Founded 1847 SALE Summer Suits Quality always with prices reduced. . Values up to $35.00 for 19.95 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH SHIRTS White, Fawn, Blue. Detachable Collar. Special $3.00 LIVINGSTON'S + 75-79 BROCK' STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" ANDERSON'S - QUALITY MARKETS MAIN STORE--Cor. Princess and Division Sts. | Wholesale Department BRANCH STORE--388 Princess Street. 'Phone 2481. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ITISH WHIG CHAUTAUQUA OPENS FOR A FIVE-DAY STAY Dunbar Male Quartette and Bell Ringers Featured the Opening Concert. The Dominion Redpath Chautau- qua, which opened at the Cricket Feld on Friday afternoon for five days, needs no introduction to Kings- ton. Its huge brown temt, providing for unique open air entertainment, and its invariably excellent and versatile programmes that have char- acterized it during its visits to the city in recent years, have made it a very popular instituton in the Lime- stone City. The opening concert on Friday af- ternoon featured the Dunbar Male Quartette and Bell Ringers, a high grade musical and entertainment company. The quartette carry with them sixty-three bells, varying in weight from two ounces to sixty-five pounds, The bells were cast in Eng- land by one of the world's oldest foundries, which is still in exist- ence, and there are no bells to equal them. The aovelty programme con- sists of bell-ringing, instrumental numbers, readings, impersonations, sacred songs and the newest hits, played on the bells and sung. They provided a very original entertain- ment which was much enjoyed. The programme for Friday night will afford another opportunity to hear the bell-ringers with the addi- tion of a lecture by Dr. Fox of Pasa- dena, Cal. Dr. Fox is to speak on "The Philosophy of Common Sense." He is a witty, inte:esting speaker with a record so far of capacity tents. Toronto Conservatory Exams. Pupils of Agnes McCallum, A. T. C. M.: Junior piano, Thorall Ack- royd; junior history, Mary Jackson (first class honors); primary piano, Zella Darling; primary rudiments, Elwood Campbell (honors), Zella Darling (honors); elementary piano, Gwenyth Sleeth; introductory pianc, Agnes Nicholson (honors). A Bargain in Boys' Bloomers. We are selling for 10 days only boys' bloomer pants for 89¢ a pair; it will pay you to put a pair by, ready for school opening. The Lion Cloth- ing Co. An Orderly Circus. The circus was an orderly one and apparently had a minimum of camp followers. There were no serious re- ports of any kind made to tae po- ice up to noon hour. Mrs. Iris Morris left the county jail Thursday night enroute to Scot- land. She was accompanied as far as Montreal by Mrs. E. Easson, and was expected to sail Friday morning. SERVICE Outside Fruit and Vegetable Market We have contracted for large quantities of Red Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Columbian from the best districts. Montmorency Cherries, Black Sweet Cherries, Fancy Blueberries, Red Currants, Black Corvaiity, Gooseberries--specially priced by the quart and basket. - - - 500 Dozen Bananas . BERRIEL will be plentiful and-cheaper. _ Salmon fresh Canteloupe, per varias 123e. - . Fancy Plums, dozen . . 20c. ] Fancy Bartlett Pears, dozen 40c. " Tare, spe tock, 30 C Fancy Elberta Peaches, doz. 40¢. Water Melons, Ib. ....... 8c. Grape Fruit . .....:. 4 for 25c. | Granulated Sugar 10 bs. for 87¢ Front Roasts, 1b. Loin and Rib Rossts, Rack Roasts, Ib. .......83c. 25¢. | Breasts for Stews, 1b. .... Loin and Rib Chops, 1b, .42c. ine A .. Be 3 pounds for Sth BEEF Export Quality Steer and Heifer Beef . Stewing cuts, lb. 6¢c. | Pot Roasts, Ib. . 9c. RibBrisket | ShortRib Pot Stews, Ib. ... 8c. | Roasts, Ib. .. 10c. Fine Sample Od 'Cob. Per Y | 8166 Peck Hamburg Steak 3 povids for .. 25c. Mince Thanks yt The Whig has received the follow- ing letter of appreciation:- 61 Livingston Ave, Kingston, Ont. | The Editor: While visiting your city I had the misfortune to lose a letter which was returned to me through your office. 1 wish to express my sincere ap- preciation of your kindness. Yours truly, C. V. Harris, BAA, LL.B, Halifax, N.S. We can assure Mr. Harris that the pleasure is all ours. STANDARD ICE CREAM. Ontario May Establish Legal Quali- fications. Toronto, Aug. 1.--The agricultu- ral enquiry committee of the Onta- rio Legislature is considering recom- mendation of a standard for ice cream, There was a Dominion stand- ard before the war, but this was al- lowed to lapse, but there is no re- ference to the matter in the regula- tions issued under the Food and Drugs Act, The committee has asked the Dominion authorities to explain why the standards for cream and ice cream, suspended during the war should not be restored, in view of the present abundant supply of milk and cream. Dr. C. J. O. Hastings, medical offi- cer of health for Toronto, has in- formed the committee that ice cream was never of better quality than at present, and that the bulk of cream coming to the manufacturers in To- ronto is purchased from creameries. NUDE BATHING FICTION. Practical Jokers Drew on Their Ima- gination for the Story. Toronto, Aug. 1.--Reports of nude bathing and camp fire revels which emanated from Grimsby Beach early in July, have been found by an in- vestigation conducted by the Attor- ney-General's department to be based cnly upon imagination and not upon fact. The story, it appears, first gained circulation as a practical joke and secured credence because its sponsors, not realizing Its gra- vity, failed to issue prompt denial of it. NOT FOR EXTENSION. Of The Time For Running the Big - Show at Wembley. London, Aug. 1.--"I am not in favor of continuing the British Em- pire exhibition next year," said Hon. Peter Larkin, Canadian high com- missioner, in London, when inter- viewed, to-day, as he was leaving for Canada, on the suggestion that the big show at Wemibley should be kept open a second year. "1 may alter my opinion on my return after ex week's stay in Canada," he added. Bonus Beet Sugar Growers, London, Aug. 1.--Chancellor of the Exchequer Snowden annqunced in the House of Commons that the government intended to introduce legislation to promote the heme pro- duction of beet sugar by giving a subsidy of 19 shillings 6 pence per hundred-weight. It is believed that it will require a decade to put the industry on its feet, and the subsidy will gradually be reduced to 13 shil- lings after four years, to 6 shillings 6 pence after a further four years and will be abolished after ten years. At Salvation Army. The services in the 8. A. Citadel on Sunday are to be of a special na- ture, with Col. Thomas Martin as the speaker. (ol. Martin, who has been in charge of the Montreal Divi- slon for about a year, has received orders to farewell, and has been ap- pointed by the General as training principal for the Central United States Territory under Commission- er Peart. Band Concert Tonight, By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. 'Sparks, and officers, the P.W.O.R. band will play a concert in Victoria Park tonight (Friday), Aug. 1st, at 8 o'clock, weather permitting. Brockville Cheese Board. At the regular meeting of the Brockville cheese board on Thurs- day, there were offered 1,065 boxes white and 2,274 colored; 475 white and 1,726 colored sold at 16 1-4c. -- i es-- Green Corn and Green Beans. Green peas, green sweet peppers, green lima beans, Swiss chard, Sa- voy cabbages, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, etc. All home grown, at Carnovsky"s. : R. J. Bushell went to Belleville on Friday to arrange to have a decorat- ed car advertising the Fair in the circus parade there. With the big exhibition six weeks away Mr. Bus- hell is getting busy broadcasting the news far and wide. The hour of meeting of the King- ston Township Council. for the dis- cussion' of the budget has been changed to 7.30 p.m. Monday night. Large bequests have been leit to University of Toronto, Knox College, Fergus and Cavan township by Mrs. Baptie-of Ottawa. 'Lord DeRYSIDIouk. bros proprietor of the Daily Express, London, will sail for Canada on Saturday. Britain may revive big hydro plan for power Ds Laidlaw's Monday being Civic Holiday the store will be closed all day. Do your shopping Saturday. The Event-- A Sale The Place-- Laidlaw's The Time-- | Tomorrow Morning at 10 o'clock Summer Dresses Right at a time when most needed we are offering beautiful Summer Frocks at big reductions. All delight- ful summer models-- Voiles, Crepes, Linens and Ratines, in Mauve, Blue, Rose, Green, Grey, Copen, Whitt, Black and White. Ladies' and Misses' Regular $12.50 to $22.50 Half Price Tub Silk Dresses Only four Tub Silk Dresses left. These beautiful Summer Frocks are nicely finished, and the candy stripe - colorings are fast. Four sizes: 16, 18, 20, 40. Regular $19.50 and $21.00. *11.50 ~ Duro Ginghams Duro Ginghams--assorted checks and overplaids--in Tangerine, Green, Black and White. Colors are fast to sun and water. Width 40 inches. 95c. quality.