Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1924, p. 14

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| Opportunities THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : Septem MHAYES--At Arden, Ont, on apt 7 18th, 1924, to Mr. Sad, Mr a son v s (nee Hazel Fraderick Clair. ber Ss. At the Hotel tal, Kingston, on Sunda; ber 21st, 1924, Mrs. John B. Samp Street, a daughter. 0OK---In K = let. 1924, Snook, 47 son, Dieu Hospi- afternoot ¥ Mr and son, 490 Brock ingston, Ont.. on Sept. to Mr. and Mrs. Livingston Avenue, Stanley. 7 DEATHS. DRIVER--In Kingston, emb 3 1934, Annie Smythe, beloved ls of William J. Driver. al (private) from her late resi dence, 71 eborne street, Wednes day ot 2.30 p.m. to n Kingston, on September 23nd. 1924, Grace Cooke Davie, loved wife of Funersi (private). TTERSON--In Kin MM 28rd, 1924, at incess Street, terson, daughte David John and aon. Funeral notice later. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Und 254 and 256 PRINCkSS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REIV The Leading Undertaker Phone 577. 230 Pri Street oF M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 49. COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 1830 CORNELIUS Caer and Embalmer Please omit flowers. ton on Septem- er residence, 601 Margaret of the late argaret Patter- . Harvuld | al on September i Catarequi Ceme- | be- | Walter Arthur Flem- | Craig The British Whig | i The British Whig | KINGSTON, ONT | CLASSIFISD ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular * ized according to All! ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per ilne <r consecutive 'nsertions: Minhaum coarge. 25 cents Dally rateg per line. Charge Cash days . see. $8 | ¢ . 3 we uns Bh 858 6 charged, | Deaths--Une Marriages, | Births, Engagements, | $1.60; cash, $1.00. : "us | Card of Thanks and M m Notices--Charged, $1.00; cash, $1.00 | each lnseruon. | Advertising ordered for irregular insertions Lakes the onc-time 'nser- tion rete; uo ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Coung six average words the ne. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within & days from the firgt day of 'nsertion, cash rate will be allowed. 4 Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space {Is | the same as a line of type Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right tg.edit or reject aun classified advertising to copy. 5 Telephone 243, ask for a want 2d. taker. Automobiles For Sale JAutomoblies 1 Not Obtainable Elsewhere Are Begging Y our Careful Attention Apd there they go! gone to-morrow. your reach, and they will be wait for slothful people. Here They Come--And There They Go! Here they come--all those encouraging opportunities which characterize the Whig's A-B-C Classified Section and which are so helpful in so many practical ways to every man, woman and child in the community. That's the way with them. They are here to-day and If you don't seize upon them while they are at hand, someone else will snatch them out of The A-B-C Classified Opportunities don't have time to They are so temptingly attrac- tive that alert people refuse to give them time to wait. Read the A-B-C Classified Section daily. opportunities that look good to you while they are at hand--before somebody else steps in front of you and crowds you into life's rear ranks! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME---IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY lost to you forever, Take these Automobiles "Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 TWO GARAGES--At corner of Princess and Alfred streets; conveulently lo- cated. ¥. B. McNamee. 'Phone 2293w. MCLAUGHLIN CAR=--In good condition, or will exchange for Upright or Player Plano of good make. Box E-20, Whig Office SPEED WAGON---New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Ear] Streets. 'Phone 47. ' Plone 836w. 288-240 Bagot Strect TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in splendid shape. Gray Dort special touring. Robinson Motor Sales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567. Calls Night and Day Promptiy A : H. J. KNIGHT Butterses. Ambulance 'phone 33. y BALMER riR SR Sraenam ark raat, Announcements ws Personals 9 N' BLEMISHES -- E¥eris. Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, 'Scars, Pits. etc. removed permanent- iy. tisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished atter others have falled. tfé curea without operation. 3% y 8' experience. Dr. Elmer J. ke, Bar, Nose, Throsi, Skin, 288 Qt Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and Found FRIES Halr, Moles, aw : IC] Found, on Fair Grounds, AR EE En SnpItoe. fawn brushed wool sweater coat, 1 green Sweater cot. May be had at Mr. Sirrett's office, Market street, BUNCH OF KEYS8---Found, on Barrie- he. ay. Apply Wilkam Mar rey's Auction Rooms. CALVES---Found, strayed to my prem- . lees, Seon i Tenn ed to collar. formation to 1504w or poll PUR NECK PIWCE--Found, on the Pro- } Highway, Sunday. Owmer can Wn Same by calling at 14 Upper Wil- ¢ street. in Macdonald PURSE---Found, 110 Barrie MESH Owner apply ai | street. * NEC FUR--Found, a small neck fur yr 8 $113. \ white and red, and black, hit Owner apply C; N. urnie. $176--Buye Chevrolet touring car, re- cently overhauled, in good condition. Apply 254 Nelson Street or telephone 8J. FOR SALE b passenger Chevrolet, $215. 1 Ford Truck, $110. 1 six cylinder McLaughlin, $360. One Durant Touring, $8500. E. LAWRENSON 387 PRINCESS STREET $475 ditioned. -~--H. 48 McLaughlin Tour- ing, overhauled and re-con- --Overalnd Touring, new tires, thoroughly overhauled $25 $228 evicht,, uring, now $ i BO: er tally Sood hauled. BLUE GARAGES Lud. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets Automobiles For Sale 11 Business Service Bpsiness Services Offered 18 T Business Services Moving, Trucking, Storge 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars a yards, clean job done. 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2255. STORAGE~For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queeh St. Phone 526. Res. 988w. Painting, Vapering, Decorating 20 and regor, « AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg. 192 Barrie Street. Phone 830J. Expert Piano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanfiary well drillers iu Frontenac and Lennox and Addington. The most niodern equipment in America. Kor tull information write to ». J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Coates, 393 Division Street. Pupil of O. F. Telgmann School of Music. Ladics' Hair Parlor, 21a 'PHONE 1318J For appointment. Frark J. Robba. 186 Wellington St, FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round dnd Bobbed Curling, Hair bobbing and Trimming, Facial and Scalp Treatment. Pp 1 attention given to Hair Dyeing. @lisé Switzer, 2vi\Queen Street. For ap~ pointment 'phone 2016. Automobiles and Parts For Sale ane Studebaker Truck In good condi- on. LADIES THRANSFORMATIONS-- Liok- bed curls, switches, shampooihs, singeing, curling, Ladies and Child- ren"s halr cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, 66 Bay Street, Kingstun. Phone 1813w. MRS. WILKINSON -- Frontenac street hair dresser, on vacation till October 1st. Also Gears, Generators, Starters, and all kinds of parts for all makes of cars. |- Also d hand tops, cushions and Hemstitching 21b tires. Sell your old cars here. Highest prices paid. 'H. ROSEN 140 Rideau Street - - 'Phone 2475w. re. 'VER---Found, child's, wool, on : evening, on Stanley street. Ow may have same by calling at 3! oy street. Ri and bank t 'day evening. Re re- i} ig to James E. Davidson, Parham, SLIPPERS -- Found, at Zion church booth at Fair Grounds, a pair of lady's dabcing slippers. Owner may have same at Zion A WATCH--Found, lady's gold watch and challn. Owner may have same at Jack- son-Metivier's, Ltd. . LATE W, 8. GROOMES. School Inspector Did at Weyburn, © Sask. ~Graduste of 's. The Regina Leader of Sept. 12th has the following: 2 William 8. Groomes, of Weyburn, inspector of schools in the Radville . Inspectorate, died of heart failure in 8 local hospital yesterday after- nogh, following an operation for ap- pendicitis a week ago.' Mr. Groomes was well known in Regina, where he came immediately following his gra- duation in Arts from Queea's uni- Nersity in 1912. Ho served for one year in the department of education ' was principal of the Collegiate Institute at Estevan for three years prior to his appointment as Inspector of schools for the Radville Inspecto- rate fo 1917. During his inspecto- rate he assisted on the Normaischoot staff from time to time, spending the term of 1921-22 there. He was married in 1917 {o Stella w, of Peterboro, Ontario, and ic su id by his widow ard two 4. children, Willlam Anthony, aged "six, and Isabel Jane, aged two, in addition to his mother, Mrs. S. Groomes, Sydenham, Ont. oie bro- _ ther, John, and one sister, Mis, Ed- ward Kelly, Godfrey, Ont.. Mr. Groomes was an active,mem- her of the Knights of Columbus at Weyburn and also of the Rotary club there. Since his appointment as in- spector he was able frequently to attend the Regina Rotary club meet- ings. in Comm Funeral services have been ar- ranged for Saturday morning at ten o'clock and will be held from Holy Rosary Cathedral. Rev. Father Hea- ley, C.8c., will conduct the service and interment will be in Regina ce- metery. Members of the Regina Ro- tary club and a number from the Weyburn club will attend 'the fun- eral in a body. It is expected that local Knights of Columbus will -form u guard of honor at the church. . H. Ball, of 3 < depgly minister 8.°¥ EDGING work guaranteed. Hemstitching; PI1COT Mr Pleating, Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. "Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. Card. Hat Cleaners 21¢ Careful Inspection of Our'Used Cars will convince you tnat, considering their excellent condition and price ask« ed they represent values which are dif- HOW---About your felt hat ? The time is here. George, the Hatter, 90 Prin. cess street, Phone 1333, next the Bank of Nova Scotia. Insurance 23 ficult to duplicate. 1923 4 cylinder McLaughlin Coupe. Essex 4 cylinder Phaeton. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK--36 Clarence Bt Kingston, Marine, lire, Accident an Automoblle Insurance. Lloyds A Kingston district. Telephone 68w, McLaughlin K45 Special Touring ar. Ford Coupe, almost new, driven only 700 miles. Fully equipped. Overlan lel 89, Touring Car, 6 cylinder co ental motor, DOMINION LIFE : Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. Office: 5s Brock Street. Telephone 68. FIRBES--Will. happen. Your 'property, household effects, business or other valuables require protection. Consuit . Williams, 2 Couper street. PAPER HANGING -- Supplying select papers with service. Also outside and inside painting. Large and smal] con- tracts. Best material and keenest prices. H. Rowléy. Telephone 1363F. PAINTING--Papering, Decorat! gd work guiren eed. Paper ng, Are n atoc! ndeérson, 712 W Street. Phone 1968. ellington SIGN PAINTING--J. 8 Robinson, rear 275 Bagot Street. J. FLANAGAN Painter; an corator. stimateg submitted. | 'Phone 1432. 247 Montreal Street,| Kingston. Sample books iu stock. Paperhanger Chiropractic . | 1 LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro-| practic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone y43w. Hours: 9-12 am, 1 to 6, anid 6 to 7.30 pm. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free, PUDNEY--Dr. W. G, 182 Welling ton street; upstairs. Consultation free. Hours: 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, and by appoint- ment. Phone 2670. Lady attendant. Dental 28d, Employment Help Wantea--ilale 83 FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN-- Begin- ners $150-$250 monthly (which ond - Hanh Write Railway, Box H-6, Whig ce. MAN---Experienced, single or married, to work on Dairy Farm. Apply Box M-33, Waig Office. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$1 to §2 an hour for your spare time writing showcards for us. o canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work. presi- Angus Showcard Service, 17 Col- borne Building, Toronto. REPRESENTATIVE -- Wanted by the largest mill of ite kind in the world. Our experfence in other oft- tes has proven that a capable man will secure a large amd regular in- oome. Only responsible persons need apply. Real Silk -Hostery Mills of Canada, Ltd, P. O. Box 1604, Winni- peg, Man, Help--Male or Female 34 $6---Private Christmas Greeting Card sample book free; men and en already making $5 up daily, In spare Hime. Garretson Limited, Brantford, n Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 83 SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada, Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Situations Wanted--Male 87 BUTCHER---First class, requires steady Job, moderate wages. Can start any time. 'Phone 2646J. Financial Investments, Stocks, Bonds 89 FOR SALE---New issue Dominion of Canada 4%, 20 vear. Price 97. Your arder solicited. Mills Company. Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC -- Loan and Investment Bociety incorporated 1861. President, A. B. Cunningham; vice-pr d A D. Cartwright. Moaey to loan on City farm properties; Investments Bonds bought and sold; deposits re- celved and interest paid on minimum monthly balance. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence Street, King- ston. Wanted--To Borrow 41 MORTGAGE MONEY-in amounts f om $1000 to $4000. Apply Kingston Agen- cles, Lad. 67 Clarence Street. 'Phoune 7 Instruction Musical, Dancing, Dr ic 44 Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 Real Estate For Rent Farms For Rent 76. JUST ARRIVED -- A large number of| FARM---One mile east of Odessa, situ- | | | | ladies' and gentlemen's chairs, etc Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess St. "Phone 2610. MY NEW FALL PRICES--Are exceed- ingly low on threshers, gractors. hay presses, silo fillers, plo .. C. Smith, 199 Colborne St REFRIGERATOR---Suitable for cer. Apply New England Bakery, Col- lingwood street. SCALES--Al kinds, new and 'Second-| hand. h or easy terms. Toledo Scale Corina' 209 incess St., King- "Phone 1328. SPECIAL-- Frontenac Feit Mattresses, built of Layer Cotton Felt; well made with attractive drill art ticking, $10.00. Frontenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1961J. WE--Have a good line in Mén's Sweat- er Coats, Army Blankets, Sheepskin Vests, Bedford Cord Breeches, gins, ete. | Leg-| A. Shapiro, 45 Princess St. | WE---WIill rent you & new plano at $6] per month for 6 months, and if you | wish to purchase at end of that time we will allow you all money paid. W. Lindsay, Limit 121 Princess St WOOD--Dry hara maple, dry bod soft wood, hardwood slabs, Ending cut and delivered; living prices. J. Peters & Bon, corner Brock and Toron- to streets. 'Phone 889. $30.00--Fall suits and overcoats made to your order with easy terms of payment. Phone 2206W, J. G. Patter son. 120 Johnson street. Radio Equipment 63a. lt IF--You haven't got acquainted with] & real radio firm, write Canada Radio| Stores for price lists--free. Open every evening. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 7 FURNISHED ROOMS--With board. Ap- RY aT University avenue, phone 1 M. C.! . ated on the shore of Quabbin Lake, consisting of §0 acres, more or large dwelling house and excellent barn and outbuildings, publicand high schools at Odessa; rent $176 por year end taxes. Everything in first class condition. Apply to H. 8S. Davy, owns er, Box 15, Odessa, Ont. 4 Houses For Rent, 7 FURNISHED HOUSE--Albert street (to May 1st). Apply Kingston Agencies, Ind, 67 Clarence Street. "Phone 703. BRICK HOUSE---At once, barn and acres, of which 5 would make 8 garden. Apply to B. Ll. Martin, | Bagot Street. 'Phone 225. DW ELLING--Modern brick, h.w. heats ing, electric light, as, eto, Queen's College. I at ssion October. Apply to D, A. Bagot street. FURNISHED HOUSE--$ rooms; mods ern; plano. Possession Immediately. Apply T. M. Asselstine, Court House HOUSE--$8 roomed, well furnished, plano, fireplace, gas, electric, Sarage, Earasn. Apply ¢ Chestnut street; phone HOUSE-----Centrally located, all modern equipment, gas and electric. ApPIY Mrs. J. E. Harvey, 98 Division street. HOUSES---House and single garages 69 Queen street, two 5-room houses, and 47 Concession street. Apply 186 Queen street, phone 985W. NO. 1, VICTORIA TERRACE--Montreal Street. Possession September 15th. Ape ply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street. #8 EARL STREET----Central location, 13 rooms, garage, 3 p. toilet, fo cooking, electric lighting, lamps, etc. new heating making it & very warm house, newly painted and decorated. Apply J. Gli pert, 194 Barrie Street. Phone 254 or Tisw. «Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land for Sale. 83 Rooms Without Board 68 BEDROOM Furnished, large front; Suitable for two. Apply 313 Univer- sity Avenue or phone 852w. FURNISHED ROOMS--Apply 110 Clar- ence street. ROOMS-- Bed sitting room with fire-| place and kitchen on ground floor. Also one or two bedrooms on floor. Gas and electricity O'Kill street. 'Phone 1632m. bathroom | Apply 44] FARM--About 70 acres, about 4 miles west of Collin's Bay. Apply John Sterling, Collin's Bay, Ont. FARMS--Two truck farms, equip for gardening. our miles from eity, or would rent. Apply 470 Albert tsreet, phone 115§W. By FARM---Valuable stock and dairy farm in Kingston township, 200 acres, 100 under cultivation, lots of water and wad and valuable timber, good builds ings; one mile to school, cheese fae~ tory and railway station. Terms to sult purchaser. $6,800. Mrs. N. Townsend, Rooms for Housekeeping 69 R. R. No. 2, Eiginburg. EER rma Houses For Sale st PEARL A. NESBIT--LT.C.M., local pu- pil of M. M. Stevenson, Toronto. Teach- er of Singing and Piano. Studio: 400 Brock Street. Phone 1147f. Term to + Poultry and Supplies SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dent'sta, Wellington street. Phone 346. ENAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Oft:ce: 25% Princéss Street. Phone 62w. Open eyenings by appointment. = Ze. Legal CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Barristers and Solicitors, a Clarence Street, ngston. . unningha : Cyril M. Smith. Sham, B.C. DAY AND REVELLE---Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston, Day, Adrian I. Revel Mortgages arranged. Phone 205. HODGINS, W. C.-- Barrister, Solicitor| and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence) Street. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. Tele- phone 1980. 159 corner of Bruck REYNOLDS--J. C., Barrister and So- licitor, 58 Brock Street. Money to loan. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. - Repairing -_ 20 ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED -- All kinds; Nrst class work guaranteed Jackson & Timms. 'Phone 1939w. FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 33 John street. Phone 206F. ° . UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop - card to F. . Harold, 104 Clerg, Phone 1600J. oh Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St Phone 201w. 1 education, pays high tribute to Mr. Groomes in the following words: -- "Inspector Groomes has bgen in INSURANCE--Only the G. HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing all branches of Insurance. Secure pro tection for Breeding and Racl stock. special rates on Foxes. 38 Clarence Street. "Phune 568) most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. the service of the department of edu- cation at intervals since 1912. His services have been most efficient and faithful. He possessed high 'acadé- mic qualifications, was a very suc- cessful teacher and had a splendid grasp of the administrative difficul- FIRE--Automubile ana suaity jasur- ance. BE. M. Crumley, 430 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. em------------------------------------------------ J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies, dis. trict manager, Imperial Life. Phones: Office 503w. Res. 1731m. ties of jocal school boards, His genial inspiration and spirit of fair- ness made him a general favorite and he will be much missed, The greatest of sympathy is felt by his colleagues for his bereft family." Germany will 'soon make a decis- jon about joining the League of Nations. Clgar smoking has decreaged greatly in France in recent months,' not because cigarettes or pipes are finding greater favor, but because the price of a decent cigar has be- come prohibitive. A copyright story to the Toronto Mail and Empire says British elec- tions seem certain in the autumn. Help Wanted--Female GIRL~--For afternoons to assist with baby and housework. Apply 186 John-| son street. 'Phone 551J. MAID---For general housework. Apply re. Stanley Graham, 123 Union Street sz! MAID--Experienced, general; one 'who! understands cooking, Tefeiences Lo quired. ly to Mrs R. J. McKelvey, 134 Bagot Street West. lv" MAID--For general ho ork. Three in family. Apply 583 Albred Street. WOMAN--For Kitchen, also one genera] work. Apply Steward of tenac Club. - for Fron. "Red fox, which advanced ten per cent., was the principal attraction at the New York fur sale. A terrific gale on the lakes drove steamers. ashore. Four are réported aground. : i { BRUNSWICK COCKERELS---Barred and White Ply- |= mouth Rock, from hens with records of 219 to 227 eggs in their pullet year, PRely 260 Nelson street, or phone 1653J. Merchandise Articles For Sale BICYCLES--A number of used bicycles for ladies and gents. Also baby car- repairing. Muller's icycle 371-373 King Street . Tele- phone 1961w. § RECORDS -- September release now on sale at Elder's Cigar Shop. BRICK--Hard and soft. any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Ehoses 1391J or 618. (Agent for Baker rick). BRASS BEDS--Refinished, also springs repaired. Get our prices on all plating and refinishing. Partridge Wire Works, Phone 380. BUF FETS--Dining Chairs, Tables, Two Easy Chairs, Beds, Mattresses, eic. We buy furniture and good clothes. J. Th n, 338 Pri Street. Tele- phone 1600w. CEDARSTRIP JEIFF--Painted, qual- ity, 17 feet long, 44 in beam, 17 Inches Seo: Aickie trimmings + pair on Oars, new. ply . om- son Co... Sharbot Lake COKE--The last month to buy Coke at the reduced prices for cash, $9.00 ton, or $5.50 in § ton Jots. After this month $10.00 ton. Dry soft wood slabs $3.50 load. pH rdwood $2.75 lot, dou- ble lot $5.00. Clinkers and cinders always on hand. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington street, corner Ordnance. Phone 2440w. ENGINE--Used, ten horse power, In. ternational engine and Vissott Grind- er. Apply M. E. Ward, 478 Princess Street or phone 1528J. GARDEN HOSE -- Window Screens, Screen Doors and Perfsctiomon Stoves at reduced prices, at Taylor & Hamil. ton's, 89 Princess Street. Phone 418. 51] ROOMS--Three furnished rooms, on bath room floor. Gas for cooking and electric light. Apply 380 Alfred St. Wanted--Rooms or Board 73 ROOMS--Two, unfurnished, with board. Good location, for one person. Box F-23, Whig Office. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 A ------------------------------------------------ nt. nn APARTMENT--Three room, with bath- room. Heated. In business district. , J. B. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence St. APARTMENT----§ rooms, immediate pos- session. Apply Kingston cies 1atd., 67 Clarence street. "Phone 703, APARTMENTS--On 8ixth street, 2, one upstairs $20.00; one ground floor $25.00; 6 rooms, electric ight, for cook- ing, 8 plece bath, g: oel Apply 89 Patrick street, phone 730W. HOUSEKEBPING APARTMENT--Well heated, electric light, gas, choice loca- tion, large rooms. Apply 134 Earl street or phone 1630--12-2 p.m, HEATED APARTMENT---Central loca- tion, mow vacant, and new store, 200 Princess, will complete to suit desir- able tenant. I. Cohen & ©o., 275 On- tario street. HEATED APARTMENT---Three rooms and a bathroom. , §300.00 per year, payable $25.00 monthly. J. E. Cunning- ham, Agent, Clarence Street. IN THE WINSTON---§6 Earl Street, an attractive, § roomed apartment, large sitting room, 2 big clotheg closets, heat and hot water supplied all year. "Also gas stove in kitchen. " Pos- session at once. Apply W. W. Anglin. 'Phone 442. LOWER FLAT---Use of phone, use of lots and road at back; stabling for 2 horses; garage. Apply E. Blake Thompson, 3% Brock street. Business Places For Rent ™w OFFICES8--With large vault. There is compiete bathroom attached making it suitable for living apartment. Heated J. E. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence Bt. NOTHING on earth more easily tunity. is found any than a classified oppor- | | f | | 1 } BRICK RESIDENCE---And 66 foot let, known as 158 Ordnance Street, facing Frontenac Park. Apply to Miss Gar. | diner on premises. E. Wo MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Divisiun Streets Phone B3%w., See advt. Page 2 HOUSE---New, solid brick 8 roomed, - hardwood floor, electric, gas, good furnace, fireplace, garage, garden, - gain, ideal tor retired 1armer. 4 Chest- nut street. : RICK HOUSE--Stuant St. roomed Shane, Victoria St. 0 ungalow, North end. ¥ BRICK. welling, North \ tenac etr: * eet; KINGSTON AGENCIES LTD, 'Phone 703. 67 Clarence Street, $4700--Brick, 8 rooms, all improves ments, Johnson street, central $4,300--Brick, 6 rooms, all improves ments, University avenue. Houses in all parts of the city. List at office, T. O'CONNO 316 Barrie Street. R, Phone 1368J. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street ~~ MERCHANDISE TAKE NOTICE 3 Gas Hanges in good order $15 each. 3 sizes Sealers--60c., 75c., and $1.00 dozen. 1. Talks PHONE 706. BUSINESS SERVICE W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER ) Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Age} cident, Sickness, Plate Glass and othéy lines of Insurance. } 13 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 686w. | | LUMBER -- Quanuty of second hand inch jumber. Wathen, 127 Nel- son street. 'Phofie 1391J. or 618. GREEN HARDWOOD -- Dry mized wood, also hard and soft slabs, hem- lock lumber $35 thousend and up: Shingles §¢ thousand. W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine Street. Yard ou Con- i id Sireet near Division. | "Phone 2w. Despondent over a broker love affair, Rae Goldsmith, Ottawa, twenty-two years old, civil service employee, drank two ounces of car- bolic acid and died on Sunday. G. H. Brunet, a well-known wholesale druggist is dead at Que- bec. Any size you want: All Rail Anthracite IT'S CLEAN! : Sine is is, sini sins -- We offer expert advice on the best size for your purpose. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of johnson Street i , Stove, Nut, Pea, == BRINGING UP FATHER = =: 2 = L WILL QE ARRIVING MINOYE NOW STOP SMOKING THAT HORRID MDE - THE GUESTS ANY - BUDDY - OOM LIGHT THAT CIDE IN HERE - ¢ JUST GOT CALLED FER SMOK!

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