Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1924, p. 5

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WHEN THE CHILDREN ARE TROUBLED WITH Summer Complaints GIVE THER SERVICE louse 1315 = 0-LIGHT mn, | $65 per month. pe. premises, jor office hv land toilet. Good loca- fr month. INSURANCE 4 bedrooms. all, conveniences. you rates on any juce you may be inter: Waddell u¢ Broek Street O, TUNING ning, Repairing and p Adjusting. Norman +87 Pine street. 'JHONE 134. . WINNETT [AL SURGEON yhnson and Wellington Telephone 868. Fer Moving of FURNITU TAGE and SAFES, RAGE OF "Transfer Co. BVYENINGS 3231. WLINGTUN STREET And you will be bly surprised to find out how quickly thoy will be- come relieved of their troubles. This tion has been on the market for the past 80 years. Put The T. Milburn Co.,, Lined! Totvaty, Ont. G. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Have removed to their new bullding 284-29¢ ONTARIO STREET Xe § THE I KINGSTON DAILY BRITISE AND DISTRICT Clivie. Committee Called. Meetings of the civic fire and light committed and the property committee have been called for Tues- day afternoon. Purchased A Home. "| Harry Webster, Charles.on, has purchased the house and lot on Church street, Athens, the home of the late Mrs. Alice Johnston. To Meet in Belleville. The executive of the Kingston Presbyterial W.M.8. is to mee! m Belleville on Thursday. The regular fall meeting of the Kingston Presbytery is being hell in Belleville on Tuesday. Rev. G. A. Brown and Rev. T. J. 8, Ferguson expect to attend. ern Ogdensburg Editor Dead. George F. Darrow, 70, editor and owner of The Ogdensburg Advance, and the St. Lawrence Democrat, died Sunday afternoon. He became in about four weeks ago. Mr, Darrow was prominent im the newspaper field in the North Country for forty years. - | Opposite Fire Department WORM POWDERS ---- } C. W. BROOM and Brock Streets, "100 Wellington St. » by appuiniment. Phome $79. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess St » Phone 1850 Gas for Pain OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 273 Princess Street. Phone 3045w. Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduct the practice of Dr. H. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 NOW 1 m sto get ur ots at rock bot- a & Co. > STREET - Dri W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 6.30 nm. to 6 pum. EEE HEMSTITOHI MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2106. Bagot and William Streets SCARFE'S Surface Satisfaction Paints-- for outside and inside use ---- one grade--THE BEST. Reduced price $1.40 quart, Sold by: W. G. VEALE 814 BARRIE STREET NG, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING| P.W.O.R. to Report. Members of the P. W. O. Regiment ! who would like to take part in the historical pageant being put on at the Kingston Exhibition next week | are asked to veport to Major W. J. { McManus at fhe Armouries, Wednes- day night, Sept. 10th. The neces- sary equipment will be furnished those not in possession of them. Are Much Pléased. Though the Sydenham hospital building is somewhat distant from many of their homes, the officers and clerks of headquarters ave much pleased with their new home, and are enjoying the luxury of fire-plac- es, French windows, garden and lake scenery and the other beauties of Ongwanada. ---------------- New Anatomy Department, Housecleaning operations in the top floor of the mechanical labora- tory at Queen's has converted the old gymnasium into an airy, white-wall- ed headquarters for the anatomy de- partment this winter. The iron tables from the old medical building have been salvaged and are being Let Hot Water Dissolve Your Corns To quickly end sore, aching corns the surest remedy is the hot foot bath treatment and a few applications of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Full directions in each package, You won't be disappointéd because Put- nam's Extractor painlessly removes corns, foot lumps, callouses, ete., and leaves no mark or scar. ise 8 #ub- stitute for "Putnam's." 25 cents, at all druggists. i Fo EA Th * . MAGNESIA BEST FOR YOUR INDIGESTION Pat mas wb Most people who suffer, either oc- casiotidlly or chronically from gas, sourness and indigestion, have now discontinue! disagreeable diets, pat- ent foods and the use of = harmful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artificial digestents, and instead, fol- lowing the advice so often given in these columns, take a teaspoonful or two tablets of Bisurated Magnesia in a little water after meals with the re- sult that their stomach no longer troubles them, they are able to eat as they please and they enjoy much better health. Those who use Bi- surated Magnesia never dread the ap- proach of meal time because they know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can be obtain- fitted into position in the new room. A section of the basement has been fitted up for a store-room. Cheese Board Sales. Napanee, 280 at 16 1-dc. Madoc, 369 at 16 5-16¢c. Belleville, 2,985 at 16 5 16c. Lgudon, 65 offered, 16¢ bid, no sales. Cornwall, 2,640 at 16 1-4c. Vankleek Hill, 1,341 at 16 3-8c. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 300 at 16c. Back On the Job. Postmaster James Stewart is back on the job again, after three weeks' holidays. With Mrs. Stewart and Miss Bessie Stewart, he spent a very pleasant time at Mrs. John Carson's cottage, Dead Man's Bay. While there, Postmaster Stewart took part in several quoiting matches and wita "Ken" MeCullough as his partner, defeated Messrs. McLeod and Kelly ic a thrilling game. To Enter Royal Military College, The following boys from Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, have qualified for admission to the Royal Military College: Hartland Molson, C.M.G., M.C., of Montreal; Bartlett Ogilvie, of Montreal; George Me- Greevy, son of Col. H. 8. McGreevy, of Quebéc, and Ross Patton, sos of J. F. Patton, formerly of Montreal, now of New York. Ordered To School, At Madoc, Charles Roote appear- ed before Magistrate Casement charged with the theft of a sum of money from Frank Ashley, West Huntingdon The accused was found guilty and ordered to be kept in the Industrial School at Mimico until he becomes twenty-one years of age: Roote, when he committed this of- fence wds out on a suspended sen- tence on a charge of theft. To Hold A Convention. Rev. W. H. Raney, chairman of the Kingston Methodist district at- tended a Missionary conferénce in Ottawa, It was announced that during the first week in November a large convention will be held in To- ronto of all four Methodist confer- ences in Ontario, and including also the Montreal conference, in eonnec- tion with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Methodist Missionary Society in Canada. The convention will be largely inspirational and to demon- strate the fruits of mission work, Carelessness In Canoe. The Smith's Falls Record-News says that an accident occurred there this week which might easily have resulted in loss of life. Five young people, all in one canoe, were out on the river just above she lift bridge. As they approached the pier one of the canoeists tried to reach the wharf without a paddle. After several unsuccessful attempts he made a special effort and preci- pitated himself and his friends into the water. As all members of the party could not swim it is indeed fortunate that at this point the wa- ter is only four or five feet deep. |The only serious damage done was to a couple of cameras in the ca- noe. Radio Announcement, The H. W. Newman Electric Co. announce that Mr. Bruce Saunders, B.Sc., Queen's, has joined our staff and has taken over the management of the radio department. As Mr. Saunders has given special study to radio. both in his course at Queen's and elsewhere, he has acquired ex- pert knowledge of the science in all ith branches. We are therefore glad to assure our patrons and our radio enthusiasts both in city and coun- try that our service will be the best that can be given. Our Neutrodyne sets we can recommend very highly. They give excellent service; you can listen in on stations all over. the continent of North America. We build single Tale sets up to 0 stages of amplification. We are agents for several good makers of machines. Boys who wish to build their own sets we will be glad to show them how. We carry a complete stock of all parts, Come in and see our demons stration. Radio Department, HL W, Neman Electric Co., 167 Princess St. NORTHBROOK PROGRESSING. Each V.cek Sees New Development In This Village. Northbrook, Sept. 8.--Each week sees new development in our small village, Mr. Hugh Saul has erected a new meat shop. Frost slightly touched this part, doing little damage. Our picnic on Aug. 27th was a de- cided sudcess in spite of the showers. Many enjoyed the sports and about $150 was cléared. Re Miss Cronkite, of Portsmouth, has taken charge of our school. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thompson and family spent their vacation in Of- tawa and eastern points. Mrs. William Atkins and daughter, Theresa, are visiting Mr. Martin At- kins, Windsor. Messrs. Earl and Clayton Cole, Buffalo, motored home tor the Cloyne picnic on Sept. 5th, which much much enjoyed. . Mr. and Mrs. A. B! Fletcher at- tended the faneral of his mother in Hamilton. Judge and Mrs. Deroche of Napa- nee, were registered at the Moon House Thursday while returning from a fishing trip north. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Lioyd spent the week-end at Newburgh. Many enjoyed the dance in Cum- mings' hall Friday evening. Frank Yanch furnished the music. @ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lloyd are visiting friends in Munro, Mich. PE ------------ On Saturday at the heme of Mrs. David Waters, Belleville, a quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated when her daughter, Marjorie MacKensie Waters, graduate of the Faxton Hos- pital, Utica, N.Y., became the bride of Thomas 'W, Third, New York, Nef's. Isabel Barnum, widow of the Try | late Simon P. Barnum, died Friday night at the.residenee of her daugh- ter, Mrs. M. A. Phillips, Belleville. She was in her eighty-séveiith year and a Methodist. Her husband pre- deceaged her twenty-four years ago. Miss Lena Minaker, Tweed, was Notes From Bongard's, Bongard's, Sept. 6.--Quarterly sacramental service will be held at Bongard's church, Sunday, Sept. 7th. The Misses David, Picton, accompan- fed by thelr guests, Dr. and Mrs. Leakes, of Jacksonville, Fla., were recent callers at the home of Mrs. J. D. Bongard. Mrs 8. Wright is this weék with friends at Cressy. Mr. and Mrs. T. BE. Slater, Cressy, also Mrs. P. Benson, of Rédench Beach, Cal, were guests at Adam Harrison's on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, C. Storms attended a family picnic at the Sand Banks on Sunday lgst. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Cornock, Ple- ton, are with their son, W. C, Me- Cornock's. W. Furlong with Mrs. Furlong and family, Chicago, Ill, were renewing acquaintances here last week. Miss R. Eaton Jeft on Monday for Ban- " RA stock. si, JK 7 Makers 8] ji LOIS eV MN ) S-- Nellellell e olle@lellellelle INSURANCE lee leille lle! elle] CANADIANS may well pay homage to the memory of those illustrious Statesmen whose portraits are contained in that famous painting "The Fathers of Confederation." We have a limited number of reprcductions of this painting which we are distributing FREE, along with a biographical sketch of the first Prime Minister of the Dominion. If you wish to secure a copy, complete and mail coupon below. EXCELSIOR L| FE === misses MATL THIS TO-DAY {| H. D. Wightman, Disirl et Agent, Kingston, Ont. i Please send me FREE, béoklét sud reprodustion of famous | "The Fathers of Confederation". o ~ Good makes of Hard, Common, Pressed and Rustic Brick carried in + -S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED | Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. ellellellellelelllelielll "7 - Do You Know Their Names? - lle hy Y HE BIE [ BUN IC NIECE JIN BIEN painting elijellelllolle|lelle | e| elle 7 OI SE SSE SI ED er, Mrs. R. Hargison 8 returned after spending the.holidays with Mrs. W. B. Law, at her summer home, Cressy. Mrs. and Mrs, G, Storms and Mr. and Ms. N. Frizzell, Cressy, were recent visitors at Mrs. Shepard's, Rev. Mr. Cafléy has returned from her holidays. Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Carnshan spent Sunday at Fair. mount. croft, where she is engaged as toach.: Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing specialty . Automobile Radiators repaired. 69 DAGOT ST. 'PHONE 2158m. It took six days ¢o make the world and still some want to change' it in one. Never count your chickens before they return from an auto ride. Nr 3

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