I + Founded 1847 NEW FALL HAT SPECIAL $3.75 NEW FALL HAT SPECIAL $3.75 » "TIMELY" Suit and Overcoat Values It's time to consider the question of Fall Clothes--seriously--of course you can put it off if you want to, but your doing so only means that, though the cost remains the same, you get less broad opportunity for selection. Right now we're offering the season's best in Suits and Overcoats. SUITS $18.00 to $35.00 OVERCOATS $20.00 to $35.00 Fine styles, fine fabrics, fine patterns, fine tailoring. The advantage of coming early as you realize is decidedly yours. x THE DAILY BRITISH wniG (CONMITTED FOR TRIAL ON SERIOUS CHARGES A Cripple Charged With Beg- ging Will Have To Leave the City. Magistrate Farrell, in police court on Friday morning committed for trial a couple of citizens. One is ac- cused of having put a fictitious name to a.pay sheet of the public works department and the other is charged with having forged the name of a man to a cheque of the depariment of militia and defence. A plea of "not guilty" was entered in each case, and as counsel waived a pre- liminary hearing, the court commit- ted both for trial, Bail will be granted. Frederick McLean, a cripple, was charged with begging and admitted the offence, stating that he was un- fit for work of any kind, and he car- ried a dootor's certificate to verify his statement. He belongs to To- ronto, but was down in Montreal to visit a brother. The latter is en- gaged on a boat and through some bad luck he did not see his brother, and he is now on his way back to Toronto, He has enough money to pay for his railway fare to tne Queen city and the police w'll see him off. McLean said he would take the first train if given a chance. Two tipplers were in the 'ne up. One told about taking a "booster" before starting out for the fair, while the other stated that he had tsken two drinks while on his way to the "big show." Hist story about having secured the liquor last June idid not look good to the magistrate, so he was remanded for a day, while the other fellow was fined tie usual $10 and costs. "Coty face powder." Gibson's. On Wednesday at Emmanuel | church, . Arnprior, Ira Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diener, was united in marriage to | Sylvester T. Coffin, son of Mrs. T. ! Coffin, and the late Mr. Coffin, Rock- port, Ill. Our 'Lackawanna' coal is pro- nounced by experts as the very best. $16 per ton, Mitchell & Co, "Ice cream bricks." Glbson's. On Thursd at the parsonage, Lansdowne, Rg¢v. G. W. Dustin unit- ed in marriage Harold Lowe, Mal- lorytown, and Miss Ada Waldron, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Waldron, Escott. "The good face powders" are sold LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" in Kingston at Gibson's. "Welsh Cobbles'" coal sold only by Mitchell & Co. On Sept. 3rd, the marriage of Miss Vera B. Sheffield, daughter of Mrs. M. L. Sheffield, Lyndhurst, to N. L. Forester, Toronto, took place in Tor- onto. Gibson's. -------- "Morny face powder." _ Blue Bonnet Golden Tipped Orange Pekoe---- Stewing Cuts, Ib. ....... 12}c. at WANTED ! Epring Chicken Fowl ANDERSON MARKETS PHONES: Retail Order Dept. Mr. Anderson's Office ..... eres uns Turkeys Jrevuntant's Office .... Wholesale Department We pay top prices. [pp ANCH STORE..888 Princess Street. : 'Phone 2481. Fruit and Vegetable 200 baskets Imperial Gage Plums--Fancy Blue Plums. 250 baskets Bartlett Pears, 11 quart baskets . . .. .. : 100 baskets Clapp's Favorite Pears--11 quarts .. .. .. ... Fancy Early Crawford Peaches, net covers. 50 Hampers Select Duchess Apples .. .. .. MAIN STORE--Cor. Princess and Division Sts. 2600 iiss 08 no S SPECIAL! NEW COMB HONEY Per section 23c. Market | 89¢ SUPERIOR BRAND FLOUR For t, flaky Pastry--24 pound bag .. $1.15 COARSE BALT for pickling--10 lbs. . .for 19c. Whole Mixed Pickling SPICES--the finest n Anderson 1 taina SS. Absolutely pure, ¢ontaining no alum. 1 1b tin 285c. PURE XXX PICKLING VINEGAR--Brown Lv Brand Baking Powder Blue Bonnet, fine Ceylon blend, -1b. 63c. Quality blend, J 3¢ 1b, 50c. 11b. ....95¢c. BPECIAL--English Breakfast blend, 1b. . BSc. Rolled Oats . . . . .. . . 51bs. 23c. COFFEES! 8 Popul Perfection Blend, Ib. . Excelsior Blend, old government Java and Mocha, Ib. Quaker Corn Flakes 3 Phe 28¢. 65c¢c. fasraas Sra evs am amniasa Granulated Sugar 10 Ibs 87¢ Spring Lamb (Mint with orders) Thick Meaty Fronts, Ib. . . . 20c. DAINTY SAUSAGE Pork Cuts Shoulder Roasts, Ib. ......17c. Tn Half, Ib SHEL THE 5lbs. Yellow . . . . 43c. 21bs. Fruit . .. 21bs. Icing . . . Rack Roasts, Ib. . . vee Loin and Rib Roasts, Ib. ens Loin and Rib Chops, ib... Presh Hockn lb 5 Trimmed Loi Chbps, Ib. . _ Leg Roasts, Ib. A0c Ib. . whole, Ib. ain en wiv ee sisiiiet gl 00d wea ele ay Spare Ribs, Ib. Fresh Pork Tenderloins, Ib. | Shoulder Chops, i 25c. | Fresh Pork na, | | Creamery Butter F153) 38c|Pure Lard fe." 175 PLUMP MEATY ROASTERS Spring Chickens ae FOWL "dinner in season. on request r HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. "Take films" to Gibson's. American stamps for scle at Whig Office. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders recelved at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone G64w. The barn owned by Edward Dano, near Lansdowne wharf, was burned Thursday night. John Edward Marshall, Brock- ville, is receiving treatment at the Kingston General Hospital. "Take films" to Gibson's. The fair almost put an end to bowling this week. There were only four ,olayers out on Thursday night. The Kingston bank clearings end- ing September 18th, were $795,- 128.02, corresponding week last year, $930,729.96. "The good talcum Gibson's. The steam pipes connecting the girls' residence with the main tun- nel going past the Queen's bowling green, will soon be trenched across the Stuart street campus. "Take films" to Gibson's. Half a dozen men and women had a small picnic on the grass of the Court House lawn, under the light of a Barrie street arc-lamp, Thurs- day night, about 7.30 o'clock. "The good face powders" aie gold in Kingston at Gibson's. A meeting of the joint Mbrary board was held on Thursday after- noon. A further session will be held in the Milk Trust building on Tues- day afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. American stamps for sale at Whig Office. "Take films" to (fbson's Word reached the city on Thurs- day of the death of Mrs. Samuel Shaw, and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Bagot street, has left for Philadel- phia, Pa., to attend her aunt's fun- eral, "Orange Tint Rouge." Gibson's. The Five-Nine Basketball Club held its first practice for the -ea- son in the Y.M.C.A., Thursday night. The boys are looking forward to as successful a season as they had last year, "Films developed." Gibson's, || OBITUARY | Late Mrs. Jacob H. Roblin. There passed to rest last Mon- day 'morning, at 95 Nelson street, Kingston, Susanna Roblin, widow of the late Jacob H. Roblin, of Adol- phustown. The late Mrs. Roblin, who was seventy-seven years of age, was the descendant of two promin- ent U. E. L. families; her fathér be- powders." { | Ing the late Elijah Lucas, of North Fredericksburgh, and her mother, Felinda York. In 1870 she mar- ried the late Jacob H. Roblin and lived with him on the farm in the first concession of Adolphustown, where for nearly fifty years she discharged the many duties of farm life. She was ever a good neigh- bor, a true friend, and above all, a soi'-denying and conscientious moth- er. §he was for years a regular at- tendant of the Methodist church and a willing helper in the community. After the, death of Mr. Roblin in 1915 Mrs. Roblin made her home with her enly daughter, Mrs. A. F. Miller. She had been in failing health for some years, and the end was hastened by a paralytic stroke. Besideg two sisters and a brother, she Is survived bv two sons, Byran A., of Belleville, David W., of King- ston, and ome daugtier, Mrs. A. F. Miller, alto of Kineston. A private | funeral service will be held Tues- | day afternoon at the home of her daughter, after which the remains were interred in the family plot at the U. E. L. Methodist. cemetery, Adolphustown. The Late Miss Irvine. Miss Lily W. Irvine, aged eigh- ! teen years, died on Wolfe Island, on Sept. 18th. She was wellknown to {all Island residents and many wiil mourn her loss. The funeral will take place on Saturday, to St. Law- rence Methodist Church, from the home of her mother, Mrs. Clifford Henderson. Interment will be made on Wolfe Island. The Late George Wand. George Garfield Wand, a veteran of the great war and formerly a guard at the Kingston penitentiary, passed to rest at the Mowat Mem- orial hospital on Thursday. He was forty-three years of age. The fun- eral, in 'charge of the James Reid firm, will take place, on Saturday afternoon, to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson will conduct the services. : Conservative Candidate Chosen. Penticon, B.C., Sept. 19.--gGrote Sterling, Kelowna, B.C., will be the Conservative candidate for federal honors in the riding of Yale in the bye-election on November 7th. He is a civil engineer and fruit grower in the district. He "was nominated : last night at a convention. Richard Dunn, Brockville, employ- ed by the W. B. Reynolds Coal Co., had his left hand painfully injured while engaged in unloading coal. American stamps for sale at Whig ml 08" DRPY, BRT 0 More Fair Week Specials Coats $17.50 Coats $25.00 Pleated Skirts $2.89 Serge Bloomers $3.75 "Children's Middies Blankets $2.75 pr. All newest models are in this lot--smartly cut from Ve- lour, Polo cloth and Plaid Back coatings--some in Bur- berry style. Beaverine col- lars. Shades are Sand, Brown, Blue Heather and Grey. Sizes 16-42, Smartness and style are very much in evidence in these coats. Fabrics are Cameline Cheviot, Velour and Cut Velour. Collars and. cuffs either plain or Beaverine. Shades are, Tan, Brown, Sand, Taupe and Grey. Ful- ly lined. One of our best Fair Week Specials. Pleated skirts of fine quality Crepe 'Armure. This is a rich appearing fabric and comes in Light and Dark Sand and Grey. White bodice attached. Sizes run 16, 18, 20. Gym bloomers--very im- portant item in the school girl's wardrobe. These are made from a serviceable quality all wool serge--in sizes up to 16 years--color. Navy. Fine quality flannel middies Navy -- straight style. Prices $2.95 and $3.50. Attractive middies of good quality white middy twill-- straight style--detachable avy collars and cuffs. Sizes 6-12 years. Prices $2.75 and $3.00. ; Fine soft flannelette is used in these blankets. White with pink or blue borders-- large size, 12x4. An oppor- tunity to lay in a supply of good blankets at a special price. John Laidlaw & Son Ltd.