Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1924, p. 3

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" i ¥ : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | every day of Picton fair next week APPROVED APPLICATION = as te te oi X : » Agout one hundred were on the e0 e FOR HOTEL S EY steamer Brockville when she left the ' wharf here with an excursion ¢o have trusted us with their pre- -- Kingston on Thursday morning. scriptions and many more thelr r. Cam Presented P Miss Gibson has come from Erin family recipes. Reliable infor WwW. es pbell Plans to attend thd P. C. I. and is stopping mation which we have accumu- e€ or ampaign io Members with Dr. and ss. RW. Frisk, The ated during : 0 Committee doctor is spending this week In Tor- A ao Bg Ne a 1 To have Just had 1 ? . ° | onto. dally, made up a very At a meeting of the hotel commit- | '. The I. O. D. E. will look after a Hundreds of different rare a Pp : tee held on Thursday, the members | booth at Picton Fair for the benefit | 88d expensive drugs are used in beautiful approved of the application of the, of the blind soldiers. the Slling of the different phy- Hockenbury System Incorporated, to - 'Siclans' preseriptions and all make a survey of the city, lu regard | "OAT AND THE CANARY" to the proposed new hotel. { are of the purest obtainable. Three Mr. Fravkita L. Campbell, survey SHOWING AT THE GRAND All prescriptions are put up representative of the Hockenbury System, was present at the meeting, | Strong Mystery Play Is Here under the direct supervision of S the proprietor and by register- tone and informed the members of the For The Balance of The ed apprentices only. plans to make the survey, as outlined in the Horr dh Wednesday. All the Week, ' Di d members present signed up express- y . m "The Cat and the Canary," as L. 1. Best 1a on ing their willingness for the survey to presented at the Grand on Thursday Druggist be made. Ald. Peters, the chairman, . ' | night, by the Theatrical Enterprices Presided . st the meeting 4ad the Limited, players, is a great mystery . Rin others included Capt. John Donnelly, 8 C. A. Macpherson, H. C. Nickle, Ald. play--one that holds intensive inter- est from start to finish. If you take . Tho setting is in white Bad, AY argent, ald. Coawia a guess as to how it is going to work The last d Gr i i B a gold and small diamonds In addressing the members of the at, JOR ale sure 30 So} tho wrong al ead es argain ay 0 committee, Mr. Campbell gtatad that ope," and in order n sp the play, the theatregoes who will are placed between the in making the survey, it must be as- FOR SALE three large ones, making certained. first of all if there was seo} zor the hig 3 the week: | . t will not be revealed. S| * a most unusual and very need for a new hotel, and at the a PO | THREE SPECIALS ! at vo vig. same time it must be ascertained 3 thellling Play and Sven part is inf 3 - whether or not the community appre- | 22 © hands. crue, tere are many 7,000 This ring, if placed clated this need. The outlook for FP0dky Sones bn there ® ly _ | an Interesting love story as well an regularly in our stock the sale of stock had to be consider- | ne nrocuetim' te one | . Stone, 8 rooms, 5 hot ed and it must be found if Lhe new air, 8 piece bath, elect: lights, hw. would be marked si $2850, hotel would be a paying proposition. that rounds out an evening of great | floors throughout, full lot, garage. We are making a Spec- Mr. Campbell pointed out that the | *Rjoyment. Just imagine an! . : old man arranging to have his | i ial of 'this particular de- Hockenbury System, Incorporated, | B 2 on for a short time oi had never financed a failure. This ii Tead twenty years after bis | Fares refunded to all out-of-town customers, according to a sign ho held was due to the fact that a death, and at the hour of WidaieRt, | ' d in the house in which he died. Frame, 5 rooms, Bungalow, bath survey was made. By the taking of | ®" gad | teller, elontric, gh light, furnace, $200 00 this survey it could be found if the pid whieh had Desh vioeen mo ef ot. AM 2 , . . . . y How Bote] would be a paving prapost- | Loe Toe, Eo eittme tit tractions await you in all sections here to-morrow | 1 "evil epirits'"' hovered over the OPEN BUNDAYS specially prepared schedule. A host of sensational bargain at- r. 11 ha number of $5,200 i hel a er re- | house, and who declared that one of oY. Ji ( ¢ : 1 heirs gathered for the read- ; RL Ns garding the proposed survey and he | S6Vera Brick, © rooms, 8 piece bath, elec- | Sip went over these with the members | I08 of the will, must meet death in tric light and Bot air, h.w fi ; " gas, " oors who answered the questions. the gloomy old house. From the | Mr Campbell intends fo go to | time of the reading of the will things B Bat ' : : Brockville on Monday, to meet af & very exciting nature happen, '. cman s fate committee regarding the erecting of | Put enough sald. To say more ; a new hotel there. Last week he | Would spoil the play for all who at- x4 1113 BROCK ST., KINGSTON 4 : tend the rest of the week i i Tclephone 1925F, WA IITA J was in Owen Sound, a proposition rest o le week. be : ---- : SAL 8 | being under consideration there for | In the role of Annabelle West, the Sr 3 , --~ the building of a new hotel. i heiress, Jessica Paige captivated her Pp} ; U 0 ® audience from the time she made her first appearance. Byron Haw- . T0 AID CHURCH FUNDS | xin wrest gone. con te ctr House Cleaning {gy SEIF.DENAL WEEK 5 si eat or very slow as a love-maker, won the heiress and called for a minister. For Fall "11 Special Call Is 8ent Out bY| pyr pinch handled the different Qeneral Boagg of Pres- Tole of Mammy Pleasant, the In- h. dian servant with marked ability, f d byterian Churc while Evelyn Watson, Ada Howard, The proper method to care ror waxe 10 sending out a call this week Norman Wendell, Henry Gurney, Ar- to every minister and church in the | hur Mack and William Armstrong 75 New English Cut-cloth Camelaine and Vela- floors is to saturate a piece of steel were all good in their various role . . . Dominion, the General Board of the 3, 4 1 ? wool with Old English Brightener, Presbyterian Church stresses the |, While the play is of the melo- \ Vela Wool Fabric Coats. Developed in the season's rubbing briskly to remove the soiled Jat ther {hd Smanciai abjoriive, tor very clever' comedy, and at times smartest straight-line effects with side-ties and but- > e audience is in roars of laughter. 1 or worn places--the Brightener does nt years ark at "sven | The three acts are well stayed and tons, half and full lined. ' with such a clever company of play- is wit h i he wax or fin- then oft a seriously reduced scale, . o , : this out removing 1 lly with Old and the remaining $400,000 to wipe | °™%,[e4ves nothing to be desired. _ All the new shades are included in browns, tans and greys-- ish. Touch up occasionally wa out the budget debt. The cal: states | "He Cat #1 the Canary" will be in a full assortment of sizes from 16 to 44. that with a reasonable gift from | .;% 00i and the production wel A i i condi- English Wax to keep in good - each individual that entire sum al- dererves a capacity audience' at each : uri thr i= located to each of the congregations tion. We are feat ng the ee artl-, can be raised. The request is made | Performance. cles this week at one price for the Fv ying ie spit BE en ' self-denial from November 2nd to ops igent face powder. Gib- thrifty housewife. 9th and a special offering in all the Simplicity of character is no hin- ® churches on or about Sunday, No- ie a vember 9th. The church deficit is | 472200 to subtlety of intellect. : Price ascribed to the fact that the cost of e our . doing the work increased more ' rapidly than the revenue, the result Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumbers, tion are declared by the General Board to have been the marked ad- vance in the cost of living aad travel and the payment of $180,000 for s forelgn exchange, made more acute 35 All Wool Velour Coats with Peau-de-Cyne linings during some of the recent ycars by d = Ii od th a ~~ |adverse crop and industrial condi- and mnter-lin 1 : . tions. It is pointed out, however, i : wr annel All charming new creations that in the last five years, the mil- with fur collars of selected Beaverine. weg WHY THE WEATHER? lions of dollars subscribed to He k t various funds give striking proof DR. CHARLES #. BROOKS _ || (he willingness and loyaity to the , There are styles suitable for misses and women--in a Secretary. JAmentoan Meteorolegiash) church. : " ' full range of sizes--from 16 to 46. The High Atmosphere. PICTON FARR IS NEXT WINNIPEG All shades in brown and grey tones. beidg that there was a deficit, and Gas-Fittersy' Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy . : a disheartening limitation of annual ' e II'C appropriations had followed. The : chief factors in producing this situa- 5 Several months ago, it was sug- gested by Dr. L. Vegard, a Norweg- . fan physicist, that the highest ievels | The Old House Is Set U + of the atmosphere were composed Oid Lug Ready For P Reg. $25.00 and $26.50 values. largely of frozen nitrogen. He com-| : pared the spectrum of the aurora Relics. with that of frozen nitrogen electric ally excited, and found them appar-|' Picton, Sept. 19.--Mrs. E. J. Spen- ently identical, as a green band in | cely and little daughter, Marion, of between Pacific C s \ the frosem nitrogen covered the re-| Bounty, Sask., have arrived at the y Pom be gion of the principal green line of | home of her mother and sister, Mrs. ing vi National. . the aurora. Vegard felt safe in erect- | Ruttan and Mrs. Johnson, to spend tte els Silk and Wool Hose ing an elaborate hypothesis on this | several months. close similarity. He posulated also Miss Valera Brough has returned | ty that this high, rare, nitrogen frost [to her school duties in Detroit, Mich. cloud was in large part responsible | efter spending the school holidays for the blue color of the sky. This | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. . See Canada we i ° » P ® hypothesis, requiring such a low | Brough. et 4 TOT i ro EM roung have | | | due as sclariul ana Buiniers 300 pair of medium, large 600 Pair of Penman's and oh English Silk and | computed from meteor observations, | much improved in health. Seerebly i and extra larg, ouble-bed aE Tan Tavs Bek tam 5 av0itation | oben ations uf relics tor the 01d log age d Wor H 1 ssoclation | house on the fair grounds are com- obi i . i = oo rt i meetings in Toronto, Prof. J. C. Me- ing in every day. The house is tence. A Be, Grey and White Flan bla k, b wn en wey Lennon Jesstated. evidence 5s this now set up and ready to receive Teket Ofce nelette Blankets. Ibex and 9 ro . eY: question, tha egard's | them. : 0 ' san an e----tw - hypothesis is apparently without| H, H. Fudger, president of the PAS 2 or Li8s, Klondyke makes--first qual- 2 al ° Sut foundation. A very careful study of | Robert Simpson Co., of Toronto, : ity nly--R and 8 values for q ty | the frosen nitrogen spectrum reveal- | came down to visit his oid pastor, ELI 0 neg. $3.00 and value, All sizes fro ed that the green band Vegard had | Rev. Dr. Shorey, who is recovering F Shek $3.50 val = observed was made of three distinct | slowly from a severs stroke with NA . ues. 8} to 10. . green lines no one of which coin- | which he has been afflicted for some ; ; tided with the principal line of the |time past. 3 | Wuroral spectrum. There is no rea-| Miss Lillian Lobb left on Saturday son, Jey, for Jeltsving that pa at- [for her home in New York city, after mosphere zen at a great eleva- . friends Edward Hon, We still do not know and Yiudiies in Prinee ave not even a good guess as to I s in Prank what makes that green line in the -- Oh) oui Wis 1 i roet aurora's spectrum. | father. The doctor returned from Share sasty in the week. The doc- a: or's mother, Mrs. Gullett, of Well. Flower of Bagdad face powder." | ington, is with him during his wife's Gibson's. absence. The poorest can give as much as| The nurres of Prince Edward the Flebent At he will give ail he can. | county hospital will hold tag days . 3

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