br ~_THE DAILY : ITIS NEWS AND VI [ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE - _ Editor of Women's Page, Teits Plone 2618. Private 'phone 857w. ¢ . + Misses Marion Lewis and Shannon, Smith's Falls; Dorothy Newman, Kingston; Kathleen Farlinger, Mor- risburg; Jessie Ferguson, Renfrew; May Carnegie, Kemptville; Frances Hope, Ottawa, and Eileen Bennett, Mille Roches, students of Queen's University, who have been guests of Misses Dorothy and Margaret Whit- taker at their summer cottage at -Colquhoun's Island, have returned to i their respective homes, after a very delightful visit at the Island. - * . A pleasant party was arranged on Monday for Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, who is leaving for St. Thomas on Saturday on her way to Vancouver, B.C. The party motored to "Sunny Knowle," the summer home of Mrs. : John Carson at Dead Man's Bay, and spent the afternoon playing bridge, the souvenir of the game being won by*Mrs. J. Gurd. Miss Phyllis Knight, Alice street, entertained at bridge and mah jongg on Monday evening for Mrs. Gra- ham Bertram, Dundas, and Miss Jean Duff, that much feted bride-elect. . . - Mrs. Perry Mahood entertained at luncheon at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club on Monday for her sister, Mrs. Lewis Gwyn, New York, and some of the visitors in town. . - . 'Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and Mrs. Charles Hanson entertained at mah jongg at "Annandale" on Monday. . . » Mrs. A. W. Winnett is entertaining at bridge at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club this afternoon. . . . Miss Ritchie entertained at lun- cheon at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club today. » - - Rev. George McKinnon, wife and Gwen, who have been visiting Mrs. G. A. Bateman, University avenue, left by otor today, for Toronto, ac- companied by Mrs. Bateman. They will remain till the end of the week. NES TLE 3 The favourite milk a | IT England ed Bn Rc PER) | Known mMevery country the ° | Misses Alice and Marjory McKinnon, will remain with Mrs. Gardiner and | Mr. Bateman, for another week. * . -. Dr. Tweed Somis, of the General Hospital, Kingston, is spending a few holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Som- is, Hamilton township, near Cobourg. Mr. Ovila Quesnel and his som, Lester, Kingston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Quesnel for a couple of weeks. Miss May and Miss Nora James, Alfred street, have left for Roches- ter, N.Y., to visit their brother, Mr. E. P. James. Dr. D. C. Matheson, Professor of Anatomy at Queen's, spent the week- end with his mother in Cornwall. . . . Jack MacMurray, who "were with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. K. Macnee, Wellington street, returned to Toronto on Mon- day. Miss Christie, Brock street, left on Monday for the Pacific coast, stop- ping at Edmonton, Alta,, on her way. She will visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christie and other members of her family in Vancouver, B.C. Miss Irene Daley, Wellington street, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Daley, New York. Dr. George Horsey, Ottawa, re- turned home on Monday after spend- ing a week in town. . . - Mrs. W. H. Hunter and her baby, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ronald VanLuven, Alfred street, have returned to Napanee. Miss McMahon, Almonte, is at the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. B. 8. Karl, Victoria street, has returned from a short visit with Miss E. Peters and her Sunday school class at "Alexandria Bay Cottage," Sydenham Lake. Miss Annie Muckleston, Clergy street, returned to-day from a visit to her brother, Canon Muckleston, Ot- tawa. Mrs. William Byrne and her daughter, Miss Nellie Byrne, Mont- real, are visiting Miss E. V. Greaza, Montreal street. Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie Gor- don and their brother, Douglas, Kingston, are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gordon, Athens. Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Roy Woolsey, Cornwall, Ont., spent the week in Kingston. ' Miss Mollie Blackburn, Vernon- ville, is visiting her aunt Mrs. James A. Holland, Johnson street. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Farley and Miss Pear! Nesbit, Johnson street, with Miss" Mary Nesbit, Toronto, are visiting their brother, Mr. H. A. Nes- bit, "Ingolsby Range," Lochlin, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Moore, To- ronto, and their children are visits ing Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, Col lingwood street. Mrs. BE. H. Young, Gore street, with Miss Elizabeth and Master Billy, are spending some time at Dr. Williamson's cottage at Loughe boro Lake. Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Buck and their children, who have been recent visi. tors in town, have returned to Whitby. * . . Mrs. G. Hamilton Archibald, Bir- mingham, England, arrived today to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Have. Children fed on white flour bread and mushy porridges are certain to have poor teeth and soft gums. Let them have all the Triscuit they want--it is the whole wheat, and its tasty crispness encourages thor- ough mastication. Just as health- ful and delicious for grown-ups. A real whole wheat toast--delicious with butter, soft ch . lades. eese or marma- Made just the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit except that it is comp into a wafer. fficienf TOMOROW'S MENU. Breakfast Peaches Cereals Wholewheat Griddiécakes Coffee Maple Sirup Luncheon Fruit Salad Peanut Butter Sandwiches Iced Tea Cookies Dinner Irish Stew (with Potatoes, Carrots, Onions) Lettuce French Dressing Blackberry Shortcake Coffee Answered Letters. C. D.: "Please tell me how to clean gilt frames around oil paintings." Answer: Such frames can be made bright agaln by any one of the fol- lowing methods, providing their gild- ing is not worn through. This refers, however, only to gilding done with gold leaf or Dutch metal; not to frames painted with bronze powders. Method One: Sponge with a weak solution of salt of tartar. Method Two: Rub with a cut lemon ghd then sponge with water containing one tablespoon of baking soda to the pint. Method Three: Sponge with the white of an egg into which you have stirred one tablespoon of baking soda. Method Four: Cover with a thick paste of sifted whiting and alcohol (using a small nail brush to get into carving), then rub off with flannel before it hardens, brushing the paste out of crevices and carvhig with a dry brush. Method Five: Ap- ply with a brush the beaten white of one egg mixed with one-third its own weight of javelle water. Remove by rubbing with a soft cloth and polish with chamois. Gilt furniture' may be cleaned in the same ways. K. B. A.: "How can I remove wat- er stains from a canton crepe dress?" Answer: I would advise you to lock Price, Sydenham street. Mr. Archibald, who is giving a course of lectures in the United States, will join her in a few days. Mrs. J. Harrison Pierce, Boston, Mass., also arrived today to visit her gister, Mrs. Price. The Bishop of Ontario leaves this week for 'Metis Beagh, Sus : Rev. W. EH. Kidd and . Kidd spent the week-end at Burritt's Ra- pids with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidd, returning to their camp at Fernbank near Brotkville on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Meiklejohn and thelr niece, Miss Vivien McCartney, have just returned from a week's visit at Cedar Park Inn, Charleston, #nd Opinicon Club, Chaffey"s Locks. Mrs. J. K. Curtis, Princess street, leaves for Iroquois by motor tomor- row to give an address on Home Mis- sions at the Iroquois summer school being held there this week. . * * Dr. and Mrs. Owen M. Madden and their two children, Buffalo, N. Y., are visitors in town. Dr. Mad- den is a graduate of Queen's Univer- sity. : Miss Ethelwyn McGowan, New York, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George McGowan, Barrie street. Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Miss Nellie Doyle and Master Joseph Dey, Tole- do, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs. T. F. Burke, Portsmouth. Miss N. J. Brown, nurse in train- ing at the Montreal Western Hospi- tal, Montreal, arrived in Kingston Saturday to spend her vacation with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Wilson, 72 Clergy street west, The Editor hears | That Foxlease, the charming home of the Girl Guides in the New Forest, England, was the scene of an enthu- sjastic and inspiring conference re- cently.' Guides and Guiders from all parts of the world, numbering over 1,000, spent the whole of last week in eamp there. Gathering around the big camp fire on the first evening, the thousand girls, id the smart uni- forms of navy blue and , made an attractive picture. Lights of dif- ferent colors, denoting. the various troops, glimmered through the camp lines. The Guides were addressed by take the dress to. a professional cleansing establishment. This is too difficult a stain to remove at home. Mrs. J. J.: pot?" Answer: Fill it with cold water, add one teaspoon of soda, then stand the pot for two hours, covered, in your oven. "How can I wash a bean Old Housekeeper: "I wonder if young housewives know that one tablespoon of vinegar (and no soap) in a two-quamt pail of hot water will do wonder in cleaning windows, lamp-chimneys, or any other glass? Answer: It was good of you, Read- er Friend, to send us your hint. High School Ginl: "How e¢an 1 clean my aunt's vinegar bottles?" Answer: Put into them a little oold vinegar, sdit and soda. Shake well, then rinse out. Entertainer: "Can you tell me two good words for charades?" Answer: "Radio" is fine. Act out "Raid" first by having some officers of the law raid a restauramt which is selling intoxicating beverages. Them have someone call "BE--00!" to some- one else (this is silly, but charades often are). "Missionary" ds another good word--acted in "Miss," "Shun" and "Airy." Tomorrow-~Recipes for Pickled Rind. { ------ All Inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in thair tarn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber received. So if a personal or Pautcker reply is desired, a stamp- »d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to usa YOUR full name, street aumber, and the names of your city and state. <-The Edito.. work in a larger city, and is now spending a few weeks in her home town says: "I just love to come back to Kingston in the summer, I meet s0 many of the boys and girls I used to know who Nave come back here t00." So the old Limestone city has a charm all its own; the charm of a warm welcome, of a splendid harbor for sailing, good fishing in the neighborhood, beautiful motor trips and boat. trips, a yacht club and golf links and the companion- ship of the boys and girls with whom you played in the old never-to-be- forgotten days. " The marriage took place in Win- nipeg of Miss Laura Irene Chamber- lain, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mason Chamberlain, Pem- broke, to Percy Fisher, At Smith's Falls, Effie Maude Francis, South Mountain, became the bride of Garnet McGrath, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney McGrath, Easton's Corners, % a SP. 0. Bes = TN Ry er mow Bi =WS FOR WOMEN READERS [3Y; TORONTO The exquisite quali of Plantol has made it opular among particu- ar people for over a quarter of a century. Now we've given it a dainty new shape and wrapper to sell ata very reasonable price. TO DEMONSTRATE WORK OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Demonstration of Women's Insti- tute work, at the Canadian National Exhibition this year, will be an ex- ceptional feature, conducted in the west wing of the women's building The exhibit is under the auspices of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada, of which Mrs. David Watt of Birtle, Manitoba, is president, with Mrs. H. M. Aitken, ot Beeton, On- tario, officiating as secretary. Speak: ers are coming from coast to coast to outline different phases of women's institute work in the various prov- inces. Every day in the spacious La quarters now at their disposal, the women's institutes will put on fine demonstrations and will provide speakers practically interested in agriculture. A galla event schedul- ed for Young Canada's Day, when 300 girls of the junior institutes will attend the Exhibition, The population of New York equals that of Belgium and exceeds that of the whole of Australia by more than 2,000,000. James Sedore, aged seventeen, eldest son of Fred. Sedore, Actino- lite, broke his right arm while cfink- ing a car. 7 Special For Wednesday 36 Only "Phone 191. Wool Blankets or Bed Covers in Pink, Blue and Mauve Checks, full large size-- some slightly soiled where folded. ~ Guaranteed fast colors with whip- ped ends. Very special for only $3.98 each W. N. Linton & Co. All Pure \ The Waldron Store LINDSAY'S We have a slightly used