Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1924, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG There's No Better Place To Look For A Job Than In The Classified Section The British Whig = KINGSTON. ONT. Real Estate For Rent Articles For Sale Apartments and Flats GRAND PIANO -- Helatyman & £04 HBATED APARTMENT --Central loca: al used, absolute nteed t e w i. 3 Lasts Set sien aad Pri ho oom rfect conditi nCess, ot iS beautiful able tenant. w tario street. HEAT A RM EN ea rooms he $25.00 anti 0 J.B. indie: ham, Agent. Clarence Stree cha Ae 8 Ve, men t! - elotheg clo! od Employment Merchandise Help Wanted--Female se GIRL--To wssist with cAre of children. Apply 152 King street. oa ST -- In Kingston, on Se 20th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl fichrit, 218 Nelson weroet. rl " 1 n Hot fp iy x ngston, | oN the Ho S924; to Mr. and Sirs P. J. O'Neill, a daughter. = tin Roach, Tou and Bars Ane 1924, a son, (Charles ¥ Francis Austin). RICHARDSON -- At 475 elie Crescent, Winn) Man. day, Bept. ama. Tit4. uo ; $b. and Mrs. Jumes A. a & son, (George a * "MARRIAGES. UOE-- On Sept. 20th, 1924, the Rev. J. Stephen, Evelyn cay 'daughter of Ms. ands. Robent 'Bruce, Ma Clio, B.Se., of Niagara Fal DEATHS, DRIVER--In Kingston, on September 51 = | 75 On. Here They Come--Apd There They Go! M eral k. Three in famity: - Spry Se ANeres trae Here they come--all those encouraging opportunities of which characterize the Whig's A-B-C Classified Section -- ~~ Help W antea--Maie and which are so helpful in so many practical ways to Help W a. every man, woman and child in the community. * ADDITION, And there they go! thing 15) prod ucts. preme dome & joile That's the way Jit them. They are here to-day abd nee Spicen, Ho gone to-morrow. If you don't seize upon them while SSmpgun they are at hand, someone else will snatch them out of fn ind | RET, sine. your reach, and they will be lost to you forever, pany, Dorey Xi RR, The A-B-C Classified Opportanition don't have time to wait for slothful people. ey are so temptingly attrac- tive that alert people refuse to give them time to walt. Read the A-B-C Classified Section daily. Take these All ads. are restricted to prcper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. RATES sy 3% ate at tt ne ue consecutive special ba. Eaey bi By Blah Lindsay, 121 Princess Street, GARDEN HOSE -- Window Sefecnn, Screen Doors and Perfection Oil Sto at reduced ces, at Taylor & Hamil ton's, 83 Princess Street. Phone 418. LUMBER -- Quantity, of second hand BOPLE - Fe Inch lumber. B. E Wachen, 31 Nel» en oe oe, AV0F. Son at ae 133 ' s. Washing otc Bi GRE Feat hed a hking tom: RO. * ciara, ca Cash 33 insertion, god, Birt Fagements, used. & $0; cash, $1.00. ..... .......... . of Thanks and Memoriam ea--Charwed, $1.50; cash, $1.90 pe ng St dered for Irregular hasttions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; uo ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. #8ix average words to the mixed hems | Jogo. a 0 Jos $4 t H. ngles $ BL. Catherine Yard on Cons cession Street near Division. 'Phone 2302w. JUST ARRIVED-- A large number of ladies' and gen ot Begin- OFFICES--With large vault. A Aine complete bathroom I auilbble fo for dar att Tae $108: 1000 mC h - 0 whic! any Write Railway, Box 2 33ud Joa. Acnle Drive. beloved Funeral ootice later. JAMES REID The Old Firm of U 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance OBERT J. REI Phone oe Lenfing Princess Strost FORERAS HOME 40 COLBORNE STRENT AMBULANCE FHONE 1880 , pains a3 Bim Paricrs, 374 rishadops 1 gf ie 3 I. LL | Phone 556w. 288.940 Bagot Street Calls Night and Day Promptly Attended ' KNIGHT a har H p UnDER SCHOOL CHILDREN DID WEILL. and Battersca. Hartington Pupils Winning Prizes at Several Fairs, Hartington, Sept. 20.--The school fair for the township of Portland was held at Harrowsmith. Prizes were . &iven on parades and drills as well 88 on exhibits of vegetabies, etc. The pupils of Hartington school won sdcond prise in the parade, first prise in the stock-judging competition and 4 many other prizes. They then par- aded among the other schools of the county, at Kingston, on Friday, ob- tainihg fourth prize. Mrs. 8. W. Brown, Rochester, N.Y, is visiting her brother, F. Denl- son... Mré. M. Wilder left for New York to join'her husband who holds & lucrative position there. Miss H. river } MEER, is e and kt; ald at The - 2 Office within § days from the Brac" ol, of insertion, cash rate Ada, ordored a. more than one day and #topped before expiration will aly eharged for tho number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- meht made at the rate earned. the per line for white space Is he same 8s a line of type. pede rate > yearly advertising upo fr reserve the right to edit reject au classified advertis'ng Te sphone 248, ask for a want 24. taker Announcements Personals SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks. Skin Cangers, Soars, Pits. eta, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others Jove fated Goltre cured without ration. ears' experience. Dr, Elim mer J. Lak 3 ye, Bar, Nose, Throat, Skin, 35% Bagot Street. Phone 301w, House 1138J Announcements Lost and round ARTICLES--Found, on Fair Grounds, one beaver meckplece, fawn brushed wool Seater colt, 1 een sweater coat. May be had at Mr, Sirrett's office, Market street. FUR NEOKPIBCE--Found, on the Pro- vincial Highway, Sunday. 'Winer can have same by calling at 14 Upper Wii- liam street. M] PURBE--Found, © . Owner apply atl attest. 10 in Macdonald 110 Barrie NECK FUR--Found, a small neck fur Apply nw. PULLOVER-Found, child's, Tuesday evening, orn Stanley street. Owner may have same by calling at 83 Stanley street. ROLL OF MONEY---And three bank ate at Fair Grounds, on urs- day evening, Reward for théir re- turn to James E. Davidsom, Parham, Loyst spent the week-end at Verona. D. A. Barker and family, Arden, at B. Campsall's; Mrs. Jennie Smedley, Pa, at B. Botting's; Mrs. M. McWil- liams, Bethel, and Miss Moore, Oak Flats, at John Moore's; Mr. snd Mrs, R. Martin, Pa., and Mrs. Amey, Des- eronto, . at George Brown's; George Killing at B. Campsall's en route for his home Nokomis, Sask. : William Hill, Smith's Falls, has n visiting his sister, Mrs. Sigs- worth, and attending Kingston fair, B. Campsall is visiting at Wolte Is- land. Mr. end Mrs. Charles Leonard have been spending a couple of Weeks with their son at Yarker. Miss |- Madolia Babcock and Miss Keitha Moore leave Monday for Feterboro where they will attend the Normal school. Misses Meta and Jessie Camp- sail are spending the week-end with their parents, FORMS OWN TRIMMING. SCARF--WHl the person who found a mauve silk ae after pageant ursday night Please return it to 213 Biv dsion street. SLIPPERS -+ Found, at Zion ¢ church or Tg XE samme 8 at t Zion THRRNOE York 360 Johnson street. WORK BAG---Lost, rose homespun, cone aint ani and gewing, on Sonn SS Bay A os Tuesday morning be- tween 11 and 1. Return to 61 Syden- ham street and receive reward, Automobiles Automobiles For Sale Lost, between y BO a pio or on the Finder please return to 11 FOR ing Car In perfect condition; will give written guarantee; a Hh week only. Wile Box, Z15 tish Whig, or phone 1037. MeLAUGHLIN CAR--In good Sondition, or will exchange for t Player Piano of good make, Box E- 20, g OfMice. SPEED WAGON--Neéw, Rec. Al Glover, corner Bagot and Earl 'Phone 47. TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet 1ouring ia splendid sha Gray _Dort pecial Touring. Robinson Motor Sales. Blue Garages. 'Phone 567. $175--Buys Chevrolet touring car, cently overhauled, in cond! Apply 264 Nelson 'Street or telephone FOR SALE § passenger Chevrolet, $215. 1 Ford Truck, $110. 1 six cylinder Mclaughlin, $350. One Durant Touring. $800. E. LAWRENSON 387 PRINCESS STREET $475: 45 McLaughlin Tour- \ ing. overhauled and re-cone 50:2 rand Touring. 2 ly A. ta re- tion. horoughly overhauiod --Chevrolet uring, new top, new tires, fine condition. ~-Chevyrolet Touring, good running order. Lately over 4) ' BLUE GARAGES Ltd. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets ' this 'season are manipulated to form their own Notice 'Bow in this frock Let him have the key of your UICK SALB~-Big Bix Nash Tour- Ww {heart who keeps securely the logk opportunities that look good to you while hand--before somebody else steps in front crowds you into life's rear ranks! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY they are at of you and Automobiles Automobiles For Sale 11 Automobiles and Parts For Sale ue Studebaker Truck In good oondi- tion. Also Gears, Generators, Starters, and all kinds of parts for all makes of cars. Also second hand tops, cushions and tires. Sell your old cars here. Highest prices paid. H. ROSEN 140 Rideau Street - - 'Phone 2476w. Careful Inspection of Our Used Cars will eonvinee you tnat, considering their excellent condition and price ask- ed they represent values which are dif« ficult to duplicate. 1928 4 cylinder McLaughlin Coupe, Essex 4 cylinder Phaeton. McLaughlin K45 Special Touring car. Ford Coupe, almost new, driven only 700 miles. Fully equipped. Overland, model SO, Touring Car, ¢ cylinder continental motor. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St. Phona 201w. po Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 TWO GARAGES---At corner of Prin and Alfred streets; conveulently 130 cated. F. B. McNamee. "Phone 3% 'Business Setfvice Bustuess Services Offcred 18) 7 AUCTIONEER~--For cou est dealing, W. A. Tw Street. Phone 330J. and hone ® 192 Barrie Expert Plana Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED HLL DRILLING -- Sanliary wa wells, the Sideat, oe largest, the sanitary well in Frontenae and Lennox and aa ington. The m Modern equipment in' America. full information write to ¥. - Garris son Co. Coutteok, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUM Davia 3 Sonu Pupil of 393 3 Divisiga: | THY igmann School of Ladics' Halr Parlor. 2a Business oes Sertions E SEE Areh. Thao Mandger, Office: 58 Brock Street. ephone 68. FIRES happen. ty, RT 21d effects, bla at STOPS: os require rotee neul tfams, 2 Lh street. go : UNTER OGILVI resenting ApEn of po ap n tection for for Breodin tock. Btree Phony Sas. INSPRANCE---Only the miost St 5 taniiahes sented, 8 tebeed te Post Office. m pan Strange, Clarence Street, 0, utomgblie Thos RECENT SRL Laas Phone 17820. COOKE--. "ie nega, in relia Te, rict manager, Imperial Office Codw, Res. 173 3m. Moving, Trucking, Storge a ASHES Cleandd ¢ out of Aflers & -- Br 8, oléan 4 Ruasell biroct 2385. STORAGE--For PAE clean, qi airy rooms and sph ¢ and k key. : Frost's i Tou on ok 308 Queen Bt. Phgne 424 eer Siorad Sow. "Painting, Fapering, Decorating 20 PAPER HANGING -- papers with service, S3ppiri ut a inside palising. andy a con- and tracts. Best iin iL. Rowley: Delon oe ok EIR! fu te wn Kingston SiatroL nies, dis ®. Phones: FERRE Porat & Roblason, rear sph 1 Kingat on. Te i 247 ple salatinl 'a stook. Chiropractic . LUCY--Dré. G. F. and Jénnte A., Chiro- factle, fs 1alls te three t Street. "Hours: ¥o13 Ah. Thos snd'¥y o 130 Sun and ot: hati oh REE ol Slegiee wa Serine oF Beil fi iit 18J For appointment 'PHONE 1 _---- bha. 185 Wellington St. Frark J. FRENOH MARCEL WAVING Water Wavi Round and Bo Curling, Hair Bobbing and Trim Facial and Scalp Treatment. Sp attention given to Hae Dyeing. Miss Switzer, ueen Stréet. For Aap+ pointment 'phone 3016. HE EA TE 1 ¥ HE a SE ston. Sorieagis 0 Ereinfis Fl Phat HEN ro A HER Tele- lcitor Ss TRANSFORMATIONS -- Lob Mrs. oun 5¢ Bay reet, Kingston. Phone 1 MRS. WILKINSON = Frontenaé streét Bair dresser, on vacation till October 1st. : Hemstitching ay PICOT EDGING --- Hemst! JET STR aisLa Street. 'Phone rH 35 near Prins! "Ou: Hat Cleaners ie HOWL-About your Geotge, the hate, 307vRT aot the ARTA DG Daria ange ed Barrister | or Accident and| FOR fro etl erent; FA rated, MAKE MONEY A HOME--§1 to §2 an hour for y aur gray time wiring showcards Yor us. instract and su, West- Sho Toi borne Help--Mule or Female BLY---The isos Somme. for showin, Son pe Chiat Carestin Cards, samples free. Premier Publishing Co., 28; 9] "pagina ave, Toronto, write for nformat $Brivate os Ratmas G Greeting ly making $5 u iy an Hine, Y darretion Limited, rs Card wothen are antford, Solicitors, Canvagsers, Agents 80 We REFRIGERATOR. -Sultabls ntlemen's chairs, asses Antique Shop, 507 Priaceas St. 'Phone 2610. My NEW FALL PRICES--Are exceed- ingly low on threshers, tractors, hay sses, silo fillers, plows. Write me. Ee Smith, 199 Colborne Street. for gro- oer. ADBIY | New England Bakery, Col- Hagwoo treet. SQUARE PIANO---For sale cheap, also other furniture Apply 177 Alfrea street. SCALBS---All kinds, new and seocond- hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo Scale Co. Ltd, 209 Princess St, King- ston. 'Phone 1228. SPECIAL-- Frontenac Feit Mattresses, built of Layer Cotton Felt; well made with attractive drill art ticking, $10.00. Frontenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1961J. VACUUM CLEANER--Electric, with all attachments, | used less than a - Your, $36. Apply Box C-19, Whig Of SALES AGENT---Reliable, fv, re~ sented distsicta, Good fres oq se 6quip We are the Jargoor yr FR an gud a Na ursery, m oh You be EuccesstUL W! : Pal Nursery Co. Toronto. Situations Wanted--Male 87 BUTCHER-~ First class, réquires steady moderate wa, Can start any 'Phone 2646. oe ime. WOOD--Dry hard maple, dry body soft wood, hardwood slabs, Kinaling, cut and delivered; dving prices. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toron- to streets. 'Phone 889. $30.00---Fall suits and oYeruats made to your order wi terme of pAymeént. Phone 2206W. 3 J. G. Patter- #on. 120 Johnson street. Radio Equipment 62a. Financial Investments, Stocks, Bonds 89 SALE--New issue Dominion of Canada 4%. 20 vear. Price 97. Your order solicited. Mills Company. Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan and Investment Society Incorporated 1861. Prosijent, A. B. Cunningham; 107 To oan on Eity D. Somiwrignt ey to loan on City ties; Iyestments Bonay > bought and sold; deposits celvod and interest paid on minimum \ monthly balance. Cartwright, 87 Clarence Street. ng- Wanted--To Borrow a MORTGAGE MONEY--In amounts from STROMBERG--CARLSON-- Neutrodyne, Receiver. The instrument that proved the winner a¢ the Ex. Sold in King- Bton by Canada Radio Stores. Open evenings. Wanted--To Buy FHATHPR BED -- Wanted (goosf feathers preferred). must be thor gusnly ol clean and at moderate price. Box Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 67 NISHED ROOMS--With board. Ap-~ 215 University avenue, phone y 21 Rooms Without Board 6s $1000 to Jove. Apply K Agen. ea. d., 67 Clarence Street. 'Phone Nha Instruction CHARLES E. MI Royal Colle, of Organists. Téacher of lathe and Theory. Studio: 261 Col- rne Street. EARL A. NESBIT--LT.C.M., local pu- pil of M. a Stevensdn, Toronto. Feach, Br a al Plano. uaio: 8 Foot Phone Har rm rock September 3nd, 192 Horses, Cattle, ET 48 COCKERELE- Batted and White Ply- mouth Rock, from hens records of 219 to 227 eggs In their pullet year. 260 Nelson street, or p to Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 BARGAINS--For Fair Week: Men's boots, and second bh blankets, good heavy Drecahos, leg- ings. flannel shirts, underwear, etc. apiro, 46 Princess street. BICYCLES--A | number of aed 4 bisysien fo aden repal a M flor, Hhgyele| 2 ring. ul , 371-373 King Street « Tele- w phone 1961w. BRUNSWICK REX release now on op. BRICK Ta and soft. Any quantity. B. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. lr 1391J or 618. (Agent for Baker RDS -- Septembe a" Elder's Cigar C8 BRASS 8 BEDS--Refinished, also & ringy repaired. and and refafania iS Chairs. ais, Tae Re A -- And goed clot CE phone 1800w a Sd of [HAR G fav long nic oe Rarer Lan! n new. a C Get ous prices on all plating & Part ridgé Wire Works mehr KE--The last month to buy Coke at the reduced for 9.00 e Ba A BEDROOM-- Furnished, SButable for two. sity Avenue or phone a Apps ulin vers FURNISHED ROOMS--Apply 110 Clar- Houses For Rent, n let 5 JRN Ibert street hi. Ma, Apply Kingston Lad, 87 ence Street. 'Phone on BRICK HOU At on and oof acres, 'of aren b Foul le & Secor Surety Phone LX 3, 700] $3, FURNISHED HOUSE---8 rooms; mods ern; piano. immediately. Apply T. M. Aeselstine, Ooure HOUSE~-§ roomed, well Turieheod, plato. fireplace, Ses, electric, Surden . Apply 4 Chestnut street, phone 2 . HOUSE~~Centrally located, all modern SRuipient, gas and electric. Ang { Mrs. J. E. Harvey, 98 Division st HOUSES House and single sorages 89 Queen street, two 5-room houses, 4 and 47.Concession stréet. Apply 1 Queen street, phone 9383W. NO. 1, VICTORIA TERRACE---Montreal Street. Possession September 15th. Ape py x King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence 4 { $14--Por month in advance, rents seven ' roomed stone and frame "ayeliing. King Jtrest went Nout, » ret, gas for yard, entrance (no aching. lights), heat by stove. Steady tenant with wh July desired. rite Box V-12, Whig Vilice, Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land for Sale. 83 FARM--About 70 acres, about { miles west of Colln's Bay. Apply Joha Sterling, Collin's Bay, Ont. FARMS---T truck farms, 'equip for garde: g. Four miles from city, or would rent. Apply 470 Albert tsrest, phone 1166W Houses Tor Sale 84 BE. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Brokér Johnson and Divisiun Streets Phone b3Sw. See advt, Page 2 HOUSE---New, solid brick 8 ' reome hardwood floor, electric, gas, furnace, fireplace, garage, garden, gain, ideal for retired tarmer. ¢ nut street. NEW BRICK HOUSE--Stuart St. a FR 8.5 lok dwelling, Nonty hotie ROOME.--Two, unfurnished, with Board. ROOMS--- Bed , #itt room th fire- place and kitghen I oa, ig Also "0 fos a and electri ity. bath T. ctricl ty. n" I 4 , O'KIll street. 'Phone 1632 priY: 4 | Rooms for Housekeeping 69 ROOMS ~Thres furnished oom, ih Root. 3 for a light. ora foe 380 Alfred 5 Wanted--Rooms or Board king and 7s Jor one person. Pox Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT Three room. with bath- m, Heated. In Business district. . E. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence St. APARTMENT 4 rooms, fomediat - §4ssion. Apply Kingston Agen re . 87 Clarénce street. nord 7083. APARTMENT --In best locality, & foate if VAR AyneTRR Short e . to pEoncien, Lia, PP diguton Phone 70; APART MENTS On 8 Lxth street, 3. one S04 Eround fioor or dhs 00; seh 4 3 plece a Abo § Patrick Foi ne 730W, HOUSEKERPL NG APARTMENT Well choice heated, tric light, gas, oon. tion, large rooms. Pe or phone 16300 00% oH San) FALL EROaR. RED CAREFULLY PREPARED, tena: street KINGSTON AcmNcr EP rreat. 'Phone 703. $4700--Brick, 8 rooms, all {improve~ ments, johnson street, central. $4,300--B § rooms, ali improve ments, ove aven Houses in all pasts of the city, Last at Mee. ae O'CONNOR, 318 Barrie Birest "Phone 12608, - . B. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street TAKE NO TICE in good order ni each. Sites * iii 75¢c., and Tok' PHONE 708 W. KENT MACNEE] INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, phutomobile, Ace cident, kness, Plate sad other lines of iran, 4 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 585w. he SUMMER PRICES NOW. HAVE 8 YO R OUS goAL DELIVERED NOW, OF THE LOWEST PRICE AND AVOID THE THE WORLD'S FINEST COAL--RIGHT OFF THE CARS « James Swift & Co., Limited" Foot of Johnson Street

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