Matinee Daily at 2.80; Evenings at 8.15. THE LIFE STORY OF JOHN LEE "The Man They Could Not Hang" * A True Story Founded on Actual Facts Visual on the Screen of one of the most Miraculous Escapes A ' Ay Death u the Gallows ever known in the History £ pon of the Universe. | ' Keli NOT ONE GRUESOME MOMENT IN THIS PICTURE An Atmospheric Scenic Prologue Precedes the Picture SPECIAL ORCHESTRAL MUSIC : Prices--Mat. 25¢,; Evg. 35¢ and 50c¢, Plus Tax x AND - WEDNESDAY a - AARNNENNE REAR OER GRAND "THE LO IY THREE ACTS :: ir rr. Sir Be in Soman ELSA SADIE: B11] YL Attfaction A SEATS ON SALE NOW CAPITOL 3 DAYS ONLY COMMENCING THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES, LIMITED PRESENT Their Own Company of Players in AMERICA'S SWEETHEART COMEDY-DRAMA VE FIRST TIME EVER AT POPULAR PRICES [STRAND LAST TIME TO-DAY JACK HOLT AND NORMA SHEARER . November for oe New bY ns : ew Dry 3 BL. of contract can be ¢ fon and forms of De v At ct Engineers, Victoria, B.C.; New ommidered unices > ® ange Y ith ii Raz £ a5 5 g F Thur., Sept. 25 MATINEE SATURDAY TEST" By James P. Judge A few seats at 75¢. Seats now on sale MISS SPAIN. ------ Now they're doing it In Spdin. Meaning national beauty contests. Out of 700 beauties from as many cities and towns, Miss, or rather Senorita Mary Gurini ( ) walk- 'ed away with first honors at' Madrid. RO A rae ic. od Fashidned hi Small Green _ Blue Gages, prunes, Reine Dande, Green Gages, now coming daily at Carnoveky's. [HURRAH LIGHT LUNCH JUST OPENED ! EEE En on Open from 8 ami. to 12.30 pm. Te CEP. Batter > Bugler Pop Corn, Hot THE & DAILY BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS | | What the Press Agents About "THE LOVE TEST." In packing theatres wherever it has been shown, "The Love Tast." America's sweetheart comeay- drama: success to be presem'ed at the Grand for three nights commen- cing Thursday, Sept. 25th, has dem- cnstrated that the public is incurabiy religious and that it is only neces- sary to get down to where individual religion resides and "mix laughter with the sterner stuff," to evoke 1tf expression. That the stage with all its sing of commission is capable of reviving the Mmerest lingering spark of religion has béen demonstrated | by such offerings of essentially spir- itual stimulus as "Ben Hur," "The Servant in the House," "The Wand- erer," 'etc, all dramatized versions of imperfectly remembered Sanday school } 8. "The Love Test" is the New Testament with brilliant comedy and worthily directed ras- cality thrown in, But the mother love that never faileth--mother love linked with the Book and prayer per- meates the play in a way that per- suades one shat the theatre ls not an unfit place wherein to erect a family altar. The central figure of the story, Mother Hudson, is the sort of old-fashioned mother that js enshrined in the hearts of millions of men and women whose enviroa- ment has dimmed their recollestions of Sunday School teachings, WORLD'S EIGHTH WONDER. "The Ten Commandments," the most widely discussed moving pic- ture of the time, and which is this edifice. season being shown only by touring companies, in regular theatres, will be presented at the Grand Opera House the last half of next week by Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky. This film, which created a sensa- tion last season in New York and London, is the product of what was undoubtedly the most prodigious task ever undertaken in motion ple- ture :making. Cecil B. De Mille, the producer, employed 5,000 people on the enterprise, and the building of an ancient Egyptian city on the desert of California was one of his biggest achievements. A large staff of experts on architecture, costume, and implements of war, devoted months of research work and design- ing, and the mechanical engineers utilized their full measure of ingen- unity in constfucting the devices for | creating such amazing effects as the parting of the waters of the Red Sea and the collapse of a great church Artistically - and mechani cally "The Ten Commandments' sets a new standard in cinema produet- fon. | COLLEEN MOORE BIG HIT MAKES The perfect flapper has captured il | Kingston. Last' night the Capitol theatre was the scene of another victory for the modern 'flapper, of which ' we ii | bear so much these days. The cause I-18 Colleen Moore and the weapon she uses is "The Perfect Flapper." Colleen proves conclusively that she is the rightful holder of the crown. She has been given a cast and production that will 80 down, as one nearing perfection. To say that "The Perfect Flapper" has "everything" is to say only a part of it. The pleture 's full of comedy and pathos, stunning gowns and daring, thrilling escapes and specta- cular scenes, flawless direction and beautiful photography, and above all--it has the one and only Colleen, [who is herself the very embodiment of up-to-date American girlhood. The scenes representing Colleen as Juliet and Chaplin as Romeo are | especially clever and weéll-handled. They are shown in the celebrated balcony scénme which, to our mind becomes one of the most Jaugh- provoking scenes ever filmed. "THE OOVERED WAGON." Providing a mew standard for comparison, '""The Covered Wagon" is an astounding romance of the days when the star of Empire gleam- ed beacon-like in thé Western sky apd when brave men and women risked their lives fearlessly in their efforts to build up a mighty king- dom. "The Covered Wagon' not only paints in indelible and realistic col- ors pictures of the west in {ts mak- ing but it tells a love-story of great sweetness~--Ilove in rumbling wagon trains amid hostile Indians, fierce prairie fires and with wild rides over shimmering sands and swollen streams, Every character in '""The Cqvered Wagon" is a real human being, Each represents the pridé of American | manhood and womanhood of pre- gold discovery days in California. Some are bad, others indifferent, but the majority are of oable text- 'ure, staunch and true. It is these human qualities which make the story of this production tense, ap- pealing and wonderfully effective as Screen entertainment. : "The Covered Wagon" will en- Gages. | thrall every spectator. It lan't just one of those pictures everyone should see but will see. It is a photoplay which serves a double purpose. It entertains and Instructs and pleases Qoth the eye and the mind. It is & screen "The red | man lost in the woods, battling for survival and for the retention of their own self-respect, grips the in- | terest bf the audience right from the I start and holds it through to the finish. Jack Holt 1s the strong, {handsome mining engineer who is icast as the modern Adam, and Nor ma Shearer, one of screendom's loveliest actresses, has the role of the up-to-date Eve. |sTOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). ; New York. Sept. 23.--(1.30 p.m.) Amer. Loco.... Baldwin Loco.... B.&0O Chandler Motors . Cosden Oil.... .. . California Pete.. .. . Corn Products .... . CRP Races son sain Crucible Steel "ne Cuban Cane Sugar pid .. Gen. Asphalt .. ... RB Terre vo vtionne sine Kelley Springfield .. .. .... Imperial. Ol. ... .. .... .. International Nickle Marine pf@ ...«' oils eev un. Mack Motors .... Marland Oil N..Y. C. New Haven Pacific Oil Pan. Amer, Pete .... .. Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" ,. . Producers & Refiners .. Studebaker... .. .. .. ... Sou. Pac.... . Sou. Ry... Sinelair Oil. ts vmweiee Standard Oil of California Standard Oil of New Jersay Texas Oil . Union Pacific.... U. 8. Steel .... . Rock Island .... . "ayaa 4% caine as 079% 16% 57% 35% ec 16% 140% . 108% Montreal. Sept. 23--(1.30 p.m.) Abitibi Power... .. .. . AUBBBLOB. . +s cian idan a Bell Telephone .. Brasil. ... .. ve oa ov ue Brompton. . .. .. J sie. von British Empire Steel Com .. British Empire Steel 1st Pfd British Empire Steel 2nd Pfd Can. Converters... .., .. ... Can. Cement Com.. .« ... Can. Cement Pfd .. .... . Cuban Can. Sugar Com. . Cuban Can. Sugar Pfd.. Can. Steamship Com.. .. .. Can. Steamship Ptd Dom. Textile. . Dom. Bridge... .. .. .. Detroit United... .. .. Industrial Alcohol... Laurentide. . 'v.c. .. vis. Montreal Power. .. .. .. . Mackay ..:: «ss: .. National Breweries Com National Breweries Ptd Ogilvie... .% J. .. 0. Ottawa Power... .. .. .. .. Ont. Steel Products. . .e Pénmans.. ., .. |. Price Bros. . Spanish River Com. . Spanish River Pfd.. Smelters. . '.. ,. oh. Lv. TH Shawinigan.. .. ., .. Steel of Canada... .. .. .. 9% Toronto Rails... .. .. . 49 37 91 40 42% Whbasso.. .. i. 000, Wayagamack .. .. .. .. . GRAIN QUOTATIONS, Chicago. Sépt. 23. (1.30 p.m.). Wheat. Sept. .. Dec. va. su May . ...\.. .. Corn. Oats. May ... .... 'vse wav arr 30TH aes ictvian. TIN ys ihe een ade 208 s esev seseeas 106% ees. SPORT Play Peterboro. X William Wiley, 0.B.a.A. represen- tative in the east, notified Peterboro C. G. E. club after yesterddy's game at Gananoque, that the Hussars wii meet them in f Thin | ¥ 86 Princess street, members of the. CANADA LOAN 1924 THE BANK OF MONTREAL at all its Branches will applications for the new Dominion Government Bonds either new subscribers or from holders of Victory November, 1924, who wish to exchange Full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch of the accept from Loan Bonds maturing 1st for the new issue. BANK OF MONTREAL New We ood - + President Morrow Mischell Hodgene Fulleron Fraser LR. i A. LW, LS L LA. +H. Andison ¥ | oan Established 1901 HEAD OFFICE: ' 26 KING STREET EAST, JORONTO Dominion of Canada. ONTARIO SUBSCRIBERS For your convenience we suggest wiring or telephoning tous, collect message, your order for the New Refunding Loan, 424% Bonds, due October 15th, 1944, Bonds will be delivered free of expense to your local Bank We recommend all investors, including holders of 1924 Victory Bonds maturing November Ist, to make immediate application, DoMmiion SECURITIES GRPORATION MONTREAL OFFICE Canada Life Building W. Swesle « 6 Austin Friars A. L. Fullerton. a Maingey, Bud Thomas, King, Muir- head and others. "Red" Lehn has arrived and so aleo has Baldwin who 'was reported to be going somewhere else. Roy Reynolds will try for his MSc., degree at Queen's this year and thus qualifies for the squad once more. With The Bowlers.. The standing of the téams in the regular bowling doubles on Tuesday was: Series A--group 1, J. M. Elliott, and F. Conway, winners; group 4, H. Angrove and J. A. Lemmon, win- ners; R. 8. Graham, Dr. Cartwright and J. Derry to play off for group 2; W. M. Campbell to play ¥. S. Evan- son for group 3. Series B--group 3, F. Kinnear and J. Boyd, winners; group 4, J. Baker and W. McCartney, winners; in each of groups 1 and 2 there are three games to be played. / Police Have Own N . The Bcotland Yard police and de- tectives have their own newspaper that is published twice a day ia Lon- don. The paper publishes all the news events. of the day of interest to policemen gives numerous pictures that enable them to appréhend offendérs. With- in a few hours after an offence has been committepd police in all sec- tions of London know of it through and detectives and d their own newspaper. The paper is distributed twice a oy and : fecrecy is maintained nbt to let Hs dontents become known. ; Pigs Used to Guard Sheep. In the Apennine Mountains pigs are used 1ké shepherd .doge many flocks of sheep will be guarded only by swine. These are trained to single out the of one flock from another them to the shepherd ae as og. Winston Chutchill is to return fo the Conservative fold in Dug land. : A ro nt | Dominion of Canada 41% Bonds (Refunding Loan 1924) Dated October 15th, 1924 Interest payable at any branch in as to Denominations: $100, $500, $1,000. Canada of chartered Bank. All Bonds x And Bands tn Soeminttions multiples thereof may be 'fully registered. principal Due October 15th, 1944 of ' $500 and Price 97 and interest, to yield 4.73% " We will be pleased ts receive your order, sither our expense, and can assure you prompt telegraph, ot