a eps 5 Py and of 4 modern hotel = cruises next win- (2nd, rsecvations should be e Con Regrind 4 Your Cylinders jus with the base round and with 'a heavy duty cylinder f machine, giving perfect in every respect. Automotive ders Limited 225 Wellington Street -- Never risk a joke, even the least ive in its nature, and the most on, with a person who is not with a sense to compre- dt. o Tops and | Recovered MARTIN'S SCHOOL WON At the Portland Township Fair For the Best Parade Outfit. Yarker, Sept. 9.--One thing, the country has an abuandant supply of vegetables and root crops in this section and they can be bought cheap. Canning is being done in many households. David Stewart and wife left again for Rochester, N. Y. A. D. Leonard and wife are holiday- |- ing in western Ontario. Mrs. Charles Timmermon spent a week in Yarker at her brother's home. Anglican and Methodist churches have been closed for three weeks and will open again next Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Harting- ton, are at A. D. Leonard's. Mait- land Lake, Manson Lee, C. Edgar and wife, O. Winter, A. D. Leonard and wife, Mrs. A. H. Montgomery Mrs. M. Foster, Mr. Richardson and wife took in the Toronto fair. H. Ferrier and wife, the Montreal bank, have returned from Ingersoll. Mrs. F. 8. Rutton, who died in Woodstock, was held in high esteem here. She was one of the best te-chers that ever taught school here, taking a deep interest in the scholars, both in school and out. Schoo! has again opened with the same teachers in charge, Aylsworth and Thomas. Cyms Edgar has completed a fine verandah for Mr. Rutton. Archi- bald Card is home from the King- ston General Hospital. All the Yarker patients will soon be able to come home from the Hotel Dieu and General Hospital. Martin's school, Marson Freeman, teacher, again won out in the parade march at Portland township fair held at Harrowsmith. M. Foster will again show his fine carriage horse at the coming fall fairs. SHARBOT LAKE TIDINGS. Hiram Hawley Had His Heel Hacked With Adze, Sharbot Lake, Sept. 9.--Hiram Hawley cut his heel very badly with an adze while working on the Can- adian Pacific bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meighen, Cranbrook, B. C., visited W. Pappa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, spent last Friday in Toron- HEMORRHOIDS Do not suffer another rgieal ope or Hemorrhoids. Neo eration required. Dr. Chase's Sirglen nth will Jelleve you at once and afford lasting, Den, a box; al dealers, or De Bates & Cou. Limited. Toronto. Sample box free. "AUTO TOPS New and Repaired Cushions SIDE CURTAINS. Also FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING I. G. PAUL 392 Princess Street 'Phone 1640F. SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Summer Furniture SALE | Everything Reduced. Grand Opportunity To Save Money. Mattresses . ....... | : 'Mah Tables fs vr oe Brass Beds $12, $18 up Iron Beds . $4.75 Walnut Finished, 2" posts, $10.50 Springs -- : $5to $12 .... $4.50 to $30.00 to. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walroth are spending their holidays ia Toronto and Niagara Falls. Mrs. A. Edwin and Miss Bessie Edwin, are visiting friends in Toronto and Omemee, Mrs. D. Gemmil, Snow Road, visit- ed Mrs. J. H. Fair, last week. J. H. Fair has gone to Toronto with a car of cattle. Mrs. W. Y. Cannon, Kingston, visited at Dr. Suddaby's a few days. The school fair passed off very nicely with quite a crowd in atendance. This school took the first prize. Zealond school took sec- ond prize. Mr. and Mrs. W, Kim- perly, Cecil, who motored to Oshawa and Toronto have returned. A. Middleton received word that his brother in Napanee, Ephraim Middleton, had died. Mts. H. Mart- in has returned to her home th Perth. Albert Buell is able to be around in crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Bunk visited friends on Sunday last near Crosby. The Methodist parsonage is under- going some repairs. We are having lots of rain here. Erie Lee is at- tending Perth Collegiate. Noris Thomlinson has gone west on the excursion. M. Long is at his home here on some holidays. Pleasant Valley Wedding. Pleasant Valley, Sept, 8.--Several severe electric storms, accompanied by heavy winds, visited this locality recently, doing considerable damage te corn, etc., and putting the local phone lines out of commission. A wedding of interest was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage, Harrow- smith, on Aug. 27th, when Robert J. Kerr and Miss Florence Convery were united in marriage by Rev. E. 8. Doggett. Harry Kerr, cousin of the groom, and Miss Pearl Convery, sister of the bride, were the attend- ants. The happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto and Nia- gara. On their return they will re- side on the groom's rarm near Pet- worth. All join in wishing them fu- ture happiness. Jack Manson has returned to the western provinces to accept a iucra- tive position, Local sportsmen re- port good success during the first day's hunt. John Barr called at G. Barr's recently. Miss Helen Kerr is visiting friends in Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Boyce and , school, scns, Earl and Silas, also Mr. and Mrs, Zara Reynolds, are enjoying a motor trip through Michigan. A umber attended the school fair at Harrowsmith today. Bethel Paragraphs. Bethel, Stp. 8.--Our school op- ened on Tuesday last, with Miss Alice. MacDonald, Camden East, as teacher. The farmers are busy cut- ting corn and buckwheat. Mrs. Edith Alkenbrack and grand-daugh- ter, Laura, spent Tuesday with Mrs. M. McWilliams. Mrs. Jay Hamilton visited Mrs. D. Rogers, at Hinch. Mrs. John Galbraith and children visited Mrs. C. Histed, Camden East. A number from here are antici- pating taking in the fall fairs at Napanee and Kingston, Miss Jes- sie Hamilton is attending Newburgh high school. S. McLean, an old resident was renewing acquaintances through here last week. Rev. Roy McWilliams, wife and two children, have returned to Toronto after vis- iting his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. James Manion have returned home after spending three months in Buffalo, N.Y., and *Toron- to. 'Bigin McWilliams, Joseph Lew- is and George Jackson, have return- ed after attending the Toronto fair. Preparing For a Bazaar. Findlay Station, Sept. 8--The Lad- ies' Aid met at the home of Mrs, James Wilson, on Thursday after- noon. The ladies are preparing for a bazaar. Lunch was provided by Mrs. G. Millions and Mrs. J. Gilles- ple. Leonard Bedore and his sisters, Misses Bessie and Beatrice, and Miss Myrtle Sidley, Kingston, spent Sun- day at James Mullin's. Mr. and Mrs. James Agnew visited friends at Inverary recently. Mrs. John Breb- ner and daughter, Kingston, visited at Elmer Garrett's last week. Mrs, Ho- gan, Belleville, is visiting at John Wilson's. Miss Sleeth, Battersea, is teaching Joyceviile school. Miss Jen- nie Mundell, Washburn, is teaching at Garrett school, and Miss Meta Campsall, Hartington, is back with the Woodburn scholars. All are anxious for the Joyceville school fair, also Bushell's big fair. Hold Harvest Dinner, Lake Opinicon, Sept. 8.--The farmers are through harves'mg, The hool has opened after the holidays i Miss McLean as teacher. Big preparations are made for the an- nual harvest dinner op the 11th. Miss Mabel Darling has returned to Levack after spending the past three weeks at her home here. Miss M. Henderson spent a few days of last week at K. Dagling's. Mrs. L. | Hughson attended Toronto KExhibi-| tion. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ennis made a business trip to Elgin. S. Ripley. To he pure all 'things are pure, and to the crazy all thing are A little higher in price, but -- what a wonderful difference a few cents make. A SPLENDID SCHOOL FAIR. Was An Event on Sept 8rd, at Moun- tain Grove. Mountain Grove, Sept. 9.--Grain harvesting is delayed owing to the continual showery weather. The rural school fair, held here on the 3rd, was well attended. Some splendid exhibits were to be seen in the hall, while some good fowl, stock, etc., were to be seen in the yard. The parade was very inter- esting and the schools exceptionally well trained. The Maple Leaf school with Miss K. Reesor as teach- er, taking first prize. The Star Miss Vera McDonald, teach- er, was second, while Elmdale, un» der J. McCrimmon, was third. The W. I. served dinner and supper in the hall. | Each year the school fair is improving, and soon will be equal to or perhaps supersede the town- ship fall fairs. Miss Grace Thompson has gong to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Patients, Iowa, are at N. McCrimmon's. G. Vandewater has returned tp Water- town, N.Y. Rev. and Mrs. Gall are spending the week at Colburne. Visitors at Mclean, McLean, Sept. 8.--Parham fair is this week and some are looking for- ward for it. A very good créwd at- tended church yesterday. Jack Mor- ris, Staten Island, N.Y, is visiting at his mother-in-law's, Mrs. M. Fcs- ter"s. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Sills, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sills, and Mrs. N, Simpson, at Aaron Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Wellia Smith visited at H. Hard- wick's, Mountain Grove, Miss Flos- sie Asselstine is spending a few days at R. Woods' and W, Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. James Embury and Louisa spent Sunday at W. Hars's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wood and Miss Flossie Asselstine took tea at W. Cousin's. Edith and Reta Hare spent the past week visiting at B. McCum- ber's. Beatrice and Reta Brown are visiting with Louisa Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown and sons spent Sun- day night at R. Woods'. Clinton Wagar spent Sunday at Edward Brown's. Miss Melissa Hare at W, Cousins' Sunday evening. Training for School Fair. Joyceville, Sept. 9.--The threshing machine is busy in the neighborhood. School opened on Tuesday with Miss Sleeth, Battersea, as teacher. The pupils are training for the school fair. which is to be held Friday, September 12th. The many friends of Mrs. D. McCarey are glad to know she has re- covered after her recent {llness. Cecil Hitchcock has gone west, Mies Jose- phine Milne left on Tuesday for Ot- tawa, to take chargé of her achool. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cunningham, Massena, N. Y., visited their daagh- ter, Mrs. Leslib Woods. Mrs. Don- aldson, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Woods. Tysic's Corners News. Tysic's Corners, Sept. 8. -- The farmers are nearly all through hay- ing and harvesting. School has re- opened with Miss Elsie Rutherford as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. James LeCord and their daughter Rita, have been visiting John Donnelly. Duncan Tysic is busy skidding Bis ep at the present time. Mrs, J. Stafford, Miss Vera Campbell B 'Wesley Kemp motored to Ap- pleton and spent a few days with Mrs. Norman Morris and then went on to Ottawa, returning on Saturday after enjoying a very pleasant trip. They returned to Kingston on Sun- day. -, Rev. J. 8. Henderson, Vancouver, declares that bootlegging in British Columbia is more in evidence since Government control than before its advent. Countess Gabriella Scechenyl shot hersel? to death as the result, it is stated in Gemeva, of an unhappy love affair with Archduke Eugene. IN ANY CASE, the Goodyear Selected Dealer Can Meet Your Needs THE Goodyear Selected Dealer realizes that motorists have varying tire needs. He offers a complete line of tires to meet those needs--but all Goodyear quality and Goodyear value. Low price may be impor- tant to you. You may only figure on driving your car till Spring. You may need the unequalled road- grip of the All-Weather Tread. You may be going on a long tour and need absolute dependability. You may want the won- JOD "YEAR Tires & TuBES Selected Dealer. Buy where you see the sign above derful new comfort of balloon tires. You may like the new small wheels or you may want to use your present wheels and rims. In any case, the Goodyear Selected Dealer can meet your needs. Goodyear "makes a tire for each purse and purpose. But all give the extra value of the largest tire pro- duction. See your Goodyear Selected Dealer. He can save you the time of shopping. Goodyear means Good Wear GOODS YEAR GOODYEAR TIRES FOR SALE AT VANLUVEN BROS. 34 Princess St. % Dominion Royal Cord Balloon Tires are .made by exclusive processes eV. inflation makes quality more ph than ever an indispensable tees Dominion Roynl ( Cord Balloon Tires are the only balloon tires in Canada in which the Web Cord ord end Sprayed a ensure the and econom EE eT Rubber ey ubber processes DOMINION TIRES SOLD BY BOYD'S GARAGE LIMITED 129 BROCK STREET. TELEPHONE 201w.