§ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 17, 1924. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG R. ORWELL TAXI SERVICE Phone House 1315 DELCO- LIGHT The complete Kleetrie Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 Barrie Street. 'Phone 1150J. ES TO LE Furnished house, Oct. 1st to May ist. 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms. First class condition, all conveniences, cen- sral location. $65.00 per month. Ground Floor Office Premises, 3 rooms, water and forler, Good loca- fon. 256.00 per month. : I io House, Oct. 1st to May ist. 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, Dew furnace, newly decorated, all con- veniences, central location, $60.00 per month, General Insurance. K. H. Waddell Phones 336, 506. 86 Brock Street PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 363. For Moving of © FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAUK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION * Kingston Transfer: Co. Flava 877, EVENINGS 2231 103 WELLINGTON STREKT Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets, Entrance: 150 Wellington §¢, by appoinument, Phone $79. WAITS People's Florist EIR i eg and wedding Phone 1763, f-- Funeral designs bouquets to order. Residence 1137. W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block * x Thiswould be a Sad Old World without fire. Fires you must have, and they might as woll be good ones. We have the coal that makes the best kind of good fires. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards ' MILLS COMPANY 79 Clarence Street, Kingston General Insurance, Note and Mort e Loans, Soneer Rents and Se¢il Real Estate -- City or County. Invest mortgage. Our patronage respectfully solicited. G. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Have removed to their new building 234-236 ONTARIO STREET 0 Fire Department DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT EERE ETE RERRY Market Square Grocery SPECIALS ! Try our Mixed Hen Feed at $2.50 for 100 Ibs. 90¢. Rolled Oats, 20 Ib. bags WE LEAD IN TEAS Black at 55c. and Green at 50c. Get a tin of Black or Aluminum Paint, OTHER SNAPS, TELEPHONE 14 W. E. HOPKINSON Prompt delivery - - 37 Broek St. a KINGSTON AND DISTRICT Special Values in Men's Trousers. We have a very large range of men's trousers in all colors at spec- ial prices during fair week. -- The Lion Clothing Co. { -------------- Attending Convention, Frank MoGinty is in Indianapolis attending the International Asso- clation of Barbers' convention as a delegate from the Kingston Union. Bowlers Honor Colleague. Prior to his departure .for Mont- real, thence to Liverpool, where he will in future reside, William Lam- lele, a resident af Prescott for many years, was presented with a sterling draft by members of the Prescott Lawn Bowling Association, of which he was an enthusiastic member. ---------------- 49 Years on Roed. After pulling train No. 4 from Fort William to Schrieber, Engineer E, C. Aris completed his list trip, and was made a pensioner of ihe C.P.R., thus terminating a perfect railway career, that began on Feb 1, 18765, as call boy at Prescott, on the St. Lawrence & Ottawa Railway, now the Prescott branch of the C. P.R. His record is without a staln Sr | Mr. Aris started on wood-burning engines weighing 33 tons. His laat engine was of the 2,300 class. Mr. Aris was born In Prescott in the year 1860. = ------------ A Speedy Operation, While at the home of his uncle, Fred Cunningham, Ameliasburg, A. Adams, son of Reuben Adams, Con- secon, was taken suddenly ill, Dr. Taft was called who pronounced the illness a severe altack of appendi- citls. The lad was rushed to Pic- ton hospital, where an operation was performed. A complete recov- ery is anticipated. ---------- Landmarks Removed, During the past few weeks men have been éngaged in pulling down the old bakery on Jason Island, Smith's Falls, and also (he old rough-cast house, a landmark there for over half a century, and which had been occupied for some years by J. Weekes and family. These buildings had to be removed on ac- count of the work which is being un- dertaken by the water commission for the filtration plant and water- works. They were sold to John Me- Innis, who is using parts of them. wend / Find the Most Objects in This Picture Starting with the Letter 'S' Easy to solve. Try it. "Saw," etc. Well, the big cash prizes will be correct lst, Without any trouble whatever, others are just as easy to see, but given for the fifty best lists of "S. The person sending in the nearest correct list of names will second prize, etc. See how many you can find. you can readily the idea is who submitted in be awarded first see such objects as "Sun," can find the most. Fifty answer to this puzzle. prize; second nearest ~~ Here's how: If the judges award your scription to The Mail & Empire at $5.00 second column Third Prize, $150; (See OBSERVE THESE RULES to write - 4. Duly sues Jurds 2 an onary w counted. Where the plural is counted and vice versa. 5. Words of the same spell once, even though used ts daalens Jects or articles, or par An object or article can be Do net use hyphenated or mops complete words, w. an 1 answer having BIE, Se ee, ad 'awarded First Prize, Ni { in advance at $5.00 However, a te objects A a arti. of any words formed the. combination of two or or ay here each word the nearest "orrect in the A or be used only different ob- or articles. SErpssssnns hi iit Jhon The bakery on the island has also been taken down. Special Sale of Men's Suits and Over. coats for Fair Week. We are offering some real' values in men's and young men's suits and overcoats for fair week, it will pay you to look them over.--The Lion Clothing Co. Passed Away at Brockville, : Mrs. Peter Dwyer, Brockville, ! died on Monday after several Woodwork Sash, Doors, Mouldings, general woodwork, etc., made in Kingston by Kingston workmen, S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1871. months' {liness. Deceased was born at Fairfield, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Her husband predeceased her fourteen years ago, and surviving are four daughters, Mrs. W. H. Babcock, Nu- ent, Alta.; Miss Hattie Langley, Miss Nellie Dwyer and Miss Pear! Dwyer, at home. 'She also leaves one bro- ther, John Turner, Prescott. Clark-McManus Wedding. J Stewart Clark, youngest son of Mrs. Clark and the late James Clark, SRN Apr drr------ Sale of Boys' and Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers Boys' 28 to 32 eiv....50c. each Renfrew, and Miss Ada McManus, Arnprior, a former member of the teaching staff | of Renfrew public school, were married in Ottawa and leave for San Francisco where Mr. Clark joins one of the banks. Before leaving Ottawa, the manager and | staff of the Ottawa branch of the Imperial Bank presented h'm with | a gold watch. Passed Away in Winnipeg. Word was received of the death in 1 Winnipeg, of a former resident of Lansdowne in the person of the late Mrs. Thomas Gilbert, who passed away on Saturday. She was prede- ceased by her husband eeveral years ago and two years ago she sold her properties in Gananoque (a former (Regular value 75c. each) Men's 36 to 44 «edee...?5¢c. each Regular value $1.25 each. PREVOST'S e 503J. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. 55 Brock Se. = Auto Batteries Made and When you need your Battery repaired or one made to order, al. 80 automobile repair work, it will pay you to see us. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON 210 DIVISION STRE = _.__-_ PHONE 1080. home) and Lansdowne, and went to Winnipég to reside with her daugh- ters. 8he is survived by three daughters, who reside in Winnipeg. Heavy Rain Saves House, Fire of an undetermined origin Sunday morning completely destroy- ed the barns on the farm of Charles Edwards at 'Fairfleld. The barn contained 75 tons of feed. 'r- surance to the gmount of $3,000 was carried, which will cover about balf the loss. Rain which fell ear- ler in the night had saturated Ms. Edward's house and kept it from Ig- niting, despite a strong wind faa- ring the flames and heat almost di- rectly against the residence. Action Dance Hall, Police Magistrate Cline, Cornwall, will this week hear at Iroquois, a charge against W. N. Lannin, man- ager of the Iroquois Dancing Pavi- lion, laid by that village, of having neglected to take out a license as re- quired by a by-law of the municipa- lity. Mr. Lannin has entered a coun- ter-action against Reeve Mc nnis and Clerk Charles E. Cameron for re- fusing to grant him a license under A Shoe for Tired Feet. See them at The Sawyer Shoe. Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. the Theatre and Clnemagraphs Act. Irwin Hilliard, K.C., Is representing the town and Lorne W. Mulloy, B. A., Mr. Lannin, -------------------- Hunters! To Your Guns. A few more days before game- time. Then it's deer honads and bird dogs, mackinaws and knee- boots, shot guns and rifles, with thoughts of business and tame city amusements put out of mind. The exodus of sportsmen to the famous Canadian Hunting grounds is getting under way. The bird men are packing their duffie bags for the grouse, wild geese and duck hunting grounds. The forests of the Highlands of Ontario offer the greatest deer country of the Conti- nent--a land where every hunter brings home his deer. Northern Ontario is famous for . moose tro- phies shipped home every geason. All game-birds, deer and moose are within easily accessibly distances from you, Canadian National Railways can transport you to the best hunting grounds of {he particular sport you for HUDSON SEAL COATS 10808rres GOURDIER'S Brock Street. desire. Ask any Canadian National agent for full information. He can give you all the routes, rates, sea- |, sons, game laws, and any other data | that you require for the trip. City ticket office, 180 Wallington street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: Empress of Scotland, from Ham- burg and Southampton, due Quebec, Sept. 20th. Empress of ce, from Quebec, due Cherbourg and Southampton, Sept. 16th and due Hamburg, Sept. 18th. . Montcalm, from Liverpool, due Montreal, Sept. 19th. % Montclare, from Montreal, due Liverpool, Sept. 19th. > Marburn, from Montreal, | Cherbourg and Southampton, Sept. 18th and due Antwerp, Sept. 20th. Montreal, from Montreal, due Bel- tant and Glasgow, Sept. 20th. Empress of Canada, from Hong | Kong and Yokohama, due Vancou- 29th. ver; Sept. Dmpres of Asia, from Hong Kong | and ama, arrived Vancouver, Sept. 15th. "TWEDDELL'S SALE MEN'S SUITS $15.00 to $32.00, $35.00 "Indigo Blue Serge Suits on sale fur *28.50