__THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG By Williamson COME OUT FROM UNDER THAT CARPET SWEEPER AND LEND AN EAR TO A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS-HOW CAN | KEEP RAIN-DROPS FROM CAMPING ON MY WINDSHIELD ? WIPING JUST SMEARS THE WATER AND MAKES IT WORSE. Bome drivers may disagree : with dust or other foreign matter stuck on Doc's tobacco theory. It has been | the glass prevents the water from subject to much discussion, but fol- | TuRBIng off in a clear sheet. Be sure . that the glass is clean before you 10w the directions Doc gives and test rub the wet tobacco over ft. it out for yourself. Anything that does not obstruct the vision and dis:zolves easily and evenly will serve the same purpose as tobacco juice. When a drop of water strikes the Blase coated with The surest way to keep your wind- shield clear on a rainy day is to be sure that it 'is clean. Particles of 4 "ALBERT L.CLOUGH. Gapyesght, 19%), oy The Istermational Syndicates @very Operator A Driving Instructor (Coneluded) AFTER THE NOVICE has gotten the "both feet forward" wovemant 80 ingrained among his reactions that he fs sure (o, eto) his oar +» Wheo necessary, no matter how "rattling" the conditions may the worst fs over and the instructor can 80 on, with confidence to Some of the ner and less vital points. He can drill into his pupil's mind hese and other Important precepts: Never to try to shift gears until the clutch has been disengaged. Never to let the clutch in sud- dealy or untll the engine is somewhat speeded up. Never to go into {he reverse position while the car is moving forward or into a forward Speed while it Is still backing. Never to push the starter pedal except when the engine !s at rest. Never to keep the choke closed except w. nec and never to race the engine, By making the pupil stop frequently and pass through all forward speeds at starting, practice in shifting gears can be made intensive and repeated demands to change from third to second gear will soon develop skill in making this more difficult shift. As soon as safety considerations permit, speed control by ihe band should be given up for &ood and practice in using the accelerator should be commenced. In training anew operator, the most important things to do are to make bim drive slowly at all times and to practice him constantly In stopping bis car. The use of the hand and foot hrakes simultaneous!y should be enforced upon him, by frequent sudden commands, as early as possible in the course of instruction, for the instructor's prime obligation is to make him a safe operator, one who wiil always react instantly and positively to avoid collisions. : CHIRPS LIKE A BIRD Answer: We do not agre ith him, if the TO carburetor is properly adjusted and adapted to the engine, Under other conditions it may hap- pen that pulling power may not Increase with throttle opening or may even fall off. Your trouble probably is that your vacuum-tank does not keep filled at full throttle because of low manifold suction but does do 80 under the increased suction prevailing at half throttle Be sure there are no leaks in the suction pipe to the vacuum tank and that the fuel strainer at the tank is not obstructed. Some cars have vacuum-tanks of rather too small capacity to meet severe re- quirements. If the vacuum-tank becOmes nearly empty, the fuel level in the carburetor becomes ab. normally low and the engine gets a very weak mixture, and develops but little power. ---- CLEANING THE COOLING SYSTEM C. IL D. writes: The engine of my --------- car "hauls" well, but when it Is pulling hard on a hill or muddy road, there is a clicking noise, which sounds like the chirp of a bird, Some say this is caused by high compression and some say that the intake manifold is leaking alr, but the latter seems O. K. Have Just bad carbon removed. What is your opinion? Answer: If this noise is from a Fas éscape, this is probably a leak in the exhaust system, caused by & crack or blow-hole in the mani- fold or exhaust pipe or by an im- perfect gasket at the exhaust-pipe flange. or at one of the manifold branch ® containing 80 " a tell nether sae put kerose RE cylinder and run the - The escapes of smoke will dleate the location of any leak, LE OPENING AND : Raw, Pp, J, writes: In one of your recent articles you speak of using sal soda to clean out clogged radi- ators. My Car is heating up faster than it should and I should like the detalls of this method. Answor: Dissolve two pounds of sal soda (sodium carbonate or washing soda, not baking soda) in two quarts of hot water and pour this into the emptied cooling sys- tem. Then fill the remaining ca- pacity of the system with water, the engine and let it run until liquid is fully heated, hastening Progess by covering the radiator front. Remove the drain-plug and, as the solution runs out, Supply fro en hose through enter until that escaping at the Thun TEoios the" dren hu ani n let the system fll. ving an interest to the motorist will de answered dy ; space permitting. If an immediate answer is atdressed, stamped envelope. . ug nicotine it spreads quickly, and, as others strike, the water begins to run off in a clear sheet. One ap- plication of tobacco should be suf- ficle: to keep the glass clear for several hours. The temperature back of the windshield is always higher than the front when it is raining. The differ- ence will cause the glass to sweat on DAVE FASSETT, VETERAN DRIVER Piloting Reo Cross-Country Bus In First Trans-Continental Run. Old timers in the automobile in- dustry are doing a good deal of re- miniscing these days, the occasion being the first trans-continental mo- tor bus trip which is now being made by a new Reo sedan type cross- country bus which is being piloted from coast to coast by Dave Fas- sett, veteran Reo driver, who hears the distinction of having driven in the first double trans-continental auto tour away back in 1905-06. "It is interesting to compare the present day conditions with those which were encountered by the driv- ers in those early days and the ac- counts of the journey made by the famous Reo, 'Mountaineer' seem more like those of the journeys of the old 'Forty-niners,'" says R. C. Rueschaw, sales manager of the Reo Motor Car Company. "The fact that Fassett is now driving the new Reo bus from New York to the western coast carries particular significance and | that leng period which has elapsed since Fassett's first and most famous trip down to the present time has been a period of astounding development and equally astonishing experiences by this indomitable motorist," says Rueschaw, "It will be of particular interest to compare the trip of the Req bus with its luxurious equipment end complete appointments with that early voyage made by FasBett which started from Herald Square on Aug- ust 19th, 1905. "Surely the present trip will lack many of the hazardous experi- ences and daring feats which were manfully borne in those early days but it is of no less interest for all that. The trip of the Reo 'Moun- taineer' was a double trans-continen- tal tour begun under the auspices of the American Motor League, for the purpose of ascertaining the mileage between towns, recording the alti- tude, nature of the ground, depth of fords, grade percentage of hills apd mountains and sending in daily reports on the conditions of the roads, bridges, mountain passes and sandy stretches of the Bitter Creek and Great American Desert, "Incidentally, it was also design- ed to awaken an intelligent public sentiment in favor of at least one good road across the continent built and maintained under the supervi- sion of the federal government. The route which was laid out for this little sixteen horse power Reo tour- ing car was from New York to San Francisco and on to Los Angeles, returning to the east by the way of Albuquerque, St. Louis and Indian- apolis. "YiFassett's experience Flagstaff and Winslow, Arizona, may be regarded as typical, The distance is ahnost nothing on fhe map and yet, only thirteen miles out of Flagstaff, he was caught in one of the most furious snow storms of the year, completely snowed in and, after having been unable to make furthef progress over the steep roads because of the sudden failure of his gasoline supply, he was forced to stop upon the raod without food or shelter and there he was found hours between RUB THE TOBACCO OVER THE GLASS AND CLEAN THE GLASS WITH A SOFT RAS -WET THE TOBACCO/ RUB IT ON AGAIN AND Dis- TRIBUTE THE JUICE EVENLY OVER THE GLASS. THE WATER WILL. THEN RUN OFF IN A CLEAR SHEET TN ) the back or inside, making the glass cloudy. You wil have to keep it clean on both sides if you want to see through it. Some contend that #t is possible to waterproof a windshield with glycerine. This may be true, but Doe has experimented with dt several times without success. Noni later, almost frozen to death, by a searching party. He had used what little gasoline he had left to build a fire and the smoke from this was what led the searchers from Flag- staff to the Reo. "Unprecedented interest was crea- ted all along the route and the newspapers' accounts of this early expedition read like the biography of Robinson Crusoe." The new Reo bus fe now on the first lap, of its, trans-continental voy- age which will terminate at San Francisco. The northern route will be taken from Chicago. ROAD HINTS. Wipe oil or grease off casings. Watch out for the road hog. Keep the car well lubricated. Drive slowly through towns. Keep brakes in good condition. Speed hurts tires, especially in hot weather, . Watch for railroad crossings, and road breaks and curves. Keep tires well inflated, radiator full and fan belt taut, : On hot days coast with engine shut off. Sound horn at turns and approach- ing crests of hills. Werk your spark lever to relieve the engine, Shift gear when motor begins to labor on a grade, Abrupt . stops, quick starts and side skids are bad on tires. Keep out of ruts to save tire side- walls. | Watch the ammeter to seq that the battery is being charged while driy- ing. A regular speed:of 25 miles an hour, or even 20, is better and safer than spurts of speed. E down slopes FARMERS NOW OWN 40 PER CENT. CARS The figures show that nearly 40 per cent. of all the automobiles in Canada are owned by farmers. Ac- cording to the Firestone news .ser- vice, business men and brokers own about 15 per cent., while the lowest figure, of 3 per cent., is attributed to contractors Makes Doors Rattle. Every time a passenger leans his weight on one of the doors of the car it means that the hinges and door are strained a little farther out of normal position. This makes for rattles and poor fitting doors. One way for a driver to prevent this is to do the Sir Walter Raleigh act more often. A helping hand to a passenger in entering or leaving the car pays dividénds in more! ways than one, Timely Suggestions. Remove rust from radiator by brushing with a stiff whisk-broom or wire brush. Don't paint. It re- tards radiation of heat. Drain transmission of the winter light lubricant by removing drain plug at night. Next day flush with kerosene and refill. California automobile association hag 48 aid stations for motorists throughout the state. Thirty-two per cent. of the persons killed by autos in 1928 were children under 15. Work your spark lever to reliéva the engine. Virginia Burley. | Turkish Tobaccos. cModels and Prices 4-Passenpet' Coupe 5-Passenper Sedan New Phaeton Reo Seven-Passenper Touring Reo "Four Door Brougham" Reo Delivered here, and including all Bovernment taxes every motoring n End fram famous 50 h. p. six-cy --with intak wonderful accessibility-- TT TT TTT EDWARD'S AUTO SERVICE We are starting a Flat Rate Service. Prices for labor on grinding valves and cleaning out Car- bons: > 6 cylinder .....8$8. 4 cylinder .... $5.00 Chevrolet with 4 cylinders $3.00 goodness at its peak point. uring ruggedness is assured by the double. ed phi is, where power units are cradled in their inner frame moun A guarantee of power and fleetness is the ports,--a 4-bearing cranksha! namically and statically,--aluminum alloy pistons,--unusual cooling 'efficiency,--and OU are cordially invited to visit our display Y rooms and inspect the complete exhibit of Reo Motor Cars,--representing a niodel for eed, and typifying automobile Reo motor, which e valves in head iacge exhaust anced dy- Is truly a remarkable achievement in auto. mobile engine design and manufacture, Boyd's Garage Ltd. - "129 Brock Sty 4 Auto Batteries Made and Repaired When you need your Battery repaired or one made to order, al- 80 automobile repair work, it will pay you to see us. OTT & DIVISION : 210 IN... noc PHONE 1080. Prompt, Courteous Service \ 299305 queen FROST'S Phone 526 SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Ford Cars Cars without removable heads or old models: 6 cylinder . ...$10.00 4 cylinder .... $6.50 Chevrolets and Fords, axles, labor $6.00, See us and get our prices and know what it will cost before placing your order. 85 MONTREAL STREET 'PHONE 2544w. STORAGE BATTERY HEART OF MACHINE The storage battery is am auto- mobile is the one living .thing that never rests, evem though the bal- ance of the car may be idle. It is the life, the heart of the machine. Elec- trochemical change is taking place, just as the human heart keeps on pumping during sleep. Especially during the winter months is it dang- arous to neglect the heart of the car. As the power goes out, the danger of freezing the battery increases. The sulphuric acid component of the elec- trolyte in a fully charged battery will keep the water from freezing, except in a very low temperature. But let the battery run down and it is lke- ly to freede any day. Once frozen, a cet. rear | battery is seldom worth the cost of replacing. : GOOD WARNING METHOD. when you are obliged to back up in order to get but of a parking space is oft-times a problem. If you horn imagine it is not for them; and ! you proceed to back up slowly someone is certain to become excit- 'ed and claim you were trying to run ver him. A good way to warn peo- le is to accelerate the motor several mes. y are bound to hear the and take heed. Those who hard of hearing will take the when they discover they are be- g smoked out. Gasoline Kept Clean, A new form of gasoline filter now on the market is attached to the vacuum tank and is designed so that even water and the finest dirt par. ticles sre kept out by a close-textur- ed chamois skin. A glass bowl! into which the residue drops shows clear- ly when it needs cleaning out. Fifth Avenue, New York, is made a one-way street during the rush hours, We Can Regri Your Cylinders square with the base round and true with a heavy duty cylinder grinding machine, giving perfect work in every respect. Automotive Grinders Limited 225 Wellington Street om AUTO TOPS New and Repaired ions SIDE CURTAINS. "Also FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING I. G. PAUL 392 Princess Street 'Phone 1640F. an ------------ ------------ a THE MONARCH BATTERY Has proven its high qualitics. For that reason the leading dealefs recognize its superiority, and now stock them and recommend them to Automobile Owners and Radio Fans. Ask for the Monarch MADE IN KINGSTON. The Monarch Battery Co. Limited 275-ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON, PHONES 836-837. = A COLD WEATHER TIP. Do not, in shy circumstances, at- tempt to race the engine when it is cdld in order to warm it up. In cold weather, the oil in the engine patur- ally assumes a chilled or semi-solid stage, leaving the wearing surfaces practically unprotected for the first dozen or so revolutions of the crank shaft or until the oil is heated to a temperature to where it can be spalshed against the cylinder walls, wrist pins, and other wearing sur- faces. Let the engine warm up grad- ually until it Is working smoothly and there will be no trouble. Automobile Association of London has started a night aid service for ox T. Auto Tops and Seats Recovered Side Curtains, All Kinds of Bevelled Glass Lights 'FHONE 1084. SAFETY SIGNALS ON BUS. Two-deck busses, operated by only the driver, have a unique signal sys tem to advise the driver whem all passengers are eafely seated before he can move on, As socn as sonreond stands in the middle isle of the upper ther, a light tay Hlumisating a sig gel in the driver's compartment § broken and the signal darkened. The driver does not go ahead until th signal shows clear, ? Coton mit dn