L THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG BIRTHS. --At Marlbank, on Se to Mr. and Mra. Murney daughter. . 14th, arlin, a MARRIAGES. HAGGARTY---AMES--At 's pare Mr. the bide ry. Centreville, residence of to Clarence Lloyd Ames, oak Ont Codrington, IN MEMORIAM. memory of cur dear mother, ke erguson, who died Sept 20th, Alice M. 1923. is world of sorrow; ro world of care, We shall meet and know our darling mother In our or only Father's mansfons Sadly missed by Sons and Daughters. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 250 PRINCESS STREET and Mrs. | on | Sépt. 17th, Mies Louise Bilen Hag- | night, afterwards at Announcements 10st and Found ARTICLES--Found, on Fair Grounds, one beaver _meckplece, fawn brush wool sweafer coat, 1 green sweater osat. May be had at secretary's office on Fafr Grounds before midnight to- Mr. Sirrett's office, 19 Market street. CAMEO---Lost, large brown shell cameo in engraved gold setting, on Tuesday evening at Fair Grounds. Reward on return to Mrs. Harold Davis, 165 King otreet west. FUR NECKPIECEB--Found, on the Pro- vincial Highway, Sunday. Owner can have same by calling at 14 Upper Wil- Kam street. MESH PURSE---Found, Park. Owner apply street. in Macdonald a. 110 Barrie NECK FUR---Found, a small neck fur Apply 317J. Phone 147 for Ambul S8ERT J. REIL 1, RO2EMT d Rew 230 Princess Strect ~ M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HO 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 1839 JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embal Jvaricrs, 374 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 5689 Phone 577. rr I. RONAN Undertaker and Kmbalmer Phone 860w. 288-240 Bagot Street Calls Night and Day Promptly Attended ? H. J. KN UNDERTAKER AND PARLORD--S and Battersea. h KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized snd popular. ized according to ads. are rgstricied Lo thelr r classification, and to the Lally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Lally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minknum charge, 36 cents. Ually rateg per line. Charge Cash §OAYS .....0 3 hb 4 5 6 All pre re 3 days ses LARY sesccnone vores Piatha--vne insertion, hs, Engagements, 41.80; casn, 31.00. sesans acd of Thanks and Memoriam _Notices--Charged, §1.00; cash, §l.v0 each insertion. \ i Advertising ordered for irregular nsertions takes the one-time 'nser- tion rate; Lo ad. taken for less than is of four lines. Count six average words i Unirged ads. will be received by Leleppone ang if paid at The Erit- ish Whig Oftice within 6 days from the first day of 'nsertion, chsh rate Wik be allow A ordered for more than one day ald stopped before expiration will only be chargea for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- tient made at the rate. earned. Kase per ine for white space te same as a line of type Epuecial rate [or yearly advertising Elan a te arve Lhe right to edit grggeiee: "si classified advertising © 7 yep I Siepnoce 243, ask for a want ad charged, Marriages, to the 1a CUT-This out for luck. Send birth- date and 10c. for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Prof. Raphael, Grand Central Station, New, York. TRIMONY--Pretty maiden, 19, worth #00, will marry. C-Box 55, Oxford, TRIMONY..- Charming young lady, h $60,000, but lonesome. L.-dox 39, : Oxtard MAT, ONY Young widow, very but lonely. Would. marry. Eva, B-1022, Wichtta, Kansas. MA INY -- Private Introductions © for. onely hearts. If sincere enclose stamp. rs. Willard, 2925 Broadway, Chisago, Ill : Er TMA' wo ir, Moles, == Halr, Birth Skin C y Pits, ete. Ea ermanent, o aTer. othate Mave satios ¥ sled. Goitre cured without operation. 3 ohry' rp eg 0 Elmer Lake Bar, FORT, n, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J ¥ A Front Line Appeal. * When a nation is menaced by a 4 foreign foe, : | * + It gids itself for the fray; No devotion too great to meet the Nor price too costly to pay. It's wealth is spent without any © stint, The blood of its manhood is shed; It faces the issue with a hard of flint, . While it mourns its heroic dead. The victory iy won, but at what a cost, In blood, and bereaved one's wall: The mothers who weep for sons that are lost, And Sonless, face. life's lonely trails, Tis' well for a nation to be always prepared, 5 'Safeguard its honor and rights; Rast whenever stern war is de- To tread the path which duty lights. To the naked eye a grim foe unseen, Wars against the whole human race; From the ranks of all it seeks to glean, Its Rarvest with frenzied pace. It does not seek" to be spared, nor . spares, 'The aged, not those of tender years: The lungs of men are its secret lairs, Its ravages exite our fears. . The great white plague is the com- J mon name, By which this evil scourge is known: _ For its inroads we are largely to blame, To defer we are ever prone. Let us gird our loins for the bitter this foe of the human race; Yarker, Verona, nce "phone 35. PULLOVER--Found, child's, wool, on Tuesday evening, on Stanley street. Owner may have same by calling at 33 Stanley street. WORK BAG---Lost, rose homespun, con- taining glasses and sewing, on Collins Bay Road, on Tuesday morning be- tween 11 and 1. Return to 61 Syden- ham street and receive reward. Automoblles Automobiles For Sale 11 FOR QUICK SALE--Big Six Nash Tour- ing Car in perfect condition; will give written guarantee; a snap for this week only. Write Box, 415 British Whig, or phone 1037. McLAUGHLIN CAR--In good condition, or will exchange for Upright or Player Piano of good make. Box E-30, Whig Office. SPEED WAGON--New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Ear] Streets. "Phone 47. TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in splendid shape. Gray Dort special touring. Robinson Motor Sales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 587 $175---Buys Chevrolet touring car, re- cently overhauled, in good condithon. Apply 264 Nelson Street or telephone 25608J. FOR SALE 6 passenger Chevrolet, §216. 1 Ford Truck, $110. 1 six cylinder McLaughlin, $350. One Durant Touring, $800. E. LAWRENSON 387 PRINCESS STREET $475 45. McLaughlin Tour. ing, overhauled and re-con- ioned. 25 --~--Overalnd Touring. new tires, thoroughly overhauled $225 Creyrost Touring, new top, new tires, fine condition. $190 Snprroie Touring, good running order. Lately over- hauled. BLUE GARAGES Ltd. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets Automobiles and Parts For Sale one Studebaker Truek In good condi- on. Also Gears, Generators, Starters, and all kinds of papts for all makes of cars. Also second hand tops, cushions and tires. Sell your old cars here. Highest prices paid. H. ROSEN 140 Rideau Street - - 'Phone 2475w. Careful Inspection of Our Used Cars will convince you tnat, considering their excellent condition and price ask- ed they represent values which are dif- ficult to duplicate. 1923 4 cylinder McLaughlin Coupe. Essex 4 cylinder Phaeton. McLaughlin K45 Special Touring Ford Coupe, almost new, driven only 700 miles. Fully equipped. Overland, model §0, Touring Car, "¢ cylinder continental motor, Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St. Phone 201w. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 TWO GARAGES--At corner of Princess and Alfred streets; conveniently lo- cated. ¥. B. McNamee. 'Phone 2193w, Fight on to keep this scourge at bay, The measures of science embrace. Give freely, then, of your time and wealth, The victim's strong hopes fulfill; To us they look for 1 al of health, A God help us to succour the ill! Begins to Feel Her Age: At Her 114th Birthday New York, Sept. 20.--The 114th birthday of Mrs. Mashe Urdang vele- brated yesterday in the Harlem home of the Daughters of Israel. To the San ta And there they go! gone to-morrow. your reach, and they will -be wait for slothful people. ¢ Here They Come--And There They Go! Here they come--all those encouraging opportunities which characterize the Whig's A-B-C Classified Section and which are so helpful in ss many practical ways to every nan, woman and child in the community. That's the way with them. They are here to-day and If you don't seize upon them while they are at hand, someone else will snatch them out of The A-B-C Classified Opportunities don't have time to, They are so temptingly attrac- tive that alert people refuse to give them time to wait. Read the A-B-C Classified Section daily. Take these opportunities that look good to you while they are at hand--before somebody else steps in.front of you and crowds you into life's rear ranks! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY lost te you forever. Business Service Business Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigs. 192 Barrie Higeet. Phone ¥20J. Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldeg, the largest, the only sanitary well "drillers in rentenac and Lennox and Addington. The most 'modern equipment in America. Mor tull information write jo »'. J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Coaias, 393 Division Street. Pupil of O. J. Telgmann School of Music. Ladics' Halr Parlor, 21a 'PHONE 1318) -- For appointment. Frark J. Robha 185 Wellington St FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Hair bobbing and Trimming, Facial and Scalp Treatment. Special attention given to Halr Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 207 Queen Street. For ap- pointment 'phone 201s. LADIES TRANSFUORMALTIONS-- Uob- bed curls, aswilcnes, shampooing, singeing, curling, Ledies and Child ren's hair cutuing. Mrs. Cunningham, #6 Bay street, Kingstvn. Phone 1613w. MRS. WILKINSON -- Frontenac street hair dresser, on vacation till October 1st, Hemstitching PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Feild, 862 Barrie Street, near Pringess Street. 'Phone 24338). Successor to Mrs. Card. 21d x -- Hat Cleaners 1c HOW---About your felt hat ? The time is here. George, the Hatter, 90 Prin- cess street. Yhone 1333, next the Bank of Nova Scotia. \ 23 C. 8. KIRKPFATRICK--36 Clarence St. Kingston, Marine, Fire, Accident and Automobile Insurance. Lloyds Agent Xingston district. Telepnone 568w. DOMINION LIFE Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager, Office: uv Brock Street. Telephone 68. FIRES--WIill happen. Your property, household effects, business or other valuables require protegtion. Congult E. Willtams, 2 Couper street. G, HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing all branches of insurance. Secure pro- tection for Breeding and Racing stock. Special rates on boxes JIS Clarence Street. 'Phone 5§8J. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies répresented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office; 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Oftice. FIRE--Auiomobiie anu Casually Insur- ance. M. AM. Crumley, 41¢ Lari Street Phone 1782M. J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies, dis- trict manager, Imperial Life. Pnones: Oftice 803W.. Res. 173lm. : Moving, Trucking, Storge 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job donc. A. MacGregor, 24 Russel Street. 'Phone 2256. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, any rooms and spaces; -your own loc! a key. Frost's City Storage, 9- 805 Queen St, Phone 526. Res. 98 Insurance party were invited her brother, 100 years old, and her son, 89. Mrs. Ur- dang, on turning the corner of her 114th year, has the gnod wishes of fifty other aged inmates of the asy- lum, Until four years ago Mrs. Ur- dang was one of the most Lale and hearty inmates of the home. Since BRINGING UP FATHER a then she has grown feeble, aud now spends much of her time sleeping! Painting, apering, Decorating PAPER HANGING -- Supplying select papers with service. AlSo outside and inside painting. Large and smal] con- tracts. Best material and keenest prices. H. Rowley. Telephone 1352F. PAINTING--Papering, Decorating, first class work guaranteed. Pape 1 in stock. A. Anderson, 73 Wellington Street. Phone 1966. SIGN _PAINTING--J. 8 Rob 276 Bagot Street. obluzon, rear J. FLANAGAN--Painter, and Decorator. Estimates submitted. 'Phone 1432. 247 Montreal Street, Kingston. Sampie books ia stock. me Chiropractic 28c, LUCY~Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w. Hours; 9-12 a.m., 1 to 5, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday amd other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free, EUDNEY--Dr. W. G.,- 182 Welling. lun street; upstairs. Consultation free. Hours: 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, and by appoint. ment. Phone 2570. Lady attendant. Paperhanger Dental 284d. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dent'sts, 150 Wellingion street. corner of Brock. Phone 346. ENAPP--Dr. A. E., Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone §63w. Open evenings by appointment. | PEARL A. NESBIT---L.T.C.M., local pu- Employment % Help--Male or Female 84 Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 ABSOLUTELY --The highest commis- stone paid for showing our samples of free. Premier Publishing Co. samples 361 Toronto, write Spadina ave, information. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 80 JUST ARRIVED -- A large number of ladies' and gentlemen's chairs, etc Lesses Antique Bhop, 607 Princess St. 'Phone 2610. MY NEW FALL PRICES--Are exceed- ingly low on threshers, tracturs, hay esses, silo fillers, plows. Write me AGENTS --Get 1n a profitadle, all-yehr commission business of your own. Every property owner is a customer or prospect. Nine hundred varieties REFRIGERATOR--Suitable for cer. Apply New England Bakery, lingwood street. C. Smith, 1#9 Colborne Street. &r of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete uip- ment and instructions free. rite Domidiion Nurseries, Montreal AGENTS--Can make twenty to sixty dollars weekly with our high grade Ch greeting cards. hole or time. Exclusive designs and hs ral commis sions pald weekly. Staté age. BEx- erience i any' References required. ovens mited, Toronto. SQUARE PIANO--For sale cheap, also other household furniture Apply 177 Alfred street. - SCALES--Al kinds, hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo 'Scale Co., Ltd, 209 Princess St., King- ston. 'Phone 1338, new and second- AE Frontenac Felt Mattresses, nu of Layer Cotton Feit; well made With attractive drill art ticking, $10.00. Frontenag Mattress Co. 'Phone 1861J. DISTRIBUTING Religious literature pays Christian Men and Women $30 to bi weekly. $225 guaranteed for 9 ays' work. Commission besid VACUUM CLEANER--Electric, with all attachmends, used less than a year, Apply Box C-19, Whig Office. $36. n May work spare time. Mr. rad, Spadina Building, Toronto. BALES AGENT---Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- WOOD---Dry hara maple, dry body soft wood, hardwood slabs, kindling cut and delivered; living prices. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toron- to streets. 'Phone 888. ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental treegy in Canada. Sell Jor a Nursery, not_ for a jobber. You wil] be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, $30.00--Fall suits and overcoats made to your order with easy terms of payment. Phone 2306W, J. G. Patter- son. 120 Johnson etreet. 810.00--A day taking orders for B. & E. Silk Hoalsry. Your pay daily. No collecting or delivering. Write the B. & E. Manufacturing Co. Dept. 27, London, Ont. Eituations Wanted--Female Radio Equipment 62a. RADIO FANS--The most complete stock of radio parts in Eastern Ontario, and &t prices that do not make your poc- ketbook look slim. Prove it at Canada Radio Stores. BOOKKEEPER -- Experienced, and hier, desires position immediately. Box B-16, Whig Omce. Financial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan and Investment Society incorporated 1361. dent, A B, CunBingnam; vice-president, A DL, Cartwright. 0 ey to loan on City and farm propeities; nvestments Bondg bought ahd sold; deposits re- celved and interest pald on minimum monthly oalance. KR. C, Cartwright, mansger, $7 Clarence Streei. King- ston. Wanted--To Buy FEATHER BED -- Wanted (goose feathers preferred), must be thor- SuEhly clean and at moderate -price. Box D-19. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board u7 FURNISHED ROOMS--With board. Ap- BY ad'? University ,avenue, phone | ee No Better Pee T. I. ok For A Job Than In The Classified Section Real Estate For Rent Houses For Rent, w APARTMENT --Three room. with bath room. eated. In sine 5 district. J. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence St. BRICK HOUSE--At once, barn and acres, of which § would make garden Apply to B. 1. Martin, 237 Bagot Street. 'Phone 329, FURNISHED HOUSE--8 rooms: mod- fern; Riso. Possession immediately. Apply T. M. Asselstine, Court House. FURNISHED HOUSE--Good location, near Queen's University. Apply Kings- on JAeonds, Lithited, 67 Clarence HOUSE--S8 roomed, well piano, fireplace, garden. Apply ¢ C 2266W. tur®ished; as, electric, garage, ut street, phone HOUSE--Centrally located, all modern equipment, gas 'and electric. Apply Mrs. J. E. Hervey, $8 Division street. HOUSES---House ahd single ghrages at 69 Queen street, two §-room houses, 41 and 47 Concession street. Apply 186 Queen street, phone $35W, NO. 1, VICTORIA TERRACE---Montreal Street. Possession September 15th. AP- Bly King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Teot™ $14--Per month in advance, rents sever roomed stone and ame dwelling: King street west. Possession Octobe first, gas for cooking, shed, yard, ay entrance (no electric lights), heated by stove. Steady tenant with small Tamily desired. 'rite Box V-12, Whig ice. $8 EARL STREET---Central location, 13 rooms, garage, 3 p..tollet, as for cooking, electrio ting, wired for lamps, etc. new. heating installea, making it a8 very wa house, uewl painted and decorated. Apply J. Gil ert. 194 Barrie t. Phone 364 w. . Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land for Sale. 88 FARM--About west of Bay. Sterling, Col 8s Bay, FARMS---Two_trivk for gardening. Four miles from eity; or would Trent, Apply 470 Albert _tsreet, phone 1155W. acres, about 4 miled \ Apply Joba farms, equipped Rooms Without Board 68 Instruction Musical, bantang, Dramatic 44 CHARLES E. MILLNER~--Assoc. Royal College of Organists. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Studio: 261 Col- BEDROOM-- Furnished, large fromt; Suitable for two. Apply 313 Univer- sity Avenue or phone 852w. FURNISHED ROOMS--Apply 110 Clar- ence street. borne Street. Rooms For Housekeeping 69 pil of M. M, Stevenson, Toronto, Teach er of singing and Plans, Studio: 400 brock btreet. hone 1147f. Term to begin beptembe® ind, 1924. Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 Legal 28c. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers aad Solicitors, 8.1% s ngston. A, unningham, : Cyril M. Smith, . BG: DAY ND REVELLE--Barristers and solicitors, 60 Clarence Street, Xi Er stom. A. E. Day, Adrian I. evel e. Mortgages arranged. Phone 206. INS, W. C.-- Barrister, Solich seeder Publi, Siler Sidie . ver C.P.R. Telegra, - phone 1980. rapes. 24s REYNOL! § licitor, pra: SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solleitor,. Law Office, corner of King and Broek, over Royal Bank. Money to loam 'Phone 1999. A Repairing 20 ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED -- All kinds; first ciass work guaranteed Jackson & Timms. 'Phone 193yw. FURNITURE FINISHING--O! all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 Joan street. Phone 296F. . UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street, UPHOLSTERING--Ana general repair. ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 1600]. Employment Help Wanted--Female LADIBES--To do plain and light seNing at home, whole or spare time. pay, Work sent any distance. Charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. - tional ManufactuMng Co., Montreal. Help Wantea--Male 83 testers ie. ADDITIONAL SALESPEOPLE -- For Watkins 150 products. Direct to home supreme quality tollet articles, Flavor- ings, Spices, Home Remedies, Washing Compound, Ezywash, Polish, ete. Big- gest and best line. Established 5 years. Write The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. , Hamilton, Ont. FIREMEN BRAKEMEN--- Begin- nots: $180-4350 man this (which posi. ton?) Write Railway, Box H-6, Whig ce. C., Barrister and So- treet. Money tou loan. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$1 to $12 an hour fer your spars time writing showcards for us. 0 canvassing. We instruct and upply 3 Soin work. West-An, 8 ca. ice, 17 Col- | borne Bull Toronto. AR ROT Mork 1 alee co chance: T on w a A Apply Manager, British Whig. - Mrs. Urdang was born in 1810 Ig Riga, where her fathér, Michael, was a _confectioner. ---- Clarence Street, | heavy Clinkers. for road work. arawing. Apply King and ASHES And Easpeciall:r suited To be V\ad for to Angrove's Foundry, Queen direets. BARGAINS--For Fair Week: Men's boots, new and second hand; arm blankets, good heavy breeches, leg- 8 , flannel shirts, underwear, etc. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess street. BICYCLBES--A number of used bicycles for ladies and gents. -Also baby cars ribge repairing. Muller's Bicyels Works, 3871-373 King Street . Tele- phone 1981w. BRUNSWICK RECORDS ~~ September reléase now on sale at Elder's Cigar Shop. BRICK~--HArd and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wath 127 Nelson Street. Phones 1391] or , (Agent for Baker Brick). BRASS BEDS--Refinished, also springs repaired. Get our prices on all plating and refinishing. Partridge Wire Works, Phone 380. BUFFETS--Dining Chairs, Tables, Two Easy Chairs, Beds, Mattresses, etc. We buy furniture and good clothes. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Streel. Tele- phone 1600w. CEDARSTRIP SKIFF--Palated, qual- ity, 11 feet long, 44 inch beam, 17 inches deep, nickle trimmings, 1 pair Spoon Oars, new. Apply H. J. Thom- son Co. Sharbot Lake. COKE--The last njonth to buy Coke at the reduced prices for cash, $9.00 ton, or $8.50 in § ton lots. After this mont $10.90 ton. Dry soft wood slabs $2.5 load. Pry hardwood $2.76 lot, dou- ble lot $5.00. Clinkers and cinders always on hand. W. C. Bruton, 2%0 Wellington street, corner Ordnance. Phone 2440w. ENGINE--Ubsed, ten horse power, Ine ternational engine and Vissott Grind. er. Apply M. E. Ward, 473 Princess Stfeet or phone 1538J. » GRAND PIANO Heints: shightly used, absolutely in perfect condition, Louis ign and of a beautiful mahogan nish. A special bargain. kKasy terms. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd., 121 Princess Street, GARDEN HOSE «-- Window Scree Screen Doors and Perfaction Qil Stov at reduced Jrices, at Taylng Hamil ton's, 89 Princess Street. Phone 41! LUMBER -- Quantity of second hand inch lumber. B. E. Waghen, 127 Nel- son Street. 'Phone 1391J. or 618. GREEN HARDWOOD -- Dry mixed wood, leg 064. soft Sans, hem- lock lumber $28 austn and up. Shingles $4 thousand. + H. Talbot, § St. Catherine Street. Yard on Con- near Division. 'Plone mun & Co, Torte eed cession Street 2302w. You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still. . TH tion, now vacant, ROOMS-- Furnished or unfurnished -- suitable for bedrooms and light house- keeping. All conveniences, Apply 63 Lower William Street. 'Phone 19785. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT--Heated housekeeping apartment, Chateau Belvidere Annex, hardwood floors, electric light, gas, 2 ophone. Apply at Chateau Beivi- ere. APARTMENT--In best locality, & Joos; furnished or Unturniehsd; short eo w ed. pp. to ingston A¥encies Ita, e7 erence street. Phone 703. APARTMENTS --On Sixth stréet, 2 on upstairs $20.00; BJ 10et 7. 5.00; 1 ing, 3 plece bath, good cellar. 69) Patrick street, phone 730W. HOUSBKEEPING: APARTMENT--Well heated, el ic light, gas, choice loca thom, large rooms. Apply 134 Ear) street or phone 1630---12-2 p.m. HEATED AT ART MENT-Central loca- and new store, 290 Numa, NH) oom plete to sult desir ant. 4. Cohen & Oo., - tario street. So, 3% On Er -- HEATED APARTMENT---T and a bathroom. 300,00 por room yable $25.00 monthly. J. E. Cunning- am, Agent, Qlarence Street. me In THE WINSTON---66 Bar! Street, an tractive, 6 roomed apartment, large sitting room, 3 big clothes closets, heated and hot water supplied ali Tear, Also gas stove in kitchen. Pos. n once. . . 'Phone 442. Y.v ARgln, Business Places For Rent 7 OFFICES--With large vault, T. mplete bathroom attached pare 4 suitable for living apartment. Heated. J. E Cunningham, agent, Clarence it. ' Farms For Rent Ce ed on the re of bi coneisting of 80 acter. pin Lake, jurge dwelling house and excellent n and outbuildings, public and high aha taxes. Heencbons 8176 ber Year and ie, in" first class lng er, Box 18, Ah Davy, own- 76 of Odessa, situ- BE ASSURED FALL RUSH. CAREFULLY PREPARED. , James --Thomas Moore. a 1H 8 = Houses For Sale 84 BRICK HOUSE---4{ beldrdoms, fufnace; bathroom, garage. Bllerbeck street. Garden With fruit trees. For price see J.. B. Cunningham, Real Bstate Agent, 79 Clarence street. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Divisivn Streets Phone 63%w, See advt, Page 2. HOUSE--New, solid brick 8 hardwood floor, electric, gas, furnace, fireplace, garage, garden, - gain, ideal tor retired farmer, 4 Chest- nut street. $5--Private Christmas Greeting Card sample book free; men and women already making $5 up daily, in spare Hime, Garretson Limited, Brantrord, nt, $4700--Brick, 8 rooms, all ments, Johnson street, eentral. $4.800--Brick, 6 rooms, all ments, University avenue. Houses in adl parts of the city. List at office. T. O'CONNOR, 316 Barrie Street. ¥ J. BE. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate, insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street MERCHANDISE TAKE NOTICE 3 Gas Ranges iu good order-- $16 each. 8 sizes Sealers--60c., Tic, and $1.00 dozen. J. Tark's PHONE 706. BUSINESS SERVICE W, KENT MACNEE] Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ine neta Plate Glass other lines of insurance. J 33 BROCK BT. 'PHONE s8sw. || THE CLASSIFICATION show the addresses of the different kinds of opportunities that dwell fa the classified section. IT IS WISE to see things as the are and to make use of the classif opportunities as they go by. + KVERYBODY is reading classified ads these days. - » numbers' SUMMER PRICES-NOW HAVE YOUR COAL DELIVERED NOW. OF THE LOWEST PRICE AND AVOID THE THE WORLD'S FINEST COAL--RIGHT OFF THE CARS -- Switt & Co. Limited Foot of Johnson Street WELL - SHE GETS HER BAD TEMPER YOu -