WELSH CHOIR T0-NIGHT BiG MUSICAL EVENT lf The Choir "Has Met With a Success on i oh Tour. THE GARDEN OF FOLLY By He'll Answer Your Questions, Some- STEPHEN LEACOCK how, Here is another book of shrewd wis- dom and genial humor by the author of Literary Lapses, Nonsense Novels and ..gnany other favorites, R. Uglow & Co. MONUMENTS Before placing your order for a Monument, or having Letter ing dome in cemetery SEE J. E.-Mullen | 887 Frontenac St., Kingston Phone gm Hard Wood Kindling and' Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son : 840 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. Ladies' Patent and Highest Grade Vici Kid Oxfords and Pumps Turn Soles, French Heels -- made by Bell and Smardon. These Shoes formerly sold for $7.50, $9.00 and some as high as $12.00. We admit the styles have changed, yet these Shoes make the prettiest evening shoes money can buy. We must clear them immediately, so offer them to you at ONE DOLLAR it will pay you to buy 3 or 4 pairs. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE The musical event of the season will be given at Grant hall, Queen's! University, to-night, when the Rhondda Welsh niale choir will ap- pear under the auspices of the King- ston Rotary club. All over the Unit- ed States the choir has been meeting with tremendous success, and on its Canadian tour the same success is as- | surred. The following press extractss will be read with interest: The Rhondda Welsh Glee Singers is a finely drilled choir. The voices are unusually good, and the enthus- fasm--fire would better describe it-- with which every phrase and idea was given, was memorable. The balance and the dynamics were *be- yond criticism. There was an irre- sistible "go" in their music and a decided minimum of the falsetto from the temars. It was a straight- away, highly intelligent manful style of music, and those who made up the large audience can tell others what they missed.--Newport Times, Rhode Island. No exaggeration to say that finer work of this kind has never been heard in Troy. Composed of four- teen voices, yet the volume produced is that of a far larger body. They are a perfectly blended chorus of male voices, wholly creditable to the musical reputation of musical Wales, and worth a repetition wherever they appear--The Troy Record, New York. Something unusual in the line of musical entertainment, Hearty ap- plause greeted every mumber, com- pelling encore after encore. Voices blending beautifully. These men from Wales shun the musical trash, prefering rather to sing fcr art's sake.----~Woonsocket Herald, Rhode Island. The most notable feature was the ensemble singing by the chorus. When the soloists sang one could judge the individual excellence of the members who make up the chorus, but even with such good sing- ers to start with, the work of the chorus was remarkable. It was like playing on one instrument, the unity of tone and feeling seemed to com- If life for you is far from bright, Don't hesitate a bit to write To Wally; when trom. him you hear Once more life will be full of cheer. The Well-dressed Maid. Dear Wally: I'm up in the air! Please tell what dress I ought to wear When I go to a baseball game With my best fellow, Puzzled Mame, home-made bread The can eat. on makes them thrive so Dear Puzzled Mame: Well, I declare! So that has you up in the air! Come down then, for at baseball games ° Ball gowns are proper for the dames. Dear Wally: I'm Just nineteen. A man I'know says I'm a queen. His wife has left him. Do you think I should go with him? Tickled Pink. Dear Tickled Pink: You miake me laugh! | Go get a nice new phdtograph. When for divorce his wife sues, You'll thea look pretty in the news. These Days. Hoyle: "Lagt Sunday's sermon was the most interesting one I've listen- ed to in years." Shaw: "Too bad I missed it, old man. Our radio set is out of order." Alex. Werner, my cur'osity, but whar did you get dis melon?" "Why dat came outem mah own patch, parson," said his host. "Come outem your own patch?" questioned the minister, sternly, "den how come it's' got bird shot in i" KINGSTON'S BIGGEST HOME FURNISHERS THE HOME OF GOOD FURNITURE Looking into the future in buying Furniture, think of the years to In choosing your Furniture you want to be sure of Style, Quality and Price. Furniture that will give you the greatest amount of wear and pleas sure can be had at REID'S. Our store offers excellent store sere --Helen Solomon. Falsely Accused. Shelton: "You know we have to economise, and yet you will play bridge and lose money?" Mrs. Shelton: "That's not true, Walter! Whenever I lose, I always give my 1.0.U. to the winner." ~--Mrs. Bernard Livingston. Sleepy Hollow? Whiz: "This old town has such a sleepy air." Bang: "Yes, it is full of 'Bedtime Storfes'." \ Hal. Einger. nn (Copyright 1924, Reproduction Forbidden.) Either there aren't so many revo- [ or. Waugh 08 Wettngion o. Phone 256. 2. tk - PHONES 3361r--038W, BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. 400 ALBERT STREET 168 PRINCESS ST. FRENCH CHINA "Just received a shipment of French _ China Dinnerware, direct 'from Limoges, i 'whereall good French China comes from. eit Our open stock patterns are now com- plete, and we advise our many 'open stock customers" to match up their dinnerware ahonce anid avoid any disappointments, "Jt will be to the advantage of those not yet started on these beautiful patterns to see them before deciding on their dinnerware. lutions in Central andl South America any more, or else the press corre- spondents are laying dowd on the Job. ARE YOU IN A POSITION ANSWER? Who has the greater chance of success in life: the fellow who keeps his nose to the grindstone or the fellow who keeps his ear to the ground? TO Mmnsssssint, Sad Memories. Kind Lady: "Why did you shudder so whea I mentioned pie?" The Tramp: "I used to be a movie comedian. Do I get it in my face or on a plate?" --Paul 8. Powers. Its Nature. Prospect: "Why do you declare that this machine is essentially a wo- man's car?" a Salesman: "It's the last word." ~--Qeorge F. Paul. A Man's Version, There are stockings large and. small, There are stockings awful thin. At some, I must not look at all; They are so neat and trim, I know they wear 'em short, I know there's some like flesh, What is to be the next resort? Were I to guess, they'd say I'm fresh! ~~Gilbert H. Hill. The Eternal Feminine, The pair were drifting in a canoe. The moonlight shimmered on the water. 'The setting was one to pro- duce the usual sadness. He proposed (as she knew he would.) Just as he was about to enfold her in his arms, the canoe upset. She sank beneath the water, but immediately upon coming up said: "Oh John! This is so sudden." Readers are Tequssted to contri. bute. All humor: e frams (or humorous mottoes), fram es, anec- dotes, poetry, bur '8qu and bright sayings of chi be original and unpublished. cepted material will be paid for at from $1.00 to $10.00 per a Ent from 25e. to $1.00 per line for poetry according to the c! r and value of the airibution, 3 as a"gotermined by the BEditor of n Shop. All manuscripts -- be waitten on one side of the per only, should bear name Bi ras en ay apaper, and should be ad Fun Shop Headguasteos Tow Woot 40th Street, New York City. Unaccepted contri- butions cannot be returned. plete, and the singers followed their leader in Schenectady Gazette, New York, beautifully and the result is a. rich and soulful flow of stirring music. The tang of the sea was in it, the beauty hills the gedness of forth, and the and soul tempered all the strains.-- Prof, L. V. Campbell, Simmons Col- such perfect accord.-- The voices blend and harmonize and and courage pathos of Welsh homes were there, and honest rug- your people stood sweetness of heart lege, Bost From the first notes of the vigor- Welsh air, "Harlech," to the GANANOQUE Sept. 9.--Wilfred Mergan, chester, N.Y., is spending his holi- days with his mother, Mrs. Frank Amo, Main street. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mackay re- last number on the programme the singers showed themselves masters of their art. They know; to sing to- gether, their blending being superb, and their ensemble being in reality the best part of their well-rendered programme. -- Auburn Advertiser, turned home after spending the week in Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y. Felix Lachapelle and the Misses Lachapelle have returned to Mont- real, having spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherbano, Garden street. \ Leonard Littlejohn, Miss Loretta Littlejohn and Miss McMcDonald are at the Otawa exhibition. Mrs| Nellie O'Neill and Misses Betty and Lenore Lariviere and Duffy Lariviere left yesterday for Evansville, Ind., after spending the summer on Tremon Park. Mr. Gisselingham and daughter Gertrude, Watertown, N.Y., spent the week-end with Miss Lena Dorey, River street. Bmile Vincent returned yesterday from a holiday in Taronmto. Oliver and John Wing who have been at Toronto and Niagara ar- rived home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs: Malcolm Harding were in Kingston yesterday. Miss Blanch Webster who has tor): where I am. New Yorn x LETTERS To The Editor I 'Writes From Missouri. Missouri, Sept. 2.--(To the Edi- After reading your valuable paper, which my mother always for- wards to me, I thought I would sit doym and write a letter to you, so ag to let my Kingston friends know I am featured with the Gold Medal Shows as "The Most Ta- tooed Man in the World." 1,100 different designs on my body, and the only=man in the world who has a design on his tongue. my name on my tongue in Chinese writing, I have I have I am just finishing a masterpiece design on the back of John Walters here. The famous "Lord's Last Sup- STELLA'S GRAIN OROP, The Work of Cutting Has Been Com- There. pleted Stella, Sept. 9.--Grain cutting hag been completed on the island, but the harvesting of it is very slow on t of the wet weather, The threshing machines have started field threshing, but find it very slow, work. A mew gasoline-operated thresher has been purchased by a syndicate in thé third concession, Nothing further has been learned of the fate of David Tugwell and Harvey Sheldon, who left Oswego, N. Y., in a motor boat on Aug. 15th. Mr. Tugwell was born on the island, a son of J. Caleb Tugwell, who lives on the south shore. He was a car- penter by trade, and worked at that business for a namber of years in Stratford. He moved to Oswego about 15 years ago. His wile and daughter still re- main here. The summer visitors and campers at Stella have nearly all taken their departure. The schools hav: all re- opened after the summer hoidays, with changs in teachers in four of them. Miss Sylvester is in charge of 8.8. No. 16, Miss Nellie MacDonald, ! . Sl n » High grade goods at the lowest possible prices. | been in London the past week, re- turned yesterday. Mrs. J. D. Matthews and daugh- ters, Misses Louise, Janet and Edith, feft yesterday for Alberquerque, New Mexico, having spent the sum- mer here. Mise Kathleen Clow who was tak- en to St. Vincent de Paul hospital on Sunday, suffering from appendi- citis, is progressing favorably. W. GC. McCarney has returned from' Toronto. = per." I am having a photo of it made now, which I will send you one later. + Missouri is a fine state, bnt we feel the financial stringency here, the same as other states. They claim presidential year is always a hard year in the States. I have toured thirty-seven different states since I left -Kingston over a year ago. I have an offer to go in the National Muséum at New York this winter. Well, I'll close now, hoping to see this in your valuable paper. | --SAILOR JOE. 8.8. No. 2, Clarence Hogesboom, 8.8. the house he purchased from D, No. 3, and Miss Pentleton, 8.8. No. Ames. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Burt and ¢ b. Miss. O'Brien, Kingston, has suc- ceeded Miss Salsbury as principal of the high I. Visitors: Miss Me McBride, To- ronto, and W. 5 Ada, Otisya, at 8. L. Pringle's; Mrs. R. P. Sanders is spending a few days in the city. Mrs, G. Sargent and daughter, Montreal, 'Que., at A. Reid's; Miss J. Clark, Kingston, has returned home after spending a 'seek with Mrs. W. Mont- gomery. H, BE. Pense, of the Whig staff, spent a few days on the island. Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, Cleveland, 0., at Robt. McCormick's. wilds From Westport, tourists freely pass Heary Fisher left Kingston to his house In the and has secured work from Ames. Mrs, L. Snook, Kingston, 4 recent visitor at Mrs. Sproule's. Ernest Sproule and ily attended the Toronto exhi Henry Macrow is operating motor trip to Syracuse and Bu and attended the Toronto exhib en route home. We are not so ourselves make in w to may much to sirais those virtues ich really we have a those to s wh avoid _imperfee