,» Models Of the newest designs in Fur Coats. In Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, Musk- rat, Raccoon, etc. . Store Open Until Six O'clock Daily. | JOHN McKAY Lined F or School Re-opening Branigan's Drug {i 268 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 18. FOR THE FREE ERTHE. FREE We will give absolutely free to every child in Kingston a Book containing pictures of animals and a wonderfully interesting story 'about something you use every day. Come down to the store and get one. ; HENDERSON 'S on Brock St. "It It'S Good We Sell ne" Established 1868. P8.--Bring in your Soa Coupons. MAKE YOUR WORK EAS Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your 'home. We have everything you may need to 'bring comfort--Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, ll | School examination results of Regi- || opolis College are as follows: ll! Carthy, 3rd hon. i hon., 8. Plunkett. [ WE_SERVE G0OD MEALS Good meals served to your lking. iy EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, HE VICTORIA CAFE . 854 King Street. Slug Lee and Gan Lee, Props, Telephone 762. New shipment broken Walnuts, finest quality, Ib. ......47c. COCOANUT Extra fine quality, Ib. «+o 2Bec, PURE VINEGAR Best quality, Ground and Mixed Spices, Sealers, Rings, Para- wax, Tomatoes. For canning, get our price. gg, Stove and Chestnut . . . . . $16.00 per ton Hard Coal sereeness. $12.50 per ton Pat ......ovi tiie. $ 9.00 per ton car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for Range or Furnace, $12.00 per tan, delivered - n every day possession. They don't seem very wonderful you lose them. It doesn't mak the affliction any easier to Oar, to know that YOU are pro to blame for not consait- Ing us in time--<that the right Glasses at the right time would have saved them. : . ? + DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR EXPERIENCE. i 2 Consult us in time, a Rotary Olub Activities. --At the weekly luncheon of the Kingston Rotary Club, to be held in the British-American hotel on Fri- day at 12.30 o'clock (noon) Prof. Joseph Andre will give the members a talk on his personal experiences in the musical world in various countries he has visited and the members of the club and their Busts are assured of a rare treat. Prof. Andre will also favor his aud- fence with a number of selections on the plano. : Rotarian Sidney Smith and the members of his entertainment com- mittee are hard at work arranging for the celebrated Welsh choir, ap- pearing at Grant Hall on Tuesday evening, Sept. 9th, under the aus- pices of the club. This entertainment will provide one of the best musical treats of the season, and as the proceeds will be devoted to com- munity work carried on by the club, it is hoped to have a humper house. The members of the club have tickets on sale in advance for this big event, and it would be well for citizens to secure them as early as possible so there will not be a chance of being disappointed. The Kingston Rotary Club will be honored with a Visit on Tuesday next from District Governor Clar- ence Wiliams and he will he given a royal welcome. Next week's lunch- {eon will be held on Tuesday instead | of Friday in order to give the mem- bers an opportunity of meeting the new district governor, who will de- liver an address. Results of the Recent Departmental REGIOPOLIS COLLEGE. Examinations Are Gaven. The Upper School and Middle Upper School. Eng. Comp.--G. Hanley, W. Mec- B., McCarthy, 8. Plunkett, BEng. Lit.--G. Hanley, F. Brophy, W. McCarthy, 3rd hon., B. McCar- thy, 8. Plunkett. Hist.--G. Hanley, 1st .hon. Trig.--G. Hanley, 2nd hon. Alg--G. Hanley, 2nd hon. Geom.--G Hanléy, 2nd hon. Physics--G. Hanley, 1st hon. Chem.--G, Hanley, 1st hon. Latin Authors--G. Hanley, hon., S. Plunkett. Latin Comp.--@G. Hanley, 1st hon., 8. Plunkett. French Authors--G. Hanley, 1st hon., 8S. Plunkett. French Comp.--G. Hanley, 1st 1st . Middle School. Eng. Comp.--E, Bohan, F. Bre- ault, 1st hon., C. Corrigan, K. |Cal- laghan, 3rd hon., J. Dackrell, 3rd hon,, M. Dillon, R. Fitzgerald, F. Frederick, G. Godfrey, J. Gollogly, A. Cavanagh, G. Lynch, R. Lawrence, T. McCormick, W. McDermott, Li Norris, 3rd Hon., G. O'Brien, W! Rigney, E. Stroud, B. Tetro, J. Mc- Quade, : Eng. Lit--K. Callaghan, M. Dil lon, G. Godfrey, E. Hughes, A. Cav- anagh, N. McQuade, J. McNichols, W. McDermott, G. O'Brien, J. Mec- Quade. British Hist.--K. Callaghan, 3rd hon., M. Dillon, 3rd hon., C.| Four- nier, 3rd hon.,, G. Godfrey, E. Hughes, R. Lawrence, C. Murphy, M. McGrath, T. McCormick, E. Plunkett, M. Lanos. Ancient Hist.--E. Bohan, E. Cal- lan, C. Corrigan, K. Callaghan, W. James, A. Cavanagh, J. M~Nichols, 1st hon., G. O'Brien. Algebra--F, Amodeo, F. Freder- ick, 3rd hon., G. Lynch, E. Murphy, J. McGrath, W. McCarthy, 2nd hon., B. McCarthy, J. McNichols, 2nd hon., B. Tetro, 2nd hon., F. Brophy, 3rd hon. Geometry--E, Bohan, 2nd hba., F. Frederick, 2nd hon., G. Lyhch, 3rd hon., E. Murphy, W. McCarthy, G. Thompson. 3 Physics--HE. Bohan, F. Breault, 2nd hon., L. Delatoche, F. Frederick, 3rd hon., G. Lynch, BE. Murphy, 3rd hon., J. Sullivan, Chemistry--E. Callan, W. James, E. Murphy, J. McNichols, 1st hon., _THE DAILY BRITISH _ ~ A Well-known Member of an' Old Military Family of This Oity. Hale and hearty after & winter in California and much travelling through the cities of the Pacific coast and western Canada, Lieut.- Col. Thomas' Pugh, of Montreal, is in the city for a few days: renewing acquaintances in the place of his birth. Col. Pugh is the member of an old military family of this city being the son of Thomas Pugh, of this city, who served thirty years with the Permanent force, being with it from its establishment. Col. Pugh him- self served forty years in the perma- rent force, being retired on pension two years ago. His brother is also a well-known 'military man, Sergt.- Major Pugh, of the R.C.H.A., whose family of boys are also soldiers. His renown as an athlete covers many activities. For twenty years he played rugby with the Quebec City team. He owns many trophies for the shoe-shoeing and for skating won in the sister province. His fa- ther was a noted rifle snot. Col. Pugh was twice a member of the Ca- VISITING KINGSTON | Vv mechanics are TIRE Only experienced Open Evenings. BUY YOUR TIRES HERE DOMINION AND FIRESTONE = Recognized to be the best Tires tn America To-day TIRE REPAIRS mechanics can repair Tires! trained tire men. We give real tire 206-8 WELLINGTON MOORE'S Our Tire Plant is the best~our service. Open Evenings. STREET "ALL THAT'S NEW, THAT'S ALL" nadian Bisley team, his brother, Bergt.-Major Pugh, him two years ago. re R.C.H.A. BAND CONC ERT In Macdonald Park This (Thursday) Evening at 8 O'clock. By kind permission of Lieut.<Col. C. F. Constantine, D.8.0., and offi- cers, the band of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery will play the follow- ing programme of music in Macdon- ald Park fr 8 to 10 p.m. (weather permitting) : 1 March----27th Regiment. .8toptord 2 Overture--Mirella Gounod 3 Cornet solo--The English Rose German Soloist, L.-Sergt.. J. Huberland. Selection--Gipsy Love ... Lehar Intermission. Four Woodland Witches|McDowell (a) To a Wild Rose, (b) From an Indian Lodge, (¢) From Uncle Remus, (d) Told at Sunset. Suite--Mascarade Lacome Intermezzo--Princess Caprice Fall cee $++ sss 24 o¥s avs o..Puceini O Canada God Save the King --Capt. A. Light, Director of Music, ---- Thursday's Market. Tomatoes featured Thursday morning's market. They were sold in various ° Quantities, sizes and ten cents and fifteen cents a small box end the red variety ran from twenty cents a basket to 75¢ and $1.00 a bushel. Eggs were 35 cents a dozen, potatoes 70 cents a bushel, butter 40 cents a pound and apples 40 cents to 70 cents a peck. There Wes a small offering of autumn fruits at prices which were rather high. -------------- U. S. Money Plentiful Here. The rise of the Canadian dollar in comparison with the American dol- lar has meant that United States money is becoming more plentiful here. People are not saving up the American money they get their hands on, in anticipation of a trip to Cape Vincent or Alexandria Bay, and are getting rid of what store they may have had. The change has simplified very much the sending of 'money to the States. ---- Building in Kingston. Building in Kingston shows a healthy increase. The records at the office of the city engineer show that building permits to the value of $84,363 were issued during August a8 compared with $23,344 in Aug- ust of 1923. For the eight months of this year there was an increase of $300,000 over the same petiod of last year. L. Norris, G. O'Brien, 3rd hon. J. O'Brien, A. Pilley, B. Tetro. Latin Authors--E. Bohan, F. Bre- ault, 2nd hon., L. Delaroche, JF. Frederick, 2nd bhon., G#fLynch, 2nd hon., E. Murphy, 3rd hon., J. Sulli- yan, G. Thompson. Latin Comp.--F. Breault, 2nd 'hon., E. Callan, 2nd hon., L. Dela- roche, W. Eves, W. James, M. James, E. Murphy, 2nd hon., J. McGrath, B. McCarthy, J. McNichols, 3rd hon., B. Tetro, 3rd hon., F. Brophy. French Authors--E. Bohan, 1st hon.; F. Breault, 2nd hon., F. Fred- erick, 1st hon., G. Lynch, 1st hon. E. Murphy, 1st hon., G. O'Brien, J. O'Brien, J. Sullivan, 2nd hon. French Comp. --E. Bohan, 1st hon., F. Breault, 2nd hon., F. Frederick, 1st hon, G. Lynch, 1st hon. E. Murphy, 2nd hon., J. McGrath, J. Ten students were recommended to complete the Middle School and eight passed namely--E. Boh F. Brophy, F. Frederick, G. Lyuach, J. McGrath, W. McCarthy, B, McCarthy, E. Murphy,.F. Breault and J. Sulll- van each passed ten subjects. iB For real style in Furs with a Suit or cos- accompanying i R.C.H.A. Band. | prices. Pink table tomatoes brought | And, further, HOTEL ARRIVALS British American, Miss G. Moulson, Mr, G. W. Moul- son, Miss Bowen, Rochester, N.Y.; E. A. Brown, Hamilton; B. W. Hick- son, George Crosier, H, McIiroy, To- ronto; J. W. Shaw, Hamilton, Clyde Vance, Chicago; J. P. Naughton, To- ronto; E. 8. Jones, Carthage, N.Y.; Isadc Valenech, George Shepherd, Jack Brasser, Willlams, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sunden, Cleveland, O.; J. R. Deverend, Montreal; Miss F. P. Conlin and party, Mt. Morris, N. T.; Mrs. Homer Lee, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Lee, Miss Roland, Fred Dur- end, New York; Mr. and Mrs. R. Moody, St. Thomas; Dr. and Mrs. F. L, Ogden, Mrs. E. Ogden, Mrs. 8. Keyer, Keyport, N.J.; C. J. Secord, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickey, Sommerset, Pa.; C. H. Miller, Stoyes- town, Pa.; W. R. Marshall, Toronto; W. Metcalfe, Ottawa; R. M. Rine, Montreal. IN MARINE CIROLES | The steamer Toronto arrived from Charlotte this morning and will clear for Charlotte on return this even- ing, from Prescott. The steamer City of Ottawa ar- rived from Montreal and cleared for Hamilton with package freight. The Randolph Macdonald Dredg- ing Company is rapidly nearing completion of its work in the Cana- dian Locomotive company's silp. Marine movements are slowing up. 'Passenger boat trade is not so heavy with the coming in of September and will soon cease on the larger lines. The autumn rush of grain-laden freighters has not yet commenced. You do not buy House F' urnishings every fine Five Years Others attending Toronto Fair are Mr. and Mrs. William Baboock. Mrs. George Trousdale and daugh- ter Elizabeth, intend going to St. Catharines to visit Mrs. Trousdale"s sister, George Brown is visiting his son in Niagara. John Moore has return- ed from attending Toronto Fair. Mr. Wildam Patterson is visiting in the west, having gone on the Harvester's Excursion. Mrs. Bert Patterson and son Wii- bur visited the former's sister at Moscow this week. Mr. Albertson, Kingston, has moved to the village and is cocupy- ing CA. Moore's house. ' Recent visitors: Mr. George Kil- lins, Nokomis, Sask., with his uncle, Mr. B. Cdmpsall; end Miss Frances Tolls, of Cataraqui at Mr. Bdley Campsall's on her return from To- ronto Fair, The children are eagerly looking forward to the school fair which takes place mext week. At Poole's Resort. \ Poole's Resort, Sept. 4.~8chool seopened Tuesday, with Miss Lueite Brown, MaMNorytown Landing, as teacher. Miss H. A. Lear has re- turned to her school at Courtice. Master Jean Buell returned to his home in Brockville, after spending the holideys at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cherry Buell. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mrs. John Dickey in the loss of her brother, William J. Buell, Gravel Hill, who passed away on Thursday last. Mr. Buell had made many friends for himself in this place, who sincerely regret his passing away. B. L. Dickey and family who have spent the past two months at the home of Mr. Dickey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dickey, returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs.' J, and Mrs. Bradley, Oneida, N.Y. were Sunday guests at 8. D. Wil- cox's. Mr. and Mrs. Fora Davis and baby, Earl, spent Sunday at B. B, Poole's, Calntown. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, Salter and William Wilcox spent the week-end at T. Foley's, Athens. Mrs. A. W. Poole and sors returned to their home in Toronto on Saturday, Mrs. Mary Poole, who has spent the summer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wiliam Hoff- man, Long Island, N.Y. and Miss Edna Poole, who has just retirned from a trip overseas, made a flying visit here over the week-end and left for Toronto Monday. J. T. Weeks has sold his entire property {in Escott to Johan Domevan, Sr. -------------- Be sure you are right, thea go ahead. ¥ you, ' | printing, day--nor even every All the more reason why you should select them with great care. Our show rooms are extra large, bright and airy, and you will see only the newest furnishings, and at prices that are reasonable. bear in mind that our 37 years' experience in the furnishings business stands behind every transaction. You are sure of perfect satisfaction or money Refunded. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE EE ---------------- | PITTSBURGH. Sept. 2.--~The council met at 9.30 a.m. members all present. Minutes of last méeting adopted. The reeve and treasurer authorised to borrow $1,000 to meat current expenses and by-law passed. Accounts passed: William Morrison, Jr., bonus on 70 rods fence, $8.75; Hanson and Edgar clerk, ! m y royalty on 50 cords stone, $12.50; Kingston Industrial = Rd grant, $200; treasurer, account sal- ary, $50, and stamps, $7.50. . Ad- Journed until 1st Monday in October at 10 a.m. or at call of the reeve, --- No need to suffer any lohger. Won- derful relief comes from the sooth- ing vapor of Catarrh®zone. No drugs to take--you merely breathe healing medication through Catarrhozone in- haler. The swful sneezing, the wat- ery eyes, the coughing, are prom i relieved by Catarrhozone. Your ay