Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1924, p. 7

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AILY BRITISH WHIG TWENTY-FIVE THOUSKD | CHANGES PLEA PEOPLE ATTEND EXHIBITION "10 Guy (Continued from Page 1) ¥ Riding Establishment at the Roye! | (Continued from Pages 1.) Military College have put on an ex- { burning in Gananoque and after the ~~ " cellent 'exhibition of horsemanship | ;ocident. ir front of the grand stand both af- | I ternoon and evening. The men, who |p CoC), L270, Who was riding io : / * ' | ¢ t of rother" r, . . are under the direction of Captain [he back eh wold ide Ladies' Patent and Highest Grade See the Brock Hat, all the newest shades With fury flashed hor coal-black | Finney, are to be complimented °B | crank the car and then asked Mr. , 50 eyes; their excellent show. On Toursday | gawgill to try it She saw the ac- |} * . and styles. Price e's ein de sie niete aie $5. Her bosom rose and fell-- evening they were loudly applauded | cused's car out of the back window IC1 Oxfor an umps : "Twould take & dozen stanzas by the immense audience. These | wren Miss Irwin sounded the horn. Other Hats, $4.00 and up. This maiden's wrath to tell. men have visited a number of flrs | I way quite a distance. Lwir re during the past two months. They lights were bright and it appeared to Tu S 1 F h FH 1 = made b M » : H H 3 L "Oh, let me at thet villain there," | loft Kingston on June 16th and have | ast rn Joles, renc eels y oore 8s English ard at, price $6.00 She cried in piercing tone; been in demand at different places! be coming quite fast, Bell and Smardon. ese Shoes . . | When passers-by restrained her ever since, including the Ottawa and | Difficult ov ; Fall Caps mn all shades and patterns, She ehrieked with moan on moan. | Napanee fairs. On Monday they go | Juatice ai Xi) Sheed wheth. formerly sold for $7.50, 9.00 and $1 50, $2 00 and $2.50. "Now is this your faithless Jo Diston il whi they will ler a person could tell the gpeed of a some as high as $ | 2.00. ? : men p . . 1 by its lights, : ' oa st aur pe uises, Member ot. tie sol. es Tiny We admit the styles have changed, "Oh, no, 8 no mn er party is nney, son of | > ; I . Geor e VanH orne's ~Then lan't be your sweetheart, |Captain Finney, who by the WAY i8 | round tne troy ne (hr nol, come yet these Shoes make the prettiest 213 P . Str : Phone 362w. With whom you've had a spat?" a soldfer who rose from the ranks | see him struck. She went to evening shoes money can buy. o to hfs present position at the R.M. | where he was lying, "Oh, gangway--Ilet me at him!" |C. Young Finney who is a K.C.L Her car's front lights were burn- i 1 She raged with angry snort. boy, enjoys riding and takes part In | ;, 11°" Sur's, front lights were burn- We must clear them immediately, "That monster there's a barber, |sll 'the performances. His father | i, so offer them to you at 2 = = Who cut my heir too short!" leads the ride and the son is at the | , per ne accident the accused had > --Charlotte Churchill, | rear of the line. | tried to start her car and then let * ONE DOLLAR " ht Hurts . -- | Mr. Lemmon try while he got into : Might Help. Resulted in a Draw. { the back seat with the witness. When 1 irs. Light Hurts English Genevieve: "Robert says he is ac-| The wrestling bout between Harry | he was getting into the car she smelt It will pay you to buy 3 or 4 pairs ' tually sfek with love for me." Haunts of Kingston and Stevenson, | liquor on his breath. She thought Some E on : Florence: "Why don't you marry | of Watertown, N.Y, which took |, * car was within a foot or so of y him, dear, and cure him?" place im frout of the grand stand |, orayy on the righ: hand side ' Golf Score --Thomas L. Jones. | during the afternoon, resulted in a This ended the case for the crown. draw, Stevenson was awarded the Some eyes are extremely sen- first fall and Haunts the second. The Defense. Congenial. : sitive to light. Fof such Mrs. Lord: "How did the house | The bout lasted for thirty minutes John Howes, the first witness for ! Mar ers and during that time the people | the defence, traveller for tne Can patients we supply special look after you came home from the lenses that prevent the harmful country?" were Kept on their toss as the sirug- | 4g, Cyale and Motor Car Company, | [Ie------ f light from entering the Mrs. Hale: "Exactly as I left it. | 81 was so even. In conpnectlcn sith wag at the Ivy Lea dance and in the Jays o's My husband seemed fo have lived | the bout, it must be taken inta con- |, ov co, at the time of the ac- ayes. in the cellar." sideration that Harry Hauats, of cident. He saw Mr. Hewgill's car If the movies, bright lights, Th are verv well --Letitla Rayborn. | Kingston, is working every day, and about 100 feet away, picking it up T travelling on the water or by ese y for that reason it is not possible fof | Lion" ineir headlights. It pad my auto bothers your eyes, let me made--simple -- but She Must Have Been Ill. him to be in the pink or condition, tail-light. The aécused bore over to fit you out with a pair of these . The handsome young doctor had | While his American opponent makes yo left to pass it. He did not at lenses. give the true score been called to attend an attractive |® business of wrestling, first see anyone moving about it. He : K young women. He entered the| There was a yoy Interesting tug- | ares caw Mr. Hewgill when he was a --no sl1ps. young lady's home expecting to find | Of- WAT between a Kingston team and short distance In front of the left W D Graham RO . her suffering from soms mild indis- | * team from Watenows, N.Y. The | yront tender of the stalled car, The o Ve 9 . They come in lea- } | position, but the moment that he was Kingston team, bo ih Was made uP |,.cysed's car was then quite close Successor to J. J. Stewart 2 00 | there he realized that he had made | °f Nicholson, St ncombe, Bushey: to him. Mr. Hewgill appeared to run Optometrist ther cases . $2, a mistake. Obviously the young |F0!2n. Kenny Winholt and Daw, all almost in front of the accused's car Vellington 8 Orb. Poms Office woman was seriously ill. members of the staff of the Ports- |... wo hie wp Treadgold tried to Ho a. by appointment, Others from 50c. up. Her hair was not combed, one of | MOUth penitentiary, were easy win- stop his car when he first saw Mr. i: her eyebrows was crooked, and the | 2°'S- In the second pull it only Hewgill. He stopped within €0 feet, end of her nose was shiny. look the Kingston men a few sec- (ipo miadie of the highway Wit. , --L. B. B,|00ds to have the Americans on the |... goed the accused to move to | = CRADMASTER . . 0 Kinnear Es move. Harry Haunts captained the the right which he did. Witness and Dr. Waugh t . & d terre Kiddie Kapers, winning team. ne a went back to Mr, i JEWELLERS Mildred, aged five, came running], Hewgill. 0 into the h hot day, To Mr. Rigney witness said to the HEADQUAR FOR 100 akg Phone 256. 168 PRINCESS ST. ion FEET voy bor Wy GANANOQUE accused "There's bij Bert," when KINGSTON U TERS " 3 Looking at the perspiration on her 2 hundred feet behind it. Mr. Tread- FURNITURE DURING FAIR WEEK | : - handa, and face she cried: "Oh, gold started then to swerve to the . . i - ot mer; look at the fulce coming out| Sept. 19.--An event of much in-| left. The accused's ear passed the | Meet your friends as opportunity beckons you. If oe + }| of me." terest to a large number of Gana-| stalled car three feet away. Mr. . . BRICi., s.vf., PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING --Mrs. H, T. /noqueans was the marriage yester-' Hewgill ran out three feet to the | yOU are gomg to buy Furniture for present or future day at St. Mary's cathedral, King-| centre of the highway. use, no matter how little you need you need it a ] - Hi id that - . . "DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM | on' To Him, So 5% Miss lena Baku of Erm. | T Ea ew aid te! long time.- We have the kind that gives years of Buck: "I'll think up a good ex-|town, to Edward Littlejohn, son of § . cuse for you to give when you get Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Littlejohn of this| to the right, enough to clear the car. service at moderate prices. CONTRACTORS home." town. They were attended by Miss | He was struck by the fender, a little Huck: "Don't waste your time. [Irene Littlejohn, sister of the] in on it. { JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. My wife is a mind-reader." groom, and Wilfrid Morgan. After at would biog your hy JA ! g a ERT STREET ~--Gustave Pittenger, | the ceremony they motored to Gan-| closer than three feet," commente 5 PHONES 2367F--928W, 400 ALB | Ber, | Snouue. hore NY were attended. a | the judge. a The Busy Store £1 Phone 147 ; The Flight of Time. reception by the groom's parents. Mr. Nickle began questioning the y . a First Crook: "How'd y' pass a'| They will ke up residence at] Witness concerning liquor when His A: ; a ; val winter, BI?" Ernesttown where the groom is the | Lordship interrupted with the re- "Ic n NRERNNNAEN EAR ERERRREEERG " c..... croix 1 ved on me roe | sE00t for the. Gonads Nations | Bark. shot he sis ot sissies | § FISH & CHIP CAFE utation." Railway. importance to the smell of liquor. Open from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. First crook: "Gosh, didnt y'| One of the interesting and bril-| He would not press it on the jury. | starve almost t' death?" lant features of the golf match be-| The question was one of negligence. A This year's crop is excep x Second crook: "Naw---I wuz in |tween Kingston and Gananoque tionally high grade. | jail." teams was supplied by Stewart Rob- Plea is Changed. : ~--Albert Hendy. | ertson who was playing with Ted| When the court adjourned at 8.20 P HONE 1307 ER WARE ------ Byers. Mr. Robertson in the ninth| pm. Mr. Nickle, on behalf of Mr. DINN » In The Dictionary. 'was on the green on his drive and Treadgold, changed his plea lo guilty Dr PD M Macdonnell Our Motto: "Prompt Service." \ Shaw: "I understand now why Sunk the ball in one. Though the|on both counts. Mr. Rigney said he : 1 the landlord called this a 'model' Yisitors Saptated the honors in| had no objections. His Lordship in- Has Opened His Office at . ston ce : apartment." boints they didn't by any means| formed the jury that he aid not need 142 WELLINGTON STREET King No Suse you re in pend of severa, Mrd. Shaw: "Why, dear,--because | have all the fun and it was a thor-|a formal verdict trom them, when Hours: 2-3 p.m. 7-8 pym. 1 5 r ace those broken, or, you it 1s so up-to-date?" oughly enjoyable afternoon with | the prisoner pleaded guilty, unless it Residence: University A - pieces to P : Y "Bhaw: 'No; because a 'model' | Plenty of good sporty golf. had been to a lesser charge, and he : re yuu. wish to increase the size of your set; means a small imitation of the real| A. Stuart Allaster, Brockville, | dismissed them. He congratulated | sos -- thing." was in town on Wednesday. them on their careful consideration our open stock [Patterns of Johnson ~--Lorna Bond.| Mrs. Soones and children and Mr. | of the case. I (Clothes Made For Anybody Moving and Hauling Brothers English Dinnerware are w--ta-------- Miller of Petawawa, who have been| Addressing the court Justice Len- | FREIGHT, FURNIT . Forgot Herself. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mose, nox said he did not feel disposed to Fit N | ' URE, N complete, and the prices lower than Dick: "I never saw Jones look so| Bishop, have returned home, be severe on this young man. He || PIANOS, ETO. el cheerful and self-confident as he George O'Brien of the custome de-| considered it had been an error of || Have Them Made For YOU | Sew here. does today. I wonder what caused partment is holidaying in New York. | judgment and want of care rather | Local and long distance give . BE | the change?" Mrs. Stirling Penmock has return-| than anything worse. Hé wanted to ) en our careful attention. Should you want a complete dinner Charles: "He told me a book agent | ed from Delta where she exhibited a| get Mr. Rigrey's views on the case |i Williamson & Wellwood * asked to see the head of the house, |large amount of fancy work, carry-|and accordingly adjourned the court 80 Montreal Street. 'Phome 2165J HENR set we have them from last night, and his wife called him." | ing off several prizes. till Friday afternoon, allowing the |[i Own material made up. C. L. Y --Atdrew Krenerick.| Miss Margaret Chapman has re.| accused to go in his counsel's cus- : = 547 Albert Street $ ] 8 00 turned after spending a week's vaca- | tody, though adding that he might We cannot eat the fruit while the TELEPHONE 1875F UU up GRAMMATICAL JINGLE-JANGLES. | tion in Brockville, Ogdensburg and | ask for security later. tree is in blossom. By Percival Prim. Watertown, This was the last case on the 'Watch your step, and bear in mind ---------- Assizes docket, One should never say "those kind." Mrs. Gertrude Bellamy Dies. . * . China Prescott, Sept. 19.--Mrs. Gert. Judgment Reserved. Crockery : v »" and say "has|rude Bellamy, a resident of Prescott Judgment was reserved jn the Do- » ] for twenty years, passed away on | Minion Loose Leat Company's action - When the ; ' Men are "hanged" and Dlotures Wednesday. Although not in good | against Charles Manuel. Fr ; ) " ° o Wi "hung." health for several months, the late | Case was continued on Thursday || i . ree Mre. Bellamy had been confined to | morning the defendant gave evidence TO THE : N| Some feel sad, but none feel sadly, her home only a couple of days, and | Boing to show that he did not pos- 1 oN | Say "feel bad" and not 'feel bad-| her death came as a shock to her | Sess or retain any trade ets of 3 < a ly." many friends here. She was born | the plaintiffs', that he ved that 73 Princess St. .- wy in Toledo, Ont;, and was the daugh- | his contract with the above company : Owls may say '"To-whit, to who?" ter of the Rev, Wyatt Chamberlain, | 41d not contain the cladse which he | wl | J ] Men should say "To whom?" Do and had resided here practically all | had deleted and which purposed to y Sg - : you? her life. She is survived by. one | Prevent him from acting in a similar / We cordially invite you to visit our store Spm daughter, Miss Mabel Bellamy, Pres- | Capacity in the same territory for *y 'a . Her Drawback. cott. y another firm during the life of the while mn Kingston. "Miss Petite has only one draw- contract, three years from last June, 4 A 1 : f back that I dislike." - ' . also that he had spent his life in this co rang "What 1s that?" Baggage Man Badly Injured. kind of work and that his home was : very comp. ete eo "When she draws back her head| Prescott, Sept. 19.--Oyrus Me- in Western Ontario where he was from my shoulder." Lean, forty years of age, was ser-| working. The lawyers' arguments ) . ' . ~--W. 8. |lously injured while loading bag- | took over two hours and it was arter | I en S S gage at the Canadian National Rail-| one o'clock before the case ad- ; _ (Copyright 1924. Reproduction way station. One of the heavy] journed.- ~The problem of School Shoes will be = ne ech ra hs S| aa Furnishings, Boots and Shoes eh omicall . . Readers y al rushed to the : ; : the yor g speed if you mill et vs out py = oie rn Homa] a+ Opie be pei x. DODDS always in stock. Highest quality, lowest youngsters. eo ana" un Spas; | 4 tn the hope of saving bie ite. |" (IEA : 2A NB prices to Strong, durable Shoes for Boys and Girls; comfortabl .00 to $10.00 | on: ! aU EE A . . styles; constructed to Brotact said support growing foot muscles, i= Ll "line tor postry ours lemed gos Bye-Biestion. |. dod Rn We meet or bisa all cataloque prices. + Good Shoes worn by your children is evidence of your own Soh on, 38 ' . for : FILLS pd me In an us prove it. tne and Jame. | tere i Ee, || ves restertay or the todos we dda PS ; tion day is fized for Oct, 237d and per *- : » ALLAN M. REID te fl Louis Abramson's ® or : iain. DUs a Jatt atesion.{ Il} 336 PrincessStreet - - Phone 1098. OE STORE HN tive, had & majority in the 'ast gen- pt Established 1894, & eral elections of '342. -- Waste is not grandeur,

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