Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1924, p. 2

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HUDSON SEAL re are many kinds and qualjties of Hudson Seal made trom 1, Winter and other sections Muskrat. These skins cost much less in the raw state than what we pay for Ontario Spring Muskrats. This makes a difference in the first cost of the gar- ment of $75 to $100, The market is flooded with this poorer stock. McKAY"S sure > ar Hudson Seal (made from On- tario selected skins), is still the leader of Furs for Ladies' Coats. It is durable, it nicely, it retains its lustre almost indefinitely and it is the lightest weight and best wearing Far Known. , Your inspection invited to examine our beautiful Fur Coats in Hudson Beal, Persian Lamb, Muskrat, Beaver, French Seal, Silver Raccoon. Our values cannct be excel. led for the standard we main. tain. We make Fur Coats to" special measure and order in all the popular Furs. If you live out-of-town write for Catalogue and further in- formation. » SPECIAL FOR FAIR WEEK Gold-Plated Autostrop Razor Both For Large Tube Many Flower Shaving Cream DSc See Our Window Display A Branigan's Drug iii / 268 PRINCESS ST. Next to Strand WAHL PEN CASH-CARRY PRICED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY New Pack Rolled Oats, 6 Ibs 25¢ Ginger & Sugar Oakes, 2 lbs 25¢ Cullen's Pure Oream Baking Powder +. 190 . 89¢ 400 Kippered Snacks, 4 tins .. 285¢ 'Castile Soap, 7 bars . .. .. 2c Absolutaly Pure Lard, Ib. 18¢ Excellent Black Tea, 1b. .. 55¢ 5 1b. pati Table Syrup 's Soups, 8 tins Telephone 519. = Groceries You BUY WHEN! tional tone quality in the Weber i the ihe meat sacethetie Sitaste, AT IC. W. "LINDSAY'S Vero, Princess Street" mpd 2 "Campbell s--Where Measure of Qua uality. Is The True alue™ We're ready to serve with seasonable merchan- 5 a Ta Serve Ton With aa ad sates : Just put in stock the most clasey shapes i ey 78c., $1, $1. 35, New Socks, new Sweater Coats. | =----~--SEE OUR WONDERFUL SHIRT BARGAINS -- CAMPBELL BROS. WINNERS AT DOG SHOW Held at Kingston Exhibition-- Parti-Colored 'Cocker Spaniels Largest Class. The following is the complete list of prize winners of the dog show at the Kingston Industrial Kxhibi- tion: Great danes, E. J. Metcalfe. , Fox-hounds, let and second, Mr. Chrissley; open, dogs, C. Bowen, 8. 8. Corbett, Mr. Chrissley. Deer-hounds--8. Knight, T. Pur- dy, G. Acton; open dogs, L. T. Best, let and second. Beagle hounds--1st and 2nd, Mr. Cooper; 3rd, T. Purdy; best pair, Mr. Cooper. Pointer--Pups, H. Muller, 1st, 2nd and 3rd; open class, H Muller. German police dogs--H. Muller, 1st and 2nd; open dogs, Mrs. Gib- son; open, female, H. Muller. Dalmatians--Mrs. Aldridge. Collie--Pups, Mr. Keill; open, dogs, H. Stevens, J. Perkins (2nd and 3rd); open, female, Perkins, Keill. Airedale--Pups, Mrs. G. Burns; Mrs. Vanluven; open, female, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Vanluven, 2nd and 3rd. English bulldogs--J. Callaghan, 8. Robertson, W. Raddage. Bull terriers--Novice, dogs, P. Schetagne; open, doge, P. Sche- tagne, open, female, P. Schetagne. Boston terriers (puppies), G. V. Dredge, G. Ranger, J. Kelly; novice (under 20 1bs.), P. Lawless, G. V. Dredge, P. Schetagne; limit, dogs, P. Lawless, G. V. Dredge, P. Sche- tagne; open, doge, P. Lawless, Mrs. Burns, W. Perry; Nove (over 20 pounds), W. Radcliffe, A. Cocker- ham; limit class, W. Radcliffe, A. Cockerham; open, dogs, W. Rad- clifte, A. Cockerham, J. Kelly; pup- ples, female, P. Lawless, G. Ranger, J. Kelly; limit, class, under 20 pounds, P. Lawless, P. Schetagne; novice female, over 20 pounds, G. V. Dredge; limit class, G. V. Dredge; open class, J. Walker, G. V. Dredge; bést pair, Mrs. Burns, G. V. Dredge. Water spaniels--Pen dogs and fe- males, C. Bowen, Mr. Davis, Mr. Beaupre; puppies, H. Muller, 1st and' 2nd. Cocker sgpaniels--Puppies? dogs, C. Thompson, Gananoque; KE. A, Mec- Gowan, H. Muller; puppies, female, C. Thompson, H. Muller, 2nd and 3rd; blacks, open females, B. Whit- ney, Mr. Gibby; red, open dogs, E. A. McGowan, Mrs. Burns; open dog, parti-colored, C. Thompson, A. Mc- Mabon; open females, parti-colored, A. McMahon, C. Thompson, Mrs. Burns. Fox terriers, dogs and Mrs. Honeysett. Toy fox terriers -- Bessie Muller, 1st and 2nd. Toy fox poodles--Mrs. {Peppiatt; open female, Bessie Muller. . Yorkshire terriers--Bessie Muller. Pomeranians--Mrs. Bedford, 1st snd 2nd; Mrs. Burns; open, dog, Mre. Burns, Mrs. Lyons; open, fe- male, Mrs. Afams, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Bedford; best pair, Mrs. Burns. Children's classes (for dogs and females entered by childrem under sixteen years of age), Miss Laeless, Miss Brooks; children's cocker span- fel, Bessie Muller, 1st, 2nd and 8rd. Pointers--Pups, H. Muller, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Police dogs--~Pups, H. Muller, 1st, 2nd and 8rd. Toy pups--H. Muller, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. females, Specials. : Challenge cup, donated by James Harris, for best specimen in show, opén to members of the Kingston Kennel Club--A. McMahon. W. A. Twigg cup, donated by WwW. A. Twigg, autioneer, for best cocker spaniel in show--A. McMahon. Fred Todd cup, for hest toy, any breed--Mrs. George Burns. Dr. Bell's special for best toy dog --Mrs. Pepplat. Dr. Bell's special for best toy fe- male--B. Muller: G. A. McGowan special for best fox-hound---C. Bowen. Imperial Tobacco Company special for best police dog----Mre. Gibson. R. J. Carson special for best Bos- ton térrier--Mrs. Burne. \ 'W. P. Peters' special for best aire- dale--Mrs. Burns. W. P. Peters' gpecial for best par- t-colored cocker spaniel, C. Thomp- son. Dr. Bell special for best fox ter- rier--Bessie Muller. Dr. Bell special for shire terrier--H. Muller, + Dr. Bell special for best black cocker spaniel--B. Whitney. J. Forrest special for best Pomer- anfan--Mrs. Bedford. . Forrest special for best Pomera- nian, female--Mrs. Adams. Best litter of cocker spanlel pup- ples--Bessie Muller. . fo SON entry of pointers--H. Mul- ow polnter--H. Muller. Mdyor Angrove special, for best Dalmatian---Mrs. Aldridge. _ Dr. Bell special for best collie pup--H, L. Keill. Dr. Bell special for best beagle -brace--J. Cooper. Dr. Bell special for best bull ter Eves. Grimm special--Bessie Muller. best York- | | ring secretary, assisting the super- intendent, W. A. Twigg, very mate rially. Cattle Judging. On Thursday the judging of the cattle took place at the fair grounds. The holstein exhibit wag the largest in the history of the fair and one of the best in Eastern Canada. The classes were all full and eight or twelve appearing in each class. R. Merritt & Sons, Sflleville, won cham- plonship on his aged bull champion, Echo Johann, an eight-year-old son of Sylvia Pontiac. The remale cham- plonship went to Ruby Echo Johan- na, a four-year-old, owned by James Henderson & Sons, Portsmouth. The herd prize was won by Merritt & Sons. The following 1s a list of some of the prise winners: Merritt & Sons--Aged cow, second and third prize; dry cow, first; two year old, first and fourth, semi one year old, first and second, and also aged bull and junfor calf. James Henderson & Sons--Aged cow, first; dry cow, second; three year old cow, first; two year old cow, third; two year old dry, {rst and second; senior yearling, third; junior yearling, second; sr. calf, third; jr. calf, second and third; aged bull second; senior' calf, first and junior calf, second. Baker Bros, Portsmouth--Aged cow, fourth; three year old cow, se- cond and third; two year old cow, second; junior calf, fourth; genior calf, first and second; and bull two years old, first. C. C. Rogers--Hpeifer junior calf, first; dry cow fourth; semlor bull calf, second, John Cline, Napanee-- Junior yearling, first; dry cow, third; aged bull, third. Radage & Sons--Bull two years oid, second; senior calf, third. F. J. O'Niell, two year old bull, first; two year old heifer, third. George Robertson, yearling bull, second. B. Coulter, junior calf, third. Sibbitt Bros., yearling bull, ond. Grades were shown by K. ' O'Niell, James Henderson & Hons, Robertson, W. Radage & Sons and Baker Bros. The herds shown by R. Merritt & Sons, James Henderson & Sons, C. C. Rogers, Baker Bros., are in the sec- "The Hat Store" NEW FALL HATS A Grand Exposition of Newest Styles, Hats for Men Hats for Ladies Hats for Children Of our.own manufacture and gathéred from the markets of the world, we have a. collection of Fall Hats that can be equal- led by few stores in all Canada. A z A For Ladies ' Our Millinery Department is filled with the newest creations. All kinds are here, including Trimmed and t Hats, with a wonderful collection of Tafl. ored Hats in Velour, Feit, Vel. vet, etc. $1.95 up to $16 Here Is A Real Tire The Best Value Anywhere 30x3% Cord or Fabric $8.50 Buy a Pair To-day Dominion and Firestone Dealers OpenEvenings MIQORE'S 206-8 WELLINGTON . Open Open Evenings. STREET... Saturday Special . 32 inch Wool Dress Flannel 20 shades ois iss B5e and 980 yard Fair Week ies Sint WOOL SERGE, %9c--200 yards all pure wool serge shades of Navy al Black--fast t dye 40 inches wide. in perfect vivi nw inion oie 090 yard NEW COATINGS, $1.50 AND $2.00--New fall and winter weight Coatings--56- inches wide--all the popular shades. Blanket Cloth and Polo Cloth . vie oe» $1.50 and up " giges, 2T to 30. Saturday .. .. HYGRADE CORSET, $1.00 Women's good strong Corsets, well boned, Pink and White, all . $1.00 pair ments and the family. UNDERWEAR All the wanted makes in fall and winter Underwear, separate gar- combinations for all Popular Priced. MILL ENDS 5 bundles of White Flannelette, heavy weight--27 to 36 inches wide, in mill ends--on sale Sat- urday at Special Prices. borders. LINEN TOWELLING, 20c. Pure Linen Towelling, 17 inches wide, White or Grey with Red Saturday Special . . ....w: 20c acqredited herd system and are free from tuberculosis. The Jersey cow, Jacoba Irene, aged seven years, owned by J. M. Anderson, Barriefield, took first in her class, and this is' the geventh first prize she has taken during her Iffe. This cow is a wonder and the owner claims that he can trace her ancestors back as far as the Chicago Exposition, Walter Compton took first on his bull, and Perkins of Pittsburg, got second on bull in the Jersey class. + Flowers and Grain. , The judging of flowers, grain and wool, which was on exhibition in the palace, took place on Wednesday afternoon and fellowing are the names of some of the winners: R. Alexander first and'Mrs. Revelle, Kingston, second on cut flowers in vases. Fleece wool, H, Simpson, Catara- qui, first, and Radage & Sons, of Waestbrooke, second. Spring wheat---A. B. Hegadorn, first; fall wheat, J. L. F. Sproule, Westbraoke, first; buckwheai, Rut- ledge Bros., Sydenham, first; rye, Benson Coulter, Glenburnie, first; timothy seed, Rutledge Bros., Syd- enham, first; clover seed, A. B. He- gadorn, Kingston, No. 3, first; beans, A. L. Stover, Biginburg, first; bar- ley, Rutledge Bros., first; oats, sheaves, Frank Smith, Odessa, firet; wheat, J. BE. Penny, Kingston, No. 1, first; ensilage (sheaf), Arthur Key- es, Portsmouth, first; field crop of corn, James Henderson & Sons, Portsmouth. Course wool, Simpson, Cataraqui, fret; James MoFarlane, Odessa, se- cond, . La " A Novel Feature. = * Wer novel feature has been supplied Exhibition this week when, at . 'W. Lindsay booth in 'the 'building, the entire staff of the Kingston Music Studios gave a special concert. They favored on Wednesday evening and Thursday afternoon and will give another con- oert on Saturday Stoning at seven- thirty. Harold Packer, riasher of piano, violin settings, also festured with violin arrangements of some of Mr, song which ner fajls to please those fond of good singing. It was a. ig attraction for 1he Indies Booth a pleasure unexpected for the i ro isitors, The Right Hat at the Right Price PARISIAN MILLINERY _ 83% BROCK STRERT IN MARINE CIROLES The steamer has cléared from the local drydock and will return to Toronto. The steamer Cape Trini'y is in drydock for repairs. The steamer Brockville arrived | from Picton and way ports. The sloop Granger is discharging I cargo at Richardson's elevator, The steamer Kingston passed down to Prescott this morning and will clear for Charlotte om return this evening. The steamer Oity of Hamilton passed down to Montreal. The steamer Canadian for Port Colborne. The steamer Maplebrook cleared for Port Colborne. Marine appraisers and a repre- sentative of the underwriters this morning" examined the hull of the steambarge Jeska, In company with John F. Sowards, owner. While the Jeska and the steamer Landclover, of the line, "tommanded by Capt. Ki: , were maneovering in the harbor on Thursday the Landeclover struck the Jeska head-on on the port side and aft, damaging the timbers above the water line and some of the superstructure. The damage is greater than it appears at first glance, but an adjustment will probably be made within a few days. Mr. Sowards stated ~ this morning that the had not yet get the amount of the damages. tis. Purchased A Hugart Norman, a prominent New York attorney, visited Thousand Island park for the first time this #even- | year, and he and his wife were #0 delighted with there that Mr. and Mrs. ei a his depart- ure, purchased the J. A. Morris cot- tage in Star avenue and will become a permanent summer resifent. ------------------------ Thurlow's Fall Corn. Thurlow claims to have the re- cord for the tallest corn this year, according to word from a correspon- dent. J. Gowsell, Jr, has a stalk a Hearing thirteen fest two inches classic | high. Light, clean, bright; "Lackawan- na" coal, all sizes; one trial always cleared Northumberland l beings repeat orders. Mitchell & BRIGHTEN THE FLOOR Big shipment of new Floor Coverings just in--Linoleums, Oil- cloths, Floor Rugs, Congoleum Rugs, etc., etc. The largest stock and lowest prices in Eastern Ontario. Pictorial Quarterly for Fall Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE | se 0'0is elas Tee ore eielle'n! lee (ele feTol Nin 25¢ Real Estate A three storey brick dwelling on Brock street, suitable for rooming house (cen- tral), with 12 rooms, furnace, elec. lights, gas, in good condi- tion, at a low figure, Call at "office for particulars. A detached Prame dwelling, 8 rooms, hot water heating, electric lights, newly decorated, with garden and garage. Houses to rent, furn- jehed and unfurnish- Flat--heated. MULLIN A ate Cause is a substance exerting its 'power into sect, to have one thing be- gin to be. "The good /tollet preparations" are sold in Kingston at Gibson's.

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