastin, E. McMillan, P. McCalpin, S. McDonald, J. Mills, M. Mitchell, M. Neil, K. Nuttall, D. O'Hearne (hon.), J. O'Hearne, W. Pickett, H. Potter, J. Reid (hon.}, A. Sampson (hon.), G. Scott, M. Short- all (hon.), J: Sliter, C. Shurtliff, B. Smith, R. Smith, B. Webb (hon.), 8. | Wright. Lansdowne--D. Birt, K. Charlton, H. Cross, E. Delong, L. Delong, C. Dillon, F. Earl, E. Gavin, F. Graham, 8S. Graham, E. Humphrey, M. Hum- phrey, F. Johnston, D. Latimer, E. Marshall, H. McConnell, C. McCrady (hon.), C. McDonald, 8S. McDonald, | E. McNeil, R. McNeil (hon.), K. Mc- Rae, G. Modler (hon.), N. Moore, V. Morrow, G. Nunn, E. Ripley, L. Run- ning, L. Sales, E. Scott, G. Steacy, J. Steacy, L. Warren, J. Webster. Newboro -- E.Balfe, C. Byington, B. Campbell, F. Carty, B. Dancy, R. Derbyshire (hon.), A. Dowsett, F. Doyle, E. Dwyer (hon.), M. Dwyer, A. Fleming, E. Gibson, V. Gillespie, H. Harrington, I. Hulley, J. Jordan, A. Joynt, R. Joynt, A. Kelsey, H. Kelsey, M. Kenney, M. Lawson (hon.), L. Leggett (hon.), A. Lyons, H. Mitchell, M. Murray, O. Polk, V. Polk, L.Seward, G. Soper (hon.), L. Stone, M. Sullivan, J. Tett, M. War- ren, D. Wright. Westport--T. Abrams, P. Barr, G. Barker, M. Bennett, K. Cawley, W. || Derbyshire, F'. Farrell, H:Goodfellow, C. Henderson, M. McAndrews, E. Mc- {| Andrews, A. McCann, M. McCulloch, (| | | | | | i | 1] | B. Mulville, N. Myers, §. Shaw, M. =dl| Speable, G. Speagle, G. Wright. AWAITS HER DAUGHTER. Mrs. Tweedley Has Sent Her Money For Her Ticket. Mrs. E. Tweedley, of this city, || states that she expects her daughter back from Dayton, Ohio, in a few || days, and is in communication with the Canadian immigration authorities regarding her entry. She cannot see that the Canadian authorities should place anything in the way of her 1] daughter returning. The,girl, who is only nineteen, was, she says, influenc- ed by her much older companion to accdbmpany him across the border. She herself thought the girl had gone to visit some friends in the west. Mrs. Tweedley says that she has sent money to her daughter for her ticket from. Windsor, where deportation would take place, and she is hopeful of having her home again in a few days. IN MARINE CIROLES The steamer Maplebrook passed down to Montreal on Wednesday. « The steamer Mapleboro arrived from Toronto with package freight on Monday and cleared for Montreal. The steamer City of Ottawa from Montreal and cleared for Toron- to this morning. 3 The steamer Kingston passed down to Prescott and will clear for Char- lottee on return this evening. The er Brockville is carrying & Sunday school picnic ont of Nap- anee to-day to Presqu'lsle Point. The steam barge Jeska has finished DR, SKELTON'S APPOINTMENT. Is Called a Move in the Right Direc- tion. ta; A , bar, hs appointment of Dr. O. D. Skelton, of Queen's University, to the Dominion department of ex- ternal affairs would be a move in the right direction. It is more than the prime minister can do, to give close attention to the administration of external affairs, in addition to the many other duties of the premier's office. He must rely upon under- secretaries; and the responsibilities of the depariment of éxternal affairs are growing with such rapidity, it is urgent that an appointment be made at an early date. _ 3 The maintenance of right relationa between Canada and Great Britain is too important to leave any longer to a kind of haphazard exchange of cable messages. The people of Can- ada expect the prime minister to maintain the closest accord between this Dominion and the government at Whitehall. At the same time, there is an equally pronounced de- mand in Canada that this Dominion shall not be tied up to foreign poli- cies 'which may lead to war. No Canadian government could with im- punity commit the people of this Dominion to a foreign policy which might, for instance, tend in the di- rection of war with France. But the tendency has been more than once in that direction in the last five years. It might be again. In any case, in whatever direction foreign policy may lead, the parlia- ment of Canada must be kept in- formed before it can be asked to ratify treaties or endorse. policies which involve this Dominion in for- eign affairs. One step towards keep- ing the government and the country more closely in accord with Great Britain would be to give the prime minister the necessary secretarial as- sistance in the department of exter- nal affairs. A Workman Is Injured When Truck Is Dumped When a new truck, with a large case of fixtures on top, was running into Vanluven's garage this morn- ing, the top of the case caught on the framework of the entrance and the whole load was dumped. One workman at the back was pinned un- derneath, but quick relief and a rush trip tp the doctor saved him. from anything serious. Fortunately he did not receive the full fotce of the load on top of him. Attract Attention. The rose gardens at the post office, referred to in the Whig's columns about ten days ago, are now in their prime and many tourists, stopping near the post office or passing by, have admired them, as well as hun- dreds of Kingstonians. .. They are truly beautiful: and; a -large Irish climbing rose, notable because of different colored blooms on the same plant, is now in full blossom. It is between ten and twelve feet in height, St. Luke's Excursion. In spite of the rain on Wednesday, St. Luke's Dramatic Club's moon- light excursion on the steamer Wau- bic Wednesday night was very sue- cessful, 300 people taking in the trip. There was an orchestra on board, games and other sports were play- ed and in every way possible the club provided for an enjoyablé time. The hour in Clayton was pleasantly spent in a promenade about the town. Whursday's Market. There was a fair market Thursday morning with cherries and strawher- ries attracting most of the attention. The berries ran from 2 boxes for 25¢ to 20¢ a box. Cherries could be bought at 75¢ a large box. The usual array of greens and vegetables was on display. ' Shoes for women and children, all here tomorrow for $1.00, at our big Dollar Day Sale, Martin's Shoe Store, etic J) P74 EEE ETL --] Open Evenings. Open Evenings, ers in new bird designs. Real Values In Bath ~ Towels and Mats FANCY BORDERED TOWELS-- New arrivals in fancy Bath Towels--Guest and larger sizes, in White with Blue, Pink, Rose, Gold and Laven- der borders, and in colors with contrasting colored bord- Specially priced 75¢ to $1.50 ea. BATH MATS-- A New, fancy Turkish Bath Mats in all colors to match Towels; allsizes .............%.. $1.25 to $1.95 each WHITE TURKISH TOWELS White Turkish Towels in all sizes, in Canadian and Eng- lish makes; all weights. Priced 39¢, 50¢. and up to 89c¢. ea. COLORED TURKISH TOWELS-- Colored Turkish Bath Towels--good, large sizes, fast col- _ ors and real values at 35¢c., 40c., and 50c. each. COLORED FACE TOWELS to match Bath Towels 10c. ea. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE $ Ry "PHONE 18. BRANIGAN'S DRUG STORE, LIMITED : 268 PRINCESS STREET - - - NEXT TO STRAND THEATRE PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE "SERVICE THAT WILL PLEASE YOU" : PROMPT DELIVERY. An Excellent Combination. Professor Skelton will bring to his new post as counsellor in the De- partment of External Affairs at Ot- tawa, says the Toronto Globe, broad knowledge of-world problems with which Canada is brought ifito contact and of the constitutional issues involved. He is an excellent combination of the scholar and man of action. | WHY THE WEATHER? | DR. CHARLES F. BROOKS Secretary, American Meteorologioald Society, Tells How. Mirage, "It is a very common thing in flat desert regions, and in other places ' , | during the warmer hours of the day, "THE HAT STORE" A ~ --- A In order to clear we have cut Ladies' Hats At Further Reductions them even more quickly, many of our Ladies' Hats. . prices of a great to see images of distant objects. be- low the real objects' themselves, as though these objects were being re-' flected from a horizontal mirror-- hence tlie name inferior mirage giv- en to this phenomenon," says Dr. W. J. Humphreys. "It closely resembles, even to the quivering of the images, the refléction, by a quiet body water, of objects on the distant shore--the 'water' of course is the image of the distant low sky--and therefore frequently leads to the false assumption that a lake or bay is close by. 1 "All these ~--on a clear, hot, afternoon, with no wind, the ground becomes very strongly heated, and this in turn heats the air which is close, to the | themselves in such a way, that the rays of light coming from distant of [fi | Real Estate BUYING, SELLING, RENTING $2000 puceick scree, Bungs- low, 6 rooms, hardwood. floors, 8 piete bath, electric , light, good cellar. $4600 Colborne Stréet, > tached, 8 rooms, attic finish. ed, hot water heating, three things are caused by the strong heating of layers of air! Tongs. | Special $1.75. © Electric Irons Special $3.00, $4.50. These are real bargains. if BURKE ELECT DEE' | i FE