. THURSDAY, AUGUST 321, 1024 ---------- p LAST TIME TO-DAY POLA NEGRI in "LILY OF y p 4 y THE DUST" a ---- CAPITOL - LAST TIME TO-DAY A Story of the South Seas "THE UNINVITED GUEST" roy Fu PY TENDER FOR WALKS Tenders addressed to the Clerk for building approximately 600 yards con- ape walks in the Vilage of Ports- ith will be received on or before LA t 28th. her particulars to be had from 38s Halilaay, Reeve: Halliday Electric ncess an n reets. JAMES SCALLY, W. F. REDDEN Wishes to aapounce to the public that he has taken over the FISH and AFE, at 200 MONTREAL ST. ork WELODY ,sHoere 'PHONE 153. CHECKER i; FHONE 8) ANY PLACE IN THE CITY. OUTER STATION INCLUDED, DAY OR NIGHT. 26 cents EE * |took the éaretaker, Mrs. Moore, aged have around Eel to equal Sensational feat of A British and nch airmen were unable to complete, 3 o| camp and three more are scheduled the world Major Zani, have taken to the air at | { le 1 Kiwanis Boys' Camp The boys weathered the wet wea- ther very well Wednesday in the Kiwanis Camp at Redden's Point, and after tea had a good game of baseball. Many treats are being sent out by members of the club, one of the best being forty small apple pies sent out last night by Kiwanian (Dr.) A. W. Winnett. Another mem- | & may be (get THE DAILY BRITISH AMUSEMENTS What the Press fe Say About AT THE CAPITOL. When Dimitri Buchowetzki and Paramount get their heads together, something's stirring. And then when the announcement comes out that they've made a picture, starring [Pola Negi, at that, there's but one thing left to do--hop right over to wherever the production happens to be playing and take it in. That's what we did last night in the case'of "Lily of the Dust"--and we're might; glad we did, too. If there's a Negri fan in Kingston who doesn't see "Lily of the Dust," then we say that he or she, as the case the poetry), hasn't seen the real Pola--the Pola they used to know in her European pro- cductions. The feature attraction at the Cap- ito] Theatre for to-morrow and Bat- urday will be "The Uninvited Guest," a photoplay of unusual merit. Never before has Kingston movie fans had the opportunity of wit- nessing such beautiful underwater { ber sent a fine treat of peanuts. scenes which are shown in natural storm, the Wednesiay's boys arrived at | Following i four more to be there today. One or two .of, the younger lads got a little home- sick at first but are all over that now. An eighteen-foot banner in Kiwa- nis colors is now over the entrance to the camp. A field day is being arranged for the near future. APPROVES TERMS. Of Declaration on Results of the London Conference. Paris, Aug. 21.--Yhe French cabe inet met this morning and approved the terms of the declaration on the results of the London conference which Premier Herriot is to fead in both chambers this afternoon. Par- liameéntary groyps held preliminary meetings this morning. Those be- longing to the governmental majo- rity decided to vote solidly against any motion that might be introdue- ed in opposition to the premier. The opposition group decided to abstain from voting, -- Herriot's Stand. Paris, Aug. 21.--Premier Herriot put the Dawes reparation plan and | agreement for making it effective before the chamber of deputies this afternoon, and told the members, "I | for my part, have chosen, but noth- {ing final has been dome and parlia- | ment in its turn, can choose." A evacuation of the Ruhr, said the Premier, dominated everything | at the international conference at | London, and he had had "to choose ! between the re-establishment of an fan inter-allied entente and the con- tinuance of isolated action." Ey ------ "MAKE MONKEY OF BOARD." ---- People Who Disobey Orders May Ap. in Court, Peterboro, Aug. 21.--The spirit of wrath dominated a meeting of the Board of Health when ex-Mayor Duncan presided. Sanitary Inspect- or Stapleton reported that people who had been notified to have their respective properties connected up with sewerage outlets were simply "making a monkey out of the board," by neglecting to attend to orders. Invitations will be issued immediat- ely for an at-home at the police court, with heavy fines as potential prizes. Only 'one patient, a scarlet fever case, was in the Isolation Hos- pital during July. Peterboro's milk test for July was eminently good, one sample show- ing eight per cent. butter fat, as against the legal Jequirement of three. Burned an Orange Hall After Removing Caretaker Belfast, Aug. 21.--Republicans to the number of fifty raided Bally- machugh Orange Hall, on the bor- ders of Cavan, close to the. West- meathi and Longford boundary, om Sunday morning and burned it to the ground. Before burning the hall the raiders very considerately seventy-five, out of bed and put her in a neighboring house. Mrs. L. L. Heath is dead in' Lon- .don,"Eng. She was a writer. Deceased was born in Guelph, Ont. A sister, Mrs. Boques Reid, lives in Brockville. off in an effort -to ilot, and his mechanie, otterdam, Holland, ho ing American flyers--a feat which | Crucible Steer p8ept. oa. wun. colors. The sheer beauty of these scenes of tropical underwater life must be seen to be realized. The acting is wéll taken care of by a capable cast, including Lefty Flynn, Mary MacLaren, Jean Tolley and Louis Wilhein. STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street, members of the Montreal and Toromto Stock Ex- changes). New York, Aug. 21.--(1.30 p.m.) Amer, Loco : Amer, Caf. . Baldwin Loco .... . B.&0. :...... Chandler Motors .. Cosden Oi} .... , California Pete. , Corn Products .. C. P. R...... ..:. 83% 136% 126 633% 503% 27% 22% 33% 151 64% 63% 45 76% 17% 104% 18% 43% 103% 32% 109% 26% 48% 68% 67% 38% 963% 69% - 185% 58 35% 41% 144% 110% 33% "oe ¥en 3 Cuban Cane Sugar ptd Gen. Asphalt GBT vivid Kelley Springfield .. Imperial O11 International Nickle Marine pfd .... .. Mack Motors .. .. Marland O11 .., N.Y. C. New Haven Pacific Oil . Pan. Amer, Pete... Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" Studebaker .... .. Sou. Pae....:.. Sou. Ry.. .... Sinclair O11 .. . Standard ©Oll of California Standard Oil of New Jersey Texas Oil o Union Pacific .... .. U. 8. Steel .. i... Rock Island ., .... ---- Montreal, Aug. 21.--(1.30 p.m.) Abitibi Power .... .. .. Asbestos .... ,. . Atlantic Sugar .... ,. .. .. Bell Telephone -.. .. . Brazil Brompton: .... ~.... . British Empire Steel 1st ptd British Empire Steel 2nd pid Can. Converters .... .. .. Can. Cement Com .. Can. Cement ptd .. Cuban Can. Sugar Com Cuban Can. Sugar ptd Can, Steamship Com .. Can, Steamship ptd .. . Dom Textile ... Pom Bridge .... .... .. ... . Detroit United .. Industrial Alcohol Laurentide .... Montreal Power .. Mackay .... .... National Breweries Com .. National Breweries pfd .. .. Ogilvie .... Ottawa Power .... .. . Ont. Steel Products .. .. Penmans' .... .. Price Bros .. Quebec Power .. .... .... Spanish River Com .. Spanish River ptd .. .. Smelters .... .. .... .. .. Shawinigan Steel of Canada .... .. .... Toronto Rails .. .... Twin City .. .£.. ....... Wabasso .... .... GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Chicago. cera "e eras ca se eo "eo *4 sees 20 os esses .e "vs ae te wv an | ee as a *e ae save .e .e oo crease ee we Wheat-- 128% 133% 140% Dee. cou 4.4 May .. Corp Sept. vines ov. Loan. Oats MBY +4. sis vai viiarnun Bapt. ... .uh aaa Dec. EE | 120% 116% 60% 53% 57% "ee mee tee ass waa ---- Ww sees Wheat-- May Oct. Wan eaten sense Dec. Oats-- Oct. Dec. '136% 1361 132% TAs Kee aes sesens SAA Ese ene srasaes 60 57% Ans ame sas seems Tesi eee sew seevas Flax Ott. &. cosin snsn eerie 216 207 OB: nese one nnt'eniin. 0% ---------------- Kiwanis Dance. Free. To-night. Market Square, 8 to 11. Everybody Invited. HEARD ON THE STREET) Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. Come to Bry Moonlight to Clay- ton, Friday, Aug. 22nd, 7.30. Wiring homes for slectric light ia our specialty. H. W. Newmar Flec- tric Co. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone G64w. : One hour at Clayton, Friday. Rot- ary Moonlight--=50¢, dancing. -Our flash lights are durable and of strong penetrating light. H W. Newman Electric Co. 167 Princess St. There was no session of the police court this morning and only routine business occupied the officials in the City Hall. A local merchant paid Magistrate Bradshaw on Wednesday afternoon the usual fine for speeding on the provincial highway. Bank clearings at Kingston for the week ending Aug. 21st, $856,- 392.29; corresponding week last year, $811,649.55. Mrs, Sharp was removed from the General Hospital to her home on Bay street Wednesday night in James Reid's motor ambulance. Just received a fresh stock of the famous Burgess Dry Batteries, for Radio, and flash lights. Longest life. H. W. Newman Electric Co., 167 Princess St. . Sidney Amey, Perth Road, who, it ie alleged, was an accomplice in the theft of mica, gave himself up to the authorities and was placed in the county jail Thursday forenoon. A Ford car going to Cataraqui ran into the swamp south of the C. N.R, tracks and on the right side of the highway Wednesday \night. Fel- low autoists pulled the car out. The only damage was a punctured tire. NAVAL DEFENCE. Essential For Empire's Safety, Says Admiral Field. Quebec, Aug 21.--"Whan you ask me as to the naval defence po- licy to be adopted by the overseas Dominions of the Wmpire, I would say that it is a very delicete ques- tion to consider; but if you would like me to express my opinion on the subject, I am willing to state that, providing the Dominioa of Can- ada or any other overseas Dominion within the Briiish Empire is desir- ous of maintaining their own' navy, it would be, to my mind, the finest thing that could »ossibly haonea the Dominion thus affected; whi'a at the same time, it would be a magnificent help to Great Britain." Such was the substance and text of an interview given to newspaper representatives by Vice-Adairal Sir Frederick 'Fiell, K.C.B., OC. M.G.,, on board H.M.S. Hood yesterday. ---------- HUSBANDS COMPANIONS, Wives Better Treated in England, Says U.S. Novelist, New York, Aug. 21.--Englishmen make better husbands than Ameri- cans, because they "treat thelr wives as companions and not as American husbands treat theirs, dolis. spoiling them with presents, furs and Jew- els," says Mary Borden, the nove- iist, who has returned to 'he United States for a visit after an absence of eleven years. She is the wife of General E. L. Spears, who has been a member of Parliament for three years. "English husbands don'f nag" continued Mrs. Spears. "A wife to an Englishman is a pal, and their life is more normal than over heré The Englishwomen do everything the men do, and so they do mo! have so much time fof tridge and clothes. Consequently they are not as good dressers as American women." -- THREE ARE DROWNED. While Trying to Escape From a - Burning Motor Boat. Severn Falls, Aug. 21.--While attempting to escape in a rowboat from a burning motorboat near here last night Percy Beatty, of Severn Bridge, Gerald Garrity, of Waubau- shene, and Arthur Heels, of 'Waubau- shene, all betyeen twenty and thirty years of age, were drowned when their craft capsized. ------ Injured in- Collision. Mr. Fish, of Napanee, is in the Hotel Dieu suffering from a broken hip received in a collision in Napanee Wednesday night when two motor cars came together. Both cars were badly damaged. - -- . Cheese Board At the Frontenac Cheese board meeting Thursday afternoon, 324 boxes sold at 17 3-16 cents. ce Ten Cents Friday Morning. For todays 20¢ raspberries, it we have any unsold at Carnovsky's. When William Finch, a man weighing 350 pounds, died at Pots- dam, N.Y., this week, it neces $ary to have a special casket built to hold the remains. ; An earthquake near Osh, in the province of Semiryechensk, Russian Turkestan, has the death of forty-one persons in three villages and rendered 8,000 people homeless. A Kitchener man was arrested charged with stealing wife's money to defray expenses of bigamous mar- riage to another woman. The president of the Retail Mer- chants' Association deplores a tend- éncy toward centralization of eapi- tal. The pessimist takes delight in tell- ing you your mistakes after it is too late to remedy them. South Africa is planning to segre- gate Aslatics. WHIG SPORT GAME FIXED FOR TUESDAY AT 5.15 0°CLOCK Peterboro Now Wants Play-off Game, If Necessary, Staged at Cobourg. At a meeting in the Randolph Hotel - on Wednesday evening, at which Secretary J. G. Nott, of the C.0.B.L. and representatives of the Kingston and Peterboro teams were present, it was finally decided to play the Kingston game of the playoff on Tuesday, August 26th, at 5.15 o'- clock, Peterboro, veering from its form- er alleged desire to go to Belleville for a third possible game, asked for Cobourg as the playoff site. King- Ston stayed fast to its decision and asked for Belleville. The decision will be made on Saturday at Peter- boro, when the C. O. B. A. executive will meet, Many citizens had hoped that the game would be held over until to- day end thus disposed of. This is the rule under the O. B. A. A. play- offs but not under the C. 0. B. L. WHIG'S TELEPHONES BUSY. Announcing Queries About Kingston. Peterboro Game on Wednesday. As an evidence of the interest tak- en in Kingston in sporting events in general and in baseball in parti- cular, the four telephone lines of the British Whig were kept going steadily for about three hours on Wednesday afternoon, answering en- quiries about the ' Kingston-Peter- boro playoff game here. The heavy rains and sudden cessation, made the issue a doubtful one and calls were doubled because of the fact that it took some time for the offic- dials to reach a decision. Just as the rush started, lightning put about one hundred telephones out of commission and the switch- board in the main office of the Belr Telephone Company showed Just that many more lights and caused a little trouble for the girls until the lights in trouble were capped. Ev- ery operator on the long board was rushed at top speed to keep up the service and hundreds of enquiries poured into the Whig effice over the four lines. The service rendered by the operators was excellent and it is only to be hoped that the Whig's service deserved as much apprecie- tion. With The Bdwlers. In the regular doubles, Series A, at the Queen's bowling gréen, W. Linton and R. Sloan have won from M. Manahan and A. Meiklejohn, 14- 11. In Series B, J. J. Newman and R. McClelland have won from W. H. Montgomery and J. T. Hawkey, 14- 12. THE SOLUTION OF WORLD'S FOOD SUPPLY Lies With Canada, 'According to Sir Henry Rew, British Authority. Winnipeg, Aug. 21.--With Canada lies the solution of the problem of the world's future food supply, de- clared Sir Henry Rew, an authority on world food problems, who is now making a survey of agricultural problems in western Canada, to the Canadian Press lest evening. "Fundamentally," he sald, 'the problems here are essentlally the same as the problems which face the farmers in Britain, but it requires but a few days travel in Canada to bring home the fact that the Dom- inion's problem is really a complex one which varies considerably with transportation facilities." FOUR WERE KILLED AND TWENTY INJURED When a Passenger Train Strikes a Paving Truck on Crossing. Cranford, N.I., Aug..21. -- Four men were killed and at least twenty persons injured when the Phlladel- phia and Reading passenger train travelling at a high rate of speed on the tracks of the Central Raliroad of New Jersey, struck a truck of the Newark Paving Co., loaded with crushed stone at Lincoln avenue crossing on the dividing line be- tween Cranford and Garwood today. Likely Seized With Stroke While He Was Fishing North Bay, Aug. 21.--The body of J. Z. Gross, a prominent citizen of Harrisburg, Pa., was found in the big French river near Little Chau- diere Falls on Wednesday afternoon and landed at Sturgeon Falls last night for shipment to his home city. Mr. Gross was a member of Solld Comfort camp and was fishing from 8 skiff when he met his death. Doe- tors who examined the body stated that death was not due to drowning but to heart trouble; and expressed the béliet that unusual excitement caused by hooking a big fish while standing ap might have brought on a stroke 'and the body had fallen overboard. Peterboro, Aug. 21.--A | Good Meals With Best Service! Come and énjoy good meals at Kingston's best Restsu- rant. Full course Dinner .......... . sre res weleanns "GRAND CAFE" We prepare Plenie Lunches. OPPOSITE CAPITOL THEATRE. "any time Eggs, Butter and Poultry. i Prices reasonable. PETER LEE, PROP, | We keep Flour, Bran, Shorts, Sugar, etc. 'We guarantee satisfactory dealing. Our prices for all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Do are the lowest. not miss coming in "when in the town of Verona. Ring -- -- -- -- The National Dry Goods & General Store Declared Austrian Emperor Did Not Sign Declaration Till He Saw It. Vienna, Aug. 21.--It was a forged telegram that induced Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary to declare war against' Serbla in July, 1914, according to a statement by Col. Seliger, who at the time the war began was chief of the press bureau of the Vienna War Office, published in the Vienna Tageblatt. Col. Seliger says that a telephone message to the press bureau report- ed that Francis Joseph at last had signed the war declaration, but that he had been persuaded in doing so only after great difficulty. The actual signing did not take place, asserts the writer, until Count Berchtold, Austrian foreign minis- ter, showed the emperor a telegram which stated that the Serbians had raided Bosnian territory, and In the fighting there had been some 400 soldiers Igllled. Col. Seliger quotes the late em- peror as saying: "If so much blood bas already been spilled, then war is unavoidable." It was the very next day, says the writer, that Count Kinsky ,the fam- our courtier, informed the press bu- reau chief that the telegram was a forgery, and that actually there had been but four casualties in the fight- ing along the Bosnian frontier. Just who it was who forged telegram is not stateed. the DEMPSEY'S NEW NOSE. The Champion Has His Face Recast for Pictures. Los Angeles, Cal, Aug. 21.--Who- ever opposes Jack Dempsey in the next battle for the heavyweight ring championship wil have an oppor- tunity to test his marksmanship on a nice new nose. The world's champion yesterday went into retirement with a band- aged face after bowing to the film- dom fad of having one's nose re- butt to suit the camerqman. Since Dempsey has been publicly connected with the motion picture industry all summer, there was no way out of it, and, accordingly the plastic surgeon was given permission to cut away 8 plece of the boxer's left ear and put it where if would make his nose look like Valentino's. It will be a week the doctor said, before the new nose can be unveiled. Permit for Bulifight Is Quickly Revoked Atlantic City, N.J., Aug. 21.--Is- sued at 2 o'clock yesterday after- noon, a license to permit bullfight- ing exhibitions at the Atlantic City dog race track was revoked an hour later after the Atlantic City Rotary club visited the city commissioners in a body and protested against the spectacle, : The fights had been advertised for several days and were to have start- ed last night. Acting Mayor Anthony M. Ruffus said he had granted the license on representations that there would be no bloodshed, and that swords made of rubber would be the only weapons. RAFFLED AUTO OAR : APPLE OF DISOORD Awarded to Girl Whose 'Name Young Men Wrote on Winning Ticket. Sudbury, Aug. 31.--Because he paid for the lucky ticket upod which he wrote his girl friend's name and which ticket won, an automtobile at the fireman's demonstration here, Ar- thur Morin is now claiming the oar. Yesterday morning he caused 'a writ to be served on the fire | restraining it from delivering the auto to Miss Juliette Leblanc, the girl in the case. Yas : The two were ' sweethearts sed were present at the community dance at which the drawing for the car took place; but when 'the an- nouncement was made that Juliette was the lucky winner the oir be came suddenly chilly. Arthur was carrying the stub of the winning ticket. y For three days lawyers repre- ; sentatives either side have endedvors ed to effect an agreement and recon- ciliation but without success. bio respective families of the ¢ principals have also played a proms inent part in the conferences. Julia explains that it was the only ticket Arthur had purchased ; then only upon her request the best persuasive powebs of i ticket salesman had failed. i courts will decide the issue in & few days. 5 Both Miss Leblanc and Mr. Morin are well-known members of Cop- perclift families. They had been keeping company for several months, SHOT FIANCE'S FATHEX. Girl of 14 Removed Obstacle to Mam riage to His Som, x Paris, Aug. 21.--Had Juliet lived In modern France, Shakespeare's tragedy would have béen different. She would have taken a revolver acd shot her Romeo's father. 1 is the version of blighted love. parental refusal as enacted day at Bourg Saint Andeol. Ji whose name is Marie Ro | -- Nightingale in English--is fourteen. She loved Romeo, Louis Chinon, ged fifteen, and they planned to . But Louis' father for the Revolver in hand, J waited him as he passed down a. ) road from his home near the town, and with a sure alm seat bullet through lis head. Then ran home to tell Louis thers no more any. obstacle to their riage. When she was arrested this is a she had to say: "He didn't want to be happy<--so much the worse him." Canada's exports show big the first quarter of the fiscal