Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1924, p. 5

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R. ORWELL TAXI SERVICE fin 1315 'DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light snd Power pluat for every country home. W.C.CANNON 164 Barrie Street. "Phone 1138J. TO LET raish House--October 1st to May Ful i os 4 oms, all Sen. wi Central location. $65.0 per Furnished use---Ootober 1st to May ist. 8 toy 4 bedrooms, all con- Venlences. Uentral location. $60.00 per month. ished--] enac street, near us inocess. 7 Trani all convenlences. Apply at office. . Gemeral Insurance. <R. H. Waddell Phones 336, 806. 56 Broek Street PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine street, . 'PHONE 1384. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Oorner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. : Telephone 868. For Moving of PIANOS. CARTAGE And STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION * . Kingston Transfer Co. PHONG 377. KVENINGS 2331. 183 WELLINGTON Wash Figured Silks in LUX You eed have no fear if you wash your delicately- coloured silks in Lux, The sheerest silk will ki its lustre and the most dell. cate colours will remain clear, even after many washings in the pure, mild Lux suds. Sold only in sealed packete--duwetproof! LU LEVER BROTHERS LIMFTED TORONTO L437 ------ GA Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Have removed te their new bufiding 234-236 ONTARIO STREET Opposite Fire Department or Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BRUOM Welltsigton and Hrock Streets, Eatrance: 130 Wellington St. Evenings by sppoiniment. Phone 70. WAT1TS | People's wrist 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs and' wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1703. Residence 1187. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 18350 Gas for Painleas Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT oman ---- Ee -- | "KINGSTON AND DISTRICT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Kreo-Kolored Red Cedar Shingles Red, Green and Brown shades thor- General Williams Struck. Major-General V, A. 8. Wiiliams, commissioner of Ontario provincial police, Toronto, sustained painful bruises, and narrowly escaped ser- fous Injury, when struck by a boy riding a bicycle. Cheese Board Sales. Napanee, 400 at 16 5-16¢. Picton, 869 at 16 11-16¢, Iroquols, 698 at 16 1-2¢. Chicoutimi, Que., 500 at 15 7-8c. Victoriaville, Que., 2,630 at 16 1-4c, Slated for Bisley. Lieut. Desmond Burke, of the Governor-General's Foot Guards, winner of the King's Prize at Bisley, who will attend Queen's University this term, will go to Bisley meet again next year. : Enters Action. It was learned on Saturday morn- ing that George Masoud has entered an action for $5,000 damages against the Blue Garages, as a re- sult of an accident which occurred at this garage, when Mr. Masoud re- ceived serious Injuries, Now Coming to Kingston. Quite a_number of Athens people attended Kingston fair. The roads from Athens to Kingston being in good shape. many motorists think nothing of a trip to Kingston; in fact, much of the trafic 'which formerly went to Brockville now | goes to Kingston on account of the j pad state of the roads into the county town, : Rain Kept Off. While there was a weak splutter of rain after tem o'clock Saturday night, the first shower in a week, the weather held fine over Sunday. Here's hoping that Picton fair gets the same good weather as K'ngston exhibition got. 'Was Born in Kingston, Railway Co., New York, has been elected first vice-president of the Railway Treasury Officers' Associa- tion, meeting in Montreal, Mr. Moody is a Canadian, born in King- ston, Ont, Has Resigned His Charge. Rev. R. Simpson has to leave his work in Stirling owing to iii health. Mr. Simpson preached his last ser- mon for the present, and will short- ly move with his family to Brooklin, Ont., where they will make it their home for the present. F. M. Hugo May Run. Francis M. Hugo, former mayor of Watertown, N.Y., and former secre- tary of state of New York, is a re- ceptive candidate for the nomina- tion for secretary of state on the Re- publican ticket. Mr. Hugo was born in Kingston, a brother of Mrs. F. A. THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT, 1924 Electoral District of Kingston. Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers. Take notice that sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of hear-'the Hydro-Electric Power Commis- mplaints or appeals with regard to the Voter's Lists to be used on the ing oo taking of the vote un October 23rd, 1924, ag authorized by The Ontario Tem- perance Act, 1924, will be held at the following times and places, viz.: CITY OF Polling sub-divisions 1 to 12 (Sydenham, Ontario, St. Lawrence and Cata-| tick to a point in the direclion of raqui Wards, at the CITY HALL and Polling sub-divisions 13 te 23 (Frontenac, (Ottawa. Ri and Victoria Wards), at the COURT HOUSE, at the following times: Phone 316 Godkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service Buggies and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Daily except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Hopkinson's Grocery Golden Lion Block MM This t ould} a Sad Old World without fire. Fires You must have, and they might as well be good ones. We have the coal that makes the best kind of §ood fires. : : BOOTH & CO. { NM fre ---- We Sell 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 2580, BeENERNERREMERYS Look For Us At The Fair 2 packages Corn Flakes, | package Post Toasties, | Monday and Tuesday, October 6th and 7th, from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., and | on Wednesday and Thursday, October Sth and ¥th, from 2.30 p.m. to 530 p.m.' and from 7.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. VILLAGE OF | At the TOWN HALL on Thursday, October 2nd, from 4.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. | James W. and the late Mrs. John- and from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. To hear com City of Kingston and Village of Ports That 1 to 12 of the City of Kingston (Sydenham, Ontario, St raqul Wards), and his Clerk will be W. City Hall, Kingston, Ontario. That Judge Lavell will be the Revising Officer for to 23 for the City of Kingston, and his Clerk will be KINGSTON PORTSMOUTH plaints as to lists' of voters for all polling sub-divisions in the; N.Y., following an operation. mouth, respectively. J. B. Walkem, K.C,, will be Revising Officer for Polling sub-divisions a trained nurse in wrence and Cata- . W. Sands, Esq, M D., whuse address is Polling sub-divisions 13 T. M. Asseistine, Esq., whose address is Court House, Kingston, Ontario. That Judge Lavell will be the Revising Officer for the Village of Ports- mouth and his Clerk for sald Village of Portsmouth will be James Scally, Esq., whose address is Portsmouth, Ontario, And further take notice that any v 36¢ | her name or the name of any person been omitted from the same, or that entitled to be voters have been AR DAY (exclusive of Sunday), before the set out, of Portsmouth. And further take notice that such in the prescribed form, signed by the the Clerks of the respective Revising and Village of Portsmouth address as given above. 4 Dated at Kingston, this 15th day of September, 1984. Mothers apply, complain or appedl to have his or her name or any oer perso entered on, of removed from the list of said City of Kingston and said Village oter who desires to complain that his or entitled to be entered on said list has the names of rsons who are not meron. may 'before the THIRD first day fixed 'for the sittings as above e | appeals must be by notice in writing complainant in duplicate and Officers for the said City of ingston as the case may be, or lett for such Clerk at his H. A. LAVELL, Chairman of .the Election Board For the County of Frontenac. / Give the children WRIGLEY'S after every meal A prominent physician says: "It is surprising how free from decay the teeth can be kept by using gum after each meal." W. J. Moody, treasurer of the Erie' on they will not be responsible for the iven to! | package Grape Nuts, | package Health Brand, Extra e Corn Flakes and a big Shop- ping Bag--all for 25c. nN / MITIHPS 'Call 1817. We If you want the very best try ours. You know how hard it is to get the children to clean their teeth. By giving them WRIGLEY'S you not onlyreward themforclean- ing their teeth, but the reward J, 3ssuialiy the means orm t important service! WRIGLEY'S aids digestion too, and acts as an anti- WRIGLEY . quality. Kilpatrick, Livingston avenue. He is a graduate of Queen's University. A 144 Osborne Leach, the seven-year- old son of Rev. J. Leach, Bishop's Mills, sustained a severe cut In his right arm when he fell on a lawn mower in their woodshed. A physic- lan was called and several sitches were taken in the lad's arm. Prey of Flames, Matthew Johnston, a fine brick structure, was completely destroyed by fire on Tuesday, near Smithfield, cn the provincial highway. It was a landmark hereabouts The fire start- ed from a coal oil stove. The loss will be very heavy, as there was lit- tle or no insurance. oughly stained. These Shingles are Edge- ain--will not warp. They are 100% perfutt and under ary conditions will ast twenty-five years. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. IT "TOOK" Our booth at the Kingston Bx. surely was a busy place. Every. body wanted to see the wonderful Stromberg-Carlson Neutrodyne, but unfortunately everyone could not hear it performing. To those that did not, we extend a cordial invita tion to drop in at "Radio Headquar- ters' any evening and see and hear for yourself why the Stromberg- Carlson Neutrodyne was Juaged one best instrument at the exhib in AnAl tion. monstrate home any evening. Phone 1207 Radio! | == CANADA RADIO STORES 269% PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 1307-3. Owned and Operated by Men Who KNOW Just a Few Words About Painful Accident, Jumping from a loft door of a barn during after-school play, result- ed In painful injuries to Miss Filnen MacLaurin, daughter of Principal P. C. MacLaurin of the Beileviie .igu school. She suffered a fracture of the leg as well as a badly sprained ankle. The fracture caused the bone to protrude through the flesh. Caught a Big Pike. A Singer, Smith's Falis, caught a | pike while trolling near the C.N.R. | litt-bridge. The fish weighed six and | three-quarter pounds and was thirty- [ three inches long. Mr. Singer was | using a large spoon troll' with a lead | sinker when he caught this beauty. | Larger pike have been caught in the lakes but we Delieve Mr, Singer holds the record for big fish caught in the river. 75¢ Boys' Coat Sweaters, Heather Mixture, size 24 to 32. Regular value $1.25. 75¢c Men's Ribbed Wool Shirt, only size 86 to 44. Regular value $1.25 and $1.50. PREVOST'S Phone 503J. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. B55 Brock St $15.00 Young Men's and Men's Suits, Dark Grey, Brown, Blue Chevi- ot. .Sizes 34 to 44. Regular value $22.00 to $85.00. $1.75 Men's Working Trousers. Sizes 32 to 44. Regular value $2.50 to $3.50. Awarded Contr-ct, Messrs. Code & Tett, Limited, electrical engineers and contractors, | Brockville, have been awarded by sion of Ontario the contract for the erection of a transmission line, | twelve miles in length, from Mano- Work will be commenced at | an early date. Death of a Trained Nurse. Beatrice, daughter of | Jennie stone, Campbellford, died at Aurora, De- | ceased, twenty-three years old, was |° the hospital in i which she died. Her father was at [ the bedside of his daughter. The | remains were brought to the family Egg, S Chest: $16.00 per ton home in Campbetiford and the fun. || Omall Hard Coal ..........$12.50 per ton | eral held on Thursday afternoon. Buckwheat tenes $ 9.00 per ton | Retuned to. Pay Belaty. | | car Semi-Anthracite Smokeless, suitable for ' Range or Furnace, $12.00 per ton, delivered | | SOWARDS COAL C0. Phone 155 | gregation of the Presbyterian church | at Arnprior have notified the presby- UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE #11, | tery of Lanark and Renfrew that | satary of the minister from February last, the difficulty arising from the attitude of the minister upon church union which differs from their wiews. The presbytery appointed a committee to meet these members. Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. David Cody, Ottawa, announce the engagemeéat of their daughter, Catherine Beatrice (Bee), tc Frederick J. Ryan, Venice, Cal, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryan, Brock- ville. The marrigge is to take place early in October in Venice, Cal. Mr. and Mrs, William Dickson, "Cedar View," Winchester, announce the engagement of their youngest | daughter, Martha to George M.! Smith, Watertown, N.Y., only son of James M. Smith and the late Mrs. Smith, The marriage will take place quietly the middle of October. for HUDSON SEAL COATS udf® JACQUETTES see-- GOURDIER'S Brock Street. Prosented With Veteran's Jewel. At a meeting of Victoria Lodge, No. 1 L0O.0.F., Victoria, B.C, Bro. Fred Davey, grand secretary of Brit- feh Columbia, on behalf of Brock Lodge, No. 9, Brockville, presented an honorable veteran jewel to Bro. H. T. Fitzsimmons, Victoria. Bro. Fitzsimmons' father was a member of this lodge before him, and was also an uncle, W, Fitzsimmons, who held the office of grand master of Ontario in 1874. Bro. Fitzsimmons has been absent from Brockville and unable to visit his lodge for a num- ber of years. He therefore fully ap- preciated the kind and fraternal spirit that prompted its members in thus remembering him and sending him this very handsome present. TWEDDELL'S SALE Passed Away st Ameliaghurg, 'W. Nelson Giles, an aged resident of Ameliagburg township, passed away Monday evening in 'his nine- tieth year. Deceased was born in Ameliasburg in 1834 and hed re- sided in that township all bis life. | $35.00 the daughters are Tumulty of Madoc; Mrs. D. W. Red- 8.50 TWEDDELL'S

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