Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1924, p. 10

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British Columbia Fir Doors are becom- ing very popular. The two-panel is a hand- some door, made with Celts Grain Solid Stiles and three ply Rotary Cut Panels. We carry a good assortment of stock sizes for prompt delivery. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street. 'Phone 1042. The Ontario Temperance Act 1924 Electoral District of Frontenac. NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICER Take notice that sittings of the Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used on the taking e vote on October 23rd, 1924, as authorised by The Ontario Temperance Act, of 1924, will be held at the following times and places, viz .-- HOWE ISLAND At the residence of John Walker, on Thursday, September 25th, at 3 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON At the White Church hall, Sunbury, on Friday, September 26th, at 2 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF BEDFORD At the Town Hall, Fermoy, on Saturday, September 27th, at 3.00 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF PITTSBURGH, At the Town Hall, Barriefield, on Mouday, September 20th, at 2.30 p.m. WOLFE ISLAND. At the Town Hall, on Tuesday, September 30th, at 12 noon. TOWNSHIP OF PORTLAND At the Town Hall, Harrowsmith, on WedneSday, Oct. 1st, at 1 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF KINGSTON At the Town Hall, Cataraqui, on Friday, October 3rd, at 2 p.m. TOWNSHII' OF LOUGHBOROUGH. At the Town Hall, Sydenham, on Saturday, October 4th, at 2 p.m. 2 The Revisin Clerk for each Township will be as follows, viz:-- For the Township of Howe Island--James Leavis, Howe Island. For the Township of Storrington--T. Makins, Sunbury. For the Township of Bedford--Stanley Bresee, Burridge. For the Township of Pittsburgh--Wm., Murray, Barriefield. For the Township of Wolfe Island--J. I. Cosgrove, Wolfe Island, For the Township of Portland--T. A. Kerr, Harrowsmith. For the Township of Kingston--Buford Harpell, Cataraqul. For the Township of Loughborough--R. G. Guess, Sydenham. The sittings in each Township will commence at the hour above stated and 'win continue umtil the appeals have been disposed o And further take notice that any voter who desires to complain that his or name or the names of any person entitled to be entered on sald lists has e names of any pePiels rho are not en- on or re t AY (exclusive of Bunday), before the date fixed LR the aro ie, THIRD nN or appeal to have his or her name or any other person her {Deen omitted from the same, or that th 0 be voters have been entered thereon, may out, apply, complad entered on, or removed from the said list. And further take notice that euch ap the Prescribed form, signed by the complainant in duplicate and 'at his address as given abov H. A. LAVELL, Chairman of the Election Board Dated at Eaugwton, this 15th day of September, 1924. See Us When In Need Of Lamps We are distributors for EDISON MAZDA LAMPS HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. 'PHONE 94. CURNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, Officer for all of said Townships will be Judge Lavell, and his 1s must be by notice In, writing 3 ven to the of the Revising Dficer for the said Townships or left To Clerk for the County of Frontenac. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, double, with frame kitchen on stone foundation. 5 rooms each, two bedrooms, lights with nice fix- tures, toilet, newly decorated, good shed in rear of lot for each side. Driveway. This house is in splendid repair and excellent / location on Brock Street. yting Jor 316.00 per side. This property is-an excellent investment at $8, M. B. TRUMPOUR A Shoe that Fits the Foot A Shoe for Tired Feet. See them at The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. MASOQUD'S ICE CREAM "The Cream of Creams" Pasteurized and Homogenized. We freeze to please. Sold wholesale and retail. DELICIOUS PASTRY-- ELECTRICALLY BAKED 238 Princess Street. "Phone 980. Thm THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR COMPETITION Those Who Won | Prizes at the Kingston Exhibition This Week. The judging in the county of Frontenac school fair competition, which is held under the direction of A. W. Sirett, the local representative for the Ontario agriculture depart- ment, was completed at the King- ston fair grounds on Thursday. The list of some of the prize winners is as follows and the names appear in order of merit: Kingston Pig Club--Harold Hy- land, William Gillespie, Kenneth Burns, Morris Donaldson, Bert Hun- ter, George Hull, Mildred Donaldson and Athol! Donaldson, One quart of oats--Leslie Conboy, Olden and Oso; Robert Greenless, Storrington; Charlie Brown, King- ston; Joe Kerr, Portland. Sheat of oats--George Turnham, Kingston; Leone Steele, Bedford; Audrey Cochrane, Storrington, and Nelson Kennedy, Kingston. Barley (four quarts)--Clifford Sly, Kingston; Carmel Cochrane, Storrington;. George O'Niell, Stor- rington; Douglas Siville, Wolfe Is- land. Barley (sheaf)--George O'Neill, Btorrington; Robert Greenlees, Stor- rington; Clifford Sly, Kingston; Joseph Kerr, Portland. Half bushel oats--Donald Green- lees, Storrington; Charles Brown, Kingston. Half bushel wheat--Robert Green- lees, Storrington, Kingston. Half bushel potatoes (from last year's seed) --Arthur Roberts, Stor- rington; Ross Donaldson, Pittsburg; Gordon Pillar, Kingston; Robert Greenlees, Storrington. Wheat (four quarts)--Gordon Gillespie, Wolfe Island; Thelma Cochrane, Storrington. Wheat (sheaf)--Thelma Coch- rane, Storrington; Gerald Hegadorn, Kingston; Lynwood Roberts, Pitts- burg; Joseph Kerr, Portland. Sweet corn (six ears)--Muriel As- selstine, Kingston; Keith Leonard, Portland, Wendell McNaughton, Loughboro. Sweet corn (single ear)--Wendell McNaughton, Loughboro; Edward Morley, Kingston; Fraser McEwen, Bedford; Muriel Asselstine, King- ston. Field corn (six ears)--Roy Me- Cullaugh, Kingston; Norman Coch- rane, Storrington; Ross Orr, Pitts- burg. Field corn (sinsle ear)--Ross Mec- Cullaugh, Kingston; Charles Brown, Kingston; Norman Cochrane, Stor- rington; Ross Orr, Pittsburg. Twelve Irish cobblers--Ross Don- ald, Pittsburg; Irene Hunter, Pitts- burg; Michael Robb, Storrington; Melville Hyland, Kingston. Peck Irish cobblers--Irene Hun- ter, Pittsburg; Fred Donaldson, Pittsburg; Jack Ritchie, Storring- ton; Michael Robb, Storrington. Single Irish cobblers--Fred Don- aldson, Pitteburg; Jack Ritchie, Storrington; Jean Wallace, Port- land; Marie Black, Kingston. Twelve Green Mountain--Ross Donaldson, Pittsburg; Alvin Wart- man, Kingston; Gordon Gillespie, Wolfe Island; Ferdinard Wallace, Portland. Peck Green Mountain--Muriel As- selstine, Kingston; Gordon Gillespie, Wolfe Island; Ferdinard Wallace, Portland; Alvin Wartman, Kingston; John Scott, Pittsburg; Ross Donald-' son, Pittsburg; Wesley Baker, King- ston. Mangles (five roots)--Thelma Baker, Kingston; Edwin Combes, Kingston; Lillian McDonald, Stor- rington; Isabel Babcock, Portland. Mangles (one root)--Thelma Bak- er, Kingston; Lillian McDonald, Storrington; Hilda Carey, Pittsburg. 'Beets (six specimens)--Russell Babcock, Portland; Ella Mosier, Pittsburg, Arwilda Goslin, Lough- boro; Frank Leonard, Kingston. Beets (one specimen)--Russell Babcock, Portland; Nelson Kennedy, Kingston; J. Curtis, Joyceville; Ella Mosier, Pittsburg, Turnips--Philip Gordon, Storring- ton; Thomas Gordon, Storrington; Borden Edwards, Storrington; Charles Fearn, Kingston. Turnips (one specimen)---Tommy Gordon, Storrington; Wilfred Hun- ter, Portland; Phillis Gordon, Stor- rington; Borden Edwards, Storring- ton. Carrots. (six specimens) --Eunice Heaton, Kingston; Florence Mac- Row. Kingston; Ella Mosier, Pitts- ; Willie Storms, Loughboro. rrots (one specimen)---Gerald Ht Kingston; Eunice Heaton, Kingston; Nora Fearn, Hilda 'Webb, Storrington. Onilons--Vefna Cochrane, BStor- rington; Alfred Baker, Kingston; Nora Fern, Isabel Babcock, Portland. Onions (one specimen)---Verna Cochrane, Storrington; Alfred Bak- Kingston; ston; Isabel Baboock, Portland. Five winter apples--Irene Hunter, Pittsburg; Russell Clolndge, Hinch- inbrook; Nora Fearn, Kingston; Gor- don Gillespie, Wolfe Island. - 'Five fall apples--Alice Shortall, Asters In bouquet--REunice Hea- ton, Kingston; Nora Fearn, King- ston; Mabel Robbs, Storringtom; Margaret Joyce, Kingston. Salpig! Kingston; Pheobe Weir, Wolfe Is- land. Calendulas (twelve in bouquet) -- Evelyn Wise, Kingston; Gladys Cade, Kingston; Gerald Hegadorn, King- ston. 3 Coreopsis : {ia bouquet)--May Half' bushel barley--Clifford Sly, er, Kingston; Keaneth Joyce, King- Pittsburg; Willie Stoness, Lough- boro ' Pure Silk Hosiery 98¢ AG NO is RAAT JUNI, aClOAK> Women's Ciamois f() EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR SATURDAY FARE REFUND SALE Seasonable, New Fall Merchandise in All Depts., at Very Low Prices. . Everything in This Advertisement Specially Priced for Saturday. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 75 Wool Serge Dresses 0.95 Navy and Black Only Is such a low price for Dresses of this char acter that we are afraid women will not real- ize the quality and distinctive style. Size from 38 to 44. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 85 Full Lined Fur Trimmed Coats '16.95 Trimmed with fur collar or collars and cuffs, embroidery detail carried out in the very newest vogue. Shades of Fawn, Reindeer and Dark Brown. Sizes 16, 18, 20--36 to 44. $ 16.95 Is very little to pay for these Fashionable Dresses Every dress a new fall model and made of materials that are usually in our very best dresses, Satin Canton, Beaded Canton, Georg- ette, shades Black, Navy, Honeydew, Sand. Sizes from 36 to 44. '16.95 Spesial for $ for Saturday PLEATED SKIRTS 2.95 Armure Wool Crepe Skirts, all style pleats. Shades Navy, Black, Grey or Sand. Sizes to 44. Special for Saturday ew OVER BLOUSES *2.49 Beautiful Styled Art Silk Special for Saturday English Wool RIBBED HOSE 89c¢ Pure wool ribbed to the toe. English make, new shades for Fall, in all sizes. ---- Truedell, Kingston. Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- Wilma Anglin, Storrington; Mar- garet Joyce, Kingston; Nora Fearn, Kingston; Susanna Couleoy, Olden and Oso. Potted house plant rington; Audrey Cochrane, B'crring- ton. Tray cloth--Grace McVeigh, Oso; Helen Brash, Pittsburg; Thelma Cochrane, Storrington; Phoebe | Weir, Wolfe Island. White cotton crochet edging--Mae in bloom-- | Truedell, Kingston; Florence Led- Pheobe Weir, Wolfe Island; Mae | sair, Pittsburg; Thelma Cochrane, Truedell, Kingston; Clifford Sly, | Storrington; Florence Browa, Pitts- Kingston; Erma Price, Kingston. | burg. Oatmeal cake--Helen Shibley, | Home garden--Evelyn MeDonald, Harrowsmith; Elsie Hunter, Pitts- Mountain Grove; Susanna Conboy, burg; Mayme McFadden, Pittsburg; | Oso; Eugene Sands, Storrington. Evelyn Bracken, Kingston. Weather vane--John Lancaster, One crust pie--Mae Tryedell, { Pittsburg; Harold Reynolds, Hinch- Kingston; Florence Ledsair, King- | inbrook; Walter Donaldson, Pitts- ston, Millicent Burt, Kingston; Mae burg; George Dingman, Wolfe Is- Stoness, Loughboro. land. Six sweet tea buns--Mayme Mec- Towel rack (roller type)--John Fadden, Pittsburg; Velma Wartman, ' Lancaster, Pittsburg; Ross Donald- Kingston; Veronica Brady, Storring- | son, Pittsburg; Charles Brown, King- ton; Delame Curtis, Pittsburg. ston; Robert Greenldes, Storrington. Model stock loading rack--Robert Loaf of whole bread-- | Greenless, Storrington; Harold Rey- Phoebe Weir, Wolte Island; Velma n414s Hinchinbrook; Ross Donald- Wartman, Kingston; Mildred wart: | gn, Pittsburg, John Lancaster, Pitts man, Kingston. ! burg. One quart can of vegetable, fruit | Collection of mushrooms---Mildred and relish--Phoebe Weir, Wolfe Is- | wartman, Kingston; Gordon Mercer, land; Helen Merriman, Margaret | wolfe Island. Arthur, Storrington; Millicent Burt, gollection of wild flowers--Phoebe Kingston. Welr, Wolfe Island; Teresa Brady, One pint jar of salad dressing-- Wolfe Island; Earl Joslin, Wolfe Is- Jean Wartman, Kingston; Margaret |land; Winfield Silver, Kingston. Arthur, Storrington; Florence Mac-| Collection of twenty-five insects-- Row, Btorrington; Alice Cowan, | Elste J. Davis, Wolfe Island; Eva Pittsburg. | Pyke, Wolte Island, Sandford Kyle, Fancy pin cushion--Theima Eng-| Wolfe Island; George Combe, King- lish, Pittsburgh; Veronica Brady, ston. : Ima Anglin, Stor-! Collection of fungus diseases-- Siegen; Wi 5 Margaret Kirkpatrick, Wolte Island; Reginald Chase, Pittsburg. Collection of vegetables from home garden contest--George Turn- ham, Kingston; Evelyn McDonald, Storrington; Wesley Baker, King- ston; Misseline Burt, Kmgsion; Eu- gene Sands, Storrington. Cock ad hen from home flock-- Ralph Shepherd, Storrington; Cecil! Kennedy, Kingston; Morris Donald- son, Alice Stover, Portland; Florence Bliss, Kingston. Kingston; Millicent Burt, wheat IS Miss Gertrude Blanche Roberts, ® Saugbter of Mr..and Mrs. William Roberts, and George A. Kilgour, !son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kilgour, were married in Brockville on Wed nesday. Miss Flossie Gray, spending the summer with her parents, Lt.-Col. A. W. and Mre. Gray, Brockville, has jeft to take up her duties on the staff of the Storm King School, "| Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Conners. Belleville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Verna Madeliaa. to Mr. Ephraim Fortner, Toromto. . The marriage is to take place quiet-| ly the middle of October. BILLY SUNDAY'S CHOICE. How The Word "Giants" Was Given New York Team, Elmira, N.Y., Sept. 18.--Blily Sun- day, who is conducting a six weeks revival campaign here, wants Wash- ington to win the American League pennant and would like to see Brooklyn nose out the Giants in the National League. Billy recalled the fact thal james A. Mutrie, manager of the New York Nationalists, named his team the Giants during a game with Pittsburg when Sunday was a mem- ber of the Pirates. '""Mutrie was looking out at his players from a dugout and as he sized them up, he said to me, 'Don't they look like giants,' and the name stuck and still is sticking," sald Sunday. meters steeeenctl JARS 30c. & 00c.--TUBES 30c.--At all Drug Stores At Campbelliford. boys playing with matches caused a firs in the hay-loft ¢f a barn, owned by An- drew Oliver. It was subdued wih The Sweetest Story Ever Told and when you want to say it in the very * thrillingest " Yo) semaiber that Moic's, play an accompaniment no oe nee bay ont the fo gh greg hg ae CHOCOLATES

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