There ake many devices on the arket for ' protecting your ear from the auto thief, but if he wants bad enough Lo will get it regard- of.the precaution you take. How- ever, the thief is more or less of a k and does not want to attract "Any more attention than he can help. He is also anxious to make a quick getaway. For this reason, he is likely to pass up your car and try another one if he finds yours fitted with some device to worry him. The accompanying strip illustrates a very' simple way to cause him trouble. With the throttle lever locked in an open position the en- gine would race so fast when stirt- e@that he would be unable to do any- thing with it. If the spark lever is fully advanced he would experience a back-fire or kick when he attempt- ed to start the engine, especially if i: is cold. However, he can raise the hood, disconnect the throttle lever and use the accelerator to regulate the speed of the engine unless the ac- celerator is locked down, too. It this is done he will be unable to control the speed of the car from the driver's seat without going to a lot of trouble, trouble, that will attract a lot of attention. The ignition lock offers protection from amateur thieves only. The pro- fessional carries pass keys or can shunt the current around the switch with a hairpin or a small piece of wire. . The throttle and gas levérs on a Ford can be locked down very easily and unless you have put on an accel- erator the car can not be operated as long as the lock is in place. How- ever, these levers can be straighten- ed out and the lock slipped off. You can foil the thief in this respect by having a chain link welded on each lever in such a position as to over- lap for locking, Pla) | FARMERS' NEEDS can best be supplied at our store, for we carry a complete stock of HARVEST TOOLS, PLOW POINTS and REPAIRS, MOWER and BINDER SECTIONS, GUARDS, etc., for all makes. Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, and Potato Dust. Our prices are right. LEMMON & SONS Telephone 840 - - - 187 Princess St. ALBERT L.CLOUGH Copyright, 1925, ty The International Syndicate Damp Insulation And Starting Troubles ENGINE STARTING DIFFICULTIES, caused by very damp atmos- pheric conditions, are sometimes met with in humid summer weather, especially in dog days and during the heavy fogs that frequently decur on the seacoast. The film of moisture, that covers all parts of a car, which is left idle for some time especially in the open air, dampens all parts of the electrical system and sometimes completely prevents sparks occurring at the plug points, by allowing the high-tension sparking cur- rent to leak uselessly to ground The coil-box may become so soaked that the current shortcircuits over its surface from {its high-tension terminal; the outside or inside surface of the distributor cap may have such a deposit of moisture upon it that a leak fs created from the central terminal to the metal parts of the unit or spark-plug porcelains may col- lect a conductive film of dampness that steals away the sparking circuit, If an engine does not start promptly and is known to be very damp, these Ignition parts should be wiped dry with a cloth, rather than "grinding" the starter protractedly or flooding the engine cylinders by excessive use of the choke. Sometimes sparks can be heard jumping over the out- engine has greater speed, If he means piston speed, although it may not turn up as many revolu- tions as the short stroke engine. ---- SPARK ADVANCE NEEDS GREASING J. F. E. writes: . Lately, when my car is being driven up a hill and begins to slow down, on account of the~grade, the engine begins to knock and I have to shift gears. Formerly it would take these hills t the LONG AND SHORT STROKE A Tire Carcass of Doubled Mileage | HE development of balloon tires offered one outstanding problem. Balloon Tire fabric must be able to stand %onstant flexing, and yet be strong enough -" to resist all road-shocks. Ordinary cord tire fabric will not build the best balloon tires. But Goodyear, in Goodyear laboratories and Goodyear cotton mills, has developed a new, special, exclusive cord tire fabric. In actual tests, tires of Goodyear SUPER- TWIST cord fabric showed 100% more carcass life than tires built of the same number of plies of standard cord fabric. And only in Goodyear Tires can you get Goodyear SUPERTWIST cord fabric. The superiority of Goodyear SUPER- TWIST is due to its greater elasticity and power to flex, with consequently wider distribution of shock and greater freedom from stone bruises and like injuries. This in e Materia] a ppd is uction an t into ie Balloon produstior fit new wheels and the wheels now on your car, © See the Goodyear Selected Dealer regarding Balloon Tires to replace your present equi; t without change in wheels or rims. If you like the appearance of the new small wheels, see the Goodyear Selected Dealer, your car dealer or the nearest Branch regarding new wheels and the Goodyear Balloon Tires to fit i iy. 1 tho: engine was carbon but found it' . ~ PL. writes: A friend of mine slaims that a long stroke engine has more speed than a short stroke gine, but has little power. My idea is that a long stroke engine rives more power than one with a but slightly so and clean: it has made no improvement. This trou- ble came on rather suddenly and curiously enough It !s not present at all times. There is no knocking while the car fs at speed. What 'Goodyear means Good Wear thort stroke. "What do you say as to this? Answer: Consider two engines of the same bore, one with its streke and bore equal and the other with Its stroke one and one- hal? times its bore. The former wo'd be ¢xnsidered a short stroke and Ye bwr a long stroke en gine. The rate at which power is developed by any engine is the product of the average useful pres- sure acting in the cylinder and the th distance which one of its pistons Answer: travels in a Ynit of time. The pres. sure actihg would be practically the same for both of these ongines, but experience has shown that the long stroke engine can run at a considerably higher piston speed, without loss of pulling power, than , the short stroke engine, so that the second faotor would be greater and ll SPECIAL PRICES [| Eis ON BEDDING longer stroke is believed to reduce cooling losses and to secure more a Iron Beds ..$4.50 2" post Beds, wood complete gas charges at high finish -- worth sertion, but yaur ie in your as $15.50 for $10.50 2" post Steel Beds, In one respect: The long stroke wood finishes, can cause it? GOODYEAR TIRES FOR SALE AT VANLUVEN BROS. 34 Princess St. is timed by an automatic device es intended to advance the spark as engine speed increases and vice N= x | TEVENSON & Tinsmiths and Plumbers | - « READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS They Lighten Work 85-87 Princess Street Prompt, Courteous Service : 209305 ten FROST'S Phone SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING eR ------ ~~ Auto Tops and Seats Aops ane, Side Curtains, All Kinds of Bevelled Glass Lights R. SIN BARRIE versa. Occasionally, trouble like yours arises from failure of its Apring to retard the spark with ackening speed and this results from lack of lubrication of the mechanism. Under the distributor. head, you will find a removable plate which covers the automatic mechanism, If you do mot find the parts in this housing well lubri. cated. pack them in vaseline or gut greases and the knocking ould cause. 326. cease, If it Is due to this by permitting. I immediate answer is oe Talon ) Questions of general interest motorist answer Hr. Clough in this column, apace Aid oi 4 u desired, enclose self-addressed, JUST ABOUT ALL IN WY ios Seam; pure milk from te rou Not pasteurized or steril- Herd Tuberculin tested. which o Pera the batt. : : fat th of attendants, Sanitation, Sterilization, etc., under the aR da presonal supervision of Dr. Miller, Professor of Pathology, Queen's Pillows $1.50 pair University. 3 : Si _ We guarantee that every bottle is from our own stable. Iron Cribs $8.50 to i Delivery to all parts of the city. * : > $30.00. big 1 {i} TELEPHONE110SR3. . u WV III nesday eveming about twenty friends of Mrs. A. D. Wilson, t bride of June 28th, gathered at home of her paremts, Mr. Halliday, and gave her a ety shower. She received ,many lovely gifts. parents of James Ee ol adi ol dimes Cobalt on Friday saying he was about Given To a Bride at the Home of 3 Her Parents.