Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1924, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG or SETI NEWS AND V | LiFEs SOCIAL SIDE Woman Page Bditor, Phone 2613, Private, Phone 857W. - * * | Miss Irene Johfison entertaified at i home of Mrs. 8. Darruagh, of ; yside avenue, Ottawa, to a de- fully arranged party, which she id in honor of Miss Louise Actbn, who will leave shortly for Kingston, she has accepted a position ih Whe Genordl Hospital. The guests ifidluded the members of the 1920 Br ting class of St. Luke's Hos- | pital, of which Miss Acton is a mem- ber ". . . . \ Mr. Matthew Lochhead, West Kil- ride, Ayrshire, Scotland, who has Pe6h the guest of his nephew, Mr. D. B. Murray, and Mrs. Kensington avenue, left for Montreal ,08 Baturday last, and wil sail for 'BOMe on the 3th by 8S. Athenian. , Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Atwater, Ot- tAWa, spent the week-end in the ¢ity. They are at Lyndhurst enjoy- ing the fishing. Mr. Hubert Sills, BSc, who was ¥isiting his mother, Mrs. W. R. SiMe, Mack street, returned to Peter- boro on Saturday, . Mrs. Millicent Scott, Gananoque, and her mother, Mrs. Darling, Kings- ton, are at Almonte to spend a few weeks with friends. Miss Lois 'Taylor attended the : Lowndes-Hewson wedding in Ham- 11ton on Beturday. Mz. J. Courtland Blliott, Toronto, is In the e¢ity for the coming week and 1s with his parents on Barrie street. . . . Bir Hamer Greenwood, former Uhlef Becretary for Ireland, and Murray, | Lady Greenwood, who have been vis- iting in Whithy, arrived in Ottawa and are guests at the Chateau Laur- fer, Sir Hamar Greenwood will ad- dress the Canadian Club ' at their luncheon at Chateau Laurier. Miss Anne Thormton, who left Montreal about two months ago for the west, Is now the guest of thn Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Rushton in Suva, the FMji Islands. She visited Hono- lulu en route to Suva. Miss Thorn- ton 1s not éxpected home for several weeks. . - - - Mr. Jim Hosey, who has been vis- iting his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Scott, Division street, has returned to his home in Mount Carmel, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Harrington, Napanee, were in town for the His torical Pageant in which their son, | Mr. W. H. Herrington, took the part of Capt. Michael Grass, and their daughter, Mrs. d'Arcy Sneath, that of Mrs. Grass. Miss Mary Reid, Wakefield, Que., | arrived in town to-day to attend i Queen's University, and is at" 38 | Clergy street. Mr. R. B. Rayson, who has been with his mother, Mrs. R. W. Rayson, Wellington street, returned to New | York to-day. | Miss Edith Cottle, who has teen | visiting Archdeacon Armitage"s sum- mer home at Purcell™s Cove, Halifax, has returned to Toronto. . . * At the conclusion of the Kingston Historical Pageint on Saturday | evening, the fair directors presented | "Britannia, "Canada" and "Kings- | ton" with beautiful bouquets in ap- preciation of thelr share .in the pro- | duction of the very successful page- ant. C. 8. M. Simmons, on behalf of the commandant and gentlemen ca- dets of the Royal Military College, presenting Miss Going, of the Histori- cal Pageant committee, with a love- ly bouquet. R. J. Bushell, manager of the fair, spoke a fow words of ap- preciation of the work of Col. J. N. 8. Leslie, the committee and the actors in the pageant. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sackett, Cape Vincent, N.Y, are im Ottawa, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig. Mrs. A. Lachapelle, Brockville, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Fex, Kingston. Misses Stafford ,Brooklyn, N.Y. holidaying at their home in Almonte, are at present visiting friends in Kingston and the Thousand Islands. Mr. Walter Bircherd. assistant professor of chemistry at Queen's 'was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Trowbridge, Second avenue, North Bay, en route to Kingston from Aurora, where he spent the summer months. * . * Mrs. Fred Carson and her sons, Fred and John, left to-day for Lake- field, where the boys will' enter "The Grove," the Lakefield preparatory school. Mrs. Carson and Master Péter will sail for England on Fri- day and will later join Major Car- son at Lahore, India. Miss Evelyn Nickle, who has been in Toronto, has returned to Mont- real, where she is a nurse-in-train- ing at the Royal Victoria Hospital. . . * Miss Nellie Henley, Wallington street, has returned from spending a month with frignds in Peterboro and Lindsay. Mr. H. H. Horsey and Miss Mil dred Horsey, who have beén with the Misses Cartwright, "The Ma- ples," motored to Picton to-day. Mrs. Arthur Evans, Gore street, has returned from Montreal. Mr. and Mfs, George Tyrréll, Salt tii Lake City, spend several days of their honeymoon with the former's sister, Mrs. Arthur Dalton, Gore street. Mrs. W. Harty and Miss Nadine Harty, "Rosélawn," will leave for Montreal on Tuesday, where the lat- ter will resume her studies at Miss Edgar's school. . . -. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Segsworth, Toronto, are with Mrs. W. B. Dal- ton, Johnson street. Miss 3. C. M. White, who spent a few days with Miss Going, Clergy streef, returned to Toronto on Mon- day. 'Dr. and Mrs. Walbridge, Belle- ville, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 8irett, "Hageldell," Portsmouth, have returned home. Mr. H. A. Tofield, Belleville, spent the week-end in town. Miss Rédpath, EastSourne, Bng., who has been in Canada since Aug- ust, Is with her cousin, Miss Drum- mond, Albert street. She will leave for Montreal shortly to visit her | cousins before returning to Eng- land. pincers THE W. A, TRIENNIAL | MEETING IN HAMILTON When the triennial meeting of the Dominion board of management of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Mis- sionary society of the Church of England opens in All Saints' church, on September 80, several very im- portant resolutions will be intro- duced. Among these will be the sug- geftion that the sum of $10,000, help. This resolutfon will be pre- sented on behalf of the Montreal Diocesan Board. Because of the present membership, and the high per capita giving, it is felt that it might not be sdible for some of the diocesan boards to assume the increased appropriation for pledges that have been proposed, and the Montreal board are, therefore, ask- ing that each diocesan board be asked to co-operate hearlily in a W. A. Forward movement for in- creased membership and giving in order to be able to support this needed enlargement of the work. The Toronto Diocesan board is presenting a resolution, asking that the constitution and by-laws ba amended by changing the words "the Juniors' and Little Helpers' department," wherever they may occur, to 'the Children's depart- ment," and that the secretary in charge of the department be called secretary of the Children's depart- ment, The Toronto board is also suggesting that only those branches which are composed of teen-age girls be listed as girls' branches, and so reported to the Dominion Girls' secretary. Mrs. Havelock Price, Kingston, president of the diocese of Ontario. Miss F. Hentig, recording secretary, Mrs. J. Lyoms, Picton, Mrs. A, H. McTear, Trenton, and Mrs. Judson, Watchorn, Merrickville, will = be among those present from Untario diocese. as proposed by the finance commit- tee, be added to the W.A. budget for 1925. 'This will cover the salaries of four additional prairie deacon- esses, the purchase of a W.A. motor mission van, equipment, main- tenance and salary for driver of same, and a grant of $5,000 for itin- | EFFICIENT "HOUSEKEEPING By Laura A. Kirkman. TOMORROW'S MENU erating, to be divided among the missionary dioceses needing such ~~ Breakfast Prunes Cereal Fried Slice of Ham Coffee Pop Overs Luncheon Egg Salad Wholewheat Bread Cocoa Jelly Cookies Dinner Celery Bouillon Hot Beef Loaf Baked Sweet Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Orange Rice Pudding Coffee Dishes in This Week's Menus. Celery Bouillon: Buy a three- pound knuckle of veal. Cut this in small pieces, bone, and put it into a soup kettle with two quarts of cold water, one-half teaspoon of pepper- corns, a tiny plece of bay leaf, one minced raw onion, and the outer stalks of one bunch of celery minc- ed, and let it come slowly to a boll, then simmer for four nours. Add || salt (about two teaspoons) after it has cooked for two hours, Replen- ish water as it evaporates, so as to keep the same amount of liquid. Strajn when done and let stand till fat can be removed, then clear by adding the crushed shei's of three eggs and heat to boiling point, stir- ring constantly (as the soup heats the egg coagulates and collects the fine particles floating in the soup. Let boil vigorously for five minutes, add a little cold water, let ooo! slightly, then skim and strain through cheesecloth. (This is the method of clearing any soup stock). Reheat and add one cupfui of diced and cooked celery to each serving. Pineapple-Tomato Salad: This makes an especially dainty salad. The ingredients are six slices of ripe tomato, one cup of diced canned pineapple, one cup of diced raw cel- ery, alittle minced parsley, ard May- onnaise dressing, Arrange each por- tion separately on salad plates, first putting a slice of tomato on a bed of crisp lettuce, them topping the tomato slice with a little pineapple onnaise dressing. Top with an ex- tra dab of the dressing and serve chilled. This recipe makes six in- dividual portions. Orange-Rice Pudding: Scald a few pieces of plain- orange peel with three cups of sweet milk and one- halt cup of boiled rice. Then re- move the peel from the milk, dis- carding it, and add to the milk two egg-yolks which have been beaten cup of granulated sugar. Cook over hot water till thickened, stir- ring constantly, then remove from range, cool, and chill. Just before you serve it, fold into it the stiffly whipped whites of two eggs sweet- ened with two A That few people grumbled at he- ing asked to buy a tag for the King- ston Tuberculosis Association. A sanatorium where people, who have fallen victims to the dreaded "White Plague," can be given the treatment which may restore them to health and in any case prevent thum ocom- municating the disease to others, | supplies a long felt want in King- ston, and should receive the support of the entire community. That the students who will spend the winter at Queen's University are already commencing to come in ahd find their boarding houses. Queen's expects a large registration this year. That Saturday's market was an exceedingly large one and the exhi~ bition visitors saw our fine market at its best. "At the Sign of $ look for value" tomorrow at Martin's Big Dollar Day Sale. The Editor hears "WS FOR WOMEN READERS = OI Always Uniform in Quality Delicious ""SALADA" XE .A HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PACKET TEA 'IN NORTH AMERICA. Ha ny AUNT HET | "I was always kind o' humble with Susan Brown untfl I smelled her kitchen one time. * Bessie Green, Brookville. aged nine, fell on a broken milk bottle and out her hand badly, Dr. Purvis put in stitches. A poultry fair will be held Bmith's Falls in December, at oe ' \ , Spreads, Comforters, "Phone 191. If you are furnishing an extra room this Fall and need Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed we can supply your wants in all these lines at very attractive prices. W. N. Linton & Co. ™) Blankets, Towels, etc. The Waldron Store . /) and celery mixed together with May- | with a pinch of salt and one-half] "yy ~ LINDSAY - UPRIGHT PLANO 5393 small cash payment will place this in your home--the * balance payable at the rate of $10 monthly. ranks high in the estimation of all

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