Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1924, p. 11

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/ - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = = BIRTES. oton, Sept. 16th, to Mr 00! --1In Pi 5 DE ia, Clifford Cooper, « daugh oton, Bept. th, to Mr dor. MARRIAGES. Man Henley, a son J RLAND---In "Quebec, i aa by the Rev. A. T, Mre. BI Reasom, | v ayly gaton, to Kenogal, Jue. on rns NI DEATHS. COORKLI- At Picton, Sept, 1ith, Sus- Susie Cockell, in her eighty-| vs e of George L. | Lobb, wif iAilowell, Sept. 14th, Hla | , in her thirty-fourth year. t BSophiasburgh, year. t Amelasburg, son Udles, nine Ww. In Mowat of and, beloved hus kK, aged forty-three y Fu ro James Reid's morning to Catarequi cemetery. itary funeral Pole and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. JAMES REID The Old Firm of U 254 and 266 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 1880 JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Kmbalmer Parncrs, 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 589 I. RONAN Undertaker and Embalmer Plone 800w. 238-240 Bagot Street Onlla Night and Day P yA ' KNIGHT ' sown tdi AND EMBALMER 3S ydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 83. Bept. 11th, to Mr. jam Rankin, & deugh- | Mr. Norman Clare t | 18th, George Farrell, in his seven- | flour t. 16th, W. foral [ospital, , George Garfleld Sept. 18th, 1934 & ariel Undertak- Parlors at ten o'clock Saturday Announcements No Better Place To Look For A Job Than In The Classified Section I | | i = ! Lost and Found 1 | COVER~--Found, oniBaturday evening, | white crochet baby carriage cover, edged with pink. Apply 16 Ellis St. | CAMBO---Lost, large brown shell cameo |' in engraved gold setting, on Tuesday evening ot Tal Grounds. Reward on return to Mrs. rold Davis, 166 King | @trest west. | #UR NECKPIBRCE--Found, on the Pro- | "vincial Highway, Sunday. Owner can have same by calling at 14 Upper Wil- | lam street. MESH PURSE--Found, in Macdonald ai. 110 Barrie | every man, woman and child And there they go! Perk... Owner apply street. gone to-morrow. they are at hand, your reach, and they will be The A-B-C Classified Opp wait for slothful people. tive that | NECKLACE--Found, a small necklace. Apply 317). | PRAYER BEADS--Found, on Montreal | Street. Cwner can have same at 208 | Muntreal street. PULLOVER--Found, child's, wool, om Tuesday evening, on Stanley gtreet. Owner may have same by cAlling at 43 Stanley street. * SUM OF MONEY--Found, on Welling- on street, Sept. 11th. Owner apply to 7 Maok street. WORK BAG---Loet, rose homespun, con-| opportunities that look hand--before somébody Here They Come--And | There They Go! | Here they come--all those encouraging opportunities Which characterize the Whig's A-B-C Classified Section and which are so helpful in so many practical ways to That's the way with them. They are here to-day and If you don't seize upon them while someone else will snatch them out of They are so temptingly attrac- alert people refuse to give them time to wait. Read the A-B-C Classified Section daily. Take these 800d to you while they are at else crowds you into life's rear ranks! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE S8AME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY | | | in the community. lost to you forever. ortunities don't have time to steps in front of yofi and jaining Sinsses and scwing, on Collin's| Bay ad , on Tuesday morning 4 tween 11 and 1. Return to 61 Syden- __Automobiles Automobiles For Sale I Td Teselve reward Automobiles Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 11 Perfect painted; TWO GARAGES--At corner of Princess and Alfred streets; conveulently lo- cated. F. B. McNamee. 'Phone 2293w. Business Service Business Services Offered CHEVROLET ROADSTER running condition; newly tires good; spare tire; snubbers, speedometer, license. Bargain for quick sale. Moore's, 206-§ Wellington Street. STUDEBAKER condition equipped 206-8 Welln 1 - Special Six, perfect 8 Newly painted, Bargain. Moore's, 1 Street. AUCTIONEER--For courtosy and hon- est dealing, VT se. 192 Barrie Nira Str "hon \ FOR QUICK SALE--Blg Six Nash Tour.| Stfeet. Fhone ing Car in perfeot condition; will give written uarantee; a snap for this | week only. Write Box, Z15 British | Whig, or phone 1037. SPEED WAGON--New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Ear] Streets. 'Phone 47. . TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in splendid shape, Gray Dort Shering touring. Robinson Motor Sales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567. Expert Piano Tuning. Player-Piano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. | C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED | I WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary weil drillers 1n Frontenac and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For full information write to I. J. Garri- SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, arts, Birthmarks, Skin rs, 'Pits. ete, removed permanent- Glasses fitted and furfilshed after others have failed. oltre cured without operation. 38 be experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, 9 Y, Satisfactory «, Nose, Throat, Skin, 25% AOL Street. Phone 301w. House 1135] | ITH ON THE STAND IN HIS OWN DEFENCE Says He Does Not Remember the Alleged Dismissal of J. H. Kennedy. Toronto, Sept. 19.--~Ocean G. Smith, former chief acfountant of the Home Bank of Canada, charged ith signing false and deceptive re- fns as to the condition of bank and sending them to government, "Was on the witness stand again this morning in his own defence, and was ined at some length by his counsel, G. N. Shaver. Mr. Smith was asked about John H. Kennedy, manager of the To- ronto branch of the Home Bank from May, 1915, to January, 19186, who ou the witness stand said he Was suspended by the Home Bank manager, Col. J. Cooper Mason, be- cause he refused to sign a monthly * balance sheet of branch bank for December 1915, before it was sent to the head office, The defendant 84ld he did not remember the in- cident, neither did he Kennedy discussing the matter with him, as Kennedy had stated in court. Kennedy had 'stated that he was | suspénded on January 16th, 1918, but Smith to-day id the book + showed that Kennedy was transferr- ed to the Church street branch the Bank of Toronto in February, 1018, and resigned in April of that year. BOY VIOTIM DIES. Inquest To Be Held Into Cause ot) Shooting Accident. Oshawa, Sept. 19.--Jack Sugden, aged sixteen, victim of a shooting ac- cident at Harmony, Ont., a week ago, died in the hospital this morning. An inquest will be opened here this afternoon into the circumstances of the accident. It is understood that & party of five boys 'were shooting at a target when a rifle jammed. t Was handed to a lad named Rich 8, who in attempting to remove the accidentally discharged the rifle, the bullet entering Sugden's stomach. tes . Status of Wrangell Island. Moscow, Sept. 19.--Soviet off express keen satisfaction over He success of the expedition on the ~ 'transport Kransy Oktiabr October) in planting the red ; gell Island, off North- L and taking formal pos- session in behalf of Soviet. : r¢ this action will settle : of the island, which has B depute for more than hall a cen- ---------- $0000 0000000 > . 19.--The re- Chekiang army Shanghla has thrown t of the battle today first army under com- neral Ho Feng Lin, commissioper, whose ing the lines west a against the Kiang- , fighting for posses- of this city. SENG PPPIP P20 bbe 00000000000 remember { of | $175--~Buys Chevrolet touring, car, re- cently overhauled, in good condition. Apaly 254 Nelson Street or telephone 08J. FOR SALE b passenger Chevrolet, $215. 1 Ford Truck, $110 1 six cylinder McLaughlin, $350. One Durant Touring, $800. | | E. LAWRENSON | 387 PRINCESS STREET FRENCH MARCEL WAVING --] . Water Waving, Round and Bobbed $475; Na liclaughiin rani Curling, Halr Bobbing and Trimming, | ditioned. Facial and Scalp Treatment. Special 50 attention given to Hair Dyeing. Miss $22 --Chevrolet' Touring, new top, new tires, fine condition, Switzer, 287 Queen Street. For ap- $190 Crevrote Touring, good running order. Lately over- son Co. Colebrook, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired, David J. Coates, 393 Division Street. Pupil of O. F. Telgmann School of Music. Ladics' Hair Parlor. 2a 'PHONE 1318] -- For appointment. Frark J. Robba. 185 Wellington St. ~--Overalnd Touring, new tires, thoroughly overhauled LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS-- Hob- bed curls, switches, Asam.pooilg. singeing, curling, Ladies and Chi rem's hair cutiing. Mrs. Cunningham, 46 Bay Mireet, Kingston. Phone 1618w, MRS. WILKINSON -- Frontenac street hair dresser, on vacation till October pointment 'phone 2014. hauled. BLUE GARAGES Ltd. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets Automobiles and Parts|™ | | PICOT EDGING Hemstlitching, | For Sale EE. work guaranteed. Mrs. Felld, 362 Barrie Street, near Princeas tiohe Studebaker Truck in good condl- Street. 'Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. Cara. Also Gears, Generators, Starters, and all kinds of parts for all makes of cars. Also second hand tops, cushions and tires. ' Sell your old cars here. Highest prices paid. * H. ROSEN | 140 Rideau Street - - 'Phone 2470w. Insurance Hemstitching 21b Hat Cleaners 2c bout your felt hat ? The time George, the Hatter, 90 Prin- cess street. Fhone 1338, next the Bank of Nova Scotia. C, 8. KIRKPATRICK~--36 Clarence St. Kingston, Marine, Fire, Accident and Automobile insurance. Lloyds Agent Kingston aistrict. Telephone 65wh DOMINION LIFE * Careful Inspection of- Our Used Cars Business Services Moving, Trucking, Storge 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars a yards, clean job done. A, MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2255. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, Airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost' y Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. SEIT -- Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 PAPER HANGING -- Supplying select Papers with service. Also outside and inside painting. Large and small con- tracts. Best material and keenest prices. H. Rowjey. Telephone 1352F. PAINTING--Papering, Decora, clase mobi gibrinited Tangs ia n stoc nderson, 13 We Street. Phone 1988. liingtoy SIGN PAINTING--J, 8. Robi 275 Bagot Street. Alen, rons J. FLANAGAN--Painter, and Decorator. 'Phone 1432. Kingston. Paperhanger Estimateg Submitted. 2347 Montreal Street, Sampie books in stock. Chiropractic 28¢. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 bagi Street. Phone $43w. Hours: 9-12 aun, 1 to §, and 6 to 7.30 pm. Sunday and other pointment. Consultation PUDNEY--Dr. Ww. G., 182 Welling. ton street;\upstairs. Consultation free. Hours: 51% 1s, 8-8, and by appoint- Phode 2670. Laay attendant. BPARKS & SPARKS -- Dent! Wellington street, PP ta WL Phone 346. KNAPP--Dr, A. BE, Dentist. Oftice; 358 Princess Street. Phouye $52w. Open evenings by appointment. Heal CUNNINGHAM & and Solicitors, Kingston. A. Cyril M. Smith. ment. 280. SMITH -- Barristers 79 Clarence: Street, B. Cunningham, K.C.: DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Revelie. Mortgages arranged. Phone 205. HODGINS, Ww. C.-- Barrister, Solloitor and Notary Public. Office: 34 Clarence Btreet. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. Tele- phone 1980. REYNOLDS--J. C., Barrister leftor, 3nd 68 Brock Street. Money to loan. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank, Money 10 loan. 'Phone 1999. Repairing 2 ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED -- All kinds; first class work guara Jackson & Timms, "Phong 15] hited FURNITURE FINISHING--0Of all kinds. Arch, Thomson, Branch Manager. Office: 56 Brock Street. Telephone 68. FIRES--WIll happen. Your property, household effects, business or other valuables require protection. Coneuit KE. Willlams, 2 Couper street. G. HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing all branches of Insurance. decure p tection for Breeding and Racing sto Special rates on Foxes 35 Clarence Street. 'Phone 568). . INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 96 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. E---Auiomublie anu Casualty I . ips by AM. Crumley, 30 red Sues: Prone JT83ML ' 5. COOKE~] Fire, Accident and Loire in reliable companies, dis- trict manager, Imperial Life. Phones: Office 503w. Res. 1731m. C. N. R. Earnings. ! Will convince you tnat, considering | their excellent condition and price | ed they represent, values which are dif- | ficult to duplicate. | 1923 4 cylinder McLaughlin Coupe. | Essex 4 cylinder Phaeton. McLaughlin K45 Special Touring | Car, | Ford Coupe, almost mew, driven only | 700 miles. Fully equipped, Overland, model 59, Toyring Car, 6 eylluder continental motor, Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St Phone 20lw. AUTOMOBILES AND PARTS McLaughlin Six Gray Dort all and see W. Drisco Phone 256 Clk 38 John UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a W, J. Gavine, 21¢ Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--AnRa ge ral repair- RR ,W. old, 10s Cle ¥ Phone 1600]. = #83 Serent street. Wanted--Business Service 81 BTORAGE-- Reliable married couple would like to store piano for winter fnonths or ongel. u pay ihsurance, a st of moving. App ox X-13, Whig Office. y 815,648, a decrease of $6,315,648 from the corresponding period of 1923. ---- Death Sentence Commuted, Ottawa, Sept. 19.--The Govern- Montreal, Sept. 19.--The' gross earnings of the Canadian National Railways for the week ended Sep-1 tember 14th, were $4,099,773, being a decrease of $550,770 over the ¢or- responding week of 1923. The Country Club Studebaker closed car Used Parts for any make or model. ment has commuted the death sen- tence passed on William Hilsabeck, now confined in Fort Saskatchewan Jail, to Hfe imprisonment. He was to have been executed on Sept. 30th, for the murder of his seven-year-old gross earnings of the. Canadian Na- tional Railways from January to September 14th, have been $161,- 5 -Palmer Auto Salvage Corner Bagot and Queen Streeta BRINGING UP FATHER son. Impaired mentallity was put forward as a plea on his behalf by the defence. | 7 33 + rd 2 Employment Help Wanted--Female KITCHEN HELP--Apply Hotel Ran- dolph. Help Wantea--Male MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$1 to § an hour for your spare time wrising showcardg for us. No canvassing. ae instruct and supply you with wor West-Angus Showcar borne Building, Turon SALESMEN--We offer steady employ- ment and pay weekly to sell our com- plete and exclusive lines of guaran- teed quality, whole root, fresh-dug-t order trees and plants. Attractive, {l- lustrated samples and full co~opera- tion; a money-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries, Montreal Help--Male or Female 84 ABSOLUTELY---The highest ocommie- eions paid for showing our samples. of Personal Christmas Sreting Cards, samples free. Premier Publis ing Co. 361 Spadina ave., Toronto, write for information. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 83 AGENTS--Can make twenty to sixty dollars weekly with our 'high © Christmas greeting cards. "hole or part time. Exclusive designs and moderate prices, Liberal commis- "sions pald weekly. State age. Ex- erience if any References required. ovell's Limited, Toronto. SALES AGENT---Reliable, fo. Jnrepie. sented districts. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and orpamental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Situations Wanted--Female 30 BOOKKEEPER -- Experienced, and cashier, desires position immediately. Box B-16, Whig Office. LADY--With good education, would like clerical work of any kind, several] hours daily or typewriting. Apply Box W-12, Whig Office. Financial 32! | GREEN HARDWOOD -- Dry 3| JUST ARRIVED-- A large number of Service, 17 Col. | to. "other household furniture Merchandise Articles For Sale Real Estate For Rent Farms For Rent FARM---Choice dairy farm; one from Elginbyrg, for a term of frply to William B. Jackson, 41 lock street, Toronto. 51 mixed Wood, also hard and soft slabs, hem- lock lumber $25 thousand and up. Shivgles $4 thousand. W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine Street. Yard om Con- cession Street near Division. 'Phone 2302 w. 76 mile Sars. ave. 72 APARTMENT Three room, with bathe| room. Heated. In business district. J. E. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence St. BRICK HOUSE--At once, barn and 8 acres, of whieh 6 would make syed arden. Apply to E. 1. Mart, 7 rooms; mod- got Street. 'Phone FURNISHED HOUSE--8 Immediately. Asselstine, Court House. ern; pleho. Possession Apply location, T M FURNISHED HOUSE--Good i pri Apply K a 67 Clarence Houses For Rent, ladies' and gentlemen's chairs, ete. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess St. 'Phone 2610. MY NEW FALL PRICES--Are exceed- ingly low on threshers, tractors, bay resses, silo fillers, plows. Write me. k. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street. PIANO-- Wormwith Upright, walnut finish, nice case and in good condi- tion. Price $150 Terms to respons ible party. Box S-11, Whig Office. REFRIGERATOR--Suitable for gro- cer. Apply New England Bakery, Col- Iingwood street. SQUARE PIANO--For sale cheap, also Apply 177] | near Queem's University. ton Agencies, Limited, street. HOUBE--8 roomed, well furnished, : piano, fireplace, gas, electric, garage, Shragy. Apply 4 Contre street, phone! HOUSE--Centraily located, all modern gauipment, gas and electric. Apply Mrs. J. BE. Harvey, 98 Division street. HOUSES---House and single garages at 69 Queen street, two 5-room houses, 41 and 47 Concession street, Apply 185' Queen street, phone 988W, NO. 1, VICTORIA TERRACE--Montreal Street. Possessibn September 15th. Ape' Ply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street. 464 FRONTENAC STREET-- All cone! veniences, 3 piece bath, furnace, large Barden. Rent moderate. Vacant Sept. 25th. Apply 65 Rideau St. Phone 1461, . $14--Per month in advance, rents séven roomed stone and frame dwelling, King street west. Possession Og¢tober first, gas for cooking, shed, yard, rear entrance (no electric lights), heated by stove. Steady tenant with small Spy desired. Write Box V-13, Whig ce, Alfred street. SCALES--A kinds, new and second. hand Cash or easy terms. Toledo Seale Co., Ltd. 209 Princess St., King- ston. "Phone 1228. SPECIAL-- Frontenac Fe't Mattresses, built of Layer Cotton Felt; well made With attractive drill art ticking, $10.00. rontenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1981J. | VACUUM CLEANER--Electrie, with all! attadhments, used less than a year, $35. Apply Box C-19, Whig Office. WOOD--Dry hara maple, dry body soft wood, hardwood slabs, kindling cut and delivered; living prices. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toron- to streets. 'Phone 889. $30.00--Fall suits and overcoats made to your order with easy terms of payment. Phone 2206W, J. G. Patter-| Son. 120 Johnson street. Radio Equipment BE SURE--AnNJ enter the C.R.S. guess- Ing contest. Good prizes and a guess nothing. Canada kadio 62a. treater erred Farms and Land for Sale. 83 FARM--About 70 acres, about 4 miles Waated--To Buy 66 Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan ana Investmeént Society Ineorporated 1861. President, A. B. Cunhingham; co L hresideu:, A Moaey to loan on Clty farm properties; Investments Bonds bought and sold; dep re- Celved and interest pald on minimum monthly balance. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarsnce Street, King- stan. Instruction Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 CHARLES E. MILLNER--Assoc. Royal College. of Organists. Teacher of Piano apd Theory. Studio: 261 Cel- borne Street. PEARL A. NESEIT--L.T.C.M., local pu- pil of M. M. Stevenson, Toronto. Teach- er of Singing and Plano. Studio: 400 Brock Sireet. Phone 1147f. Term to begin Séptember 2nd, 1924. Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 BARGAINS--For Fair Week: Men's boots, new and second hand; army blankets, good heavy Tr hes, leg 8! nel shirts, underwear, etc. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess street. BICYCLES~--A number of used bicycles for ladies and gents. Also baby car- rifge repairing.: Mullery Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street . Tele- phone 1861w. cng west of Colin's ey. Apply John Sterling, Collins Bay, Ont. | FARMS--Two truck farms, equipped for gardening. Four miles from City, or would rent. Apply 470 Albert tsreet, phone 1155W. FEATHER BED -- Wanted (goose feathers preferred), must be .thor- oughly clean and at moderate price. Box D-19. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board FURNISHED ROOMS--With board. Ap- Hall University avenue, phone 7] 78. AGRES--Of land on south side of | Howe Island, good . barn and house, | &00d bush, near River St. Lawrence, suitable for tourists. Apply Mrs. Leo | Rochefort, 199 University avenue. Kingston, ETT Rooms ' Without Board 68 Houses For Bale 84 BEDROOM Furnished, large - front; Suitable for two. Apply 313 Univers 8ity Avenue or phone 562w. BRICK HOUSE---¢ bedrooms, furnace, bathroom, garage. Ellerbgck street, Garden with fruit trees. ' For price See J. BE. Cunningham, Real' Estate Agent, 79 Clarence str FURNISHED ROOMS--Apply 110 Clar- ence street. ; Rooms For Housekeeping 69 E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurances Broker Johnson and Divisiun Streets Phone 53%w. See advi. Pige 3. ROOMS~ furnished or unfurnished -- suitable for bedrooms and light house- keeping. All conveniences. Apply 63 Lower Willlam Street. 'Phone 1978F. HOUSE--New, solid brick 8 roomed, hardwood floor, electric, gas, cod! furnace, fireplace, garage, garden, gain, ideal for retired tarmer. 4 Chest nut street. EE -------------------------------------- # J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate, insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT Heated 'housekeeping nt, Chateau Belvidere Annex, hardwood floors, electric light, gas, telephone. Apply at Ghateau Belvi- ere. BRUNSWICK RECORDS -- September release now on sale at Elder's Cigar ' Shop. BRICK---HaArd and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Phon 1391J or 618. (Agent for Baker Bric BRASS BEDS --Reflilshed, also springs repaired. Get our prices on all plating and refinishing. Partridge Wire Works, Phone 380. BUFFETS--Dining Chairs, Tables, Two Easy Chairs, Beds, Mattresses, eto. We buy furniture and good clothes. J. h Pp 333 Princess Street. Tele- phone 1600 APARTMENT--In best locality, § rooms; furnished or unfurnished; short leage if wanted. Apply to Kingston Agencies, Ltd, 67 Clarence street. Phone 708. APARTMENTS--On Sixth street, 3, one upstairs $20.00; one ground floor $35.00; 6.rooms, electric light, gag for cook- ing, 3 plece bath, good cellar. Apply 09 Patrick street, phone 730wW, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT Well heated, electric light, &a48, choice loca- 13¢ Ear! .m., $1,350--Frame, 5 rooms, improvements, pay as rept. $3,000--~Brick, 7 rooms, Johnson street, central. $4,300--Brick, 7 rooms, improvements, University Avenue. Houses and Flats to Jet. T. O'CONNOR, t 'Phone 1268]. improvements, Barrie Strée MERCHANDISE ee TAKE NOTICE Ranges In good order-- $15 each. tion, large rooms. Apply street or phone 1630-13-2 P HEATED APARTMENT Centra] loca- Jon. mow vacant, and new store, 290 w. CEDARSTR!P SKIFF--Palinted, qual- ity, I set long, 44 inch beam, 17 Inches defp, pickie trimmings, 1 pair + Spoon Oars,"hew. Apply H. J. Thom- son Co., Sharbot Lake. COKE--The last month to buy Coke at the reduced prices for cash, $9.00 ton, Or $5.50 in § ton lots. After this month } 0.00 ton. Dry soft wood slabs $2.50 od Dry hardwood $2.75 lot, dou- ble lot $5.00. Clinkers and cinders always on hand. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington street, corner Ordnance. Phone 2440w. ENGINE--Used, ten' Horse power, In. ternational enginé and Vissott Grind- 1 er. Apply M. E. Ward, 473 Pr Street or phone 1528J. GRAND PIANO -- Heintzmun & Co slightly used, absolute] uarantee in perfect condition, Lou s of a beautiful mahogany fi special bargain. y terms. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess Street. GARDEN HOSE -- Window So Seren, Beran Brit oll EVES u ces, al - ton's, 89 Princes Street. 418. Phone Kinch lumber Be i wir ateoond, hand son street. 'Phone 1391J. or 618. At Belleville on Thursday the marriage took place of Lura Kafh- leen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Palmer and Cecil I. Lent, son of Mr. and Mrs, F. Lent. Two former Cleveland newsboys are buying railroads. If they had started out as bootleggers they would own the country. F will complete to suit q, - able ténant. I. Cohen & Co, 318 On: tario street. HEATED APARTMENT--Three rooms and a bathroom. joo. 0 per year, Jayabls $26.00 monthly. J. g. Cunning- am, Agent, Clarénce Street. 3 sizes Sealers--6oc., 76c., and $1.00 dozen. at Turk' J. Turk's VHUNE 108. BUSINESS SERVICE INSURANCE BROKE] Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ac. cident." Sickness, Plate Glags and} other lines of Insurance. 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 5ssw, -------- ee, IN THE WINSTON--§8 Earl Street, an attractive, sitting room, cleans heat and hot water supplied aij Tear Alte gas nove bn kitchen. Pos. se n at once. Ww. w. "Phone 442. voy ¥. dugiin, Business Places For Rent 7% ik TT -- v SUMMER PRICES NOW HAVE YOUR COAL DELIVERED NOW. BE ASSURED OF T f E AND AVOID F RUSH. HE LOWEST PRIC OID TEE THE WORLD'S FINEST COAL--RIGHT OFF THE CARS -- CAREFULLY PREP, James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street » BY GEORGE McMANUS WELL MAGGIE -DINTY HAS DECIDED YO SEND Bis son TO COLLEGE IMGLAD TO HEAR, THAT Great Brtdin | HAVE SEEN THAT wi0 | |] FOR A OOD MANY . HE wuz WAYS A EARY BRIGH ANC A Tory Fy mice Ine wv Tw Tow-- : SWIVELS VILLE 'TS A COLLEGE: SAY OINTY: 00 ME A FAVOR AN

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