Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Aug 1924, p. 5

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BATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1vus. - . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG R. ORWELL TAXI SERVICE Phoné House 1315 DELCO- LIGHT | The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. "W.C.CANNON 164 Barrie Street. Phone 1138J. © Fire, puiguiry, rise Gass, Acc © dest mud Sickness, Automobile, Pub- | KINGSTON aw DISTRICT FOR COLIC AND CRAMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL - Tt has been in use for the past 80 years; its action is pleasant, rapid, re- lic Lasvliity, Fideity and Guarantee bonds, oe + ' ponds and Securities per register mau, : Ansure your Baggage and save worry when traveling. Meuablo Companies and reasonable R. H. Waddell hones 1iU, Sob. 56 Brock street PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. DR. AW. WINKETT ; DENTAL SURGEON « Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 363. 3 For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CANTAGIK and STORAGUK OF y EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. NM Bede Mv aA GS asd. +3 408 WELLINGTON STREET mm Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wi on and Brock Streets, Entrance: 150 Wellington st Kvenings by appointment. Phone 670. w--) WAITS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. liable and effectual, and relief comes promptly. Be sure and get "Dr. Fowler"s" | Don't experi- | 'when you ask for it. a ment with some new and untried remedy. ! Put up only by The T. Milburn Coy Limited, Toronto, Ont, 'MILLSCOMPANY 79 Clarence Street, Kingston General Insurance. Note and Mort- gage Loans. We buy and sell Bonds. | City or | mortgage. Collect Rents nnd sell Heal Estate -- County. Invest money om Your patronage reipecttully solicited. GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, P Guns, Rifles repaired Parts supplied. Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted to all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and re- paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J."M. PATRICK 140 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2056J. Phone 316 - - G odkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service Buggies and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Daily except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Sn | | Removed to Guelph. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smaiifield, formerly of Renfrew, have removed from Toronto to Guelph, where their son resides. Mr. Smallfield has not been in good health iately. The Funds Provided. | The authorities at Renfrew are i notified by Major Sherwood, King- ston, that in the supplementary es- timatés brought down recently in! parliament there appeared am item | for the re-roofing of the drill hall at Renfrew. J Opened New Golf Clubhouse. Arnprior's golf club grounds were | officially opened on Aug. 4th. The | place was brilliantly lit up with electricity and many guests were | present. The engine is in working | order pumping water from the lake | tor irrigation and other purposes. | A Call Extended. At a meeting of the presbyt:ry of Lanark and Renfrew held mn Si. | Andrew's Church, Cobden, a hearty | | and unanimous call was extended to | | Rev. R. Drneanson, B.A., oi ( cmber, | | Ont, in the Presbytery of Cratham, | | to become the pastor of Cobden and | | associate charges. The call was sent | | on to Chatham. | | A Despicable Act. | Ome of the most despicable | perpetrated around Perth for a long | time occurred last week. Messrs. | Lowe and Horan placed their truck | and faithful service, and who at the disposal of citizeps to convey | | them to the bush when the little Pa- | trakos children were lost, and while | the truck was left at the roadside | | some person or persons stole tho| | lens, bulbs and spare tires. Died In Renfrew Hospital. Pleuro-pneumonia, from which she | suffered for three weeks, compassed QUEENS HOTEL Tias been taken over by M. J. BER- RIGAN, Iate of t Whitney Hotel. First class He Service is assured. Good yard and stables in connection. Your patronage is solicited. 119 BROCK ST. - - - PHONE 750 ----------a, ust price and never varies as Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SUMGEON Funeral and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 11387. Corner of Princess and Barrie 8 ts. Entrance: 314 Barrie PHONE ~404J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 Pm, Street. You can't tell good coal by the looks of it. All the safe- guard you have is the word of the man who sells it to you. We Nahd behind Svery won we sell, 'our personal guiran- ted as gold. BOOTH & CO. KT 468( Grove inn Yards " ~~ NOW isthe time to get your Tents, Camp Beds, and Cots at rock bot- tom prices. | I.Cohen & Co. | se1-215 onTARIO STREKY ESTABLISHED 1871. 'HANLEY'S " AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or feuds wolng to oi returning from For tall a or write J.P, CP. & rw C.N. R'y Office: Canadian National Railway Station, coruer Johnson and Ontario D Kingston, Ont. Open and night. '#hones 99 and 1a ¥ Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 273 Princess Street. Phone 2048w. - - HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and Willlam Streets SCARFES | for outside and inside use -- 1 one grade--THE BEST. Reduced price $1.40 quart. Sold by: W. Si YEALE floors throughout, stationary tubs, good garden, south, $4400--3 room brick Bungalow, modern, large garden, good garage. $4100--7 room home with furnace, . electric and gas, 8 p. B., garage and garden. Owner leaving the city. South. $3200--Buys a 7 room house, 4 bed- rooms, toilet, electric and gas. Lot B83 x 164, with 2 hen houses. $3000--7 room frame, 4 bedrooms, electric and gas, 8 p. B., cellar and E Li MARTIN Office Telephone ............ 229 Residence ..........1423m--1131¢ Summer Suggestions SOAPS--Use a nicely scented Soap and feel more refreshed. TALCUM--We have all the better odors and enjoy showing You what we have. LIME JUIC! es the thirst--also lots of Grape. Juice sizes. y in all the BATHING CAPS -- Shids, Water WI and Ear Plugs reduced and the water is ; 'M. R. McColl (Two stores) Opp. St. Andrew's Church . University Drug Store 0 QUALITY Is ideal, J. Wilmot guarantees Milk is amanted a high class Milk th children thrive pou, Kingston | sas ar made cajoyabi, when sed 0 Phone 2360 rng 14. Onde get 6 Very best of service aad sure the death in Renfrew hospital of Elizabeth QOattes, widow of the late William J. Peever. Deceased, whose death is mourned by a large number of friends in two counties, was born at Clayton, Ont., sixty-one years ago. There are four sons and three daugh- ters surviving: George and Russell, Renfrew; Orville, Arnprior; Harry, Oshawa; Mrs: John Grant, Port Ar- thur; Mrs. Leonard Dale, Renfrew; Miss Myrtie, Almonte. Don't Miss This Opportunity. Demonstrators of the famous "Velvetex" rugs, made by Canada Rug Co., London, Ontario, from customers' old carpets, will call at | your house and show samples with- Phone No. 243 for It is a plea- cut obligation. motor truck to call. sure to demonstrate, The Largest Stockholder. Twenty-five shares of stock in the Alexandria Bay Golf club valued at $2,600 have been purchased by John B. Taylor, Watertown, N.Y., who maintains an island home near this resort. Mr. Taylor is president of the Woodruff Holding company, Water- town, N.Y., is now the largest stock- holder in the club. Made A Presentation. A solid gold wrist watch was the handsome presentation made by the | acts | choir and Sunday School staff of Al- monte Presbyterian Church to Mrs. K. I. Bothwell, who has given long has been ordered a complete rest. Mrs. Edward James read the felicitous ad- dress, "and Mrs. J. H. Reilly made the presentation. Tendered Gifts, The Ladies' Bowling Club of Tweed, gave a farewell tea to Mr. and Mrs. Minns, who are leaving Tweed for Vankleek Hill. Mr. Mions nt ACROSTIC we and best upon a test ichaess recognized Xcellently prized proved others: say ay wy cading action A= mR Cw 208 PRINCESS STREET PER ovYew A RESTAURANT THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Drop in and have your meals with us. We have everything you could desire at reasonable prices. CROWN CAFE Open from 7.30 a.m. to 2 a.m. TELEPHONE 1393. Capital $5,000,000 KINGSTON Looking backward ; J QOKING backward over the history of his business, the ident has reason to indulge in feeli donable pride--and grateful satisfac- tion. Success has been due, not only to his own guidance, but te his wisdom in availing himself of the financial co- operation of his bank. The Bank of Toronto has, from the year 1855, built aps vast fund of | Sie A the developmen Tespoct. ng P Your problems, viewed in the light of this broad experience, are readily solved. A friendly reception always awaits you at any branch of this bank. LANSDOWNE INES oem meee of par- - Reserves $7,000,000 TORONTO LYNDHURST - ind of Satisfaction |' will teach in the high school there. The Methodist Church gave Mrs. Minne a beautiful silver mes: bag and Mr. Minns a club bag. Mr. Minns spoke for himself and Mrs. Minns They have enjoyed living in Tweod, and feel they are leaving many warm friends. STOMACH TROUBLE DUE T0 THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When The Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It affects the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids are diminished in their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this state of health nothing will more quickly restore the appetite, diges- tion and normal nutrition, than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act direct- ly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strength- ens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal ac- tivity the glands that supply the di- gestive fruids. This is shown by an im- proved appetite, and soon the effect of these blood enriching pills is evi- dent throughout the whole system. You find that what you 'eat does not distress you, and that you are vigor- ous instead of irritable and listless. If your appetite is fickle, if you have any of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion, you should at once take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and profit by the better condition in which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------------ Caught Big Fish, . Harold Smith, Renfrew, caught a pike weighing 13 1-2 pounds in Lake Calabogie. In the same body of water a member of the Scott family of Renfrew, camping on the shores of that lake, pulled in a eleven- pound. pike. Should this be kept up the Calabogie Light and Power Co. will require to invest in a few more || stop-logs. ------------------------ Bullet Removed. Shot by his four-year-old brother, who was playing with his father's re- volver, the two-year-old son of Mich- ael Kubyseki, C.N.R. section foreman at Whitney, near Algonquin Park, is under treatment in Pembroke hoe- pital, for a bullet wound in the shoulder and neck, is making excei- lent progress toward recovery. The buHet, after passing through the lit- tle fellow's shoulder lodged in his neck. It was extracted. Drowned in Excavation, A sad accident happened at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, who reside on the Provincial High- | way between Grafton and Wicklow, when their baby daughter, Elsie, aged eighteen months, toddled into en excavation, containing water '| where once a house had stood, and was drowned. The little one was shortly afterwards discovered by the mother, and was quickly conveyed to the office of a physician in Grafton, which was only a short distance away. All efforts at resuscitation failed. Burial at Parham, The funeral of the late Lyell Cam- eron, held from his father's resi- dence at Tichborne to Parham ceme- tery on Wednesday afternoon, was very largely attended, many friends from Smith's Falls also being pres- ent. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Allan, of Capreol, assisted by Rev. Mr. Moyse, of Tichborne, and Rev. Mr. MacArthur, of Smith's ; Falls. A few words were also spoken by the principal of Smith's Falls Col- legiate Institute. Fellow students from the same coljegiate acted as pail-bearers. : ! Starting The Grain Harvest. Florida, Aug. 7.--A number from this neighborhood attended Sparks circus im Kingston on Thursday last. Farmers are about finished haying and are starting their harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin, Marguerite Man., and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mar- tin and Miss Mabel Martin, Odessa, spent a day recemtly at Edward Mar- tin's. A number from here attended the funeral of Sim Storms, at Lhe Wilton Methodist church, on Tues- day last. Deceased was a life-long resident of Witon and highly re- spected by all who knew him. Creigh- ton Orser and family are moving fron here to near Ottawa. HANGINGS SHUT OFF VIEW Draperies may be so made as to shut off the view from outside by being drawn together, especially at might. This takes the place of win- dow shades, KreoKolored Red Cedar Shingles Red, Green and Brown shades thor- oughly stained. These Shingles are Grain--will not wa They are 100% perfect and under ordinary conditions will last twenty-five years. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. ANY TIME! ANYWHERE! Canada Radio Stores will gladly demonstrate any make of set in your home. We guarantee satisfaction with every sale--whe- ther it be for a $27.00 or a $500.00 Radio. If you want a better set at reasonable cost, call 1207-J and have a C.R.S. Neutrodyne installed on trial. If out of town, write the Radio Headquarters for prices. Open every evening. CANADA RADIO STORES 269% PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 1207-J. Owned and Operated by Men Who KNOW MRadlo. WeeklyBulletin For this week's special we offer any of our large stock of Men's Oxfords at the sac- rifice price of $4.95. This includes all the latest models in values up to $7.00. See our window, JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK ST. Telephone 231]. Internal and External Pains are CECLE relieved by os THoMAs' ECLECTRIC OIL 409 SE antp sone ¥ AND IS TO BEFORE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES. Piano appea YOU BUY WHEN! The sseaptional tone quality in the Weber s to the most ascethetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street for HUDSON SEAL COATS of? JACQUETTES See-- GOURDIER'S Brock Street. TWEDDELL'S SALE - MEN'S SUITS $15.00 to $32.00, $35.00 Indigo Blue Serge Suits on sale for 328.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. 3

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