THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Bee SAVE ON YOUR TIRES By WILLIAMSON TuST AT THIS TIME HUNDREDS OF MOTORISTS ARE EASCARDING IF YOUR sEPTIDEER 20, 1034 EE I AUTO SENSE : \WE BEEN READINGS YOUR MONEY - SAVING TIPS SAY, THAT'S AS EASY AS Have you' noticed the number of old cars which have been "shod" with the newest type of tires? Every time one of these changeovers is made four or five cord tires are traded in. The dealer allows a few dollars for the old tires, which in many cases are in good condition gnd have thousands of miles left in THIRD COME-BACK OF W. C. DURANT Famous Auto King Smashes Wall Street--A Wizard In High Finance. New York, Sept. 19.--Fear, cau tion and suspivion--but mostly fear --~--that's how Wall Street viewed Willam C. Durant, the auto king, four years ago. Then, in 1920, the smash came. . The Du Poms and the Morgans took over hig interests in General 'Motors. His fabulous fortune, esti- mated variously from $60,000,000 to $100,000,000 crumbled. He was considered broke. Wall Street smiled a self-satisfied amile. These upstarts must be kepi in their places! Four years have passed. Durant seemingly passed out of the piec- ture. He was almost unheard of. But quietly he was mapping his campaign. Recently he considered , Rimself ready. Then he came out in the open, AND NOW | WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON ANOTHER SET OF TIRES A series of smashes and assaults " HIDING. A FLEA ON A Before you buy a replace- ment tire, go to your dealer and ask him to show you what he has in this line. You will be surprised at the value you cin receive. It you are interested in this tip, you should use care in selecting used tires. You should make sure that the tire you are considering has not PERFECTLY GOOD CORDS OLD BOAT NEEDS NEW SHOES | WitL PAY YOU TO LOOK THESE x Og & ms. A il i been rim-cut and has no breaks in the walls. By pushing your heel into a tire and turning it around slowly, you will be able to locate such defects. Wateh out for "cold patches" on the inside of the casing. They are usually put in to cover a hole or break, and it is not advisable to buy a tire of tais kind. Be W. C. DURANT. on Wall Street followed. Durant oleaned up $10,000,000. Again fear his crept into the mar- row of Wall Street's bones. Again Wall Street. {is watching him cautiously. For the rumor Is that Durant has only started. And Wall Street respects his ability. Durant has '"'come back" three times. He is 63 and is considered a wizard in high finance. FORECAST APPALLING IN. OREASE IN AUTO DEATH RATE Louisville, Ky., Sept. 18.--A mea- sure 'to effect a national reduction in public accident fatalities by the co-operative effort of all national! associations whose interests touch upon the street and highway traf- fic problem, will be proposed at the safety congress to be held here Sept. 29-Oct. 3, the National Safety Council announces. Among the associations to parti- cipate are the United States Cham- ber of Commerce, the American Automobile Association, the United States Automobile Chamber of Com- merce, the American Railway Asso- ciation, the International Chief of Police Association, the National Bu- reau of Casualty and Surety Under- writers, the American Electric Rail- way Association and the American Mutual Alliance, "Fifteen thousand lives are lost in automobile accidents each year Also examine the outside of the tire to be sure that the sides have not been scraped against curbing and ruts until the rubber is badly eaten away. If this is the case and you find that the remaining rubber on the walls is cracked, water may have gotten into the cord layers, rotting them until the tire is weakened. and fully 76 per cent. of these ac- cldents are avoidable," said the an- nouncement. "Since 1910, the death toll has been Increasing at ihe rate of 1,000 each year, and, with the increasing registration of automo- biles resulting in street and high- way traffic problems which cannot easily be solved, it is probable that the annual death rate may be in the neighborhood of 30,000 in 1930, 3 ---------- To Remove Rust From Tools. Rust can be kept off tools by dis- solving one-half ounce of camphor in one pound of melted lard, remove scum, add enough fine black lead (graphite) 7fo give an iron color. Clean the tools and émear with this mixture. After 24 hours rub clean with soft linen cloth. Economy in Fire E: shers. If the car is insured against fire, the addition of the fire extinguish- er will reduce the premium on the insurance almost enougn te pay for the extinguisher, sometimes during the first year. Every sweet has its sour, Every evil its good. Have you seen this new car? THE NEW STANDARD SIX Crankshaft and connecting ods machined on all surfaces Genuine chrome tanned ish leather. ' All the usual equipment a high grade clock, a i. plus gauge, automatic windshield wiper and othér extras. + New Studebaker Four.Wheel : Hydraulic Brakes--optional . equipment, Automatic braking --It is a closed-open car! Even aside from the sensational new WEEK ago the new Studebaker DUPLEX BODY---the Studebaker Stand- Standard Six DUPLEX-PHAETON was first announced. Today, countless thousands of people are talking about this entirely new type of car. One moment it is a closed car--in five sec- - onds it tan be transformed into a delightful, airy, open car. But it is always the closed car in deep soft cushions, beautiful fittings and finish and luxurious riding comforts. When you see it and ride in it you will know why it has made so profound a sen- sation--you will realize then that it gives you more than the finest open car can ever give you, plus the comfort and protection of the closed car. And all at the price of an open car! The new Studebaker Standard Six retains all the qualities which make great reputa- tion--to these have been added every real e and owner- improvement which service could suggest, * ! ard Six has no superior in value in any car superiority. -- --come today! \ yet built." It was the conscientious inten- tion of Studebaker in planning and design- ing the new Standard Six to make it just such a leader--to that end every resource of the great Studebaker organization has been concentrated. 3 Even if we had the space we could not begin to tell you of the very many new and unusual features which indicate its In appearance it is unlike any other car -- yet its long, low, broad, ing lines are conservative, crisply stylish and in beautifully good taste. But to appreciate the sparkling beauty of its totally new lines you m know its perfection of of formance you must ride in it and drive it. "_ If you have not seen this NEW type car see it. To and per- ~ mmm ANDARD 13 in. W.B. SOR.P. SEER 4-Pass. Victoria. ....... 2775 7-Pass. Duplex- Phaeton $2550 5-Pass. Coupe.......... 3550 7-Pass. Sedan.......... 3750 7-Pass. Berline......... BIG SIX 127 in. W.B. 7S HP. opee BROTHERS SPECIAL TOURING CAR Exceptional beauty now character- izes the car that has earned so enviable a reputation for modest upkeep and long life, There are no extras to buy. The' Special Touring Car is completely and smartly equipped. Five Balloon-Type Tires M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET. 3 W. T. ROGERS AT ATHENS. Principal of Brockville Business Col- lege Delivers Temperance Address. Athens, Sept. 17.--That temper- ance sentiment {is strong 'n this community was evidenced on Sunday evening, 14th inst, when a represen- tative congregation from town and countryside assembled in the Metho- dist church to listen to TFrincipal Rodgers, of the Brookville Business College discuss the prohibition prob- lems of the day. His uticrances were sane and logical, void of ani- mosity and invective, yet delivered with a force which carried convie- tion. The speakgr said, in effect, that, while in bygone days the tem- rerance question was an individual matter, in these days it is of pro- vinte-wide concern, in fact the eyes of all Canada and the whole world are upon Ontario in this, her crucial hour. We cannot evade the issue -- it touches art, literature, economies. It is a fight for sobriety against drunk- enness, self-denial against greed, safety against danger, home against the lquor-traffic which eats 'ike a canker against domestic happiness. In war time, the prohibilion mea- sure was enacted because it was found that the game of death could only be played in terms of sobriety, so surely, in peace time, the game of life can- best be played in terms of sobriety. Be logical! What is good for war time is good for peace time. Familiarize yourselves with actual conditions, and be prepared to meet the arguments of the liquor inter- ests. They say the drug habit is on thy increase; granted, but the great- est increase is found in the wet pro- vinces. They say there is much vio- lation. of the Ontario Temperance Act. True--there was also of the old license law. They say Lhere is just as much liquor consumed. Sta- tistics prove otherwise. They say the law cannot be enforced. . Aypi¥ this principle to the Motor Vehicle Act under which eight tintes as many convictions are made as under the O.T.A., yet we would not think of Tepealing the speed-law, [or booze and gasoline are a dangercus mix- ture, Let us retain the law, and strengthen it. Some say, "More beer, more busi- ness." How can this be? If spent in a bar-room---even a government bar<sroom---how can there be as much to spend on other business? Facts prove that there are more business failures in the province of Quebec than in Ontario. Be confused by the term, *'government control," and be induced to become partners in this nefarious traffic, but gird on the armor, enter the fight, and tell the government that we want nothing to do with the whiskey business. We must get out on Oct. 23rd, and vote it down. OAUSES HARD STEERING. Hard steering may be due to not: wheels that are out of ad line, but more likely it results from tires that need inflating or from steering con- nections that need lubricatiop. In- fate the tires to normal pressure and then go thoroughly over the steering unit with an oil can or grease gun as the case may demand. This includes not only the steering gear but the ball joints at either side of the drag link, the king pin bearing and the tie rod bearing, EDWARD'S AUTO SERVICE McLaughlin Car Owners Try the man that knéws your car. Six years of factory experi. ence in the McLaughlin factory, All work absolutely guaran teed. Flat rate if you prefer ity x =z i : = = = =] : _-- AUTO TOPS New and Repaired Cushions SIDE CURTAINS. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING 85 MONTREAL STREET 'PHONE 2544w, B er. Prompt, Courteous Service as ean FROSTS Phone 526 | SELECT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING a 4 fet We Can Make Your gasoline as pow- erful as when new. Artange' with us to have the oyHnd: ragroufid and fitted with over size piston and rings, Call and see our Heald regrinder. Automotive Grinders Limited 225 Wellington Strees | Auto Tops and Seats Recovered{ Side C - All Kinds of Bevelled Glass Lights R. SINCLAIR 360 BARRIE STREET 'PHONE 1681. A -------------- ra, When you need your Battery repaired or one made to order, ale so automobile repair work, it will pay you to see ms. & 210 DIVISION STREET THE MONARCH BATTERY WILLIAMSON : Has proven its high qualities. For that reason the leading dealers recognize its superiority, and mow stock them recommend them to Automobile Owners and Radio Fans. Ask for the Monarch MADE IN KINGSTON.