Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Aug 1924, p. 16

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG m-- WITH THE STUDENTS Founded 1847 .. Address by Prof. Jackson pt} LIFES SOCIAL SDE | * New Zealand--Resuits of (Continued from Page 8) Tennis Games. Miss Winnifred Guild, Division A ---- street, returned home after spending ummer It was indeed a splendid evening |® few days with Miss Helen Case, which was arranged for the students | Gananoque. . of Queen's Summer School on Fri-| Misses Keitha and Hazel Smith, Division street, have returned home ; day. At eight o'clock Professor Vin- & cent W. Jackson, of the University | After spending the past week with ; of Manitoba, gave a splendid lecture | their aunt, Mrs, T. Moore, Water- in the large philosophy lecture room | tow, N.Y, on "New Zealand," going into the 8» scenery, geological structure, plant Miss 'M. Telgmann and Miss Clow SHIRTS and animal life, agricultural methods | have left to spend their vacation at and possibilities and form of govern- | Stoney Lake. The absent Vest gives you a ment. With his lecture he presented| Mr. and 'Mrs. Francis Dennison, good chance to "step out" in a splendid collection of colored il- | Albert street, are leaving for Sher- .- brooke, Que., where they will spend a selection most inviting in lustrations. our present stock.. Professor Jackson spent several |2 COUPle of weeks. years in New Zealand on elementary Miss Leola Telgmann, Brock street, is visiting her sister, Mrs. $2.50 to $4.00 agricultural education: for the so Campbell; Toronto. ernment and in the course of tours through the small" island na- tion so far away became well ac- UNDERWEAR quainted with its many points and its OBITUARY people. He gave descriptions, with For Summer comfort, the illustrations, of the aborigines of the kind that catches every island, the Maoris, and with beauti- - breeze -- Naincheck and ful pictures of the kauri pine show- Late Mrs. W. W. Carson. Hatchway No Button Under ed the vast timber resources avail- Mrs. Nellie Maude Carson, wife of the late Rev. W. Wellington Carson, wear, able. . New Zealand is known as the| 1709 Field avenue, aged seventy- $1.25 and $1.50 "Kindergarten of Socialistic Legis- | one yéars, passed away in Detroit, lature." Almost every known form of | Mich.,, on Friday. She had been an socialistic government has been | invalid for several years. Dr. Car- $ tried out there, and Professor Jack-| son formerly preached in Sydenham PAJAMAS son told the large audience just why, | street Methodist church, Kingston. 7.30 to 9.45. Do Not Miss These! % largely due to its insular position, | She leaves two.sons and one daugh- Summer Comfort is assured New Zealand can carry out such a | ter, Vera Carson, at home. The body » A " \ when wearing Pajamas such form of government where other na-| witl be buried at Mount Pleasant as these, with or without tions fail. cemetery, Toronto, Monday after- frogs. Great value at Splendid pictures of plant and ani- { noon from F. W. Matthew's home on = mal life and of work at the various | Spadina avenue. AN i INI IST JAL $2.50 to $6.50 industries were also shown. The | large philosophy room was filied to The Late Thomas Kingston. capacity and the splendid lecture There passed away in the King- ' highly appreciated by all who heard | ston General Hospital on Friday, it. Thomas Kingston, at the age of NECKWEAR i-- eighty-five years. Mrs. Kingston English Foulards are worn . Tennis of high quality was seen | predeceased him two years ago. The . sitensively this Sunusies 4nd on the Queen's courts Friday after-| funeral will take place from James Just received and we expect these will be sold here they are in all the new- noon when the finals of the men's | Reid's undertaking parlors on Mon- very quickly--so be on time, est patterns at and ladies' singles and the ladies' | day afternoon at two o'clock (stam- $1 00 doubles were played off. dard time) to Christ church, Catara- = The men's singles were won by G.| qui, where services will be conduct- B. Sexton, of Strathroy, who defeat-| ed by the Rev. Canon Smith, . ' ed J. A. McLean, of Paisley, 6-4, 437 Pairs Women Ss Late Saraphin Compeau. HOSIERY . 10-8, after a tense finish. : Miss Mabel Simpson, who has led Saraphin Compeau, aged seventy- a . 3 ' Queen's girls in past years in this| five years, died suddenly at his ° Sk, Woul anak and Wool game, won the ladies' singles, de-| home Saturday morning while pre- --plain and fancy -- with feating Miss Beryl Truax, 6-4, 8-6, | Paring to go to work. Mr. Compeau 1 OC Ings and without Silk Clocks. Both players are from Montreal. bad not been ailing lately and when he failed to come down stairs mem- 75¢ t $1 25 In the ladies' doubles, Miss, Alda 5 » TO $1. 'Crewson, Alexandria, and Miss Alice] Pers' of 'the family thought he had Mostly Bl = . : Smith, Owen Sound. won from Mt. | une out unnoticed. A child was ostly Black with a few dozens of White and a E. Stuart, Osgoode Station, and Miss | ent up to make sure and found him few dozens of Fawn shades A. M. Rudolph, Lunenburg, N.S., 6-2, | L¥ing across a trunk dead. Dr. R. i : i i in a2 8 J. Gardiner was called and attribut- Sizes 84 in., 9 in., 94 in., 10 in. a Th. tched b ed death to a stroke, : N IQ [lmrseis: momar] "rie at sarap: compena vas This make fits the ankle 'perfectly and has well-known all over Kingstcn and double soles and heels, with a wide garter top. 7 of the staff. The referees included the islands about. He: bad worked ' e s about, e ha : . / J. M. Ewing in the men's singles, This make 18 worth regularly $1.25 and you 75-79 BROCK STREET C. F. Cannon in the ladles' singles. | for the Calvin Company. Of late ; I 4 i[ years he had led a semi-retired life, will admit this when you see them. . . J - 1f Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" aod A Boyes in the ladies' doing some work &round the homes ; ---- . The. finals of the men's doubles | Of several prominent lat " terly with Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming. IA TO. N will be played next week. Saturday The tuneral will be held from his SPEC L IGH I afternoon has been set for the open- ing of the series of matches between late radencts ST, omg mutt, " ° ¢ 's st . x . De Queen's gtadents iii St. Mary's cathedral, where a sol- > emp requiem mass will be sung for all : . I. The arrange- « The conference of the provincia | 'P® T®Pose of his sou in charge of the James The conference of the provincial| Denis are in c 'i. Reid firm. Interment will be made ' representatives, with A. H, Carr ha | ReId frm. Interment will be made Positively not more than 2 pairs to one customer. n postponed till Monday. The : near the path of the ships he knew commitiee canvassing for the -Wo- a5d-1oved so well. men's Residence Fund also meets on SERVICE | Monday. The softball baseball finals will be In all, over 25 different lines of : BRANCH STORE---388 Prince EE Sk ale 2431. played on Monday between the East | French products are to be shown in MAIN STORB--Corner of Princess vision Streets and Toronto. A game between the|the International Building at the rao iiletall Su) Order Dept, ye. 2008260 3402. Business Office married and single men is being an- | Canadian National Exhibition, in- ise : esalo 1767. : uounced for Tuesday. cluding lingerie, hand bags, optical goods, silverware, shoes and exqui- site specimens of the jewellers' : craft. 3 HEARD ON THE STREET Nothing is more simple than great- RDAY pess. Indeed, to be simple is to be ! great, | SATU re oe mee F.C.A. Moonignt Excursion to Slay: off ton, Monday, ugust th. eame! ants Are ering. Wauble., Dancing. -- The steel of the new Queen's rink BIRTHS. N IGH ] : in lac and ths Fetes are bosy. | MASLEAY--In Kingron Senet ol . Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders Mrs. Colin J. MacLean, Pittsburg, a received at 100 Clergy street west, a son (William James). 'phone 664w. : MARRIAGES. 7.%0 10 pam. Stay look Heute CY BRIDLE On Ty , A ry. - bays out lo Lake Outatio Park Sat. Gut by Reve T Austin Smith, Robe win Werniag on a hike. ert Harold Pridgen, son o ! : e laying of the final surface on ao sen, lLingsten, . SELLING an Froese" sot pivs wnt] Sep Ea EUR Cool Underwear Cool Underwear 4 S commen R menced at Union street, DEATHS, The many friends of Mrs. Charles COMPEAU_ Suddenly, on August "he J For Women and Children. For Men and Boys Kerr, Tweed, are sorry to hear of 924, Saraphin Compeau, . : he 1 ' ears. i X 1 300 dozen, large, ripe Bananas. Doz. 30c. [liter inns Sut rut as shew) 235s we sue seston, 3 Both Vests and Combina- ~~ Right Underwear that 138 io SL slary's Cathedral where tions in great variety to means comfort. These you 1,000 lbs. Fancy Red William Apples-- JIOVEd 1b neath, 3-2 oe Le Ty f 3 . Thomas Bauder, who was injured for the repose of his soul. : 2h fro or cooking or eating, Ib. ........11c. [f[st Verona Friday morning by a run| mefmint io Patomon Consors. Howe m y buy here to-night away horse, was still unconscious | morose' Mors please copy. : - 500 boxes (qts.) Red Cherries, each : .10c.. at the General Hospital at eleven| DIXON-- At Inverary, on August § : o'clock Saturday m p ) 1924, Kenneth h, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jdmes Dixon, aged : 25 cases Fancy Elberta Peaches, for slici ast received a full line of the : » ng celebrated Burgess Flashlight bat.| Funeral from' his fathers prddemrt Gor 30e, [ERASERS BT CHILDREN'S HOSIERY : 3 dozen for 50 : es size .... 18e. Ta. lacie Co., 161 Princess PI i i N--In General ; All wanted makes and all sizes, ; = Voy Se Ef oe Andale ? Il craNuULATED SUGAR 5 Ibs. f Be mews. end formerly of Kingston] S81, S3TIOT AL STE ) | SranuLaT or de. [lists mie So Mi | BETE SACS BLACK, VELVET RIBBONS liamentary recess shortly. Jd in stand. 2 FANCY MIXED BISCUITS 15¢ to 25c. [lI There wilt bea mari of fost. BRETT an ~All widths just received -- ait uaa the Semaine rns enon | COFFEES--Quality Blend . .. . . .45c. Ib. al Bxbiniion, contend" by | 1 iio iach Somaner. LL Perfection Blend . ...... .. ... BSc. Ib. fon. Chas a] - Excelsior Blend -..... ..... 65. Ib. | TEAS BleBomner..... .esom. Blue Bonnett Golden Tipped Orange : Pekoe . sae see ain wae ae -95¢. Ib. ,

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