Founded 1847 LIVINGSTON'S Suits and Topcoats 5 FALL SUITS Only through intimate contact with Canada's leading makers are we able to offer such fine Suits at such value giving prices. We insisted on the best and got what we went after. Three value groups at 25,271.50, *30 TOP COATS Offered in very classy models, a trifle straighter and longer, is the vogue, in soft and sedate pat- terns. A special value group is offered at NEW FALL HATS newest models and colors $3.75 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" LARGER MARKET SERVICE PHO NES--Retail Order Dept. 2600-2601-2602. Business Office 868w, Accountant's Office s65J. 'Wholesale 1767. HA STOR Coree of Pics tnd Dn bt 3 Minute Oat McLaren's ." Jelly Powders 2 Sizes 124c and 25c. 3 pkgs. 25c. Saturday Night Specials 200 tins Libby's Pork and Beans, regular 15¢. line: 2 tins 25¢c., 6 tins 72c., 12 ti $1.35. Get your supply now. 4 " 500 Ibs. Seedless Raisins, 2 Ibs for 25c. 3 1bs; for 3c. 5 Ton, for sac. 1 oe Shredded Wheat, 4 pkgs. 50c. tsup, new tomato, gt. bottles, 25 Choice Whey Butter, $c ae . Smpked Picnic Hams, special, Ib., 19c. . SAUSAGE--A real tas | age, 2 lbs. for 25c. Tea] mty Melly Same NEXT WEEK 5% + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE SIXTH REUNION Of 21st Battalion In Kingston Friday--Peterboro Chosen For Next Year. The sixth annual re-union of the 21st Battalion (Canadian Infantry) which was held in Kingston on Friday afternoon and evening was voted a de- cided success by all present. Unques- tionably the annual gatherings are in- creasing in interest as the years pass, serving as they do to assemble ex- members of the unit for happy remin- iscence and to perpetuate the tradi- tions of the battalion. Peterboro was the unanimous choice of the gathering for the re-union of 1935. It was last held there in 1021. The veterans from the Electric City have assured a splendid time for all. The reception committee of the local club met all trains, and escorted the visitors to the sergeants' mess at the armouries where a "get together" was held. Many of the boys took advant- age of the opportunity to attend the Kingston exhibition in the afternoon. All expressed delight at again return- ing to Kingston, where the re-union of 1920 was held. At 745 p.m. 160 veterans marched from the armouries to the Frontenac Hotel, where an excellent dinner was served. Brig.-Gen. W. S. Hughes, D.S. O., the first commander of the unit, was unable to be present (for the first since the battalion returned from over- seas), owing to his absence in the west, and the duties of the toastmaster were carried out by Lieut.-Col. H. E. Pense, D.S.0., M.C., who succeeded the late Lieut.-Col. Elmer W,_ Jones, D.S.O,, in command of the "21st." An orches- tra, was most generous in play- ing popular songs and military marches. The singing of the gathering excelled that heard at any gathering in Kingston in some years. It was led by Major H. D. Wightman, M.C,, and Bmdr. Kay. Piper W. A. Nelson and Drummer G. Murray received a cordial welcome when they marched the parade from the armouries to the hotel, and rounds of cheers greeted these representatives of the old pipe band when their playing added to the merriment during the course of the evening. Scores of regrets at not being able to be present were received, announced by Ernest Cockburn, chairman of the publicity committee, and telegrams of greeting from the following were read by F. T. Hart, secretary of the club: General Sir Arthur Currie, G.CM.G.; Lieut.-General Sir Ry E. W. Turner, V.C., K.CB.; Brig.-Gen. W. SS. Hughes, D.S.O.,, Lieut.-Col. H. W. Cooper, Capts. G. T. Goad and Gt. W. Trollope, as well as a letter from the Hon. W. F. Nickle, Attorney General of Ontario, who has always been great. ly interested in the "21st." Mayor T. B. Angrove, an honorary member of the Kingston Club, his son having served with the unit, was called upon by the toastmaster after "The King" had been honoured and the vi- sitors had been welcomed. His Wor- ship expressed his keen interest in the "21st" and his highest regard for the officers, N.C.O's and men who had been responsible for its enviable r2- cord in France. All present were mindful of the sac- rifice of the eight hundred and thirty of their number whose remains lie in honoured graves in France and Bel- gium, and the following was responded by the gathering standing in silence for two minutes: "To Our Honoured Dead." "Enough of merit has each honoured name To shine untarnished on the rolls of fame And add new lustre to the historic page." i "To Happy Memories with the Old 21st," whey was proposed by the "padre," Major (the Rev.) W, E. Kidd, M.C., brought happy responses from the following: Lieut.-Colonels T. F. Elmitt, D.S.O., and D. H. McLean, Major K. E. Cooke, M.C., Lieut. Nor- man Nicholson, Sergts. W. P. Doolan and J. T. Hawkey. It was agreed that the best evidence of the success of the annual gatherings is the splendid attendance. : Capt. Wills, of Belleville, invited the veterans to meet in that city for the 1925 re-unmion, but it was agreed that the invitation of the Peterboro repre- sentatives should be accepted on ac- count of the following rotation having been established: Ottawa, Kingston, Peterboro, Belleville, Ex-members of | the unit were present from all over the eastern part of the province. One feature of the programme was the roll call: "AT wgn uo n and "Dn" Companies, Signal Section, Machine Gun Section, Transport Section, Scout Section, Headquarters, Pipe and Brass to the market HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. American stamps for sale at Whig Office. "Coty"s new metal compact,-- Branigan's. - Martin Loyst, Hartington, was a visitor at the fair on Friday. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received st 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. The Union Church of Portsmouth will hold a Rummage Sale in the city on October 9th. \ A prisoner, who is serving a five months term for theft in the local jail, was taken to the General Hos- pital this week suffering from ap- pendicitis. "Coty's new mretal compact,-- Branigan's. +A.T.C.M., hag opened her studio at 336 Johnson street, and is taking classes in voice, piano and lawaiin guitar. Phone 1882w. - American stamps for sale at Whig Office. Sunday is W. M. 8. Sunday In the Presbyterian churches in the Kingston presbytery, when the work of the Women's Missionary So- ciety is laid before the congrega- tions. | KIWANIS ACTIVITIES. | Alah Meiklepjohn, district manag- er of the Conferedasion Life Assur- ance Company, will be the speaker at the regular Kiwanis luncheon at the Frontenac Hotel Monday noon. Mr. Metklejohn is a member of the local club and will give his talk on "The Sales Factor in Business." He has made a careful study of the subject and ever Kiwanian should hear the address. Dr. John Austin . (John Auelin, surgeon) is back home and has start- ed to liven things up already by be- ing the booster for Monday. His last was a hummer. Be sure to get in on this one. Arrangements are being made for a regular meeting witht the boys at the Mowat Sanitorium, on Mon- day, Sept. 29th, at six o'clock. A Splendid Fruit Cake. Tyendinaga Reserve, Sept. 19. -- Mesrs. Hugo Brant and Russle Maracle, Buffalo; are at their re- spective homes. The funeral of the late Mrs. Catharine Brant took place at the Lower church on Tuesday af- ternoon. Arthur Hart and Mrs. P. Blanchard, Delora, attended the Mowhawk fair on Wednesday. Among the many exhibits, of which the Indian women are ito be congratulated, was:a beautiful fruit cake which deserves mention. It was made by Arthur Hert. Wiliam El- lott, Madoc, called on+W. N. Bell on Thursday. Mrs. J. R. Smith is visit- ing her son W. J. Smith, Better Than Ever. The presentation of the Kingstor historical pageant on Friday night at the fair grounds was even better than ever. The market scefie was especially, fine. A wagon of vege- table, from which the women filled their baskets, was introduced, and a lady fainting in the crowd when the declaration of war was read was another new touch. Whiskey at forty cents a galloh reminded the audience of the "Good Olid Days" &nd altogether the byplay was ex- cellent. Fire In A On Friday at 10.10 pim. the fire- men received a telephone call to 90 Sixth street, owned by J. C. Bennett, where a fire had started in a garage. Before the blaze was put out, two automobiles and the gac- age were badly damaged by fire. The garage was red, but the two automobiles were not covered. Four or five autos were rescued by willing hands. : -------------- A Delightful Sail. Come and enjopsm delightful sail to Cape Vincent, NY. .on S88. Waubic, Saturday and Sunday, leaving Kingston 7 a.m. and 1.15 p.m. Passengers laking 1.15 - p.h. boat, Sunday, will have a delightful sail through the islands. - Fare round ip Tae, returning sameé day. Phone square at 11.15 p.m. for the singing of | 1osis "Auld Lang Syne." "THE CAT AND THE CANARY." tn Miss Muriel = MacLeod, A.C.C.M,, |' o-night Laidlaw's "Merchandise of Merit" Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves Wrist Length, Attractively finished French Chamois- ette Gloves -- well made -- Mastic, Grey, Fawn shades. Fancy stitched ~backs. Sizes 6-71. Price... .. ........+...50cpr Gauntlets, Fine quality French Chamoisette Gauntlets--nicely finished with fancy stitching. Shades Grey and Mastic. Sizes 6-7}. ; Price... .... .. ...ouid eon iBe pr. These are the very smartest Gloves. Gauntlet style--made from beautiful quality Chamoisette--well stitched. Fancy stitched backs and attractively embroidered cuffs. Shades are Grey, Mastic and Fawn. Sizes 6-71. Prices . . . $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 pr. Golf Hose--for boys The neat appearance makes them quite pular. . Fine quality--in shades, Grey, Brown and Sand. Fancy tops--sizes 6} to 94. 75¢ to 95c¢ pr. Ladies' Pure Thread Silk Hose (Substandards) Good fitting stockings made from fine thread silk. No flaws in silk. Colors are, Nude, Jack, Rabbit, Fawn, Black, Sponge. Sizes 81 to 10. Regular $2.00 pr. $1.25 pr. . Corsets These corsets will prove themselves ar Lnsabartyry. hes are ol ight coutil i Pink or White Sood weigh or eh um bust. and elastic top. 4 hose sup- po $1.00 & $1.50 John Laidlaw & Son Ltd. 170 Princess Street