BRITISH WHIG -- IURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1924 THE DAILY -- gp 'R. ORWELL TAXI SERVICE 'Phone House 1315 DELCO- LIGHT The Electric Light and Power for every country home. W.C. CANNON Bt eS ---- 364 Barrie Street. "Phone 1150J. p------ rnished house, Oct. 1st to May ww $ rooms, 4 bedrooms. First glass condition, all conveniences, cen- ocation. $65.00 per month. Kira) oo Floor Office Premises, 3 gooms, water and toilet, Good loca- tion. 25.00 per month. Puraianed ae Qct. 1st to May ist. 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, new furnace, newly decorated, ail con- ' yeniences, central location. $60.00 month. ener] Insurance. K. H. Waddell Phones 124, S66. 86 Brock Street PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. ¥ "DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 868, For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, Pian, | CARTAGH and STORAGE OF EICHRIFPTION £ . Kingston Transfer Co. Phu... »v. EvanINGS 2331, ¥ A083 WELLINGTON STREET a » Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets, IF TROUBLED WITH DIARRHOEA It Will Give You RELIEF This valuable preparation has heen on the market for the past 80 years, aad holds a reputation, socond to mous, for the relief of all bowel complaints whether of children or adults. | only by The T. Mil bara Co. Limited, Toronto. Oat QUEENS HOTEL over by M. J. BER- RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hetel. First class Hotel Service is assured. Good yard and stables in conneetion, Your patronage is solicited. 110 BROCK ST. - - - PHONE 780. TIRED FEET SKIN-IRRITATION, BRUISES re A A --r JARS $0c, & 60s, ~TUBES 50c.--At all Drug Stores Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty, Automobile Radiators repaired. 69 NAGOT ST. 'PHONR 3158m. Phone 316 and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Dally except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Eatrance: 15 Wellington St. B y app Phone 470. -- WATTS People's bworist 177 Wellington Street Flowers and Plants daily. designs and wedding uets to order. FPhoge 1768. ence 1187. CW. R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block | Thiswould be a | Sad Old World § without fire. Fires you must have, and they might as well be : good ones, We have the coal that makes the best kind of §ood fires. | BOOTH & CO. "Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards 6. A Wright & So Have removed to their new building 234-336 ONTARIO SPRERT Opposite Fire Department DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST is th Now ; e time to get your dents, Camp Beds, and Cots at rock bot. Princess Street. "Phose 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 84 Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 33 Princéss Street, Phone 2043w, Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark wil) Sntinue ia edniuct the practice OFFION: 84 BROCK STREBT Evenings by appointment. Phone 2003 -------- HEMSTITOHING, PIOOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES Nationa! Gleaners Phoge 2100. Bagot and William Streets EE ---- | KINGSTON A ND DISTRICT Purchased Property, Thomas Burns has purchased the Malcolm property om Cockburn street, Perth, and will have it reno- vated. ---- Setgied In New hy Rev. F. Louls Barber is now set- | tied in the new rectory on Princess street, Gananoque. It is a model! residence for the popular rector of Christ chureh, New Ice Business. William Echlin, Perth, is contem- plating going into the ice business next year and is getting a building and apparatus ready to start as soon a8 possible, A Son Killed. Henry Sheppard, Minto, Man., re- ceived the sad news on Saturday while in Lansdowne, that his son, George, had been accidentally kill- ed. He and Mrs. Donley (his sig- ter) left at once for home. A Sale of Farms. Walter Meyers, Sidney township, has gold his place to Mr. McMasters, Lingbay. Mr. Meyers has bought the place formerly owned by 0, Ma- ther, on the 5th concession of Thur. low, rr ---- Applications Being Made, Already applications are being re- ceived by Lt. Col, Gray for 1925 de- livery for fish fry. The Rideau Lakes Protective and Aquatic Association are applying for 100,000 salmon trout fry and 10,000 smallsmouthed black bass fry "for Portland. The departmefit will endeavor to supply FN Son 7 Mir. A. ROWLETT, Gilbert Plains, Man. wee: "1 Would Have Lost A Fingér - but for Zam-Buk. It was my right fore-finger--black with poison and swollen four times no size. '1 tried poulticing ; bathing ft with antiseptics; even had the doctor lance it for 1} inches, but throbbing pain continued day and night until the druggist put me on to Zam-Buk. ' Nothing could have been finer than the quick way this great healer ended the terrible pain and removed poison. It set me right in a week." SAVES MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL! ZAM-BUK is always the safest and best family remedy to use for eczema, salt rheum, acne. [implen ulcers, poisoned wounds, bad , piles, scalp disease, burns, scalds, cuts, chafing, soreness, in~ flammation, ate. 80c. box, 8 for $1.95. LITA msn $3,800--7 rooms, & bedrooms, toilet, elec. Garden , 50x250. $300 down and balgnce on easy terms. 34,700---Brish. ho with 4 ok rooms a sewing b. and a separate tollet, furnace, elec. and gas, 3 storey Jerundan; hardwood floors thronghout, , garded , and garage. South, ce price as owner 18 leaving the city. $7,000--8 room stone, & Frog » $D.b. and toilet on frst floor, hardwood floors through. out, garage and garden. h. elec. and gas, BOL | . Beau«| REET of Soap Visitors to the Fafr will do Lo ny Sia suply of insite Soap. oe Soap. all other lakes as heretofore. Ap- plication must be made each year, however. To Lose Saloist, Brockville is shortly to loge a so- loist, Mrs. A. S. Gonting, who is re- moving to Ottawa to become soloist in St. Luke's church, Mrs, Gonting has been a member of Trinity church choir, Brockville, for some years. Changes in Bank Clerks. J. H. Tallyn, accountant in the Royal Bank, Tweed, has been trans- ferred to a branch of the Bank at Navan, near Ottawa, A. Leader, Junior clerk, goes to Enterprise, and Thomas Collins takes his place at Tweed. -- Cheose Board Sales, Napanee, 680 at 16 11-16¢c. Belleville, 1,600 at 16 3-16¢c to 16 1-3. Perth, 1,475 at-18¢ to 16 1-8c. Madoc, 435 at 16 1-4e. Vankleek Hill, 1.316 at 16 1-16¢. St. Hyabinthe, Que., 500 at 15 1-2¢. W. E. Windover, Frankford, Deall, W. BE. Windover, a prominent re- sident of Frankford, passed away on Friday, after a lingering illness. De- ceased was fifty-nine years of age and was born in Hastings county. For a number of years he conducted a general store. Mr. Windover was the first reeve of the village when it was incorporated a few years ago. He was a member of the Methodist church and was identified with the 1.O.O.F. and Chosen Friends Sovi- jety. A widow, one son _and three daughters. survive. Taught by Miss Whelan, Among the lst of Queen's scho- larships recently published appears CHAGRIN EXPRESSED. By London Papers Over Defeat of of British Polo Team, London, Sept. 15.~~The commen- tators in the morning newspapers expressed chagrin over the defeat {of the British in the first of the in. | ternational polo matches at Meadow- (brook. They were not surprised that the United States won but they were not prepared for such ap over. whelming score. The Daily Bx- press declared the defeat together with Lord Winborpe's departure for Tfiome will break the controversy which has heen raging behind the scenes for months. The sporting public here, it is said, will be concerned less about defeat than by the fect that the British team 1s in no wise the best available, This ye to A series of unfortunate events which have long hampered the polo enthusiasts and which are alleged to be traceable to personal antagoniem. The Daily News truthfully recalls a long series of British failures in internetional sport of which the Meadowbrook polo and the Walker cup, golf, ere only the latest examples. Nevertheless it refuses to beMeve the British Bm- pire is in danger of moral or physi- cal decay, and hopefully looks for the day when the tables will be turned, OFFER OF FRANCE. To Found International Institute For Intellectual Co-operation, Geneva, Sept, 15.---France's gen- erous offer to found at Paris an In- ternational Institute for imteliectual co-operation under the direction of the League of Nations, has been wel. comed everywhere, but the question .{ 1s raised as to the Institute's rela- tion with the existing organisation already devoting itself to furthering international co-operation. The in- stitution is designed for eco-operat- ing with the new organisation at Paris by the Internations! Ivstitute of BibMography and the Union of In- ternational Association both of which have thelr Headquarters at Brussels, TO TRACK CRIMINALS, the name of John W. Patterson, -AJyT, for the past three years a pu- pil of Miss eian, who is now on the Prescott high school staff. Miss Whelan taught five of the six sub jects upon which he obtained Ms scholarship, the Nicholls Foundation scholarship being awarded for gen- eral proficiency to the candidate on his standing in at least six papers written to complete pass matricula- tion. Purchased Property in Clayton. George Gillick, Watertown, N.Y.. and W. D. Lantier, Clayton, N.Y, have purchased the Robbins block | in Clayton from J. W. Robbins. The property contains a water frontage of ninety®eet and has a street from- tage of seventy-five feet, It adjoins property already owned and gives them a total water frontage of about 140 feet. The property was purchas. ed to secure more dockage space in connection with the yacht, Bdith, which is owned by Mr. Lantier, and who conduets a tour of the Thou- sand Islands during the summer sea- | son, Late Mrs. Emma Warren, Rockfield, The funeral was held on Sunday at the Union church, Lansdowne, of the late Mrs. Emma Warren, widow of the late John Warren, in hép ninety-third year. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Throop, Be cott, assisted by Rev. Mr. Fokes, Richmond. The Puneral wag large- ly attended. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. R, A. Foley, Rock. fleld, and three sons, Fred, Oakleaf; Frank, Lansdowne; and. Wesley, Rockfield, with whom she lived; and two pisters, Mrs. Mary A. Oook, Toronto; and Mrs. J. W. Foley, Rockfield, Six grandsons were the pallbearers. The remains were in. terred at the Union. ---- The National Council of Women ip to be invited to meet in Van. couver in 1925, Canadian apple crop is reduced, but market prospects are, bright. Stinging Corns Drop Out In Hot Foot Bath Corns and callouses come off undes the Hot Water Treatment so quickly and painlessly that everyone should know about it. Here {s what you do: Take hot foot bath, and put a few drops of Putnam's Painless Qorn Ex- tractor over the tender surface, and the pain stops, You get glorious relief from Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. Remember the name, Costs but little and 'gives big results. Sold by all druggists. Rough Pimply Skin Cleared By Cuticura Yi Cutieurs. ou may rely on Seapand| Woodwork - Sash, Daors, Mouldings, general woodwork, etc., made in Kingston by Kingston workmen. S. ANGLIN CO, LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lamber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1873. Prompt, Courteous Service 299305 Queen FROST'S Phone 52 SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! Now is preserving time and we are ready with a complete stock of Preserv- ing Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jar Rings, etc, ete. Call and see Attention. LEMMON & SONS Telephone 840 187 Princess St. us befors buying. "Phone orders given prompt HOUSE and GARDEN STEVENSON & Tinemiths and Plumbers for HUDSON SEAL A 1a000frres COATS see-- GOURDIER'S SALE $15.00 to $32.00, $35.00 'TWEDDELL'S