» 13 RESULTS OF CONTESTS Harvest Services i 8t. Luke's Church F i . In Milking, Egg Laying And Seegial _PreasherRev, Stock Judging at The Tn That hs Ex 8 Holy Communion. hibition. Mating and Hoy Comm. ------ Hymns: 346, 237, 348. Venite On Friday afternoon," the resujt Pomino. Choral : 148. of the milk contest held in connec- tion with the Holstein exhibit at the Kingston Industrial Exhibition, 'Was announced as follows: Cow over thirty-six months--First "Morven Beauty," Baker Bros, 140.15 points, second, "Ruby Pietje Clyde," James Henderson & Sons, Portsmouth, 119.39 Points. Third, "Pet Bonerges Triumph," Robert Merritt & Sons, Sillsville, 108.25. Cow under thirty-six months -- First, "Elmville Violet DeKel," Rob- --g GRAND TONIGHT at 8.15 Last Time THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES, LIMITED PRESENT "THE CAT i CANARY" |= Pricess+--25c., 35c¢., 50c., 75c¢. \ | Truth is verily stranger than fic- COM. f GRAND 3 DAYS 2: SEPT. 22 folded in the film drama "Tre Man They Could Not Hang" has been ac- ; 'Matinee Daily at 2.80; Evenings at 8.15. tually lived and experienced by a ' 8 THE LIFE STORY OF JOHN LEE at the Strand theatre, has been pro- nounced by many as the best farce comedy of the year. The picture ineludes every = f{n- gredient which has made motion plotures a popular entertainment. Ben Alexander, who won fame in "Penrod and Sam" and "Boy of Mine," is seen this time as' the tramp-pal of Lloyd Hamilton, one of the best fun makers on the screen to-day. COUNT FRONTENAOC'S LANDING IS STAGED! On Macdonald Park\ Shore Friday Afternoon--S8cene Viewed by Crowds. The wonderfu! weather which has a 11 am. --- ' ---- "THE MAN THEY OOULD NOT Exul under), Choir. Offertory: Com er O Postimde v anoque. Ean om from ius (Mendelssohn). 3 p.m, --Children's Service. y 7 vensong. | man who is alive at the present day ~--John Lee. The 'wildest imagination of fiction writers has never surpassed the wonderful true story of actual es- cape from death on the gallows. The | story opems in a cheerful way and | has not the slightest suggestion of i "THE MAN THEY | gloomy horrors. { The picture is replete with pathe- | tic Incidents, relieved here and tere with a touch of 'humor, the humor- ous portion being chiefly in Lee's boyhood days, while among the pa- thetic parts are those showing the enhanced the beauty of the King- ston Historical Pageant still held on Friday afternoon when the landing of Count Frontenac was staged for & second time at Macdonald Park. Crowds of people were on tke Mur- rey Tower hill and along the shore, second, "Rugy Echo Johanna" James Henderson & Cons, 91.94; third, "Al- cartra Veeman Spofford", Baker | Bros., Portsmouth, 91.87. It has been arranged that all the stock on exhibit will be paraded in f= Merritt & Sons, Sillsville, 96.94, { "AUCTION SALE Monday, S 32nd, 1.30 p.m. Be Stee treet. Sixth Stree Furniture, bedding, r 1 ney ragge, utensils, tools, and Pag arian ¥ WM. MURRAY, Au 3 unswerving loyalty.of his sweetheart and the faith of his aged mother in her belief in the inmocence of her son--a belief which she never lived to see realized. As a story of the grievous wrong done to an innocent { front of the grand stand on Satur- day afternoon after which the own- ers are allowed to take their cattle home. The perfect flapper has captured the movie fans. Starting Monday the Capitol theatre will be the scene of another victory for the modern flap- man, the picture provides food for per, of which we hear so much these serious thought; as a dramatic pro- | days. The cause is Colleen Moore duction it is excellently acted, and !and the weapon she uses is "The eagenly watching the first appear- ance of the viceroy of New France. Unfortunately some people, who had not stnse enough to know they were spolling tp a certain extent the Scene carefully planned months ago Fgg Laying Contest. by the committee and arranged and The result of the egg laying con- carried out with perfection by the | test up until Friday evening show- ' {ed that C. L. Hicks, Moscow who ow t Flapper," a First National | Cadets and members of the cast, |e \ » oo Fol pe J PR or Tote It was also directed by John | cee along in canoes and paddled (has a pen of white leghorns, lead- Considerable interest is added to | Dillon--Combinations that made with the scouting party; others ar- | ing with a total of 14.eges in four the screening of the picture by the | "Flaming Youth" the sensation of | rived in motor boats, even more out | days. Baker Bros. Portsmouth, . with @ pen of Anconas, were sec- 11 Mr. W. t season. , of keeping with the representation HX Aneurniian ator, BY the el sam. conclusively that (Of an event of two centuries and a ond with 11 eggs and J. B. Holland, thrilling incidents throughout. Tn | she is the rightful holder of the has ago. But tu Shite of dls, | ington, wh barred rock was third i 1 t Miserere wn. She has been given a cast | £Pe was f : | . the Er ove pie Thora A productiol that on go down | the landing most impressive. Count The results by days is as follows: | son and the vocal items incidental |as one nearing perfection, To say Fyouifnae with, the Fleur de La, Sal to the picture will be rendered by |that 'The Perfect Flapper" has | Carried by his standard bearer, an ~ 3 the same artists. "everything" is to say only a part | escorted by his staff,. marched id e . . to the picture. : Daily matinees are announced [of it. The picture is full of comedy. | P8nk and was met in the ane oouye - SPECIAL ORCHESTRAL MUSIC for the three days commencing next | ana pathos, stunning gowns and Po ae oLerh.by La Sulle Abbe oh nd. ca an ec- ; La Monday at the Grand | daring, thrilling escapes 4. sp braves. A conversation interpreted completed on Prices--Mat. 25¢,; Evg. 35¢ and 50c, Plus Tax . | 1atale? Sconed: Hawless Shion Ly the abbe (who was splendid In ENA ENENN ENN ANNAN ANA ENY Shove Si hs he ame. and. ony | Ve pA) ana, and th crs un D MON, TUES. SEPT. 29 & 30 COULD NOT HANG" A True Story Founded on Actual Facts A Visualization on the Screen of one of the most Miraculous Escapes from Death upon the Gallows ever known in the History of the Universe. ' NOT ONE GRUESOME MOMENT IN THIS PICTURE An Atmospheric Scenic Prologue Precedes the Picture W. LEONARD HOWE The Eminent Australian Actor, will graphically describe at each session the thrillihg, salient features of this remarkable case. MISS DOREEN THOMPSON The Englisch ic Soprano, will sing the vocal items incidental Auction Sale Monday, 10 a.m. Lh] 53 Kensington Avenue. Contents 3 bedrooms, rugs, carpets, curtains, bedding, large hall mirror, brass piano lamp, electrie lamps, veran- dah furniture, dining-room furniture, | 8Blassware, chinaware, tables, rockers; y©ld antique dressers and other choice antiques, very old "Rictures, kitchen furnishing, etc. W. A. TWIGS, Phone 820). Auctioneer. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Agricultural Enquiry Committee enquire Tito And Tamas oe DFointed to niditions d other economic go in the Province will meet in Kingston on Oct. 3rd, Friday at the Eaftern Dairy School at 3 AN Yho desire to supply inform or .ma re ti The awards in the stock Judging Ocmmittes ConcornIg arre industs es competetion for boys from county |@griculture and r schools, put on by the department of | attend re hereby cordially mvitea to agriculture under Superintendent A. P. F. CRONIN, W. Sirett, were made on Friday. The | FON: DR. TA ON. n, * Secremty. three boys on the winning team each | hE MO received cups, second team three Publi . dollars, third team two dollars and C rary others one dollar each. The re-| sults were: HAVE YOU READ ? First--sStorrington. No. 3; Ronald In a Shantung garden, Miin. Neddow 265, Hlowars Canipbel 200, Little French girl, Sedgwick. Robart Grusnless 35 as. Marty, | FIPers of the market place, Déhan, Wileon 230, Albert Sedine 205, Day-| COMiNg of Amos, Locke. id Grant 230--665. Plastic age, Marks. Third--Pittsburgh, No. 9.--Wal.. Modern essays, 2nd series, Morley. Norwegian towns, Medill. Our empire's debt to missions, Fourth--Portland, No. 7-Ferdi- { Ogllvie. = ' Fifth--Loughboro, } C. L. Hicks 5 W. J. Arniel Joseph White J. B. Holland Bakgr Bros. The contest will Saturday evening. 3 2 1 2 be Btock Judging. | above all--it has the one and only IN CLASSICAL REPERTOIRE | ; h r Colleen, Who js herself the . very which took place at the evening per- > ae . Engagement of the Distinguished : o Monday night, Sept. 29th, will | embodiment of up-to-date Amer formance. The rope railing pre- : . Tragedian usher in what to many will be the | can girlhood. vented the crowd fon spores Die and GENEVIEVE HAMPER Si woman, Miss Genevieve Hamper, and [land him on the very top run of the a large and capable company, will |ladder of comedy we miss our CLAIM RIGHT TO SELL. hold the stage for two nights, in | guess. The scenes representing Col- Shakespearean repertoire. "The Mer- | leen #s Juliet and Chaplin as Romeo gh chaht of Venice" will be the open- (are especially clever and well- The ae Charter. Welames ing bill, Mr. Mantel] assuming the | handled. They are shown in the cele- ol Montrogl. char in Amel, rolp of Shylock, and Miss Hamper | brated balcony sceme which, to our | Filneons ie the a en nd that of Portia. On Tuesday night, | mind becomes one of the most | FRE Fair Bl ie ¥ Saget od "Richard II" will be the offering, | laugh-provoking scenes ever filmed. sient trader' es an : Sa when Mr. Mantell will be seen as Frank Mayo is handsome as ever before Als WA BS ol rE me the deformed, ambitious and cruel and does some very creditable a art B Saturday) morse Richard, assisted by Miss Hamper in | work. Lydia Knott as Aunt Sarah | P Arte a Pay ao = the character of Lady Anne, is in strange contrast to the dynamic ~ WA 2 =a | apps ore Mr. Mantell's mimic reincarnation Colleen, while her father, played by | the oon a the fair by the ac- of the great characters of the clas Charles Wellesley, is a splendid old cused, but held that Welnmer | sic drama is a matter o stage his-| fellow, who understands and loves ? Fi the right to sell. od tory, and no tragedian of #he present My bewildsted te =. he by Manager Bushell was to the ef- ) At the Kingston Fair Under Provin. theatrical event of the season, when, | Sydney Chaplin in an important interestin i : : g scene ag they did om at the Grand Opera House, Mr. Rob- {role gives the picture its greatest Tuesday, and . everyone cocky se hakes oire MONDAY--The World's Matchless Poetic Comedy, ert B. Mantell, America's best be-' comedy moments. He is wmcclaimed what was going 'on. The party "MERCHANT OF VENICE" loved actor and. foremost exponent | and rightly, one of screendom's marched up through the park and TUBSDAY--8hakespeare's 66 9 TOBSDAY- shake RICHARD III i k {of the classic drama, ably assisted | greatest comedians, and if his worl : by the young and talented leading |in "The Perfect Flapper" does not | disbanded. Prices:--50c., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 CURTAIN AT 8.15. MAIL ORDERS NOW, SEAT SALE FRIDAY. ter Hedtherington 250, Karl Burns 175, Harold Hyland 180--§55. nand Widllace 140, Keith Leonard| Black laughter, Powys. 185, Harold Walker 125--450. ONTARIO APPOINTS ~~ ----"c \TARIO APPOINTS eh a VY Sixth--Wolfe Island, No. 9-- How. wv VY ¥ * Plus tax, - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEN NT Owing to the unusual interest manifested in the forthcoming engagement of Cecil B. DeMille's mighty \spectacle, "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS," which begins a three-day engage- ment beginning Thursday evening, October 2nd, twice daily thereafter, the management of the Grand Theatre has de- cided to inaugurate a special mail order department for the engagement of this Attraction, APpiicptions for seats will be filled in the order of their Kindly address all communiéati Beanigan, Grand Opera d be Performances will urday, at 2.15 and In ordering seats tickets are desired. v box office sale will open at the . House, v A Paramount Prod \ House, ons to Manager D. P. Orders shoul accompanied by cheque or money order for the number of seats desired. be 8.15, please state for given twice daily, on Friday and ' for the daily matinees are 50c., 75¢. and $1.00. night performance B50c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.50. what. performance Grand Opera ber 80th, at 9 a.m. uction-- (Famous Corporation.) Players-Lasky ® Irving. day can approch him In this line of work. AB a younger man, he delight- ed another generation. of theatre- goers in romantic plays, 'but we of today can enjoy the privilege of see- ing this great. actor -in truly great plays that call for artistic authority and poetic fervor, Mr. Mantell tours the country with eleven plays, ----_leven massive productions. He is prepared, at a moment's. notice, to 4ssume the principal role in any play in his repertory,--a feat of me- mory and versatility without a paral- lel. Miss Hamper has gained a just renown in impersonations of the heroines of Shakespeare, and she is to Mantell what Ellen Terry was to GREAT DE MILLE : SPECTACLE COMING Final booking arrangements have been completed for the presentation at the Grand Opera House, Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th with matinees Friday and Saturday of 'Cecil B. De Mfila's mighty dramatic spectacle "The Ten Somuangments The picture is a Paramount production and is pre- sented by Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky. Last season it was shown only in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Lon- don. This season it is being present- ed in regular theatres only by tour- ing units each of which carries its own' orchestra, projectionists, mesh- anies and all electrical equipment, thus insuring perfect presentation in every detail. The orchestra] score, for twenty pieces, was arranged by Dr. Hugo - Riesenfeld. "The Ten Commandments" is a pictorial nar- rative of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt; the miracies that were performed for their safe-guarding. and the bestowal of the tablets of stone upon Moses, together with a melodramatic modern story of the danger of transgressing against the ancient fundamental laws. Twenty- five hundred people were employed In making the picture and the con- struction of the required 'was the labor of many months. The | | result is the most impressive mo- A A Wm. 'Locke's / bank" starrigg Ernest Torrence will be shown for thé last time tonight. "The Oovered Wagon." A picture of pictures--a novelty for the theatre-going public, is James Cruze Paramount production, "The Covered Wagon" which opens at the Capitol theatre Thursday, Sept. 25th. ' Some 500 prairie schooners, 100 horses, 600 oxen, hundreds of actors and 1,000 Indians from six djffer- ent tribes, go to make up this stu- pendous production, the largest thus far presented to the motion-picture publie. J. Warren Kerrigan, Lois Wilson, Charles Ogle, Ernest Torrence, Tully Marshall, Alan Hale, Guy Oliver and John Fox are the principal players. The picturization has adhered close- ly to the novel by Emerson Hough, and has lost none of the force and interest of the story. It is a love story that is different. Many diffi- culties are encountered by Lois Wil- son aiid Kerrigan because of the fact that Alan Hale, as Bam Wood- hull, believes that he is engaged to Molly, and refuses to tolerate wil Banion's (Kerrigan) attentions to her. In the end, however, thing turns out for the best, and the finest motion 'pittire ever seen in Kingston comes to a close, "SELF-MADE FAILURE" GREAT F. TTI AA rn nd) ry '"The Mounte- every- Y "A Self-Made Failure," which is to be shown to-day for the last times fect that the fair operated under a provincial charter. Considerable evidence was taken in the case and it wad finally ad- journed for a week to allow the counsel for the defence to produce the charter. Mr. Shea submitted that the ac- cused had a right to sell rajncoats at the fair under the common law. T. I. Rigney and C. M. Smith ap- peared for the prosecution. They claimed the by-law governing tran- sient traders' licenses had been ad- mitted and held that argument bas- ed on common law had been swept away. HUGE. BONFIRES LIT AT COLLINS BAY To Enable the O.N.R. Wreck- ing Crew to Clear the Tracks. ; i " Although the traffic of the main line of the C. N. R. is being carried slowly past the danger spot at Col- lin's Bay on a temporary track, the effects of the disastrous wreck which occurred Friday morning will not 'be righted for about a week. Wreck- ing crews from Belleville and Brock- ville arrived on the sceme with two large steam cranes and are working day and might. Friday night huge bonfires were made of the broken ties torn up by the plowing cars &nd by their light the work went on in a strange scene which attract- ed attention for miles. Of the twenty-one cars thrown from ~the track and piled 4n a heap, two with only slight damage have been pulled out and placed on the siding at the station while the others are nearly} all smashed beyond repair. . Grala | and other cargo debris forms a tang led mass which will necessitate lot of clearing. be where many railway s fatalities have occurred. --, Prices. Saburtay Nias. 45¢ at six Big : eight, o'clock, 40¢ at seven, 36c at § 80¢ at nine, 25c at ten, if not sold | during the day | carry at at 50c, . Cash and Carnoveky's. "5 ard Revelle 1680, Floyd Mosier 95, Douglas Seville 125-380. -- PRIZE WINNING STUNT. At Exhibition By The International Amusement Company, The International Amusement Co., staged a big prize-winning stunt during " the exhibition on Friday when about thirty-five children trom St. Mary's-on-the-Lake orphanage were transported to the grounds and taken through every show and ride on the midway as guests of the 'management. No other spectators were allowed in the tents as the little ones passed along and the managérs of the diff- erent attractions extended the fullest operation jand. put on the longest shows possible for the bene- fit of their visitors. On the swings and rides the same thing prevailed and everywhere the party went the @lad band was extended and a good time given them. The men in charge of the refreshment stands handed out ice-cream, bananas, soft drinks, can- died apples and all kinds of good DINIGRATION AGENT ------ To Turn British Settlers Toe wards This Province Ine stead of Far West. Toronto, Sept. 20.--Creation by the Ontario government of 4 post of Immigration agent, and the appoint ment to it of Capt. F. H. Stewart, was announted yesterday at the parliament buildings by Hon. John 8. Martin, minister of agriculture. The position is designed by the gov ernment to combat in the British Isles influences which send a food of British imigrants to western Canada instead of to Ontario. Capt. Btewa#t, who has already left for overseas to take up his duties, is an experienced immigration official. -------- Soccer, Ahoy. There will be a re-organ 1 meeting of the Kingston pg trict Football Association Held {uf the G.W.V.A. rooms on Tesday, Sep- tember 23rd at 8 o'clock for the pur. Dose of getting the schedule under way for another season. _ All soccer things to the kiddies, sending in thweir bills to the head offices at wholesale prices. 'William H. Green, secretary-treas-] urer of the 'company, personally conducted the party about the grounds. The mother superior of the prphanage is very high in her praises of the treatment accorded her little ones and spoke in the most complimentary terms of the different attractions. In addition to this stunt several 'blind people were given the sai tour, and in spite of their handicap, enjoyed it immensely. The -ex- pression on thelr faces as they in- terpreted the shows by the various sounds was indeed Interesting, and 'with the swings they were very much delighted. fans are urged to attend. 'Teams are expected from R.M.C., R.M.S. staff and R.C.A., and a fourth fs de- sired from Kingston City. . i -------- The steamer Brockville arrived this morning with a load of canned goods from Picton. The Brockville will clear this evening for Picton again with a load of prize cattle for exhibit at the Picton fair, ey A completely revised list, of those who took part in the historical pag- eant at the Kingston fair wii de found on page fourteen of day's Whig. The annual aquatic sports Royal Military College, which were scheduled for Saturday afternoon, have been postponed until Wednes- day afternoon next. at the - Have'your meals at the 'GRAND CAFE" We serve the best, oPPosITE CAPITOL THEATRE. at reasonable prices. - PETER LEE, PROP,