THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ARKETs] SELLS GOODS AT FIR [fm WITHOUT A LICENSE # Kingston Tuberculosis Association "waing compre. 1 Tag Day-Sat, Sept. 20 Making Complaint. A man giving the name of Wise- There are many victims of Tuberculosis in Kingston and district FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1924. (GRAND TONIGHT zon THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES, LIMITED PRESENT Their Own Company of Players in THE FAMOUS NEW YORK SUCCESS THE MOST EXCITING PLAY EVER WRITTEN AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents About ong Ais Sey [stock MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 56 Pri street, members of the | Montreal and Toromto Stock .Ex- ! ohanges). Add Ada "THE MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG" IS A TRUE STORY | That the public appreciate a story | taken from actual fact has been | Montreal. Sept. 18.-- (1.30 p.m.) Abitibi Power ... "THE CAT 1 CANARY" THRILLS--ROMANCE--LAUGHS BHOUTS OF LAUGHTER FROM DELIGHTFUL AUDIENCES ~=FIRST TIME EVER AT POPULAR PRICES-- « «+ 28c., 88¢c., 50c. A few seats at 75c. . . 25¢c. and Boc. SATURDAY MATINEE .. Seats now on sale. GRAND 3 DAYS 2 SEPT. 22 Matinee Daily at 2.80; Evenings at 8.15. The Life Story of John Lee "The Man They Could Not Hang" A True Story Founded on Actual Facts Visualizatio Screen of the most Miraculous Escapes BY i rE a aneya! the.wout Miraculous Ei of the Universe. "NOT ONE GRUESOME MOMENT IN THIS PICTURE An Atmospheric Scenic Prologue Precedes the Picture SPECIAL ORCHESTRAL MUSIC Prices--Mat. 25¢,; Evg. 35¢c and 50¢, Plus Tax RUHEREREENNE RD ENE EE ey From Wm. J. Locke's Famous Circus Story "THE MOUNTEBANK" Added Attraction JACK DEMPSEY The World's Greatest Fighter in the World's Greatest Picture [| Event | "The Fight and Win Pictures" |! sisters, who were || will, CONTESTING THE WILL OF ELGINBURG LADY Olaimed That the Will Had Been Made Through Une due Influences. A session of the surrogate court was held on Thursday, with Judge Lavell presiding, in respect to the |! will made by the late Mrs. Oaroline Dougherty, Biginburg, which was | claimed to have been made when she was mentally unsound and that it l| was procured by fraud and undue il| tnfmence on the part of the inter il] ested beneficiaries. ll] challeiged by John Albertson, Bi- Hl | ginburg, a brother df the deceased, The will was and two of his sisters. A large num- ll ber of witnesses were examined, the tried lasting all day. Judgment was reserved. Cyril Smith and W. M. Nickle acted for the executor and beneficiaries under the will, and A. E. Day for Mr. Alberston and his contesting the ' I FACTS are FAOTS ! ] Tt holds the world's attendance records NEXT WEEK 4 4 4 4 Association will hold general Meet ing 8 p.m., TUESDAY, SEPT. 28rd, in G.W.V.A. Rooms. All Soccer én- thusi please attend. THE STAND PRICES Basia. THAT FORCED THE DOWN Any Place in City, Day or Night 25¢ Outer Station Included P rea By the Hour .. leanne sue .e $2.00 HH ing by the Hour .. .... 4 19 Somes. "owing 30 miwues 42 Cmeteey, aud $1.50 Ses mes tue vee baa \ SPECIAL PRICES FOR THEATRES, DANCES AND PAY NO MORE PARTIES, ALSO COUNTRY WORK. CAREFUL DRIVERS & MILLER Have your meals at the "GRAND CAFE" We serve the best, at reasonable prices. Hos PETER LEE. PROP. proved by the numbers of records attained by the presentation of the motion picture adaptetion of '"The Life Story of John Lee" universally known es "the man they could not hang," a human story--where truth is stranger than fiction---showing the tragedy of a man's lite, of his poignant suffering and his final happiness, after episodes which are fortunately of rare oocurrence, the final of which is this case is quite unique. The story of John Lee has a thrill and an appeal which would never be present in a fiction narra- tive. It is the realization that the 'whole is true and genuine that im- 'presses itself on the spectator. The 'Ploture story as it is unfolded on the screen is described by Frederick Haldene, the wed known Australian actor, while vocal items Incidental tothe ploture are sung by Miss Doreen. Thompeon and 'H. L. Howe 'who also appear as John Lee and his mother respectively in the scenic prologue depicting the night before the execution. Special or- chestration is a feature of the pie- ture, coming to the Grand Opera House next Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday, matinee dally. ERNEST TORRENCE FEATURED One of many highlights in "The Bide Show of Life," of Willlam J. Locké's gripping story, "The Mountebank," which opened a three day engagement at the Capitol theatre last night, is Ernest Tor- rénce's superd characterisation of he gives in this picture lives. Only Torrence could make such a man stand out as a worthy successor of 'Bill Jadkson--the role he Played in ""The Covered Wagon." This picture has all the dash and color of circus life. The entire pro- duction is a de luxe mounting and that means the last word in settings, backgrounds and costumes. Anna Q. Nilsson is featured with Mr. Torrence. She is the titled Lady Auriol Dayne with whom the clown falls hopelessly in love; as usual Mise Nilsson gives a capital perfor- mance. . ""The Side Show of Life" is more than a motion picture. It is a slice of life itself! : Jack Dempsey in "Winning His Way" the first of the "Fight And Win" series of two-reel knockouts, proved himself to be as good an act- the Wght scenes you are given the opportunity' of seeing him-in action 48 thousands of "others have seen Bim, just as though you were sit- ting in a ring-side seat when he won the championship. Everybody likes Jack Dempsey and everybody likes 8 good story, the combination of the two are hard to beat for real screen entertainment. "SELF. MADE FAILURE" : GREAT F DY "A Self-Made Failure," which 1s to be shown to-day and to-morrow, @t the Strand theatre, has been Dro- nounced dy many of the film critics 8s the best farce comedy of the year, The picture includes every. in- gredient which has made motion pictures a popular entertainment. Ben Alexander, who won fame in "Penrod and Sam" and "Boy of Mine," will again be seen. Thies time he is the tramp-pal of Lloyd Hamil- ton, one of the dest fun makers on the screen to-day. Trades and Labor Congress Favor Government Control London, Ont., Sept. 19. With only four or five out of the 3200 delegates dissenting, the Dominion Trades and Labor Congress to-day Dasted a resolution favoring govern- meént control of the sale of spirit. Rous liquors. Delegates from Que- Deo refrained from voting on the ground that they did not wish to try to influence dry provinces in the matter, Notes From Tamworth. Tamworth, Sept. 19.--The school fair was a decided success. The, at- tendance was lirge, the surround- dug country being well represented. In a game of ball, Tamworth defeat. ed Maribank by a score of 8 to 6. &irle played a game of ball With Tamworth and this game also Tesplted in a victory for Tamworth score of 3 to 30. The runeral of 0 Jus Gideon King, who died on took place on Monday to Methodist church. Rev. Mr. officiated at the service. IN "THE SIDE SHOW OF LIFE" | the chief character. The performance | | Asbestos | Atlantic Sugar .. | Bell Telsphons ... ... {Brasil ... .. {Brompton ... v.. 7. British Empire Steel, com. . . British Empire Steel 1st ped | British Empire Steel, 2 pd | Can, Converters .. | can, Cement, com. Can. Cement, pfd. .. | Cuban Can, Sugar, com .... | Cuban Can. Sugar, ptd. .... | Can. Steamships, com. . { Can. Steaudships, pd. .. Dom. Textile Dom. Bridge . | Detroit United | aes 137% 483% 32 2% 32 $% CR Sepa Industrial Alcohol | Laurentiude Montreal Power {Macey .. ....... ...... | Nat. Breweries, con. ...,., .. * | Nat. Breweries, pfd. . | Oglivie | Ottawa Power i Ont. Steel Products .... | Lenmane Price Bros. ... Quebec Power | Spanish Rover com. . [ Spanish River, pM. | Smelters Shawinigan ... .., ... Steel of Canada ..... Twin City ... «ov | Wabasso . Wayagamack ... ... ! GRAIN QUOTATIONS. | Chicago. | Wheat. | Bept | Dec | May. . | Corn. | Bept. .. | Det Oats. MARY. .. . vous | Sept. ... Pee... .. Si; { Winnipeg. ! Wheat. | May ve se du sen | Oats. (Oct. ... Dee | Fax. | May.... . FOB. en's «us "es ee os "% ew be te ea or as he is a fighter, carrying his | .|role with the ease of a veteran. In RICHARDS-FAIRFULL. Nuptials Took Place at Baptist Pas sonage, Walkerton, The Baptist church, Walkerton, was the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday, Sept. 17th, at high noon, when Lillian, only daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. K, Fairfull, became the bride of Dr. A. R. Richards, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Richards, of Hyndford, Ont. The father of the bride officiated at the wedding ceremony, As the bride entered the church with her uncle, Mr. C. A. Smith, of Toronto, who gave her in marriage, Miss He- len Knowles, organist of the chureh, played the Lohengrin wedding march. . The bride was charmingly gowned in ivory French georgette and ¢han- tilly lace, her veil of tulle and chan- tilly lace falling gracefully over her gown, arranged with orange blos- soms. Her shower bouquet was of sweetheart roses and_ llies-of-the- valley. Her only ornament was a necklace of pearls. The matron of honor was Mrs. C. A. Smith, of To- ronto, aunt of the bride, who was prettily gowned in orchid brocaded crepe de cheme with French lace tunic and becoming black hat. The bridesmaid, Miss ' Gwen. Austin, Kingston, wore a dainty dress of sunset georgette and black pleture bat. Both carried bouquets of ophelia roses. - Mr. Willlam Rich- ards, brother of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were Dr. Nor- man Truemper and Dr. Stanley Lea- vine. The church was prettily de- corated with palms and ferns and gladiolf. During the signing of the register, Mr. C. A. Smith sang "All Joy Be Thine." Following the ceremony a' recep- tion was held at the Baptist par sonage, the home of the dride's par- ents, Mrs. Fairfull receiving in a handsome gown 6f Roshanara erépe and lace with corsage bouquet of mauve sweet pears. She wore a black hat. of the bridegroom, wore black French beaded gown with hat to matoh. . Dr. and Mrs. Richards, following the reception, left for Toronto, where they will spend a short time pravious to their sailing for Bdinburgh, Seot. land, The bride travelied ta a smart «| tricollstié dress heavily embroider- ed in grey and secarlet, and marvel. Ia cldak trimmed with grey squir- rel with hat and shoes to match. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. W. P. Allum, of Ren- frew, Dr. and Mrs. J. Y. Ferguson, Miss Isabel Waliace, Toronto, Dr. aud Mrs, Norman Truemner, Ar- thur, Ont.; Miss Freda Wallis, Clin- ton; Mr. and Mrs. James Towers, Mr. William Bradshaw, 8r.; Mr. WH- liam Bradshaw, Jr; Miss Nellle Bradshaw, Miss Margarer Bradshaw, Stratford, Mr. and Ricaards of Hyndford, and Dr. and Mrs, Leavine, of Kitchener, Ont. The bride is a graduate nurse of Kingston General Hospital and the groom is a graduate of Queen's Me- dical College, MoS man who has been atténdlng the Kingston fair, selling coats, was sum- moned to the police court for an in- fraction of the transient traders dy- law, but the case was laid over for al day. Conplain was made about ; Wiseman selling coats at the' fair grounds on Thursday and he was ! stopped, as a resylt the summons! 'was issued. During the past few days a numb- er of merchants have complained to the Whig about men baing allowed | to sell merchandise at the Kingston, dair without paying a license or bust- | ness tax to the city, The merchants | claim that they go to a great deal of trouble dressing their windows | and doing extensive advertising for Bt Queen's are now in the Douglas! the fair and they go up to the! grounds and find outeldets selling! merchandise. They claim thet the! fair directote should not permit out- siders to do this, | SPORT Deloro Won. The Whig had a phone report in a recent {ssue that Peterbore C. QO. E. had beaten Deloro in the second | game. This later turned out to be. 4 mistake as Deloro won the second match of the series, 11-8 and with Some of their players absent. The final is to be played at Cobourg on Saturday afternoon. Local fans are pulling strongly tor Deloro. -- Fans Angry, When Jake Solomon pulled the strings ones more and had the jun-| for O.B.A.A. game transferred from | Mrs. Richards, mother | Saturday to Monday, hundreds of Kingston baseball fans, who had! made plans for the trip, had to call | off their schedulees and the Cirele- | Six support will suffer as a result. | Monday is a very bad day for them to get away. Now For Lombard Plums. Fifty cents for the big baskets all day Saturday. Prices marked down after six o'clock for a - clean sweep Of all kinds of plums, pears, peaches, grapes and crab apples at Carnovsky's. To Resign Berlin Post. Berlin, Sept. 19.--~Lord d'Abernon, British ambassador to Germaay, will resign his post as soon as ar- rangements in connection with the working of the London pact are in operation, it is understood here. -------------- The parade of the Watertown visi- tors to the fair on Thursday was led by John Bull* and Unele Bam, who met the Americans at the boat. H. Akeérly, of the Y.M.C.A;, made. a capital Mr. Bull and Mr. Miller, Napanes, as his American cousin, [+ » SIE PL EPS 0s in urgent need of help who um treatment. "He who saves the whole world," pb p 4 Ahad Adah ~ Ah At Queen's University & i The most of the executive offices library. The registrar's office 8 on the first floor at the south end of the building, reached dy two short flights of stairs from the students' entrance at the east side of the building. Students registering will I pass from the east to the west side of the registrar's office. The college post-office is just north of the registrar's office. It is fitted with 'boxes to hold the mail ||| tor each building. Principal Taylor's office will be on the second floor. The removal of a three-ton safe through the University Avenue en- trance was a big problem on Friday morfiing. The dronze memorial tab- let in Grant Mall is to be placed on the east wall of the memorial hall, on, the first floor of the Habrary building. The applications of forty-five stu- dents for entrance into the medical college have been adcepted. Over fifty freshmen are desirous of en- tering. In the past the number of first year men has been limited to fifty. The technical stores are now set- tled under Convocation Hall, B. D. exams started in the old arts building on Thursday to con- tinue till Tuesday. Mve students are || writing. t2P000% errr otee PRINCE TO REMAIN. A MONTH ON RANCH, New York, Sept. 19.--Cap- tain Lascelles, secretary to the Prince of Wales, took accasion today to deny the rumor that the Prince contemplated cutt- ing short his Canadian trip and sail for England on Ottob- er 6th. The Prince of Wales will stay on his Canadian ranch a month, the secretary said. PeI00000000 000000 -------- Bad weather in Canada delay to threshing and to the crop movement led to higher prices for Wheat on Friday at Chicago, Benson Babcock, Hartington, was & visitor in the eity on Thursday for the exhibition. "The good face creams' are sold . could hardly be improved on. in Kingston at Gibson's. CG . Fall Dress Special Offering New Cloth Frocks An attractive collection of the latest straight-line Fashioned of the new smooth finish Colors--8Shutter Green, Brown, Black and Navy. All sizes. Very specially pricsa. 15% cannot afford to pay for same. $21.00 in the hands of the K.T.A. will provide a victim with one month's sanitori- one life is considered as if he had preserved GIVE FREELY AND HELP SAVE A LIFE PPE INPS PLS 40 causing |i dahl ddan .aa " dha dh a Ea Arh nh Hl | For the last | Fair Days Irish Serge Suits $15 Worsted Suits . . $16 Indigo Blue Serge Suits . . .. $24.25 Sr ------------------------ Sweater Coats, all wool : All Fine Shirts, Un- ear, éetc., at a big reduction. Inspection Invited. Ee ------ ------essesms: Barnet Lipman - 107 Princess St. : EN cpr Canadian National trains were sent round by way of Harrowsmith on Friday afternoén because of the wreck at Collin's Bay. whith had Dot yet been cleared away. "Tes cream bricks." Gibson's. ~~ ny -- For Women and Misses That Are New Fashio-- Occasion Dresses For the street, Tail correct. Sand, Tan and New Fall Sport Coats Shown in Teddy Bear, Camel Cloth, and Chin- Smart, undeniably NEW OUTER WRAPS IN THE NEWEST SHADES Luxurious Dress Coats Samfue, $19.95 to $42.50 KINGSTON * Ze] AMSNABB Eastern Ontario Chain of Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear Stores BROCKVILLE BELLEVILLE Co., LTD. PETERBORO