Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Sep 1924, p. 5

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DR. A.W. WINNETT . HANLEY'S a sad Bight. 'Phones 99 and 1433." THE DAILY BRITIS x bY H WHIGC TAXI SERVICE Ras 1315 Also at Yellow Striped Taxi Service phone $66 DELCO- LIGHT The complete Kleetric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANNON 164 Barrie Street, 'Phone 1138J. TO LET t May House--October 1st to dh vr 5 4 bedrooms, all gon veniences. Central location. $65.0 per month. Furnished House--October lst to May | all con- 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, $60.00 Ast. 8 locatin. veniences. Central per month. Unfurnished---Fronten ¥rincess. 7 rooms, Apply at office. General Insurance. R. H. Waddell Phones 5.6, NDE. NG Brock Street PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H, Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. ac street, near all convenlences. DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Btreets. Telephone 868. Fer Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, PIANSS, GAIT, PHU. iT, hv BRNINGS 2231. 138 WELLINGTON STREET - Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM or Da. Wellington and lirock Streets, Entrance: 150 Wellington Sg, Evenings by appoinument. Phone 670. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street acrid Fiants dally. bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1187. sins FOR COLIC AND CRAMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL | | | a | © It has been in use for the past 80 years; its action is pleasant, rapid, re- liable and effectual, and relief comes promptly. {| Be sure and get "Dr. Fowler's" | {when you ask for it. Don't experi- | |ment with some new and untried { | remedy. Put up only by The T. Milburn Co, , Toronto, Ont. SIN en en. G. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Have removed to thelr new building 334-236 ONTARIO STREET Opposite Fire Department | DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST | 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 | Gas for Painless Extraction | OPEN EVENINGS BY | APPOINTMENT Phone 316 - » Godkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service Buggies and Saddle Horses | BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Dally except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. _-- MILLS'COMPANY 70 Clarence Street, Kingston General Insurance. Note and Mort. Suge Loans, We buy and sell Bonds, Collect Rents and Sell Real Estate « City or County. Invest money om mortgage. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Dental--Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduct the practice of Dr. H, A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 AAA cee Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty, Automobile Radiators repaired. 69 IAGOT ST. "PHONE 2158m. OTEL over M. J. BER. o The Whitney Hotel. First class tel Service is ansured. Good yard and stables in commeriin Your patronage is solicited. 11e BROCK ST. « . . PHONE 750, Tr KIN Have Taken Prescribed Course. The new teachers on the Tweed consolidated school staff, Miss Alex- ander and Miss Sills, have both ta- ken the prescribed course in agri- culture. Able To Leave Hospital. James Spencer, of Dunnville, an employee of the Steamer Toronto, who suffered concusion of the brain when he fell on the steamer on the | 8th, inst., was able to leave the | hospital on Friday. ------------ | They Played Golf. Justice Lennox and the ofticials of the supreme court enjoyed a game of golf at the local links on Friday forenoon. They were afterwards the guests of the Crown Attorney, T. J. Rigney, K.C.,, at lunch. ie m------ Civil Service, Examinations for the Civil Service will be held in Kingston, commene- ing October 28th. Information and aplication forms may be obtained from H. F. Metcalfe, principal of Kingston Business College. Elected Jury Trial, The resident who is charged with forging a name on a chequ; of the department of militia and defence appeared before Judge Lavell on Fri- day afternoon and elected to be tried by the judge, Friday, Sept. 26th, at ten o'clock, was fixed as the date for the trial. Doubts About Saving Eye. Thomas Smith, Elginburg, who re- ceived the discharge of a field gum In his face at the fair grounds Mon- day night, has made excellent pro- gress as regards his general condi- tion, but there are grave doubts if GSTON AND DISTR] {the sight of his left eye can be sav- | ed. ---------- Curtailment of Grounds, Pembroke wants a new high school building and in the centre of the town. To get it there will be required less ground than the regu- lations call for. legation will go to Toronto to minister of education to sanction for the acceptance of proposed grounds, see the get his the Driver Must Face Charge. George Lazier, truck triver for the Waupoos canning factory, must face a charge of criminal negligence at Picton on Sept. 23rd. Lazier left a truck by the roadside, on the night of August 19th, and Robert Brown rode his bicycle into the back of the truck, dying from injuries sustained. The truck displayed no lights and faced the wrong way on the road. Real Estate Trustee, George D. Gilbert, Gananoque, has sold the river lot formerly used as gin, ty-six feet on Stone street. Guire is disposing of his farm stock and will then commence t erec- tion of a combined dwelllhg and store on the property. He also in- tends to erect a boathouse with four of five slips. Lived at Athens. An article of interest to many Athenians has lately appeared in the press. It deals with the bravery of Arthur Merrick, twelve-year-old Boy Scout of Regina, who effected a gal- lant rescue of Sidney Sliverman, aged nine years, from drowning in Wascana creek, near Government Dr. Chase's "Nerves in Bad State Could Not Sleep" Mrs. H. N. Tardell, Harrowsmith, Ont., writes: "My nerves were in a very bad state, and for nearly six months I did not know what it was to have a good night's rest. 1 could Bot eat, and never felt well. 1 heard about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, * and thought I would try it. After 20 a a box of 60 plils, Edmanson, Bates & 05, 14d, Toronto taking it for a few days | began to feel better, and soon was able to sleep well at night. My appe- tite also returned, and 1 felt stronger and better, and after taking three boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was quite well. | have alvo given the Nerve Food to my little girl, with good re- sults." Nerve Food Ld Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. W.R McRae & Co Golden Lion Block Em: Thiswould be a Sad Old World without fire. Fires you must have, and they might as well be 800d ones. We Have the coal that makes the « kind of Bood fires. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Grove Inn Yards We Sell New & Used Lumber Iron Sheeting At Lowest Prices I. Cohen & Co, 207-275 ONTARIO STREN ESTABLISHED 137; AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your tam,iy jE Stiends going to or returning troy Passports arra ee --t-- Dr. W. O. Vrooman | DENTAL SURGEON | | HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING & PLEATING MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2106. Bagot.and' William Streets FOR SALE $3,200--7 room, frame, 3 bedrooms, 3 p.b, elec, hot air furnace, large garden. $4,700--7 room, brick, 4 bedrooms, 2 p.b. with separate toilet, elec. and gas, hot air furnace, 2 stairs, 2 storey verandah, hard- wood floors complete on both floors, good garden aud garage. Just the one you have been looking for and it is on the South side, central and near the car line, $6,600--7 room solid brick, hot wa- ter heating, slate roof, fireplace, hardwood floors. Modern. South. E. L. MARTIN 237 BAGOT STREET Phones: 2290--1428m res. or 11811. Colgate's ~ Tooth Paste Cleans and polishes the teeth --without injuring the enamel. It's daily use is recommended by the dental profession every- w How about a new Tooth Brush? We have a large stock of well selected bristle and guarantee the better brushes. For particulars apply Ti 'J.P. HANLEY. CP.& TA, CN. Ry % Yan National Railway | 0 QUALITY is ideal, J. Wilmot gaarantces Milk is ust price and never varies 2s proved amanted 2 Ngh class Milk "te cifreathriv pou, Kingston als are made cajoyadle, when used 0 Phone 2360 ring 14. Orders get . ACROSTIC we ad best P upon a fest Ichaess recognized Yechieatly prized others say hay wy cading action Ind of Satisfaction uU R E M 1 L K A RESTAURANT THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Drop in and have your meals with us. We have everything you could desire at reasonable prices. CROWN CAFE Open from 7.80 am. to 2 a.m. =H Hil! TH EES - - TELEPHONE 1393. -------- -- nmi FINDLAY SPECIAL TORTOISE COOK © Six Cooking Holes, Special Fire Box for Wood. Another masterpiece in Tortoise Cook construction. Large and roomy Fire Box for burning wood, and still retaining E the advantages of round firepot for coal. Come in and see this excellent Range. = Stevenson MASNITHE any PLUMBERS = ) oes Eat REINS se tes gd & Hunter ag - ser PmINCESS a1. HIRT TUR To this end a de- a coal yard to W. G. McGuire, El- The lot has a frontage of thir- Mr. Mec- '| Muskalunge Fishing eT | . House, Regina. Master Arthur is a son of D. Arthur Y. Merrick, man- ager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, at Regina, a former resident of Ath- ens and graduate of the Athens high school. Napanee "Dry" Active. At an organisation meeting of the | temperance forces in the Napanee (town hall, Mayor McGregor occupied the chair. Representatives from all over the county were represented. The following officers were chosen; Presigent, Mayor McGregor; vice- presidents, Rev. T. H. Anderson and Mrs. George Nickle; secretary, Rev. A. J. Wilson; treasurer, J. Moffat. A central committee room has been opened and an energetic campaign has been planned. ts Announced. Canon and Mrs. Lawrence Skey, Toronto, have announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Doro- thy, to Mr. John C. Dumbrille, eld- est son of the Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Dumbrille, of Kemptville, the wed- ding to take place on Sept. 27th, at St. Anne's church, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Seagram, To- ronto, announce the engagement of their daughter, Isobel Mary, to Mr. James Kenneth Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Finlay Ciark, Brighton, Ont., the marriage to take place the latter part of September. More Relics Secured, Donations of old relics for the Picton log cabin are coming in nice- ly. The latest additions are large iron bake pot, large brass kettle, old- fashioned iron boiling pot, flax wheel, looking glass, books, etc. from an old Prince Edward girl, Miss Annie Young, Toronto: long handled broiling fork froem--Willlam Haylock, Picton; two wooden shut- tles from Miss Bentley, Cherry Val- ley; wooden shoulder yoke for car- rying water from Cal. Scott, Picton. W. 8. Blakely, Picton, is going to hunt up a number of old relics he has in his possession. Canadian Pacific . City ticket office, report the fol- lowing arrivals of their steamships: Emprees of Scotland, from Ham- burg, Southampton and Cherbourg, due Quebec, Sept. 20th. Empress of France, from Quebec, arrived Cherbourg and Southampton, 1 Sept. 17th and arrived Hamburg, Sept. 18th. Montcalm, from Liverpool, Quebec, Sept. 19th. Montclare, from Montreal, Liverpool, Sept. 19th. Minnedose, from Montreal, due Cherburg, and Southampton, Sept. 25th, and due Antwerp, Sept. 26th. Marburn, from Montreal, due Cher- bourg and Southampton, Sept. 18th, and due Antwerp, Sept. 19th. Marloch, from Glasgow and Bel- fast, due Quebec, Sept. 20th. Montreal, from Montreal, due Bel- fast and Glasgow, Sept. 20th. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, due Yokohama, Sept. 23rd due due | | and due Hongkong, Oct. 1st. Empress of Canada, from Hong- kong and Yokohama, due Vancouver Sept. 29th. Late Mrs. MacKinnon, The death occurred at Renfrew, on Monday morning, of Mrs. M. Mac- Kinnon. Born in Renfrew, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Eady, the late Mrs. MacKinnon lived all her life in town, and by her lov- able disposition she endeared her- | self to all with whom she came In contact. One son, Lieut. Tan MacKinnon, of the P.P.C.L.I, was killed at the battle of Arras in August, 1918. Be- sides her husband and one son, Dr. Kenneth MacKinnon, Renfrew, she leaves three sisters, Mrs. H. 8. Bow- den, and Mrs. R. D. Scott, and Miss Belle Eady, Welland, Ont; and one brother, Walter Eady, Renfrew. The funeral took place on Wednesday from the residence of Dr. Kenneth MacKinnon. At French River Camp -- . In the fall when the lunge become veracious and the life of a young fish is worth practically nothing, the Kreo-Kolored Red Cedar Shingles Red, Green and Brown shades thor- oughly stained. These Shingles are Edge- rain--will not warp. They are 100% perfor and under Err conditions will ast twenty-five years. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchasge, No. 1571. In fact any make of Radio Set can be supplied by Canada Radio Stores at prices that save you many dollars, Drop in any day or evening. Remember, we sell nothing but Radio---and everything is Sold en a Money Back Guar- antee. We prepay all mail orders. Send for lst. Canada Radio Stores 269% PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 1207-J. Owned and Operated by Men Who KNOW Radio. Kingston Music Studios 258 KING STREET Mr. H. Packer, AT.CM. «+ Miss D. Johnson, A.T.C.M. Mr. H. Hill Special free advantages to pupils. Rates on application. 'PHONE 207. Piano and Theory . ... Violin, Junior and Kindergarten Plano Voice and Sight Singing Modern methods. Pupils prepared for examination. double, with frame kitchen on stone foundation. 5 rooms each, two bedrooms, lights with nice fix- tures, toilet, newly decorated, good shed in rear of lot for each side. Driveway. This house is in splendid repair and efcellent locatibn on Brock Street. Now renting for $16.00 per side. This property Is an excellent investment at $8,000. _M. B. TRUMPOUR 'Phode. 704 or 2072w . . 270 PRINCESS STREET SOLID BRICK HOUSE, +++ .$16.00 per ton ....$12.50 per 'ton Buckwheat it. ..............$ 9.00 per ton | car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for Range or Furnace, $12.00 per ton, delivered SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 CPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 813, tove and C for HUDSON SEAL COATS unolfErmes see-- GOURDIER'S Brook Street. fisherman comes into his own. Fighters to the last gasp, the lunge! is the one fish that one prays, will :| rise to the plug or minnow and when he does--well, try and yawn. A hot shore dinner in the Meart of the lunge territory, French River, al rest and then a recounting of the. day's sport around the open fire, is: scmething one never forgets. , The beauty of the woods In aut- umn, the snappy morning atmos- phere when one's blood runs faster, good fishing, warm bungalows electrically lighted and a clubhouse with a huge lace, music, danc- ing--all these may be had st French River bungalow camp which will re- main open this year until October 15th following the request of pat- rans of the camp. The camp is only 216 miles north of Toronto and any Canadian Pacific agent will gladly supply all information, - e your etc. An howr's com- munion with a hungry lunge is worth a lifetime listening to the other fel- Pp tell about it. Think it over. ---------- At Colborne on Sept. 18th at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, the marriage was solemnized of Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Mayhew, to Harry Stewart Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, Pembroke. TWEDDELL'S SALE MEN'S SUITS $15.00 to $32.00, $35.00 28.50 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St.

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