5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1924. D4 dir? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'JAMES REID The Old Fumw- of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance Announcements Personals club. : -- 's best Y RICH World's Hyde Wuick results guaranteed. I. (463), San }rancisco, Cal i h Ma 'RIMONY--Pretty girlie 19, wort a will marry. League, Box BS, rd, Fla. MATR -- Attractive young lady th 308 bo Lonely, will marry. worth $25,000. Eva, pis, Wichita, Kansas. MA ONY---§50,000 goes with lady / ATRIMO husband. Ciub, Box 39, Ox~ ford, Fla. ONY --~ Private Introductions MO hearts. If sincere enclose stamp. Mrs. Willard, 2928 Broadway, Chicago, IL y = Ma if lonely; for MATRIMONY-~ Marry E2200 ter ; hundreds Fioh wish marriage soon; strictly confi- dential; most reliabie; years experi- ehge; descriptions free: "The Suc- cesstul Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 656, Qakiand, Halr, Moles, California. a: Skin Cancers, BLEMISHES -- Birthmarks, Skin. Santen its, etd, remov Pp - fears, ry Glasses fitted and ' furnished after others have failed. doitre cured without operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, r, Nose, Throat, Skin, 25% Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and' Found 10 AUTOMOBILE CRANK -- Found, on pogo Street. Owner can have same y carling at Whig Office. BAR PIN--Found, near corner of Union Street and University Avenue. Owner apply at Whig Office. BAR PIN--Lost, sterling silver, with brilliants, leaving Steamer "King- ston," Swift's wharf, Monday morning. Heward on return to Whig. BAR PIN-- Found, in St. Andrew's church on Monday. Apply Caretaker. CUFF LINK---Found, gentleman's, sil- Ver, on Princess Street, near Capitol 'Auvatre; Uwner apply to 208 Syden- hain street. DROP EARRING-- Found, on Stéphen street, on Thursday atternovn. Apply 149 alepuen Street. FOUNTAIN PEN--Found, near George Micnarasen bathing house. Owner ap- piy at 37 King direet West, GULD RING-- Found, in Portsmouth, breakwater, initlallied. Uwner may have same, - BE. Weller, 64 muwalt Avenue. ABEY---Found, on Gananoque MAIS on tab. Uwner apply at Uftice. road. Whig MASONIC GOLD RING--Found, near eral Hospital. Owner may have ® 41 112 Raglan Road. NOSE OLASSES--Lost, in case, between Queen Street and Macdonald Park. Finder please return to 19 Montreal St. SACK OF SUGAR--Found. Owner ay have same by Jiaving property at W. A. Burnett's, Udessa. UMBRELLA---Found, purple silk. Own- er apply at 138 King street. WRIST WATCH -- Found, near Bath. Owner jay have same from F. H. Lioyd, Bat. WALKING STICK -- Left some two months ago in some Kingston place of business or residence (reputable), a valuable alking stick with a camel's head knob and two silver bands on one of which the owner's name is engray- ed. Kindly phone and receive thanks, A PUZZLE A man had an enclosure composed of fifty bars, or sections. The en- closure was in the shape of a rect- angle. He arranged it so that by adding a minimum number of extra bars, the size of the enclosure would be exactly doubled, and it would be capable of holding 200 cows instead the hundred it held originally. What was the original shape of the' ; and 8 how were the new bars added? (The drawing shows how the original enclosyre could be made in various shapes). Yesterday's answer: MA KEPT A LION. If the letters of the above words are properly rearranged, they will form the word: KLEPTOMANIA. Tell Her "Miss"! There was a young flapper of Kew, Who said to a boy that she kaew, "Will you tell me please this, What's 4 good rhyme for "'bliss'?™ So what was the poor chap to do? p-------- Speech was given to the érdinary sort of man, whereby to communi. eate his mind, but to a wise man whereby to conceal it. Automobiles condition. rolet Truc. painted, tires, ciock, FORD 8. tion. 'Phone 47. TWO GOUD special les, Blue Is in perfect holstery, will surprise present car anteed for t sale. Ask fo Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE One Chevrolet Touring, in good fect running order. EDAN---Newly painted, speedometer, shock apsorbers, automa- tic windshield cleaner, vision, heater 5 cord tires, perfect running Bargain. lington Street. SPEED WAGON---New, Reo. Apply A Glover, corner Bagot and Ear] Sireets. touring in splendid shape. touring. Also one % ton Chev- k. BLUE GARAGES Ltd. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX--- Newly fully equipped, six good speedomeler, bumper, per- Bargain. clock, condi- Moore's, 206-8 Wel- BARGAINS -- Chevrolet Gray Dort Robinson Motor Garages. 'Phone 567 6 passenger Chevrolet, $215. 1 Ford Truck, $110. 1 six cylinder McLaughlin, $350. One Durant Touring, $800. E. LAWRENSON 487 PRINCESS STREET Careful Inspection of Our Used Cars will convince you their excelient condition and price ask- they represent values which are dif- ficult to duplicate. 4 7 Pass. Hudson Phaeton, 1028 Almost new, that, considering driven only 7,500 miles. condition throughout, 1928 McLaughlin 4 cyl. Coupe Just received body finish condition nrsg ciass in every respect. ---------------------------------------------------- from paint shop. Up- and mechanical One 4 Cylinder 5 Passenger Reo. One 4 Cylinder 5 Passenger Overland Model 83. One Ford Ton Truck. The low price of the last three cars you. taken Sold on terms. Your in exchange. All our used cars are good and are guar- airty days irom date of r i'. A. McMahon. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 12 Bruck Su £hone iw. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxl 14 and. Alfred cated. ¥. B. MeN TWO GARAGES--At corner of Princess streets; coenvemently lo amee. 'Phone 2293w. Business Service Business Services uUmierea 18 est aealing, AUCTIUNEER~For courtesy and hon- W. A. Twigg, Ava Barrie Silreet. Favne 8i3vd. Expe sauliary we. and Lennox modern equ Pupil of O. Music. gurls, alr ENTRANCE LADIES Plea Fel St Card. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Seaton 393 Division sSgreet. Ladies' Hair Parlor KALI TRANSFORMATIONS lob singeing, curling, ren's halr cutting. ham, 66 Bay street, Kingston. Phone 1613W. FRENCH MARCEL Water Wave, Hairdressing, Ladies' Hair Cutting, ling, Facial and scalp Treatments, etc. H elog Mis. WILKINSON, Hemétitching EDGING -- work ild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess reet. 'Phone 1433). Successor to Mrs. Hat Cleaners rt Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the olaest, the iargest, the only il -arillers iu srontenac and Addington. The most pment in America. kor tull intormetion write to ». J. Garri son Co., Cole k, Ont. Re ¥. Telgmann sSchobi of 21a switches, sham, Ladies ana Chile: Mrs. Cunning Cur a specialty. , 360 Frail Street. Phone 1vswd. for appoint ment. ON PRINCESS STREET OF OUR NEW BEAUTY PARLOR NEXT TO BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. 'PHONE 1318). FOR APPOINTMENT. FRANK J, ROBBS, 185 Wellington Street 21b Hemstitching, guaranteed. Mrs. 2c HOW---About The time is $0 Princess classified The Bank of Panama or Straw. Sopras, co Hal ex! Scotia. your here. Street, Nova "HAVE an opportunity on me," the section is BRINGING UP FATHER 11 specific opportunity. tunit? instantly. But, as the saying goes, it yet." attention--nothing is! Captions That Capture Thanks to the captions that head the different groups of opportunities in the Whig's A-B-C Classified Section, you don't have to read the whole These captions will capture your attention immedi- ately--and enable you to capture your owa little oppor The captions which designate the main groups are amplified by spb-captions which in turn include a large number of smaller captions known as index terms. As soon as you notice that captions, sub-captions and index terms are all alphabetically arranged in numerical classifications--you will realize the pains we have gone to in order to assure the reader convenience. If the A-B-C Classified Section isn't worth your daily THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. : section to find some "We haven't said the half of Business Services. Insurance we » x ATRICK--36 Clarence St. Cl ATR Fire, Accident and Automobile Insurance. Lloyds Agent Kingston distriot. Telepnone 56sw. DOMINION LIFE Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. Office: 56 Brock Street. Telephone 68. Ee moblie ana Casualty lasur- HIRE i Crumley, 430 Kar) Street. Pr none 1782M G. HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing all branches of insurance. decure pro- tection for Mreeding and Racing stuck. Special rates on boxes JI§ Lrence Street. 'Phone 5681. NSURANCE~--Only- the most reliable npanles represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. UMice: 990 Clareuce Street, opposite Fost Litice. Employment Help Wanted--Female 82 COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER -- Ap- Ply stating previous experience to Box J-i, Whig Office. CAPABLE WOMAN-- 1st, for general housework. Small family; good wages. Apply by letter ie Mrs. George Humphrey, Randolph EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT --Wanted immediately one who under- Stands cooking. References required. Ahoiy Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, 134 Bagot About September MAID--Good general maid for the be- ginning of August. Must be able to take charge of cooking. Good wages. Apply Box 251, Napanee. tvs CORAPHER--And general clerk. e references. 1 A Whig Office. Ply. BOX M3, rr A mt, J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickuess, in reliable évmpanies, dis- trict manager, imperial Late. raones: Oftice busw. Res. 173im. OUR SICKNESS-- And Accident policy will protect your salary. ire and Autviaoblie lusurance st low rates. Ik. Willams, 3 Couper direet. Moving, Trucking, Storge "06 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yaras, ciean juv done. A, Macuregor, 24 Mussel Street. 'r'hone ZZob. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock ang key. Frost's City Siurage, 29¥9- 305 Queen St. Phone 536, Hes. ¥8hw, Pawmung, tapering, Vecorating 26 PAINTING---Papering, Decorating, frs{ class work guaraiieed. L'aper samples in stock. A. Anderson, 12 Wweilngionu Street. Phone 1v66. SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 4io Bagot Street. GAN---Painter, Paperhanger and Decorator. kstimateg submitied. 'Phone 1433. 247 Monreal - Street, Kingston. bdample books au stock. SEnoTaar Chiropractic 28¢. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists and Kegistered iNurse;-23y pagout direet. Phone y4sw. Hours; ¥+i3 am. 1 to 8, and 6 to 7.30 pm. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultauon Iree. PUDNEY--Dr. W. G., 182 Welling- ton street; upstairs. Consultation tree. Hours: 9-13, 1-6, 6-8, and by appoint- ment. Phone 2670. Lady attendant. Dental 28d. ARKS & SPARKS ---Déntlats, 159 BA sireel, corner of Bruck Fhone 346. KNAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Fhone 652w. Open i by y appointment. Legal 28¢. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyru M. Smith, DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Revelle. _ Mortgages arranged. Phone 205, DGIN . C.--Barrister and Solicit- Ho! Othe: 35 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. 'Phone 1980. J. FLAN REYNOLDS--J. C., Barrister and So- licitor, 58 Brock Street. Money to loan. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money 'Phone 1999. Repairing 29 ANTI RNITURE REPAIRED has; Sate Sie work guaranteed. Jackson & Timms. 'Phone 176m. FURNITURE FINISHING--OTZ all kinds. Call oh see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 206F. . UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card W. J Gavine, 316 Bagot Stree! UPHOLSTERING---ARd general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 1600J. - EE rey VOTES for econom lassified ads. 32 2 t. use don't leave out n WOMAN OR GIRL--For country home; all convenlences. Apply, at Employ- ment Office, 35 Clarence Street. Help Wantea--Maie 83 CARETAKER--St. Mary's Roma; ca tholic Separate School. Duties Sas ence lst September, 1924, Ap- plications, salary - expected, qualifica- tions, etc., to be in the hands of Sec- retary by nooh, August 19th inst. W. GG. Bailey, secretary, R. C. $ 8. Board, 438 Princess Street, MAKE MONEY AT HOMI>--$1 to $2 an hour for your spare time einids showcardg for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showeara Service, 17 Col- borne Building, Toronto. YOUNG MAN--I17 or 18, for local drug store. Apply in own handwriting to Box G-7, Whig Office. -------- Employment Teachers Wanted 86a. TEACHER--For 8. 8. No. 12, Clarendon township. Salary $600 per annum. For further particulars apply to Mrs David J. Cox, sec.-treas., Coxvale P. O., Ont. TEACHER--For 8 8. No. 3, Ab » holding a limited third class certifi- cate, with experience. Salary $800 per annum. Apply to Geo. E. Hughes, sec.- treas., Vennachar, Ont. TEACHER-- Wanted for 8 8. No. 10 Township Haladar, County Lennox and Addington. Must hold second or third certificate. Very small school. Salar: $600 a year. Apply to Hugh O'Don- Bell, sec.-treasurer, Flinton P. O., nt. \ Situations Wanted--F 1 30 ------------ree eerste WANTED AT ONCE--=By active widow, position as housckespes 10 one gentle- man. Protestant. iddle age. Refin- ed. Box N-8, Whig Office. POBITION--Wanted on dairy farm, by an experienced married man; wife to keep house if possible; one in family. Apply Box H-7, Whig Office. Financial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan and Investment Society incorporated 1361. President, A. B. Cunningham; vice-president, A. D. Cartwright. Moiey to loan on City and farm properties; Investments Bonds bought and sold; deposits re- ceived and interest paid on minimum monthly 1a he . C. Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence Street, King- aton. Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 GREAT DANE--Registered, kind dispo- sition, sable in color, to be sold cheap. Apply Barber Shop, 525 Princess St. POLICE DOG--Male, 8 months old, also registered pomeranians, Boston Ter- riers and cocker spaniels. Other kinds from $5 up. Burns, Mowat Ave. South, Portsmouth. Horses, Cattle, Imp 48 HORSE AND CART---Sleigh, ete. Apply 465 Albert Street. Poultry and Supplies 49 DUCKS---For sale, 3 months old, about 50. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Box K-71, Whig Office. Merchandise Articles For Sale SHES And A lly suited To be uad for 0 .Angrove's Foundry, ueen Streets. 51 Clinkers. - heavy for road work, and BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Phones 1391J or 618. (Agent for Baker Brick). BUFFETS8--Dining Chairs, Tables, Two Easy Chairs, Beds, Mattresses, elc. We buy furniture and good clothes. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Tele- phone 1600w. SY YOUNG MAN---Thoroughly experi d and efficient, one Who can get results, who "wants Jiosition in grocery busi- ness. salce leht ference required. Good ary. Pply in writing t x 0-8, Whig Office. - & lo: Ho Help--=Male or Female 34 rt Nt mt th eee tmetidoes ATTENTION!--Greatest imaginable de- hand this season for our celebratod, inexpensive, "Royal" Series Christ- mas Greeting Cards . Secure orders now even in spare time, deliver later. Representatives making tremendous profits. Experience or capital unneces- sary. Big five dollar sample boos free to workers, Bradley-Garretson, Limit. ed, Brantford, Ont. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 AGENTS--Salesmen, earn $3,000 to $65,- 000, per year selling Men's Shirts and English Raincoats made to measure direct from manufacturers to wearer, A splendid opportunity to establish] dignined profitable business working full or spare time. Write for particu- lars, Biltmore Shirt Company, 232 Mc- Gill Street, Montreal. AGENTS--Get in a profitable, all-year commission business of r own. Every property owner is a customer or prospect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nurstry products. Cash every wéek., Comp ete equip- ment and instructions free, Wilts Dominion Nurseries, Montreal. CHRISTMAS CARDS---Personal Grept- ing, "Imperial Art." Best known Be- lection. Want men and women in every town to solicit orders now in spare time. Delivery later. Representatives already makihg big money. Newest designg and novelties. Lo t prices. Samples free. British Can lan, 122 Richmond West, Toronto. SALES AGENT--Relidble, for unre, re sented districts. Good pay, free oquin: ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental tr in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not. for a jobber. You will be successful. Write$ am Nursery Co., Toronto. + #10.00--A day taking orders for & E. Silk Hoslery. Your pay aay. NS Solicetin or Selivering, | nufacturin 0., A London, Ont. - Dept. #1 IT MAKES it easler for readers t answer your classified ad if it con- tains both your telephone number snd your Saas address. Sand tm make, use of LAS" che they are Ie opportunities as they go by. unn, words and words when you write a 2: FI opportunities help ED those whe h themselves. C Fi successfu én. are surprisingly 8%. 38 32 3 Write the INplGo CEDARSTRIP BKIFF---Painted, qual- ity, 17% feet long, 44 inch beam, 17 inches deep, nickie trimmings, 1 pair Spoon Oars, new. Apply H. J. Thom- son Co,, Sharbot Lake. . CLEVELAND BICYCLES --A few used ladies' bicycles from $10 up. Bab carriage wheels for sale and re-tir Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street. "Phone 1961w. COKE--And wood reduced to the end of July. Hard Coal Coke, $9.00 ton. b ton lots $8.50. 10 tom lots, $8.00. Soft Cordwood or Slabs, $2.25 load. Hard Cordwood or Slabs, $2.50. 28c. extra for splitting. Clinkers $0c. load. Cinders $1.00. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wel- lington Street. 'Phone 2440w. ENGINE---Petre Gasoline, stationary, 9 h.p. Practically new. Will sell at a bargain. W. C. Cannon, 164 Barrie Street. "Phone 1159J. | FURNITURE-- Solid oak dining room "Bet, china cabinet, beds, springs, mat- tresses, etc. We buy furniture and clothes. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. 'Phone 1451m. FURNITURE -- Including cembination writing desk and k case, Singer sewing machine, nearly new; linoleum and other articles. - Apply 28 Division Btreet. FOR QUICK SALE--- Harness, black horse, buggy, waggon, bob sleigh, cut- ter. Bold separately or in bulk. Ap- ply 31 Garrett Street. 'Phone 250. epee esteem GARDEN HOSE -- Window § Screen Doors and Perfection Oi} at reduced prices, at Taylor & ton's, 89 Princess Street. Phos Fences, Arches -- everything garden and cemetery. Par and Iron Works, King 'Phone 380. D -- Dry mixed ft slabs, hem- d and up. Shingles $4 thousand. + H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine Street. Yard on Con- Session Street near Division. 'Phone 2302w. GA for the ri Wire ase. West. - e to your ° men "Phone 3306w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson Street. LEATHER COVERED COUCH-- Bed- room suite, walnut sideboard, child's rocking horse. Owner leaving city -- must be sold by Saturday. Apply 88 Sixth Street after 6 p.m. UMBER -- Quantity of second hand y+) ER bor E. E. Wathen, 127 Nel- son street. "Phone 1391J. or 618. MY NEW F. Are exceed- ingly low rs, t Ts, hay threshe racto on EVERYBODY is reading classified ilo fillers, 8. Write me. EC. Siutth, 199 ira Street. = s drawing, Apply] ng Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 MOTOR BOAT -- Two cylinder, t. long, 4% ft. beam, July equipped, splendid condition; bargain, $175. Ap- 0 Frank Wefer, Blue Garage, King- ston, Ont. MEN'S SUITS--Made tv order, good va- riety of Spring samples. Prices $24 up. Repairing and pressing. Suits made from your own cloth Ww. Robertson, 273 Bagot Street. NEWS OF THE WORLD ~-- England's greatest paper. Get It here. Elder's Cigar Shop. OLD COUNTRY NEWS--And smokes-- you'll feel at home here, Elder's Cigar Store. PRIVATE SALE--Of household goods, ten room house, including walnut par- lor furniture, antique walnut sofa and other antiques, African mahogany pedestal and mahogany tables, bed- room suites, extension table, seating twenty-two, set porcelain dishes. Cut rate sale Saturday, August 9th. Ap- ply Mrs. M. Schryver, Napanee. PIANO--Upright, in good condition. Al- 80 sewing machine. Apply 53 Kensing- ton Avenue. SCALES--AIll kinds, hand. Cash or easy terms. ne new and second- Toledo Scale Co., Ltd. 209 Princess St., King- L ston. 'Phone 1228. TORRINGTON VACUUM CLEANERS-- Or will rent reasonable, for demon- stration purposes. Trotter's Uptown Hardware Store. 'Phone 2481. i $4.50-- This week we have a special of- fering in Leader Mattresses at $4.50. 'Phone 1961J. Frontenac Mattress Co. WOOD--Dry hard maple, dry body soft wood, hardwood slabs, kindling, cut and delivered; livin prices. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toron- to streets. 'Phone 889. WALNUT BUFFETS -- Walnut side tables, walnut and mahogany chests of drawers. Apply Llesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. 'Phone 2610. WE--WIII rent you a new piano at six dollars monthly and in event of you purchasing, at end of six months, we will allow you all monies paid. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. Kingston. Radio Equipment 62a, SNAPPY--Peppy service given all Can- ada Radio Stores' customers, We save you money, time and worry. Write for price lists--now. Canada Radio Stores. EE er GRR ee. - Wanted--To Buy 66 SKIFF-- Wanted to buy; must be in good condition. 'Phone 1528J or ap- ply 473 Princess Street. Rooms For Rent Rooms for Housekeeping 69 ROOMS---Three or four furnished, for light Nousekeéping, on bathroom flat, &as and electric. Good locality. Apply Box T-28, Whig Office. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 etn Mette sete tne IN THE WINSTON-56 Earl Street, an attractive, 5 roomed apartment, large sitting room, -2 big clothég closets, heated and water supplied all year. Also gas stove in kitchen. Pos- Session at once, Apply W. W. Anglin, 'Phone 442, TO LET--In Sydenham Apartments, two suites, each four rooms and bath room, hardwood fidors; bath rooms tiled; clothes closets, kitchen equip- ment, gas stove, refrigerator and gas water heater. Apply 69 Brock Street. -- -- Sm Re Ene Business Places For Rent 7 NEW STORE--At 200 Princess Street. Will complete to suit requirements of] A desirable tenant. Apply L Cohen & h a Farms For Rent . 76 108 ACRES Possession March 1st, 1935, fall plowing done; going west soon First concession Township of King- ston. Sherman Wartman, Portsmouth. Houses For Rent 77 steerer. AUG. 18 OR BEPT. 1---8 roomed brick house, h.w. heating, electricity, five. place, hardwood floors, 3 p. b., decp Jot.. Convenient to Collegiate or Uni versity. 342 Frontenac Street. Tee. phone 553. BRICK HOUSE--At once, barn and acres, of rhich § Would make good garden. Pply to E. L. Martin, Bagot' Street. 'Phone 229, in, 381 DWELLING --- Over Williams Dy: Store, 8 rooms, separate bath he and electrie HERE. Aves Gounied, Eas nd elec 18 bply to C, ing- ston & Bro, Brock Street. f4¥ing FRAME HOUBE -- At onge, six large rooms, electric light, gas, good yard, centrally located. Apply 12 Main St. FURNISHED BUNGALOW---Fop winter months. Apply 1£2 Collingwood Street, Sets Sibfvint. Vadinbudiny CLASSIFIED ads plug "up th in leaky incomes. gop 8 Noles Here Is A Quick,Easy Way Out Of The Most Perplexing Employment Troubles Houses For Rent HOUSES--$§ rooms, electric lights, gas for cooking, toilet. 16.00 month. Immediate or aaior ne month house. Above improv; $15.00. Apply 69 Patric phone 730w. ments. Rent. Street. Teles HOUSE -- 3811 bath, toilet, nace. Posse Queen Street, 9 r ssion September 1st. ly 139 Uni RN, a lon Street West, corner HOUSE--New, seven on North Alfred, near Con electric light, gas, furs 5 on St. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview R. R. No. 1. 'Phone 1102 HOUSES--257 an 61 and 69 Q AT EASTVIEW bungalows, &lx or seven rooms, Screened verandahs and fireplaces. ply to J. D. Boyd, Eastview R. R. 1, 'Phone 1102 r. 43. GO TO CRAGSMERE FOR A GOOD MEAL-- Or for a week end. Good fish- ing, boating, bathing. Very best of meals served. Op Ivy Road: For further ticulars apply to Theodore illington, Prop. Lansdowne, Ont. PARR -- Furnishefl o -- Real Estate For Sale : rele, SRE Farms and Lands For Sale 88 VALUABLE FARM---Con abo 100 acres, located on at Highway, about a mile west of the 1 ony 8 age of Westbrook, and from the City of Kingston. Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, ston, Ont. Houses For Sale rs X OR 4 9 E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker, Johnson and Division Streets Phone 539w. $3400. Part cash. Whig Office. 7 ROOMED FRAME---Gas end light, hot air heating, verandah, age and small stable. North end. ash. cas 8 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE -- Ha wood floors up and down, 8 ROOMED STONE HOUS Wood Stre 5 ROOME® end. The last well Street, lower, RADE r T! Double stone house on Montreal Street for spall farm. NGSTON AGENCIES , "Phone 703. . => FRAME HOUSE--Seven rooms, lot, barn, electric, bath, good close to lake; south side. Small cash Whig Office. J. E. CUNNING M Real aaa Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street $3100--Solia Street, central, $3500---Brick, 7 rooms, all ments, Brock stree $5750-- Impgovements. Hr phen Street. STORE Owner retiring. ~*~ T. O.CONNOR, . Cor: Barrie and Pringess. .'Phone 13683. Lots for Bale THREE Compr of Union entre streets. t for particulars. PY to 13 Hidegy MERCHANDISE --3-Gas--Ranges--in-good ordor-- $15 each. $1.00 dozen. 3 Tark's PHONE 705. See advt. Page § BRICK HOUSE-- Seven rooms, desit~ able location, south side, hot alr furs nace, bath, gas, electric light. Price Apply Box L-%, lectrio gars 000 Stuart St. D E~--Coling- BRICK BUNGALOW--North located lot on Albert $7 Clarence Street. large liar, payment. Apply Boy He brick, 7 rooms, Johnson A y improve- Double brick, Princess Street. i rooms, 3-plece bath, and dwelling must be sold. TT _ TAKE NOTICE | 3 sizes Sealers--s60c., 75¢c., and M4 3 ===" BUSINESS SERVIOR W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ag. cident, Sickness, Plate Glass and other lines of Insurance, 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 585w. RR A THERE IS NOTHING more than classified ads. helpfub | FALL RUSH. THE WORLD'S FINEST CAREFULLY PREPARED, James SUMMER PRICES NOW HAVE YOUR COAL DELIVERED NOW. BE ASSURED OF THE LOWEST PRICE AND AVOID THE COAL--RIGHT OFF THE CARS -- J Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street a DUGAN was SHORT WITH HIS LEFT AND ®iMBO WENT IN CLOSE FOR SOME 800QY | LEFTO WHICH STAG WHO SEEMS TO ae ALL IN -