THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ------ Founded 1847 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH SHIRTS In Fawn, Powder Blue and White. Collar to match. with each Shirt. SPECIAL 2.95 LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" 1 KIWANIANS ANS ARRANGE FOR A BOYS' CAMP: To Be Held the Next Two Weeks at Redden's Point, he Front Road. The Kingston Kiwanis Club is! now busy on the preparation of an- other of its numerous activities, the Kiwanis Boys' Camp, which is to be held for two weeks commencing Monday next at Redden's Point on the Front Road, kindly loaned for the purpose by the owners. The committee in charge of the camp is made up of Harry Wilder (chairman), Harry Law, Albery Hughes, J. D. Boyd, Stewart Craw- ford, William Moore, Ernest Smi- thies, Dougall McKnight, James Sowards" A. C. Hanley, and M. Cberndorifer. The club has been fortunate in securing the services of Assistant Scout Master Trowbridge, of the St. George's Patrol, to handle the boys for the: period of two weeks. It Is expected to have from twenty to twenty-five boys, carefully selected from those who, through their oc- cupations, studies, etc.,, have not had a chance for an outing so far this summer. On Saturday the commitiee hopes to have members volunteer trucks and cars for the transportation of equipment and food to the Point. It is not a long rum, about a mile and a half beyond the Cataraqui Golf Club grounds on the Front Road, and with a good number of volunteers the work could be done in short order. An efficient cook is being secured to look after one of the bigges! parts of the programme (so far as the boys are concerned) and every precaution is being taken to ensure general safety and welfare. The members of the Kiwanis Club will be expected to pay visits to the camp during the two weeks and to help liven up the proceedings. A large sign will mark the entrance to the camping grounds though the site is familiar to most of the mem- bers. PLEASANT WATER TRIPS BY STEAMER BROCKVILLE Saturday, 2 p.m., Alexandria Bay. Sunday, 2 p.m., Alexandria Bay. Down the Canadian Channel, pne hour at Alexandria Bay, and home by the American Channel, Adults 75 cents, children 50 cents. Monday, Aug. 18th, 10 a.m. Pic- ton and Lake on the Mountain. The ever popular trip up the beautiful Bay of Quinte. Two hours in Pic- ten, home at 8 p.m. Adults, $1.00; children 50 cents. The Canadian output of salt in 1923 amounted to 206,985 toms, of which quantity 202,397 tons valued at $1,713,616 was marketed, MARKETS Butter 36c PHONES: "Retail Order Dept. Mr. Anderson's Office Accountant's Office Wholesale Department "Phone 2431. Nagra District Peaches--Plums--Apples rotamer | ANDERSON'S MAIN STORE--Cor. Princess and Division Sts. 2600 BRANCH STORE--388 Princess Street. Granulated Sugar is O8C Large consignment for Saturday Selling at Special Prices. BLUE BERRIES From Northern Ontario. Per basket . . .$2.00 Per Quart Box . ..... 25c. ~ SLICING PEACHES large California Elbertas . 40c¢, 50c, 60c, doz. | FANCY BARTLETT PEARS . . ... . 50c. and 60c. doz. Salmon Flesh Canteloupe Melons---finest growns, 1B, 15 3,000 dozen Bananas-- 0c | "Tomatoerpound.. .. 106 Pies Plain and Cookies = Fruit Fancy Rolls Dainty "GROCERY SPECIALS Biscaits--Sugar Sultana, Fig Belisle, 25¢. Clothes Pins, 2 boxes for 25c. 8 for 27c. Sunny Monday Soin Soap 7 for 50c. " Moflet Paper \ oo ..ooiivioiehen 5 rolls 25c. Sani-Flush, per tin 838¢c. - Pins, Griperite, regular 0c package. for 58c. 3 Coupons will procure Ever-ready Sn Fancy Mixed Bisoufts--special Sadortment, Cream fill NEW SEASON'S SPRING LAMB Rack Roasts, Mk ...c00 c.ov.iiviiniaiv YOUNG PORK fab Jay neil i Shoulder Roasts, 1b... ... 17. Shoul Chom, Ib... E56 Pure Best Drip) Ibs 0c [Pore Kettle Rendered 3 for 50¢ Prime Western--Roasts and Steaks Shoulder Roasts, Ib. . .. 12%¢ 'Short Rib cuts, Ib. .......10c. Round Steaks ...... 22¢. Ib. Tender Blade Roasts, Ib. . .15¢. | Hamburg Steaks . . ..8 for 25¢. Meaty Pot Roasts, 1b. .... 10001. Choice Stewing C | LIFES SOCIAL SDE. | (Continued from Page Four) General and Mrs. W. 'C. Hod- gins, Ottawa, are in Kingston, the guests of their son, Colonel Owen Hedgins and Mrs. Hodgins, who will | sail shortly for England. Col. Hod- gins will do staff duty in the Old Country. * a." Rev, W. Macmorine and Mrs. Macmorine, Vankleek Hill, visiting Prof. and Mrs. A. McPhail, Clergy street, left on Thursday for their home. . . . Mrs. T. W. Rowland, Earl street, is entertaining at bridge this af- ternoon, for her guest, Miss Red- mond, Fort William. . . - Mr. James K. M. Ross, son of Commander J. K. L. Ross, Montreal, who matriculated from Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, four years ago, has recently graduated in law with high honors at Cambridge University, England. Mr. J. J. Harpell, Montreal, was a visitor in the city to-day. Capt. Slade and family, New- burgh, motored to Toronto, accom- panied by Mrs, J. McMaster and Mrs. N. Moore, Kingston, and were the guests of Mrs. W. McMaster, Ashdale avenue. : -. . * Mr. John Elliott, Belleville, is in Scotland now. Mr. Elliott is fine, and states that he, with Col. W. N Ponton and 'Mrs. Ponton, intended to visit Inverness, and Obam and then cross the channel to Ireland. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, South street, Gana- noque, are: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godfrey and children; Norman Thomson, Miss Switzer, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. George Carpenter and Miss Ethel, Kingston, and the Misses Annie Barnum and Gertrude Lazier, Belleville, were the guests of Mrs. F. E. Mirandi, Gananoque, over Sunday last. THE USUAL STRANGER GAVE THEM LIQUOR Two Tipplers In Police Court Are Remanded by Ald. Percy Chown. In the absence of Mayor Angrove, Ald. - Percy Chown handled the scales of justice at the police court on Friday morning. Two tipplers were in the line-up. "l was drunk and I do not deny it," said the first one to be charg- ed. . "Where did you get your liquor?" asked the acting magistrate. "I met a man on the street and he gave me what you call 'moon- shine'. The man was a _stianger to me. He asked me if I wanted a drink and I told him that I would take a drink." "And you cannot tell me the name of the man who gave it to you?" "No, 1 cannot do that as he was a perfect stranger to me." "Well, I will remand you for a day to give you time to think it over," replied the acting magis- trate. The second tippler stated that he had been drinking extract of lemon. He had secured two bottles of lem- on in a cupboard at his own home. The case was remanded for a day. FOUR-YEAR-OLD LAD INJURED BY AN AUTO Little Fellow Walked off Side- walk Directly in Front of The Car Andrew Keyes, a four-year-old lad, living at 264 Earl street, was struck by an automobile on Clergy street west, between Barris and Di- vision streets, early on Thursday evening, and suffered severe cuts about his head but at the Hotel Dieu it was stated that his condi- tion was not at all serious. From what can be learned of the accident, it appears that the young- ster walked off the sidewalk direct- ly in front of the car. The driver, a visitor in the city, picked up the child and rushed to the Hotel Dieu where the youngster was given prompt attention. Four stitches were required to close up one of the wounds. Auto Speeders Are Fined. Two city motorists pleaded guilty to speeding through Portsmouth and paid their fines to Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw Friday morning. -In- formation was laid by Constable Walker, On the morning of the 21st inst. three local speeders on the caught by Constable Dowsley, will appear before the county magistrate. The New South Wales and West Australia state governments have agreed to join with the Federal Government in guaranteeing the fin- encing of the wheat crop tarough - voluntary wheat pools. Manager C.P.R. Telegraphs Me- Laidlaw's STORE NEWS In What Direction Is This Store Moving? OUR ANSWER------ To provide better goods for the same money or equal qualities for less money. OUR AIM is to do this, and we are developing an efficient organization that will enable us to share with the public' every possible advantage gain- ed by increased efficiency in buying and selling. A STORE that is moving con- tinually in the direction of public ad- vantage has an assured future, and WE ARE building for that future, TAKE LINENS AS AN EXAMPLE Through two years of persistent effort we have secured a very advantageous arrange- ment with a Belfast, Ireland Linen Manufacturer and the price concessions thus saved we share with you. : Linen Table Cloilis, Napkins That will surely interest every thrifty 'housekeeper, as the saving in price is very con- siderable. provinelal highway, who 'were| CALL FOR YOUR SEPTEMBER DELINEATOR JLADLAV & SON ---- LIMITED 170 PRINCESS STREET TE EE IE a ae ----