Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Sep 1924, p. 2

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A SPLENDID COMEDY [ARE STILL SEARCHING | : ING MEN i i Ryan No Bil of David TIRES HERE | SEAL SKIN | EE" wuss DOMINION AND FIRESTONE Why do young married women| Searches made of the Main Pucks ; fi "« T IR E R EPA IRS i 8 1 3 leave home? A large crowd saw the|and of the shores of Amherst : Prices are the Lowest in Years 2 reason at the Grand Opera House |land have falled to reveal the slight-| [IB 1 ~~ only experienced mechanics can repair Tires! Our Tire Plant is the best : The charm of genuine Alaska Sealskin 1ast night, but, in the minds of the est clue as to what happened David mechanics are trained tire men. We give real tire service, me ew bl Th 1 b f th male members of the audience, there | Tugwell and Harry Sheldon, who | / " 18 1mamitable. e lustrous eauty o he was wonderment that the young hus- | set out from Oswego, N.Y., for Am- ) ---------- 9 ! furi ressed band did not clear out first. The | herst Island in a 26-foot motor boat 1 3 . Is matchless. As d ? dyed, ac ladies, on the other hand, were all|on Aug. 15th. [ag Open Evenings. MOORE Open Evenings. | ined and finished by London experts, skins in favor of the young wile. The| This week the people of Amherst hy : Sy ---------------- soft as finest Kid are produced difference in opinion is ail in the |Island made up a search party of : 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET 3 * view-point and it is this same diver- | nine men and went up to tae Ducks ' . 3 gencé in point of view which is the [in Claude Cole's motor boal im the : % . . basis: of "The First Year," the|hope that it might be possible that They permit the screamingly funny comedy presented | the boat was wind-bound there. But |} 1 interpreta at the Grand Opera House last|they found no trace of them. It was of finest - night, the opening engagement of | thought that there might be wreck- . . . - ! the season, the first presentation of |age of the motor boat. in case the ||] - Pictorial Quarterly for Fall. Special Corset at $1.00 a pair . tion of the design- the play in this season's tour, and a | worst had happened; but nothing of wonderful success for the play it-|this kind was found and the party had + >» - 4 ~ » . ers art and quite ; self and the house as well. to return to Amherst Island with no ] "The First Year" is more than news for the anxious relatives of natural y command : 4 LE was claimed for it. Not a person in| Mr. Tugwell, who live there. h the audience; even the hardened cy- In the meantime all of Amherst the choice of dis- a ; } nies who start criticism with the rise | Island has been searched but not a 30c. CURTAIN SCRIM Yor 20c. Ce . of the curtain, could resist its human | scrap of wreckage has been found. crimmating wear- i appeal, its splendid portrayal of ac-| Willlam Sheldon, of Oswego, N.Y. 36 inch fine. White Scrim Insertion trimmed Regular price ' ' ' .y tual life. The plot is a good one, the | has also been searching fo- some ers as the fur of en- u lisee srcamingly fanar and' theltrsew ot wo smerny wiwiont fll 300, LL GL a Chatrdey 20 wd, d * acting, which means the life of the | spccess, At the request of relatives uringvogue. Any by. . show, of the very highest quality. |the Sowards Company has instructed MADRAS 20c YD style of garment dividualy., Lucille Sears, as Grace | for the lost motorboat. The fear . d . : : . . Liringston, and Bert Chapman, as| thet the two men have been lost Is 36 inch Cream Madras in several new desigre. WH ake very C. & yard the leaders because of playing the Several theories have been advanec- y . der for you was not saved for any particular cli- . : th J th I 1 1d . . . . Alaska Seal Skin Jax HOF 314 they Tvssrvy themselves | aland could have been lost. | 'Fhess 24 pairs Madras Curtains, 2} yards long -- Cream with double : : : last act. They were good through-|or her possible collision with a rum- borders sieluiaYe dis ets nl inn tiuinininininiote sine ve Sire turd 98 pair Estimates and further information cheer- out. Their acting was spoutaneous | runner in the dead of night. Alder- -- : a ay 1 3 total absence of that unnatural in- flexion and delayed response which | reports finding a partly submerged F . % THE McKAY LABEL in t i or Gir fection in i i aiyte of Yet. and sometimes every--performance|some wharf. A collision in the For Boys : of a play. The timing was perfect. | blackness of night with such an ob- Girls' fine ribbed School Stock ' . . . chool Otock- | Boys' heavy 2in | Ribbed School Brawn, as Mr. Livingston, and "I'll | small, lightless boat. | ings, fast black. All sizes. Stockings fast Black. All sizes. tell you after, dear," says Stella] Amherst Island is very much per- ' . Weaver, as his wife. turbed over the affair. Mr. Tugwell's For SRN elrie ai seis alee ne 39c¢. up For "uo ates shana .39c¢. to 50c. pair advice of Dr. Anderson, but he for-| island and Mr. Tugwell's father, Ca- -- got that Tommy Tucker was brave |leb Tugwell, is a resident of the is- ' LINEN TOWELLING, 20c. YARD as a cat in making love. Tommy | lives at Stella. Mr, Tugwell is thir- 17 inch pure Linen Towellings--White with assorted Red bor- grabbed her all right, but it iooked | ty-five years of age and Mr. Sheldon ders and in Grey and White Stripes. Saturday aaa 20c¢. y i ter she had turned down Dick Lor-| four years old. - ; Hing, the extremely difficult character : Best Quality Floor Oilcloths and Linoleums HUDNUT'S, COTY'S, PIVER'S, ROGER and GALLET'S, posirared by Paul McGrath. - He : was one of these fellows who come Special Prices on all Floor Rugs. tives how he is cleaning up Wall : Perfumes d T il t W on 5 w Of the Donnelly Salvage and al 0l e aters "Yes'm, I waits on table, but 1| Wrecking Company--Three ¥ washes best," says Mary Marble, as com , y ® 9 STORE Hattle, the colored flunkey. She is Plete Salvage Plants. Newman ¥ 5 B x an S LNB oy important part of the comedy, The Donnelly Salvage and Wreck: 3 Hattie, and Mary Marble deserves tng: Co. bas. added. two ; additional a Eaicmas; womans. igor Rn aT bi wtop n THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE - -- came for tianer--but. they realty] Dimensions: Length 84. fost, beam . -- 120 feet, depth 12 feet; has a fore McLellan played the one part and " Thrifty ; H . Hose Tiffany opposite him. Rose Soul oe. id Duiling bucket, and 4s @ very quick working OUSCWIVES jl| save us the impression that Mrs. 500 feet of 1% Inch atest cans: cr | machine. A powerful pulling en- OBITU A RY It is hard to place an credit in-| all its boats to keep a sharp look-out + you desire will be Tommy Tucker, were undoubtedly | growing. pretty Curtains. Regular39¢. ............. | made to special or- leading parts. Their best "stuff" |ed as to how the yacht in which Shel- dof and Tugwell set sail for Amherst MADRAS CURTAINS, $1.98 and throw all their work into the|iné¢luded the burning up of the boat full iven. and they lived their parts, with a|man James Parker, of Oswego, on y 8 his cruise from Charlotte recently, SCHOOL STOCKINGS sometimes will work into the first--| crib which had broken loose from "Heh, what's that?" says John P.|stacle might well prove fatal to a "Grab her and propose" was the| wife and daughter are visiting on the as a lion in other fields but, nervous | land, and his brother, John Tugwell, like a football tackle. That was af-| whose home is in Oswego, 1s twenty- ATKINSON'S AND YARDLEY homd to Hickville and tell the na- ' PHONE 18. part. Mr. and Mrs. Barstow were| o.% © COLT C Tog "Donnelly. re -_ I . were only ordinary people, Barl ad : aft ad sngine. - and Barstow was just the least bit hard gine is installed forwand and she SAVE THE DIFFERENCE its drum, and 1,000 feet of 1% inch and, though she was on her good be- cable is cartied for a stern wire. It has two additional mooring witich- Granulated Sugar .10 Ibs. 85¢. havior in public, we'd hate to have | es forward and aft, and has two i Belleville Creamery, 1b. .. 88c. been Barstow at home, has four steam Sonuetions ' for steam biige pumps and syphons, The Late Mrs. Meagher Fresh made Whey Butter, The Grand's orchestra, 5 new col. SUPDIVIRG steam '16 pumps and (G20 WRC CTIUR ANG SFPAGRA 1 T passed awa Thu 1b. 84c. ]/lection, was splendid and the audi-|®YPhons; is outfitted with a large " ? ators ada 1 ' > lon board is as follows: 3-12 inch|in this city, Catherine O'Neill, Excellent Black Tea, Ib. ...85¢. {Ll ance will look to them for fine mu. | derrick for handling wrecking out ; 2 al reseots; | widow of the late M Absolutely pure Lard; 1b..18c, sic during the season. Their pro-| ft: Duke stearing gear; electric | Wrecking Dupe) h oly compres div. | ana A. 1 © late Marvin Meagher, | White Mealy Potatoes, pk. 20c. gramme just night was well selected] Hi8hted, with special lights for eal- | 1-6 inch and 1- Bel SYPBonk; av. an 8 ie oug resident of Kingston, Mage Baking Powder (sale) and as well rendered. We did not| YaBe services. Dining room and kit: | ing outfit; sets o ng jagks at the 3 © Ol a age of eighty-five Be, know them all but Cotman at the | chen are on the main deck end the | Budiiiks. lighter Jens. ig or) Fergus O'Co | E. light, pk : ' - c. ||| traps, Madrand at the piano and|tu8 has fine accommSation for Bho he hut equipped leno 3 nites au a vutiog 8 nep- FOUIMAy ght, 8 piece bath, Eddy's Matches .. 8 boxes 25c¢. Newlands at the violin and leading, | ®i8hiteen of a crew. ' 28 1 k tu lpn , ad ord SoRaged inay a AoW) Surprise, P. and G. or Somme || assured us of a good night, The Donnelly was given a trial once ---- f the tug Don- | memory will be 1 espocted 'Ty Soa 5 for 85¢. Any person who saw the openming| Tun Yesterday, machinery worked With the ad a rh a ed ft friend ons Tv eral by 1 2 Ibs. 85¢. | performance of "The First Year." | fine and she came up to expectation | Belly and Clamshell lig pours | a o S278 fa will New French Walnuts (bro ) Flopigne : ine particular. the Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking | take place from her late residence, | |i pound . . an 0 has Joy regar or the ling I Clamshell lighter "Co- (Co. has now three complete salvage | 193 Earl street, on Saturday to St. New shipment Pure truth or any liking for a clean, up- See r iL 180 | plants, one being stationed at Mor- | Mary's cathedral, in charge of M. 2 pounds for roariously funfy play, will recom- bomsg monsions: | gh : nisburg, and has the largest salvage | B. Keyes. Hundreds of other money mend It to all bls triends. We re-] lost, beam 35 feet, depth oot: | equipment on the Great Lakes end | a commend 'it to everyone without] Will carry 45,000 bushels of wheat, hesitation. or 1,400 tous of cargo on a eleven- | St. Lawrence River. The Late Mrs. Cork. savers, "The First Year" will be repeat-{foot draft. The Cobourg has the | Mrs. Rebecca Cork, widow of the Cullen's ed again tonight, Saturday matinee | latest type of travelling McMyler (GEORGE TRYON HELD late Thomas Cork, passed away in and night' and the play is one that| derrick, with a 60-feot length of BY WINDSOR POLICE | the Hotel Dieu on Thursday. She CASH AND CARRY is deserving of a bumper house on|boom, with 13% yard Clamshell was well-known in Kingston, but each odcasion. Ofcer ; had also lived in Watertown, N.Y., [ll Attractive list in full at office : Kingston WI Bring for years. Surviving are two sons, i . LAWN PARTY MELD , Him to Kingston for William and Thomas, of Buffalo, His Trial. N.Y., and two sisters, ey l 1] | | ; AT MOWAT HOSPITAL g : ' Tuttle, ioe and Mrs. Elisabet M N ig .", * : \ i ttracted fef of Police Robinson was noti-| McKenna of this city. The funeral ; Campbell's--Where Quality Is The True [Jia Quite a Large Orowd i Les aban wig at ft sui wy Foe Siparas| [AV 2 0k Measure of Value of People on Thursday ; George Tryon, the Kingston med | Keyes from 176 Lower Bagot streel Insurance Evening. who was deported from Daytom,|on Saturday to St. Mary's cathedral. part; Mow. / Ohio, and who is wanted here to al Taare eroviug, no answer to a charge of non-support, pital Thursday evening, held under auapioes of | (owat Branch lodged by his wife, is being held by he oe iid wey the authorities at Windsor. raigned before Magistrate Farrell on Monday morning. We're ready to serve you with new and seasonable merchan- ise at prices that aro not surpassed in Canada. Just put in stock the most classy shapes in Hats. ; : : "Scores of New Ties 49c., 78c., $1, $1.35. New Socks, Sweater Coats. OUR WONDERFUL SHIRT BARGAINS ---- tv Appointed Superintendent. Mrs. M. A. Greer, of this city, bas been appointed superintendent of v PEs 32 whe i = took over her duties this week. | Office.

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