THE DAILY BRITISH H WHIG -. o»1 -- { R.ORWELL TAXI SERVICE Phone House 1315 [DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C.CANNON | 204 Barrie Street. 'Phone 1150J. Insurance Automobile, Sickness, and Glass, and Fidelity Plate Accident © Fire, Burglary, Public Liability, _Guarsantes Bonds. rete companies and reasonable 'R. H. Waddell Phones 326, S06. b6 Broek Street arene A ------------------------ PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. DR A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Oorner of Johnson and Wellington Streets, Telephone 863. ! For Moving of FURNITURE, SAFES, GHT, PIANO! EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Pav... 81. hv aNANGS 2334 168 WELLINGTON STREET Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM 1aD:3s P.08, 8 Wellington and Brock Streets, Entrance: 150 Wellington St. CARTAGE and STORAGE UF | THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987 for all kinds of Carpeatry ware "Estimates given on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean. - with our mew Soor cleaning mae chine. oe MARKET SQUARE GROCERY Coarse Salt for Ice Oream. Hen Feed--fine and coarse, Indian Market Baskets. Charcoal in bags. Sweet Broken Biscuits 3 Ibs 25¢. American Coal Oil 38e. gal. Prompt delivery. Ww. E. Hopkinson by app . Phone 079. | WATTS Peop le's F ict 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1187. W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block ! Blue Serge Suit Best Indigo DYe-quade to your measure Price $47.50 il Williamson & Wellwood | 30 Montreal Street. "Phone 21685 iE RENEESRENENENE Choice Western - Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES. J. T. EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 20580. e | KINGSTON AND DISTRICT iB To Have a Flower Show. The Almonte Horticultural 'Society will have its annual flower show on Aug. 23rd. Elected Secretary. Chief James Armstrong has been re-elected secretary of the Dominion Association of Fire Chiefs. Awarded Contract. Allan Derry, a Renfrew plumber, has been awarded the plumbing and heating contract for the new convent at Calabogie, Will Inspect Penitentiaries. Lt.-Col. E. W. Macdonald, D.S.0,, M.C., of Halifax, has been appointed inspector of penitentiaries by the civil gervice commission. To Have a Carnival, A big water carniyal is to be car- ried out at Alexandria Bay, N.Y, on Sept. 8th, 9th and 10th, The finest water craft afloat will be in the con- tests. Here's One on Michael. Gananoque Reporter: A man has just retired from the Portsmouth penitentiary after a service of fifty years. But we have heard of men serving a life time, Prices Asked For. H. H. Horsey has been advised by the Department of Public Works, Ot- tawa, that prices are being asked for dredging the entrance to Port Mil- ford harbor, with a view to having the work done this season. Cheese Board Bales. Picton, 1,091 at 17 1-8c. Perth, 674 at 17c. Listowel, 2,800 bid, no sales. Iroquois, 750 at 16 7-8c. offered 16 1-4 "Movies" at the Fair. Arrangements have been made for a two-reel film entitled, "Across Can- ll| ada With the Postal Service," to be put on at the Kingston Industrial ons Jn TEST OUR many other duties IT In rr med em ee turns from your property. CI HEAD OFFICE - EE ---- pres WHILE YOU LIVE MANY persons in their lifetime entrust to this Corporation . the management of the estate they have accumulated. As their financial agent, we keep capital funds fully and soundly invested, collect interest, divide manage real property, make Incite Tax returns and perform 1 to the Let our organization and experience secure the highest re- Fair this year. It will show how the work of the postal department in its various branches is carried on. The Staff Re-Engaged. The old staff of teachers of the Consolidated school at Mallorytown has been re-engaged--Miss Fenton, principal, . Miss Mallory, Miss Mar- shall and Miss Doolan. The Prize Winners. James R. Balfour, Almonte, is the winner of the spring garden compe- tition promoted by the Almonte Hor- ticultural Society. Mrs. D. J, Dick won second prize and Mrs, M. C. Mc- Farlane third. Engagement Announced, The engagement is announced of Esther Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Mcllraith, Lan- ark, to Rev. Samuel Tate Galbraith, B.A., B.D., Prince George, B.C., The marriage will take place quietly to- ward the latter part of August. To Have Artificial Ice. Plans are being pushed forward in Belleville for an artificial ice arena. Though it is not a new project for the city, plans having been discussed be- fore, it is hoped that there will be a greater impetus this season which will carry the plans through success fully. Caught a Big Fish, A. F. Bertrand, river guide of Clayton, N.Y., caught a maskinonge, fifty-six inches long, weighing thirty- four pounds, while trolling about four miles from Clayton. The big fish put up a hard fight and it took Mr. Bertrand thirty minutes to make the landing. A Home Bank Echo. The factory premises, land and plant equipment of the Arnprior Cabinet Co., Limited; has reverted to the town. 'When the company estab- lished in Arnprior a few years ago the ratepayers were asked to guaran- tee their bonds to the extent of $45, Jastiattiiiie OEHHA AA HELIA ENT AVR SILLY J a a on Ra ILL METHODS es Or nds, ties, ate., Ask for a *Your Financial fom} iy \ TORONTO Ce EAL TRUSS I CORPORATION EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, FINANCIAL AGENT Bay & Melinda Streets Branches: Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Vancouver TORONTO GET IT REPAIRED Serres PAE Parcs i of re Sa filed, knives, TS sup we scissors and edge tools greuad. Locks repaired. Keys fitted to all kinds of locks. All makes of Lawn Mowers re e can repair anything that is alain J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydemham Street, Kingston Phone 2036J. COAL You can't tell good coal by the looks of it. All the safe- guard you have is the word of the man who sells it to you. We stand behind every ton we SMITH'S "Spend Less and Get More" New Clover Honey---3 pound pails 66¢. each 7 1b. sacks Best Pastry Flour 20c ea. Quaker Corn Flakes PRY 1 1b. tins "Red" Salmon ... _ is the time to get your Tents, Camp and Cots at rock bot- tom prices, ' 1.Gohen & Co. | '267-278 ONTARIO STREEY ESTABLISHED 1871. HANLEY'S AGENCY, FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Shecial attention given your lamuly triends going to or returning from the Old Country. - Passports For « full particulars apply or write J.P. ¥, C.P. & T.A, C.N. R'y Office: Canadian National Rallway Station, corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, Kiagston, Ont. = Open and night. "Phones 99 and ean y x PHONES 886 and 837. | A 2 : day only, 5 boxes Sic. Get a su New Seedless Raisins .... 2 Ibs. Creamery Butter ......... «os 86c, Call 1817. We 'deliver. after cach mea] important service! and throat. Sev- eral flavors-all of WRIGLEY quality. Mothers! Give the children WRIGLEY'S after every meal - + A prominent physician says: "It is surprising how free from decay the teeth can an opt by using gum / 7 You know how hard it is to get the children to clean their teeth. By giving them WRIGLEY'S you not onlyreward themforclean- ing their teeth, but the reward is actually the means of performing this WRIGLEY"S aids digestion too, and acts as an anti- septic 'wash for the mouth 000 and Interest. This they did largely on the strength of securities first deposited by the president of the company at the time, H. J. Daly, Dragged by a Street Car. Mrs. Eva Thorpe, well known in Brockville, met with a serious acci- dent in Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Thorpe, who resides with her son, Gordon, was returning from church when up- on getting off a street car the door was closed so quickly as to catch the panel of her dress and throw her to the ground, dragging her some dis- tance. She received injuries to the head, right shoulder and right leg. Both 111 in Hospital. It happens that there are two min- isters in the Kingston General Hos- pital by the same name, Shaver. Rev. J. A. Shaver, who is recovering from a serious operation performed ten days ago, is pastor of St. Andrew's church, Strathroy, and formerly of Picton, in the Kingston presbytery, is well known here. Rev J. M. Shaver, who is also making progrese from an illness, is from Winnipeg. To Have a Great Throng. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., is expecting and preparing to entertain over 6, 000 Legion men and women at the New York State Legion and Auxil- fary convention to be held here Sep- tember 4th, 5th and 6th. All the best hotels have been set aside for the throng of visitors and entertain- ment of unprecedented splendor has been planned to make this the out- standing convention of a most suc- cessful year for the American Legion. New Governors Chosen. The annual meeting and election of Board of Governors of the Thous- and Island Yacht Club, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., was held in the club rooms. Six new members are elected annually to fill the board of twelve members. The six new members are for a term of two years, The newly elected are: Fred Frazier, BE. J. Noble, C. L. Hayden, W. Langdon Hayden, T. T. Berdow and T. Dewart. Past Commodore J. H. Hammond was elected as all other past com- modores, an honorary member of the board of governors, FALL FAIR DATES Alexandria . . . .Sept, 18 and 19 Almoate. . .. Sept." 16-18 ARGOR Ls, so oo vans os Oct. 2 Arnprior.. .. .. .. ..Sept. 28-26 Bancroft... ..... Sept. 24 and 25 Bowmanville.. . .Sept. 16 and 17 Brighton . . . ..Sept. 19 and 20 Brockville... .. .. ... ..Aug. 18-22 Centreville. . . .Sept. 19 and 20 Cobden.. ..... ..Sept. 24 and 25 Coe Hill.., .... ..Sept, 22 and 23 Colborne... .. .. .Sept. 23 and 24 Cornwall ....e0 _o «+ «.50pt 4-6 Delta. ..cco save oso Bopt. 15-17 Demorestville. vs ++00t. 11 Frankville . . Sept. 23 and 24 Inverary aan we O04 Kemptville. . Sept. 35 'and 26 KINGSTON .... es +» ».Bept. 16-20 Lanark.. .. «¢ sese0es Sept, 13 Lansdowne.. ....Sept. 11 and 12 Lindsay... poe. +. Sept. 17-20 Lombardy.. .. .:Sept. 12 and 13 London (Western). . .Sept. 6-13 MADOLIY.. coseee +o oo «Sept. 34 Madot.... vo av ov ++0ct. Tand 8 Merrickville.. , .Sept. 16 and 17 Morrisburg. . «ss Aug. 5-7 Napanee... . Sept. 9-12 Odessa. .e "Sept. 26-26 Ottawa (Central) . . .Bept. 5-15 Parham «o ¢o oo "Sept. 10 and 11 Perth... oo oo oo so «+ Sept. 3-5 Peterbor0.. wp... +. «.80pt. 10-13 Plotofl.. «+ «oe «.. . .Sept. 23-26 Port Hope... « i... -Sept 30, Oot. 1 Renfrew .... «.s +. «.Sept. 16-19 Shannonville.. .. .. ... Sept. 20 Spencerville... . .Sept. 23 and 24 Stella. . coesvee oe Sept 30 Stirling..... « . .Sept. 16 and 17 Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug 23, Sept 6 TWeed..oo soovs oo .Oct. 2-3 Vankleek Hill . .Bept. 25 and 26 Winchester... .. .. ..5ept. 2 and 3 Wolfe Island.. . .Sept. 28 and 29 as sas SERVICES RESUMED. In the Methodist Church at Cataraqui Cataragui, Aug. 16.--The country looks beautiful for this time of the year, when very often everything is dry and burned in appearance. Ser- vices will be held in the Methodist church tomorrow after being closed for two weeks. Rev. G. A. Sisco and family are back from Eastview. Miss them. SILOS We can supply them any size. Com- plete with Staves, Lugs, Doors, Roof, etc. The successful dairy farmer must have a silo for wintering his stock. / S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. Is Your Radio Dead? No need to bring it flowers--bring us. We'll gladly call for your Radio, overhaul and repair it and it will cost you less money than what you think. Only expert Radio workmanship--no guesswork. ; 'Phone 1207-J--any time. Open evenings. C. R. 8. NEUTRODYNE The One real Radio Receiver that brings 'em in loud and clear--and prices are right. Come and hear what a real Radio is when you see one. CANADA RADIO STORES 269% PRINCESS STRE! 'PHONE 1207-3. 'wned and er by Men Who KNOW Radio. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS Their Makers Guarantee Them YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste; HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street MEN'S SUIT SALE *15.00 &*18.00 Values $22.50 to $38.00. Size 34 to 46. PREVOST'S Phone 508J. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. B55 Brock St. for HUDSON SEAL COATS of JAOQUETTES see-- GOURDIER'S | TWEDDELL'S SALE MEN'S SUITS $15.00 to $32.00, | $35.00 Indigo Blue Serge Suits on sale for $28.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. Aha