THE D DAILY BRITISH WHIG Characters in Historica Pageant -- At the Fair Grounds This Week | The Canadian Pacific Railway "patnons: the Mayor; His Grace Right Reverend the q and shop of Ontaeie; Eo mmsasting Mary No sr The ueen's University; The Commandant of the Royal Military College; ed ah pg CONVENOR OF PAGEANT COMMITTEE. A Priceless FIRST SCENE! 2 convEnoRs iL at Cataraqui, King- | The Garadian People ston, 13th July, 1673. --Mr. A. N. Lyster, Convener ast of Sashion/ SECOND SCENE: --Surrender of Fort Frontenac to the British and Colonials, 37th August, 1758 --Major General J. H. Elmsley, Convener. under Capt. Michael Grass; (b) 1792, Arrival of Governor Simcoe at Kin ston, where he takes the Oath of Office; (¢) Declaration of War read on the N order' that the people of Canada may have a clear Market Square, 1812. --Lt.-Col. H. E. Pense, Convener. . . ' . . po FOURTH SCENE:--(a) The Empire's Call for Troops; (b) The Return understanding of the relation of the Canadian Pacific to : oF te Bons Son Wor WE iy Charani, the national interest and to the interest of the people indivi- I Lt.-Col. E. B. Sparks, Conveners. FIFTH SCENE: --National Dances Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Convener. dually, we have chosen the press of Canada as the medium CAST OF CHARACTERS through which to make a series of statements in which will Kingston Miss Nevada Best Canada Mrs. F. H. Macage be frankly told the story of the beginning and development The Historians, Rev. R. H. Bell, DD, and Rev. J. 8. LaFlair Reading F the P f Hii Chansliia ting Fim 8 Por twos of the road, and its services to'Canada. Count de Frontenac i Rs a Major Cartmer De La Salle at iriitbamm --1 co Rd Brook BEECHAM'S bbe D' Rev. AO Cocke We believe the people of Canada will be interested in Indian Chiefs, ion MI XN Fair, + C. B. S. Harvey Sas rey these statements. We believe when the people of Canada Sa) Ersdsiient weir SOME SS RCOE know and understand the relation of the Canadian Pacific to French OFfICers .meemmpismissmmaioin ~5 5 Monaghan, R.C.O.C . . ' ' Pte. Cherry, RCO.C. the country that the company will continue to receive its a RR RSE PRR RY Priest tins L. Sergt Kelly Court Sf WRAY wrens HR oe Hermeson due measure of esteem and public confidence. The Canadian | His Wife --...... ~ Mrs. d'Arcy Sneath ope . . . . ATTENTION! Officers and Wives__Dr.s0. W. Daly, A. E. Day, A. J. Vain, Mrs. Pacific frankly desires this esteem and confidence because it . Adams, Miss "Polson, Mrs. T. A. Kidd, Mrs. Harold Davis Bh oe ars sm re §| + DF ,G,C Coppel is good business for a great corporation to be on terms of now at Bargain Prices. Mrs. Simcoe - Migs Mary Ogilvie good will with its customers--the public. Rev. John Stuart, (1st Rector of St. George' 's)... Mr. A ler Photo Studio Now Open. Councillors Dr. P. Macdonnell, Richard Cartwright, C. S. Kirk- patrick, Prof Hay, Prof, E. W. Skinner, J. H. Mitchell M. S. Gartland Sie Bet or = gh Canada and the Canadian Pacific Railway must con- One Door Above Harrison's evel Orpeess 25. Biel, P. Biden tinue together the work of nation- building that. was General Sir Isaac/Brock ..... os Major Tremaine - Sh, -- Commander Sir James br foes Capt, F. M. Harvey, V.C. begun the day the C.P.R. commenced to fling 1 1ts steel rails from ont 3, OLS Toe ca of the = iD ad NED coast to coast." This co-operation has been in the nature of 814 1g of the RW.OR Regime, e great partnership for the advancement of mutual interests. BRITANNIA.® Mrs. Halloway Waddell. PROVINCES: Mesdams: GH, Ouide. N. & Loe, H Wesmordand, %. Hore, V. Anderson, 5. It is one of the proudest pages of Canadian Pacific F. Richardson, C. F. Constaating, RJ. B Schmidlin, Miss E. Ritchie. KINGSTON ATTENDANTS history that no government, no province, no community ss Edith Carruthers, Convenor; Misses Whesler, A. Kane, A. Mitchell B Mitchell, cGrat! vett, M. our, 6. mi yons, ytle, 1. on, SITET SY SS Sh € Lar Tos, BT A has ever lost a dollar through this national partnership. INDIAN SQUAWS. aati SE Met OBS hatte" CM Fete fA tl SET The record of the railway for forty years reveals one un- Lyons, Marion ars , FRENCH SOLDIERS. Jas broken course of constructive achievement. EW Medatrer, Crosley Bk Sardine, Duy Sain. Rojan). K- Paspitiey, ; INDIANS Sade of he one Wir Sots UV . The creed. of the Canadian Pacific has been to carry its James, R. Trowbridge, H. Fraser, D. Graham, P. Fraser, T. Graham, F. Dupre, A. own burdens, and to proceed with cautious and well-measured M. Ja Cliff, G. Burnside, K. Caverly, J. Grant, 8. Wilder, /INDIAN CHILDREN. . plans for the steady, forward march of its own and the Earl Waterman and William Connor. i dee. Cpl * national progress... Exploitation is unknown in its annals, ok: © despite the tremendous difficulties of financing in the lean RENC DIES. Miss Yellowley, R.C.O.C., Miss Kane, Seni WITS TROOM. eighties. For every dollar received from the nation, the REO Sok eS EG AE an & oo So ph Canadian Pacific has contributed an abundant dividend in R. 2, Pte. Devine, R.C.O.C., §.- Bie. Ee oE RE . SIMCOE AND 1812 SCENES. : national progress. | the keynote of mod- [| uti SERA Sie Er Lh Et Se Peo. Tors eyn ches isi ing. M, i hone: Mek Rankin kin Fal, Don 3 domes 1, fre: The partnership of mutual advances of sentiment, but, confronted by such "ney NE: HI Pyare ls kelly, ®. Hess, G. B, Reed Vas Patten, Harold Glrke, Wendling Anglin, ment must remain unbroken. It must not appeals, it does ask that its national signifi- R, McCallum, RS. Rayson, J. C. Reynolds; David Rankin, Dr. Phillips Macdonnell, . . . : : TTR A Hughes: KCHA. be weakened nor jeopardized by misunder- cance, its record as a nation-builder and uaPLE Lap cHrLOREN. sanding or lack of knowledge of the facts, its world-wide services to Canada, be gr Brook. Cree Toner, ) that the Canadian Pacific may continue remembered. Bre amen. Eth hl es aS eet oy in, EEE development of Canada, as it has so abun- y Cliff, Th ath hi ., Dor Timer: Beth Bord. 3 R Anna Jackson, Doro' dantly proven its ability to do in the past. Kathleen Healey, is Powe vel Joe' Ee izabeth Muthelland, Madeline Grant, The Canadian Pacific asks only to be Eh JHE ep Ra a SE, Bt, judged by its past record and to be mer Jf 77 +4 Sa---- . FRENCH GIRLS. sured only by the service it renders. It The Ags of Paria, the or V0 of THIRD SCENE (a) 1784, Arrival of the United Empire Loyalists, I Chaperone :--Mrs. T. fstelutin yer Bet Bure: Helen Scot, Jeag, Graves Hofer Towddgl Joan Hunt Yorgeu : makes no appeal for business on grounds Chairman and President. SCOTCH. Miss Jean Duncan, Miss Nellie Duncan, and: Pipers--Pipe Majors Stewart and Mac- Sion gi tin fe ©. ~ CANADIAN PACIFIC Girls :--~Nora Hi Beatrice Angell, Lillian Stevens, Noreen Franklin, Edna Pound. Mild Cliff, Helen Matheson, Edith Caley, Phyllis Reynolds. on. HOLE = "It Spans the World" E a6 ar Son mB BLE Todas Se Seott, : am ; SEE TEE te a dt Str dt Chaperanés :--Mrs. J. Epa TERE BUY ADVERTISED GOODS | EEE po ; New Ideas For Your Comfort, : | in SERRE oF Eire EAI = --{l}] Nowis reverting. time aod we are ee FET Re ap RS jeady with a complete stock of Preserv- s emma A en | ' QER 'f) : «AI CQ | ing les, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jar Rings, Spel ET EE Gunner Goldtinch. | dod var Hikin oh | Lp "Phone-orders sven rompt Trampetors Guan. Howlett, Pie. W. Tation. Set. R. W. Pugh, Drv. Carson. DISMOUNTED :-- ara Bucise, Gunaer, R. Burise, | |e VICTORIA Ca Trephone Tez. iE Telephone 840 = = - 187 Princess St. erm ol, Go et Gm i, Ge mt. | SR +