'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1994 A ---------- GRAND 3 NIGHTS Tou, SEPT. 4 'Evenings at 8.185. Saturday Matinee at 2.30 THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES LIMITED In Conjunction With John Golden, Present TRAGEDY RIED LIFE Excellent Cast of Broadway Comedians SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: Evenings 25-50-75-$1.00. Saturday Matinee 25-50c. STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street, members of, the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). AMUSEMENTS eet. = m---- What the Press Agouts About "THE FIRST YEAR." One of the feature productions to appear at the Grand Opera House this season will be Frank Oraven's triumphant comedy of the first twelve months of married life "The First' Year" which will be presented here by the Theatrical Enterprises Limited. "The First Year" is called a comic tragedy of married life and deals with the trials and tribula- tions of a pair of newly-weds who find that the first year of married life is always the hardest. The cast which will present this clever comedy here is personally selected by the famous producer of clean plays, John Golden, and includes the following well-known Broad- way antists: Bert Chapman, John P. Brawn, Ray L. Royce, Paul Mec- Grath, Earl McLennan, Lucille Sears, Stella Boniface, Weaver, Mary Marble and Rose Tiffany. "The First Year" comes to the Grand for three nights commencing Thursday, Sept, 4th. A matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon. Montreal. September 3rd, 1.30 p.m. Abitibi Power Asbestos Bell Telephone Brazil ssa Brompton British Empire Steel Com British Empire Steel 1st Pfd... Can. Converters Can. Cement Com. Can. Coment PH. .......... 104 Cuban Can. Sugar Com. Can. Steamship Com. Can. Steamship Pfa. ........ Dom. Textile Dom. Bridge Industrial Alcohol Laurentide Montreal Power . Mackay National Breweries Com. National Breweries Pid. Ottawa Power Ont. Steel Products Penmans Price Bros. Quebec Power Spanish River Com. Spanish River Ptd. ...... ... Smelters ...... 4... Bassas Shawinigan Steel of Canada "HER LOVE STORY" ENDS RUN. The final showings of the Allan Dwan Paramount' production, "Her Love Story," which opened at the Capitol theatre on Monday will take place there this afternoon and | . evening. x Toronto Rails Gloria Swanson is the star of the Twin City picture, and lan Keith, George Faw- | WV abasso cett and others just as well known | VV aYagamack appear in the strong supporting a aa (CLAINS THAT INFERIOR "LUMBER WAS USED | | In Rebuilding the Fair Grounds Sheds--/The Statement of a Contractor. OWEN MOORE and BESSIE LOVE TORMENT A Gigantic Thrill Drama Starting --TO-DAY ¥ NOTICE amily living near King- Would the Tamily | I ea om, Ty 1 nue, Toronto, at the time of vel a kindly do so again ene aires has been lost. NOTICE Howe Island, Sept. 2nd, 1924 is hereb iven that a Court held, pursuant to the Ontario Lists Act by Hie of the County Court, unty of Frontenac at lker's house) on the 8th of r, 1924, at go clopk to heat m oom nts of errors an ne 'oters' Idst of the of e Island for 1924. the Ind of September. JAMES LEAVIS, Clerk. The story is an adaptation of the novel and magazine serial "Her Ma- Jesty, the Queen," by Mary Roberts Rinehart and is said to be Glpria's best picture to date. The feature attraction at the Capitol theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be "The Female," starring Betty Compson, taken from the famous story "Della the Lion Cub" by the Cynthia Stockley. The story had a most successful run in the Cosmopolftan Magazine. Of course 'its a Paramount Picture. ------ AT THE STRAND. Special scenes of the ruins of Tokio and Yokohama following the Japanese earthquake were taken by two cameramen sent to Japan for that purpose, and incorporated as atmosphere in Maurice Tourneur's First National screen version of "Torment," at the Strand theatre to-day. The effects that were obtained are described as most startling. Some of the most important scenes show @ band of international crooks trap- ded in the vault of a Yokohama bank while trying to steal a fortune in gems when the earthquake came. Some of the players sustained minor hurts from falling debris, but nome was seriously hurt. Among those who went through these stren- uous scenes were Owen Moore, Jean Hersholt, Bessie Love, and Joseph Kilgour. HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re=| ~yponay Will Take Over porters--What the Merch- the Duties at Once. ants Are Offering. - Cyril 0. Chamberlain has been secured by the Board of Directors of the local Y.M.C.A. to head up the physical work of the association to prover, Aste Port. To Indian railway guage is the broadest in world and a modern. first-class compartment is the last word in comfort. " RP Fans, shaded lights, cooling arrangements, blue California Pete.. .. .. .... glass windows to let down in case the glare is too Corn Products .. .. .. .. strong, Venetian blinds to supply an airy twilight, Crucible Steel .. .... .. .. a luxurious bath-room next door, arm-chairs, tables, 's Cuban Cane Sugar Com .. .. beds. . . . Yes, beds. In India; the traveller takes Cuban Cane Sugar ptd .. .. 64% his bedding with him by train. After dinner his Gen. Asphalt RL 43% servant enters the carriage, makes the bed and lays GST. Lh 75% out the Sahib's pyjamas and slippers. Kelley Springfield .. 16% Unless otherwise ordered, he will await the Imperial Ofl > 105% Sahib's return and help pull off his boots and Internationa] Nick! Tar 121 clothes. Perhaps this is a relic of the old "John Marine pt 8 riven th Company" days, when the Sahib came back of an 8 pd eres o1 yu, 4034 evening carrying more than a necessary dose of Mack Motors., .... .. ... 97% brandy pawnee; at any rate the old-fashioned ser- Marland O11... .. ., «32% vant still expects to unlace his master's boots. N.Y. Co... . 108% It is, however, un to do what one's ser. New Haven ,... 243 vant expects. But Sade, a servant in India Pacific Oil.... 47% would be impossible. For a ten-day trip each mar Pan, Amer. Pete. . 54% ried couple and every two or three bachelors will Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" 5312 find it desirable to have an attendant. Studebaker : 393 A word as to their treatment: Many of these ser Sou. Pac. ou 9 . vants are excellent and trustworthy mem; but the Sou. Ry.... . 0.000000 MB idea of "liberty, equality, fraternity" is abherent to ou. RY. ... 67% them. The tourist who is eno to 17% show them any sort of brotherly love will be merely 67% enubbed for his pains, for the ations of master and 35% man have been established 'since immemorial time 40Yy throughout the East. > . 142% The average compartment gn the Indian railways 108% is nearly twice the size of American drawing 158% 32 . Sept. 3.-- (1.30 Amer. Loco... .. Amer. Can. . Baldwin Loco. . B.&0... ...... ....... Chandler Motors .. Cosden Oil oe p.m.) Later, he returns to lay ou ants of the other passe be four travellers in A local contractor has written to the Whig in regard to the new sheds being erected at the fair grounds. In his letter he says he would like to know why the contractor did not comply with the specifications, pointing out: that the specifications called for pine throughout and that the four-by-four posts are cedar, which costs much less than pine. The writer states further that the contractor was allowed to use sec- ond-hand lumber, which he claims was purchased in a junk yard at half price. The writer also points out that eight or ten contractors figured on this job in good faith, but that the lowest tenderer was successful in securing the job and was allowed to use old lumber. The contractor securing the job was thirty or forty dollars lower than some of the other tenders, and yet he made more money, than one of the other con- tractors would make at a higher price. The writer states that other contractors figured on this job ae- cording to specifications and he claims that they did not get a square deal. _The work was under the direction of the civic property committee, to whose attention this protest is di- ill | rected, ts. Considering the accom: provided, travel is not expensive in India. class fare from Bombay to Delhi costs about $35. The gi sses quickly on the train, for the plains of dia, having been cultivated for untold ages, hold more of interest than similar places : reading, smoking, watching the dim villages, of their dirt and decrepitude, and invested certain magic in the moonlight. Between 1s; thick with a life li ina the North American could hardly month's food of an Indian peasant, ep along, bound on errands we ® myste 5 i i ii ; i i gf of India steals senses, you switch off the lights, moans, the coach wheels chatter of you pass into your own particular y of nirvana, until, at I day returns figure says: "Salaam, Sahib, \ The photographs reproduced ' by members of the Across India Barty press. of Conta 1924 Round of passengers. ext season the seco World" cruise will be conducted under Canadian cific auspices, the famous trans-Atlantic liner ress of France" being scheduled to sail from ork on January 14th, retu , via the May 23rd. Shore excursions will be made from port of call, and, among other th of the cruise will be taken by train the ancient cities of the world snd and to Agra, the beautifal city of the facilities will also be available for members of cruise who desire to take an extension Agra to Benares, and also to Calcutta, Madras and Madura, rejoining the ship at for the work of the fall, apd great- Standard Oil of New Jersey Texas Oil.... .... Union Pacific .... U. 8. Steel ,.- ,ou:.. Wabash iH hE "ea Rook'Ialand .. :... .. .... -------------- THE NEW PHYSICAL DIRECTOR OF YM.C.A. Cyril 0. Chamberlain, St. f : E room car. Two couches run along its length on either side, under the windows. At the foot of each there door-space and an armchair. Above the couches are two more berths, to be le} down at night as occasion uires. ' A very every com addition to HEH fit i Fit Nobody. Have Them Made For You by L i -------- Autoists Fined. A resident was fined Wednesday morning by Magistrate Bradshaw for having no tail light 'on his auto il) While going through Portsmouth re- il cently. The accused, who defended his own case, claimed it was not yet dusk. Another citizen wag fined on ta bs wide floor of an Indian railway compartment. In the gr 4 morning, hea Hed Hired sun of India is ts way over over A aging rf comes with hoe ares the ttle breakast" of the East, consisting of tea and buttered toast, a \ "Morny Talcum." Gibson's. There Was no bowling at Queen's Tuesday night. 2" Batter and Poultry. , Bran, Shorts, Su- » ate. We guarantee satisfactory Our prices for all kinds Tuesday for a similar offence. ------ Senator George W. Fowler of New Brunswick died in Ottawa on "English Lysol." Gibson's. 6. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Have removed to their new building 234-33¢ ONTARIO STREET Opposite Fire Department Fall Millinery Opening, Parisian Hat Shop, 322 Brock St. Judge Lavell held Division Court at Flinton on Wednesday. Gibson's. Preparations are being made at the Court House for revision of the voters' lists for the referendum. Copies of the voters' lists for King- ston to be used when the vote is tak- en on the liquor question, have been "Cutex Sets. issued. Mr. Swaine, plano tgner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'uh S6dw. This year's: Fis tionally high grade. ' Five Deseronto bowling rinks visit- ed the Rockwood club on Wednesday for a friendly match. afternoon - Bnglish 1» ! tis has returned to " during the coming year, and is ex- pected to take up his new duties ail- most immediately. Mr. Chamberlain balls from St. Thomas, where he acted as assistant physical director for two years, atterwands going to Toronto for special training and more recently has been a student in the International Y.M.C.A. College at Springfield, Mass, where he has specialized in physical education. During the past summer he has been in charge of the play grounds of the Hampden County T. B. As- sociation in Massachusetts. He has had considefable experience in conducting gymnasium classes for boys as well as for business men, and has been a leader in apparatus work for some time. * The local Board isto be congratu- fated upon securing a well trained man who will be able to give all of his time to the nt of physical education and fit is Gibson's. pected to arrive on Friday evening next. GENERAL HOSPIT, SPORT With The Bowlers. The Queen's bowling club execu- tive met on Tuesday regarding the rink jonship. The games com- mittee was asked to supply a list of all the results of all the rink games Dlayed during the season, when the executive will be able to~ decide whether Skip Hodgins or Skip An: grove get the Givens trophy or play off for #t. It is not likely that there will be any upsetting of games as no protests in writing regarding any games have been submitted. MUNDELL AS COACH? Rumored That He Will Take Over Grand Trunk O.R.F.U. Team. ly pleased with the experience he gained at the Olympiad. His duties at Queen's commence on the 15th and in the meantime he is renew- ing friendships around town and talking over athletes and athletics, past, Pfesent and future. Kingston Represented. Kingston will be represented at the Globe Scotch doubles bowling tournament in Toronto on the 4th and 5th inst. by two teams, J. Single- ton and J. Leckie, HL W. Newman and J. Angrove. The games start at one p.m. Thursday. TWELVE PROBATIONERS. Enter the 'Hotel Dieu As Nurses-In- Seven Kingston girls are among ing Auto Fine at Napanee. A Toronto resident dropped into the Whig office Wednesday morning and told of being summoned before a Napanee magistrate for ; He entered a plea of guilt and was fined $10.50, or $5 for speeding and $5.50 for costs...in a casual he remarked that the cos ed the fine, and was told magistrate and $2 for er, and sald that, while must be. all in order, The motorist was At this the magistrate funded $2 of the costs. Although this case might been peffectly accidental and all the twelve probationers who enter-forder, there fs a steadily 'growing ed St. Joseph's training school for nurses at the Hotel Dieu hospita: this month. The young ladies' names are: Miss Isabel MacAuley, Miss Doro- thy Branigan, Miss Balllae, Miss Rose Connelly, Miss Etta Murphy, Miss Mann and Miss G. Corrigan, of Kingston. Miss Marie Walsh, Hastings; Miss Fitzgerald, Smith's Falls; Miss Staf- ford, Renfrew; Miss Frankford, Trenton; Miss C. McKeown, Tam- worth. "Yardley Lavander Water." Gib- son's, ; You may be prolific with talk, but action is the only pancea for poor Inference is too often used pur- posely as an instrument of revenge - complaint from motorists, and ially from American tourists," speed cops magistrates "soaking" them. It gives the Ca dian highways a bad name and w soon drive many away is profitable to this country. travellers from the other side complained along this line d the summer. . whose stay Many Come and enjoy + Plente Las good meals at #rrFsrcene sanved Messrave