* nn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG EWS FOR WOMEN READERS { LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE . Woman Page Biitor, Phone 2613, Private, Phone 857W. . * . » The reception following the wed ding of Miss Lorna MacDougall and " My. John H. Price, of Quebec, which t00k place this afternoon, at the ohurch of S8t. James the Apostle, was held at 34 Macgregor street, Mon- dreal. Mrs. Hartland MacDougall is » efitertaining in the evening at an in- formal dance for the attendants at | LY. the wedding of her daughter. ; » - * . Miss Trixie Rose, Ottawa, and Miss Helen Agnew, Winchester, are "at "Avéomore."' Mrs. Archibald Caton, Napanee, Who has been spending a few days 'with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, William street, left for Gananoque today to visit friemds there before returning home. Miss Alma Robertson, Ottawa, has returned to Queen's University and fs at "Avonmore." Miss Hazel Smith, Division street, feft on Monday for Ottawa where she will attend the Normal schooi. » » - B. 8. M. Howard Fair and cadets John Acer and W. Ogilvie, left for Montreal on Monday to attend the Price-MacDougall wedding which takes place today. Cadet MacDoug- all, a brother of the bride, left for Montreal on Saturday. BEx-Cadets Olmstead and Montreal, spent the week-end town. Dr. Bray, Saranec Lake, is with Price, Complies strictly to the city tarift. or One Passenger --.. BOg or Two Passengers -. 50a For each additi'l person 26¢ Per Hour $2.50 in | | || and Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Earl street, | ing halves of peaches on sponge cake | All Seven Passenger Sedans used. mention of yellow-ri cream on Shredded V Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, street. The Bishop of Ontario and the Dean of Ontario, who were in Tor- onto at the meeting of the Counel} 4 for Soclal Service, have gone to Lon- i don, Ont., for the meeting of the | General Synod, Dr. and Mrs. Warren Shattuck, who spent the week-end with Mrs. Norman Fraser, Earl streeet, have returned by motor to Brooklyn, N.! King Miss Dorothy Shannon, Smith's Falls, and Miss Maybelle Govan, Wil- | ! liamstown and Miss Kathleen Far-! Hager, Cornwall, are at "Avonmore" | for the autumn session of Queen's University. | Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Sutherland, | Gore street, have returned from | their cottage at Dead Man's Bay, Miss Margaret and Miss Dorothy Whittiker, Cornwall, have returned to Queen's University and are at '"Avonmore.'"' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell have | left on a motor trip to New York with Mr. and Mrs. Lake, of New York City. { | | | | | Dr. A. J. Drury, Blizabeth, N.J., is with his paremts, Mr. and Mrs. William Drury, Queen street. Mrs. John Fairlie and Miss Cath- arine Fairlie, Brock street, have re- turned from a trip up the Gatineau and a visit to Montreal. * - Ld Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Sutherland re- turned from Stella Point, Amherst Island, today, and will spend a week with the Misses Johnston, Earl street, before returning to St. Louis. Mrs. Z. Davies, who was with Prof. and Mrs. W. G. Jordan, .Barrie street, has returned to Toronto. Miss Dorothy Dowsley, Brockville, has returned to Queen's University, and Is at Avonmore." Miss Marion Rankin and Mrs. Dav- id Rankin, Collin's Bay, motored to Ottawa on Sunday and have return- ed, bringing Miss Margaret Norris back with them to Queen's Univer- sity. * * * Mrs. E. C. C. Southey and her lit tle daughter, Bowmanville, are with Mrs. Frank Strange, Sydenham Street. Prof. and Mrs. T. B. Callander have returned from England and are at their apartments on Maitlana street. Miss Jessie Dickson and Miss Aud- rey Knox, who have been with Mr. left today for Toronto. Miss Dick- son leaves this week for Calgary where her marriage to Mr. Bruce Grady takes place shortly. Mr. and Mrs J. T. Sutherland, Clergy street, have returned from their cottage at Stella Point. Miss Patricla Aylen, Edmonton, 1s with her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Carey, Afbert street. A quick dessert is made by serv- topped with whipped cream. & small portion 4 mal) Pure : Flake Lye in the | dishwater when and pans, It wilt St. Andrew's Young Woman's Auxil- ary. On Monday evening at the open- ing meeting of St. Andrew's Young Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Agnes Staples, Sault Ste. Marie, one of a staff of four teachers in the Italian and All Peoples Mission in that city, gave an interesting and instructive talk on her work. She reported progress and an increased interest in the Sunday school and the Junior boys and girls clubs, composed of children of all nationalities. Photo- graphs of the boys and girls were shown. Miss Ella Spence sang a much enjoyed solo. AUNT HET "If husband an' wife don't never quarrel, it's for the same reason a rabbit don't mever quarrel with a houn'." ~~ ' 3 7 ¥ Makes any person's mouth water at the mere peaches and thick eat Biscuit. No more wholesome or healthful food combination in the world. Many persons who cannot eat "berries without discomfort can enjoy sliced peaches with Shredded Wheat and cream. WwW 0 Biscuits with peaches, or any kind of fruit, make a delicious breakfast, luncheon or supper. Nourish- ing, strengthening, laxative--the ~~ food; most for the least money. Niagara Palls, Ontario = | The Bditor hears TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Left-Over Prunes Cereal Poached Eggs Toast Coffee Luncheon Escalloped Tomatoes Cream Cheese Sandwiches Tea Cookies Dinner Cold Beef Loaf Pickles Potatoes Steamed in Skins Beets Lettuce, French Dressing Steamed Date Pudding with Hard Sauce Coffee Answered Letters, Elsie: "How are varnish stains re- moved from a white dress?" Answer: Sdturate with turpentine, rub the hands, ' then sponge with either chloroform or alcohol. Wash as usual. Inquirer: "How can I kill wasps in my attic? Answer: To destroy wasps place on the attic beams; or on window sills or shelves, saucers of water con- taining one teaspoon each of sugar and formalin (formalin is a poison, 80 do not leave it where children or pets can get at it). The wasps will eat the mixture and die. Mrs. C.: "Someone recentiy asked for Sour Milk Pancakes: Alix and sift two and one-half cups of flour, one and one-fourth teaspoon of soda and one-half teaspoon of salt, then add about two cups sour milk and one beaten egg." Answer: Thank you for this excel- lent recipe, Old Housekeeper: "There are some terrible dents in my woodwork, due to renting the house to a family with children. What can be done? Answer: The dents can be over- come if they are the kind which | WOMAN'S eTTOTE | MORTON. E The monthly meeting of the Mer- ton Women's Imstitute was held at the home of Mrs. O. Willis, . The 'meeting opened by the singing of the Institute Ode and"of the rol call. A very good number out with a few visitors present. The business part of the meeting was then carried on and it was planned to send the ii- brary back and. get another. Mrs. B. N. Henderson gave a splendid pap- er on "Courtesy in the Home" and "Polishing your Diamonds," which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. J. Leon Save a paper on the O./T. A. and urged all members to stand by it at the coming vote. Mrs. O. Willis favored us with several selections on 2 victyold and 'we also had a few n of community singing. Refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. The October meeting will be held at Mrsd H. Deans. Then the meeting was brought to a close by the singing of God Save The King. NAPANEE. The members of the N. W. L 'were called to the Agricultural Rooms on Tuesday, Sept. 16th, after @ two month's holiday. The meet- ing opened with the usual procedure after which the District Director gave a Peport of the Lennox Women's In- stitute Convention held om Juns 30th last in the form of a union pic- nic at a beautiful spot along the Bay of Quinte shore, near Bath. No special programme had been prepar- ed for the afternoon, it was just a business meeting, but with an atmos- phere as delightful as a prospective holiday. A number of plans were laid for the execution of the year's work and the exective was compli- mented upon the new programmes for the year, which were just off the press, ready for distribution. The g closed with tthe sing- ing of the National Anthem. £0 i _ That the Kingston Historical com- mittee is most grateful to Mrs. R. R. come from a blow, leaving the fibres intact. In this case, if the surface is solid, not veneered, cover the dent with small pieces of blotting paper dipped in hot water and apply the tip of a heated poker to the topmost piece of paper; repeat as often as is necessary to cause the compressed wood fibres to swell to their former dimensions. If, however, the dents are places where pieces of the wood has been gouged out, the ouly thing you can do is to fill the smaller cavi- ties with stick-shellac of the same color. (You must hire a cabinet maker to fit pleces of new wood into the larger ones.) 7' Annoyed: "I do try to keep my '| house new-looking, but my maid has just begun to mar the woodwork of the front door around the brass door- plate, when she polishes the plate, What can be done? Answer: To protect the woodwork surrounding a door plate, have a tinsmith cut|you a piece of tin the exact size of the plat and slip this over the plate while cleaning. Or you could use heavy cardboard in- stead of the tin, but cardboard would have to be renovated frequently whereas the tin would last indefin- itely. Inexperienced: "How are fruit stains removed from one's hands?" Answer: Moisten cornmeal with vinegar and rub this on the stains. Or else grease your hands with lard and then wash with soap and water. Tomorrow---Can You Make Good Doughnuts? All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will he answered in these columns in thsir turn. This requires considernble time, however, owing to the great sumber recsived. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- #d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to uss YOUR full name, street number, and the names of your city and state. ~The Edito.. of this scene. Many of the actors were representatives of the men and women: who left their homes in the southern colony to face the rf§ors of the north. Mrs. Adams is a descend- ant of Col. Herchemer, who was one of the leaders in the early days of Kingston, That Picton is holding its big fair this week at which many Kingston- fans are present, That the Royal Military College water sports postponed from Satur- day last to Wednesday, will be one of the social events of the 'week. A tea dance will be held in Currie Hall 'afterwards, ---- That "Kingston," (Miss Nevada Best) and her attendants were much admired. We are indeed proud of Br, ~~ ----- our pretty graceful Kingston girls who showed to advantage in this important part of' the historical pag- eant. Wigs Made of Blown Glass, In the fashion centres of Europe |a new form of wig made from blown glass has made its appearance. The | fine strands of glass are sewn into |Innumerable small loops or curls which glitter as the wearer moves about and make a scintillating head dress. Shvm------------------ Animals are such agreeable friends --they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ARE YOU FAT? JUST TRY THIS Thousands of overfat people have be- oome slender by following the advice of doctors who recommend Marmola Prescription Tablets. 'These Httle fat reducers are made f the formula as the famous Marmola Pre- scription. If too flat, dont walt--go to your druggist now and for one dollar (the same price the world over) procure 8& box of these tablets. If prefer You may secure them direct y sending price to the Marmola Co., General Mo- tors Bldg., Detroit, Mich. They reduce steadily and easily. No need for tire- Some exercise or starvation diet and ho unpleasant effects. Do You Do Your Own Photographic Work? An expert Photographer says ANSCO FILM dries quicker and smoother than any other. In Kingston at PRINCESS PHARMACY ATTENTION! now at Bargain Prices. Photo Studio Now Open. M. S. Gartland 237 PRINCESS STREET One Door Above Harrison's : " Lg Phone 191. If you are furnishing an extra room this Fall and need Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Blankets, Comforters, Towels, etc. we can supply your wants lines at very attractive prices, W. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store in all these MINIATURE GRAND "PIANO The small Grand Piano is undoubtedly the Plano for the average home to-day. . Its convenient size makes it possible to instal one in the modern small parlor, and add to the richness of the home in addition to providing tone of the utmost beauty. Come in and see our wonderful selection. RR IRRR IRINA (RAY A Ee rr a ee a 5 ct,