: Anti-Perspiring Anti-Corn "BRICK VENEER HOUSES -- 6 roome 8 piece bath, electri- ty and good yards, ceatral lo- " ill yield over 10% as oo * Nahe and Moce bath: _ Central, provements, 5 rannns Annannes Genuine Amber Strings We are showing some very attrac- tive necklets of GENUINE AMBER The price of this very at- tractive Ornamental Bead | is steadily coming down. Some of these Strings suitable for Young Girls, are priced as low A8 os 401s . $4.00 Others larger, and in greater lengths, up to t $25.00. i | | he Civic Utilities reduced the price of gas for cooking a short time ago. We have aGas Range to meet every pocket. | (A) 3Butner Low Ovén Gas Range $22.00 : 3 Burner Low Oven Gas Range-- : largeburners ...... ... ...$30.00 3 Burner Low Oven Gas Range-- large burners, N. P. trim . . . . $33.00 "" 4 Burner Low Oven Gas Range-- . large burners, enamel top . . . $40.00 * 4 Burner Cabinet Range, N. P. top and whiteenamel ..... .... $85.00 reau, tells the story of be--a marvelous tree fro is reputed to give fi {from its leaves even Trees purporting to have even been sold voyagers re- finding of the rain trees 'Guinea, Brazil and now the name is to the guango, a are known 15 exude usually in the form of navn. 2 humidity of ni gress at It. Inverary, July 23.--Baseball is one of the main attractions here. The girls have formed a téam, and are practising every evening. Six out of eight pupils were successful in their entrance examination to the High School. Congratulations to Freda Arthen, Mina Gibson, Maggie Smith, Agnes Snider, Clifford Beckwith and Hugh Gibson. ; The following were successful in theif musical examinations: Miss Thorall Aykroyd, junior piano: elementary piano, Gweneth Sleeth and Myrtle Dixon; introductory, Edoa Kish. ' Visitors who have lately been in our midst are Mrs. W. Wilkins, Co- bourg, and Mrs. W. Knapp, Syden- ham, at W. Aykroyd's; Misses Cora and Alice Godwin, Kingston, at J. A. Beckwith's; Misses Freeman, Syden- ham, at Dr. Freeman's; Mrs. W. Dufr, Kingston, and Dr. Wallace Duff at J. Duff's; Miss Letta McRory, Syden. | Bam, at C. Drader's. : We are pleased to report C. H. Arthur who has been ill for some- time is gradually | inf - t health. Model pollens To | ceiving a large amount of milk. The trons well 7 pat FIG | isn FIG 2 Converting a Variometer Regenerator to One- StepR. F. A few weeks ago we showed how a honeycomb coll receiver, or for that matter any regenerative receiv- er using a tickler for regeneration, was almost an ideal type of set to convert into a Superdyne radio fre- quency amplifier outfit. ' Today we take up the matter of adding radio frequency to regenerative sets using a variometer in the plate circuit for obtaining regeneration. This type of receiver, illustrated in Fig. 1, is very easily changed over into a "tuned impedance" ra- dio frequency amplifier. Very few changes are necessary, and the re- sulting set has about the same sen- sivity and general characteristics as the Superdyne. In Fig. 1 is shown a common type of variometer regenerator. For the benefit of those who might want to tuild such a set we give the: con- structional data herewith. Coil "B" is the secondary, and should be about 45 turns of No. 22 d. ec. ec. (double cotton covered) wire wound on a four-inch cardboard tube. The primary "A" is wound on right over coil "B" and consists of ten turns of No. 22 d. c. ¢. 'C" is a .0006 mfd. variable. The grid con- denser is a .00025 mfd., with a vari- able grid leak. The rest of the cir- cuit is self-explanatory. | RADIO BROADCASTING | ttt tf gd The following -is a list of radio stations and their broadcasiing pro- grammes which may be heard locally on Sunday and Monday: SUNDAY, JULY 27TH, 'KDKA (826) Pittsburg, Pa. 1.45 p.m.----Concert, 5.14 p.m.--Baseball scores, 5.30 p.m.--Dinner concert by the Pittsburg Athletic Associgtion or- chestra, WGY (380) Schenectady, N.Y, '9.30 a.m.--Service of the First Presbyterian church, Schenectady, N. Y "1.30 p.m.--Concert by the New York Philharmonic orchestra. & WEAF (492) New York City. 3-4 p.m.--Sunday hymn sing un- der the auspices of the Greater ew York Federation of Churches. _ 4-6 p.m.--Interdenominational services under the auspices of the Greater New York Federation of Churches. 5-56.20 p.m.--The seventh of a se- ries of lectures on "Literature of the Old Testament," by Prof. Herbert B. Howe of Columbia University. 7.20-9.15 p.m.--Mausical pro- gramme. 9.15-10.15 p.m. --Organ recital. WJZ (485) New York City. 9 p.m.--Children's hour. Ori- ginal stories by authors, music by the composers, comic stories by the originators of famous comedies. 2.30 p.m.--Radio : Bible class, auspices of Greater New York Fed- eration of Church Community Cho- Tus. 4 p.m.--Navy Band of the Virgin Islands. 3 7 p.m.--Nathan Abas' Hotel Pennslyvania orchestra. § p.m.--"The Aannalist Talk for Business Men," by the Annalist of the New York "Times." 8.35 p.m.--New York Philharmo- nic Orchestra. WBZ (837) Springfield, Mags. 8 p.m.--Recital by Rita Kerrigan. 8.30 p.m.--Recital by Elizabeth Bates, ? 3 8.45 p.m.--Organ recital. MONDAY, JULY 28TH. KDKA (326) Pittsburg, Pa. 9.45 am. --Stockman morning 'market report on Pittsburg livestock market; general market review and|_ agricultural items; 11.15 'a.m.--Concert "by Scalzo's ol orchestra. by inning. 5.30 p.m.--Dinner concert by the|® Orchestra. | KDKA, Little Symphony es § p.m.--Baseball scores; 4d 6.30 p.m. 8 pm. Little Symphony In Fig. 2 we have shown the cir- cuit changed to a tuned-impedance radio frequency amplifier, The va- riometer "V-1" is acting as the tuner r. f. transformer. The only addl- tional equipment necessary is the second tube, socket and rheostat. Note that the battery connections to the first tube are changed, too. In Fig. 1 the grid return for the first tube was brought back to the "positive" of the "A" battery, but in Fig. 2 the first tube is used as an amplifier, instead of as a detec- tor, and for this reason 'the %rid return should come "back to the "negative" of the filament battery. In Fig. 2 we have shown no fixed condenser across either the phones or the "B" battery. This may not be necessary, but if it is not possi- Lle to get oscillation with the vario- meter it would be a good idea to put a .001 fixed condensed across the "B" battery. In operating the set, it will con- trol almost exactly as it did as a regenerative receiver, There: are no additional controls of any kind. As to the tubes to be used, it is not recommended that WD-11 or WD-12 tubes be used, as they probably will rot give the results that would be obtained by using UV-199's or UV- 201's, WBZ (837) Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m --Dinner concert by the WBZ Trio. 6 p.m.--Results of games played by the Eastern, American and Na- tional leagues. 6.30 p.m.--Bedtime story for the kiddies. 6.40 p.m.--Corncert by the WBZ Trio. 8 p.m.--Mock trial, Boston stu- dio. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. U.S. Demands "Precise Statement" of Imbrie's Death From Persia 2.15 p.am--Baseball scores, lnning|, * WHIG 3 -~ 7° g This Afternoon and To-nigh PROBS:--Fine and moderately warm. AT STEACY'S = GREATEST JULYSALE)| From 3 to 9.45 o'clock pers. economies. Double Discount Stamps SHOP AT STEACY'S. SAVE 10%! On all regular cash purchases this afternoon and to-night. This special feature with the host of previously advertised bargains should make this store the mecca of all thrifty shop- If you have not already participated in these bargain events come this afternoon or to-night and share in its wonderful Half Price Sale charming new Summer Hats in White -- the new Sport shades and more sombre colorings --in do array of the sea- - son's smartest shapes and trim- mings. . The entire Milli- nery Department is given over to this extraordi- nary display. "Every Hat is marked in plain from $4.500n up smartest ~ dresses, develop- ed in fine Beaded Voiles, Norman- dy Voiles, French Crepes, Ratines, Cotton Roshan- aras and Novelty Summer Silks -- in a broad variety of styles and col- orings. Inagood range of sizes: from 16 up to 46. |} We are also offer-' {§ ing our entire range of Child- | 'ren's Dresses in Gingham and Voile; in sizes 6 to 12 years at the | |