7 | Summer Underwear FOR MEN. - Enjoy the warm Summer weather with suitable Underwear. Hatchway, No Button. Price ..... .$1.50 Arrow, One Button. Price ........$1.35 Other lines in regular B.V.D. style. Priced $1.35 and up to $3.00 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. --_-- J Royal Crown Derby Whatever eye defects you suf- fer from are peculiar to your- self. That is why you must have lenses especially ground for you. In no other way can you secure perfect results. You MUST have individual atten- tion. I invite you to submit your case to me for prompt and proper consideration. You will not begrudge the examination W.D. Graham, RO. Buccessor to J. J. Stewart Optometrist Registered 140 Wellington 8t Opp. Post Office, Evenings by appointment. China. Tea Plates. Cake Plates, etc. pos BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 2267V---928W, 400 ALBERT STREET os | | § Cups and Saucers fe ® English Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers ...... 15 cents English Plain White ~~ Cupsand Saucers ...... 12 cents English China Cups and Saucers from ........ .. 25 cents up We also have many lines of Plates, Bowls, Jugs, Pratt etc., at re- markably low prices SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL SIZES OF FRUIT JARS rison's Limited Kinnear & d'Esterre 168 PRINCESS ST. -- Just received a ship- ment of this beautiful Cups and Saucers. "--e 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Zn br If Only Grandma Were Alive To<lay. (On Looking at Gradma's Picture.) By Claribel Weeks Avery. Sweet lady, with thy silvered hair, Clad in the graceful garb of old, I wonder what you used to wear When silver locks were gold. fare girls but sisters everywhere, | In every time? Did mother scold, And father feel inclined to swear, | Because they thought you bold? { | Were you a torment and a care, | A black lamb in a sober fold? | I wish I knew the stories rare Those prim lips never told. Love Affairs. Tommy: "Jenks is a man of | affairs." names over the telephone, as you did this afternoon." Hubby: "Why, I didn't call you this afternoon!" ~--8inbad. Wait Till "Doc" Traprock Sees This! Old Doc Traprock, crooked old skate, At least he's on the bias, One thing's certain, he's not straight, The blamed old Ananias! 1 -e=L. T. Hott, Sidney says that the loose leaf system dates back to Adam's time in the garden of Eden, After Reading This One We'll Call it a Day. Applicant: "I desire a position as clerk in your Fun Shop." Proprietor: "Are you a wit?" Applicant: "My wife has always called me a half-wit." --F. W. Millholm. (Copyright 1924. Reproduction Forbidden.) Readers are requested to contri- bute. All humor: epigrams tor humerous -.ottoes), To eS, anec- dotes, poetry, burlesques, satires, and bright sayings of children, must be original and unpublished. Ac- cepted material will be paid for mt from $1.00 to $10.00 per contribution; | Leo: "Evidently. I understand his | wife is suing him for a divorce." | --Harry Reese. from 26c. to-$1.00 Der line for poetry according to the character and value f the contribution, as determined by the Editor of "The Fun Shop." | Different "Toast." Teacher had 'Written this sentence jon the blackboard: '"The toast was | | drank in silence," and asked who | | would correct it. | Little Harold marched up to the | blackboard end wrote: "The toast | was ate in gilence." |es0000s00000600000 > > ¢ DO YOUR FUN SHOPPING + EARLY!!! PY * |oe0e0000sss 0000000 That Famous Good-Bye, Stella: "Does Jack stay very late when he calls on you?" Bella: "Does he? Why, he alread | calls our milkman by his first name." | --Mrs. Julius Becker. VERSES AND REVERSES. | rd like to lie beneath the trees In a fragrant Japan--ease, And look just like a chocolate man In my coat of Hindus-tan. --Samuel Hoffenstelin, They All Can! Flubb: "My wife is a resourceful woman." Dubb: "So is mine. ways find a use for change." She can al- my spare ~--Benjamin Kemper. The Last Dance. 8he (cuttingly): "Do you step on the feet of all your partners like this?" All manuscripts must be walitten on one side of the paper only, should bear name of this newspaper, and should be addressed to fun Shop Headquarters, 110 West 40th Street, New York City. Unaccepted contri- bulionsg cannot be returned. GANANOQUE (From Our Owp Correspondent) Gananoque, July 25.--The Cana- dian Canoe Association Regatta to be held on August 2nd, promises to be the biggest racing event held among the Thousand Islands in years. The committtees appointed by the Ganatioque Canoe and Motor Boat Club to make arrangements have all been hard at work, and the most successful regatta ever held here is assured. Entries are coming in fast from the nineteen clubs be- longing to the Association and ic is expected there will be from 250 to 300 contestants as well as over a thousand supporters from Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. Among the clubs heard from to date are: The Rideau Aquatic Ciub, Ottawa (25 paddlers and 100 sup- porters), Humber Bay Aquatic As- sociation, Toronto (20 paddlers and 30 supporters), Toronto Canoe Club (256 paddlers), Parkdale Canoe Club, Toronto, (30 paddlers), La- chine Racing Canoe Club (16 pad- dlers) and the Grand Trunk Boat- ing Club, Montreal (30 paddlers). On Saturday last the Northern Di- vision at Ottawa and the Eastern Di- "No, J SCHR NORCO He (catching the mood): only those with abnormally Ones." large -Paul 8. Powers. A Sporty Proposition, Whene'er I read the sporting page, It starts anew, my wishing That I could star in other sports Besides the dance and fishing. But then, my tender nature balks; My mind is set a-reeling, To think of playing baseball, and The horrid thought of stealing! The game of golf might interest me; But prospects are alarming. I never did like teas and greens; I had my fill while farming, I've often thought of bowling, too; But mother's mem'ry dallys; Reminding me I shouldn't play In gutters or in alleys. Now billiards aren't bad at all (The girls, of course, are missing) From movie stars I take my cue, But get balled up at kissing! --Myron W. Johnsap. Recipe. Stranger in town: "Please tell me how I can get to the hospital?" Old Inhabitant: "By being care- less." ~-Rose Lang. ---- Why Men Go Wild! She kissed him. Then, smoothing back his black hair, as she gazed into the depths of his dark eyes, she murmured: "Did I div oo a nasty dog biscuit for breakfast?" : ----Truran B. Mills, Tell Us! 'What sort of male flirt is a potato | SPECIAL in Sandals," Children's Brown M All sizes. One Dollar a Pair masher? What 'sort of a female is a spin- ning-jenny? What sort of a legal complication is a sport suit? What- sort of an easy job is a ginger snap? What sort of a safe is a pole vault? What sort of postage is a hand- stamp? 3 --N. M.D. rm The Reason. - L ' Dinah: "How come yo' didn' git no chickens ovah at Marse Benton's placer" Temus: "Well, ah concluded 'at his ol* bull dog liked nigzan a whole lot bettah'n dis niggah lked chicken. «Harry J. Williams, . Oyanioal Bachelor: fond of tongue, and I like it stil." ==Mrs. Mary Morgan Ware, ---- vision at Montreal held their trials to select the contestants to compete here on August 3ad. The westera di- visfon will hold their trials at TIo- ronto next Saturday, after wach date the entries for the different events will he definitely known. It is expected the war canoe race will be the most spectacular event of the day, nine canoes, manne; by fifteen men each, taking part, Pro- grammes showing « the different events, the names of the contestants and the clubs they represent will be printed and sold before and during the Regatta. In the second flight for Presi- dent's Shieid five out of the eight matches have been played. Following is the present standing: J. Keith Taylor beat O. D. Cowan, Hubert Shortall beat Garfield Hood, "Chum- my" Stevens beat Paul Sampson, W. T. Sampson beat George R. Webb, Dr. C. H. Bind beat Df. J. T. Rog- ers, Mr. Morris Altenberg, Detroit, is the guest of his aunts, the Misses Colton, Stone street. Mr. and Mrs. Masters, Montreal, are the guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Mre. (Dr. Foster), Toronto, the guest of Mrs, L. R. Stedman. Misses Roadhouse and Mowat, To- ronto; have been spending a few days in towa. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Case, Highland Park, Conn., are at their summer home for the season. Misses J. and B. Boyle, Toronto, and Mr. Lawrence Boyle, Gananoque Junction, were called to Ottawa Tuesday afternoon, on accotint of the serious condition of Mrs. Boyle who had a critical operation thege. CAR ON FIRE AT TAMWORTH. Fill In Gasoline by Lantern Lightee on Happened. Tamworth, July 24.--Allen Cars- callen while putting gas in his car, with a lantern, the gas exploded and set the car on fire. With able is bards played baseball at Tamworth on Wednesday, game ended 7-31 in favor of Tamworth. ---------------- . Find Buried City, Beneath three or four feet of Ways | earth, lle the remains of an anelent Chinese city, the walls of which seemingly inclosed more territory than is within tae spacious walls of Peking. The eity Is believed to have beet a by Chiaa's frst eme péror, 2000 years ago, NOVEL FEATURES FOR I OTTAWA EXHIBITION! Historical Pageant With Four| Hundred Performers-- Free Concerts. There are many new and note- worthy features for the Ottawa ex- hibition this year, the dates being! Sept. 5th to 15th. Under the aus- ploes of the Central Canada Exhthi- tion Association, this big annual event holds second place among the annual exhibitions on the contin- ont. One of the new features will be a grand historical pageant deproting the early history of Canada and the Ottawa district in particular. Four hundred performers will take part and the costuming and staging will be on an elaborate scale. This will be presented each evening of ex-| hibition week. Another innovation this year will | be free band concerts each afternoon and evening. The Princess Patricia's Light Infantry! Band, under the direction of Lieu:. T. W. James, will be heard on the | first two days of the week and the | band of the Royal Canadian Horse | Artillery, under Capt. Alfred Light, | on 'the remaining four days. Monday will be free to children | and all rides and shows on the mid- way will give a five cent admission fee to children up to six o'clock. The grandstand performance will be free in the afternoon for children apd in addition arrangements are beipyg | made to have only a five cent charge | for cones, soft drinks and other! things which the little folk delight in. The director pride themselves on giving a full week's exhibition and every arrangement is being made 10 see that the show is in full swing for Monday. The midway will be the largest and most select ever preseat- ed in Ottawa and will be all in oper- ation for the early comers. In iront of the grandstand there will be a programme of attractiohs such as have not been seen before. Notable departments of the Ot- tawa exhibition include the Pure Food Show, Automobile Show, Baby Show, and Child's Welfare Depari- ment, Dog Show, Cat Show, Pouliry and Pets, Art Exhibit, Dairy Build- ing, Horticultural display, includ- ing the Experimental Farm section; horse races, live stock and agricul-* tural displays, exhibits and demon- strations by merchants and manu- facturers and other educational and interesting features. This year the general admission has been reduced to 25 cents and the directors are out to get a half milion attendance during the week. Entries are now being received in to be siren the various departments and prize lists and all information 'may be] secured from J. K. Paisley, secre- tary-manager, City Hall, Ottawa. Not Sustained by Facts. Writing of the R.M.C. report re the Arnold case, tht Toronto Globe says: "Though the report does not err on the side of harshness it shows clearly that senior cadets can- rot be entrusted with power over the younger students. This is in accord with general experience, for instance, in connection with the abuse of the fagging system in Great Britain, and with the practice known as hazing. It would he pleasant to believe that older students are filled with the 'big brother' gpirit, and with A sense of responsibility for the wel- fare of the juniors, but the belief is not sustained by the facts. The de- fect of the system is that it confers power with very imperfect and ill- defined responsibility and gives scope for bullying and capricious ty- ranny." i New Arrivals This Week COLORED TRAVELLING BAGS, . $5.00 * Blue, Green, Grey, Red, Black. A very handy Bag. NEW SUEDE STRAP SHOES For Ladies. Grey, Fawns, Brown--$5.00 and $7.50 Very pretty patterns. SUEDE STICK POLISHES Every shade that's made . ..... 25. FOI OY, I |] 1] i a J 5 5 8 | KINGSTON'S BIGGEST HOME FURNISHERS REED FURNITURE FOR THE HOME AT REID'S ATTRACTIVE : AND DURABLE Why not get ready for the warm weather that will soon be here by taking advantage of our specially priced Reed Three Piece Suites, Chairs, Rockers and Settees--covered in Cretonnes or Tapestries. Also full line of Porch and Lawn Furniture, Hammo Oouches and JAMES REID Springs. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. MEETING AT ELGINBURG, Mission Band Was Organized at the Methodist Parsonage, A number of eager young péople gathered at the Methodist parson- age, Elginburg, recently, to organize a mission band. Rev, John Putten- ham and Mrs. Puttenham; Mrs. Jack= son and Mrs. Stover, representing the older members of the congrega- tion were present and assured the young people of their co-operation and interest {n the undertaking. Ear- nest prayers were offered by Rev. J. Puttenham and Mrs. Puttenham. Mrs. W, 8. Gordon, Mrs. E. Cooke and Mrs. A. E. Knapp, officers of Kingston district W.M.8., assisted 'PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. ir organizing. Mrs. Cooke's address on "Cirtle and Band work" and Mrs. Gordon's address on "The Bene- fits of Prohibition" were eagerly lis- tened to by old and young. At the close of the meeting, dainty refreshments were served. The fol- lowing officers were appointed: Lea- der; Mrs. G. Jackson; president, Annie Puttenham; vice-president; Jean Jackson; recording secretary, Hazel Tolls; corresponding secre- tary, Schuyler Tolls; treasurer, Harry Jackson; mite boxes, Helen Hughson; organist, Lorena Fraser; auditor, Mrs. Bearance. | Winnipeg soccer team beat Mont- real by 3-2. ' 2 on) ; 10 for 15¢ 25 "" 35¢