Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1924, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG EP RIFTRAY, of TURS sia | FOR $125.00 : You can buy a McKay made, beau- tiful, full furred Muskrat Coat, 45 inches long with full collar and deep cuffs. The very latest style Coats are beautifully made and lined, and will give years of wear.' By buy- ing a Fur Coat you se- cure for yourself warmth, health, happi- ness and a good look- ing t you and your friends appreciate. Remember the snowy days are coming. A Cloth Coat will not keep you warm then. A small deposit and we put it away until You require it this Fall. : atisfactory credit terms may be ar- ranged. Por NEW CANDIDATES - FOR CITY CODNCIL Report That "New Blood" Will Be Offered For Civic Honors. ' Although the municipal elections will not take place for four months, there is already a good deal of talk and discussion going the rounds about the council, and there is a persistent rumor that there wiil be "new blood" offered for civic honors, and that the candidates wiH be well-known business men. No names have been mentioned, but from the gossip it looks as if there will be a great deal of activity when the time comes for the election of a council, 'SPLENDID MOTION PICTURE AT GRAND "The Man 'They Could Not Hang" Feature To-day And Wednesday. ; ------ '"The' day of miracles has not passed" sald people when the gal- lows three times failed to hang John Lee, convicted on circum- stantial evidence of the murder of {Miss Keyes at Abbotskerswell, near Torquay, England. When the second attempt had been made two bags of sand of the same weight as thé prisoner were placed onthe drop, when it worked successfully. Yet it failed to drop when Lee was placed on it immediately afterwards. The strange incident resulted in the commuting of the death sentence to lite imprisonment and Lee served twenty-three years at hard labor. Some time after his release a woman {on her death-bed confessed to the WINSOME SOAP 10c. EACH--8 CAKES FOR 25c. 1 CAKE WINSOME SOAP FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF THREE : S 9 STORE Branigan's D oe 208 PRINCESS td i Next to Strand 'Phone 18. EE A Nasmith's Limited, Toron Bermaline, Raisin, and White Bread. MacGregor's, Ottawa, Ont,, Sausage "De Luxe"--six to the pound will a -- ey y Ont., murder. Lee is still living, happily married to the: girl who, walted twenty-three years for him. There was a good crowd at tha Grand' Opera House Monday night when the picture ff this notable event in England's history of crimes was shown. It should be mentioned that this is the first Australian pic~ ture shown in Canada. Lee's story of the crime, now on sale in King- ston bookstores, has been faithfully followed. Though it surrounds a murder and a hanging, there is nothing gruesome or repulsive in the picture, but there are a touching narrative of parents' devotion, a pretty love' story of a boyhood sweetheart whose faith in Lee never wavered, touches of humor here and there, all set in the midst of beauti- ful land and ocean scenery, The picture is much aided by Miss Doreen Thompson, who sings i | vocal items in connection with the picture, and by W. Leonard-Howe, who describes the incidents on the ll { screen. Other items contributing te ll | and dancing numbers. a good evening's entertalnment in. tall orchestral accompani- ment, two other reels. an singing . "The Man They Could Not Hang" ll [18 to be repeated on Tuesday and re Butter, Butter Quality and fresh made. Belleville Creamery, Ib..'. . 38¢c. MALT EXTRACT Excellent tonic, bottle . . . LUX! LUX! LUX! 500 pkgs. (Tuesday) 29c¢. "Oh, yes! I know the Mutual. of Canada. The best company in the Dominion." . RAISINS 500 bs. fancy Seedless company meet with, don't have to po he Soap! ! Comfort, Surprise, P. & gq, Sunlight, Gold, Wonderful--on sale (Tuesday) ..18 bars $1.00 Get some of these Tuesday. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Keep Up With Progress YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptic ne quality in the Weber Piano onal tone a1 ascethetic tas. ATC. WTINBEAYE Warnes. day possession. They don't seem very wonderful It doesn't make the affliction any easier to YOU ate probably to blame for not consult- the right Glasses at the right time would Wednesday with daily matinees, ~ HOTEL ARRIVALS | tes British American. J. B. Harker, Belleville; F. N. Buckley, Napanee: J. Bridge, Peter. boro; J. Daines, Peterboro; J. R. Wilson, Toronto; H. A, Nealon, Tor- onto; W. J. Smith, Hamilton; J. J. | Burton, Toronto; W, T. Lee, Toion- {to; T. J Parsons, Toronto, J. G. Emery, Toronto; B. W. Scott, Ham- iiton; W. G. Howard, Peterbaro; C. R. Tufford, Ottawa: M. S. Swedfag- en, Ottawa; C. Groskirth, Toronto; F. B. Omerod, Toronto; Bd. J. Pow- ell, Hamilton; M. §. Detlor, Napanee: M. J. Taylor, Toronto; J. B. Maxwell, Hamilton; W, J. Sommerville, Tor- onto; J. W, MacDonald, Hamilton: W. T. Litt, Toronto! H. W. Budd, Montreal; Ww. Hemmesey, Toronto; G. W, Storel, Toronto; W. Coulbert, Chesterville; M. MacGregor, Russell; F. W. MacDonald, Toronto, C. H. MacGowan, Cobalt; Mrs. R. H. Maec- Gowan, Cobalt; H. Drummond, Tor- onto; J. H. Temperton, Toronto; H. C. Gourlay, Lancaster; A. W. Mae Kenzie, Toronto; M. E. Moffatt, Tor- onto; G. Diamond, Toronto; W, Ragan, Toronto; 8. Applegrath, Tor- onto; D. Houston, Toronto; J. H. Lovatt, Montreal; A. W. Grass, Brad- ford. ---------- Heather For Scotchmen, Postmester James Stewart has re ceived a box filled with heather from Mrs. Dall, wite of the late Prof. John Dall, of Queen's Univer- sity, for distribution among the members of St. Andrew's society, For several years Mrs. Dall has been sending heather from Sc for members of St. Andrew's 0 y and her kindness is very much ap- Preciated. : Se Mr. Stewart, who is honorary sec cretary of the society, also had a him by Capt. Fred Reid, who ly returned from a trip over fine piece of heather Presented to LETTERS | To The Editor Chairman Leslie's Thanks. Kingston; Sept." 22.-- (To the Bdi- tor): I trust that you will not con- sider that I am imposing upon you, by requesting that the following Jet- ter "be published, thereby enabling myself and the members ol the Kingston pageant committee to con- vey in as public a manner as pos- elble our sincere thanks to those gentlemen who, by lending their names as patrons to the Kingston pa- geant, immediately placed upon it the necessary "cachet." The commit-' tee also tenders its very best thanks to those ladies and gentlemen who so willing and cheerfully gave of their time, talents and energy to the public, 'for the sole purpose of por- traying for the benefit and instruc- tion of us all the pageant which the public quite justly crowned with suc- cess. . The historical scenes were so rea- listic and correctly carried out that it would be impossible to differenti- ate between them, as regards quali- ty. Britannia, Canada, Kingston and the provinces formed a handsome group, that well exemplify our mag- nificent empire, our beautiful coun- try and our charming and alluring city. * The Bpirit of the Wilderness was 80 light that she seemed to be treading on air, and the young dan- cers who surrounded her were good to look at and did themselves credit. The Kingston Sea Cadet Corps did itself proud, and had the signal ho- nor of being called upon by Canada to furnigh her with train bearers, thus sharing that honor with her re- gularly appointed pages. The troops looked most business- like, and at once fanned into flame those sparks of enthusiasm and pat- riotism which are to be found in all "stout hearts." To the Kingston press we tender our very best thanks for its generous support and for having emphasized the fact, alag too often forgotten, that the past is full of valuable les- sons or the future. To the young ladies in training at the Kingston General hospital, we offer our best thanks to the accompaniment of a low bow. 'To Miss Mollie Cart- wright and Miss A. M. Going, we doff our hats and say, you are "inm- defatigable and most capable." To the" gentlemen cadets, who so well carried out the '""water scene' of the Frontenac episode, we cannot pay you a better compliment than by say- ing, the Royal Military Collage al- ways does things, "as," 16 dernier eri de la perfection." The Indians and their chiefs looked like the "real thing," and many a maiden sighed, I fancy, for the warmth of the wigwam, to those gentlemen of the wilds we say "How-How, but from their pretty squaws we crave a "Dow Waw." Mrs. Simcoe was enticliig, garhéd 'as she was, in the Gorrect fashion of her period. To the braw pipers and the pretiy Nlas- sles we touch our tam-o-shanters, To the manager and directors of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition, who made it possible to produce the pa- geant, we would say: "Gentlemen, continue in your public spirited en- deavors and keep the fire of enthu- siasm burning. If you do, it may spread." - To Messrs. Miles and Sea- bold we are justly indebted for thelr vnflagging interest and endless trou- ble, which they took in assisting and trajning our performers. Our thanks are dlso due to the "pessimist," for having once again proved himself wrong in his various forecasts. Yours very sincerely, i ---J. N. 8. LEEBLIE. Chairman Kingston Pageant Com- mittee, GREAT BASEBALL FAN, Mayor Angrove Attended Circle-Six- Peterboro Game at Belleville, Mayor Thomas Angrove is a great baseball fan, After attending a long session of thei public utilities com- mission on Monday, he hopped into A Aan SEE WINDOWS TURSDAY. SEPTEMLER 28. 1084, -- ~ SPECIAL DOLL SALE! Clearing out every Doll in stock fo make BIGGEST DOLL BARGAINS EVER OFFERED BUY FOR CHRISTMAS DRESSED, UNDRESSED, FULL JOINTED and MA MA DOLLS EVERY DOLL WILL BE CLEARED. SPECIAL--13 INCH MA MA DOLL room for new stock. MOORE'S 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET a ------ ~- Warmth Producing Underwear for Every Member of the Family THE KNITTING SEASON IS HERE Use Granny's Own Knitting Wools Car Glos Sweater per pound. Camel shade in 2 or 4 ply Imperial Unbreakable Knitting medium and dark Grey, Black, White. Popular price. Baldwin's Beehive Wool--all colors ........ . ool eens eis 200, skein Newman & Shaw + THE ALWAYS. BUSY, STORE. FOR BEST RESULTS We show all the new as well as the staple shades; in the old reliable Granny's Own Knit- ting Wools--five different qualities. Majestic Floss, 2 ply .. ....... . 15¢. per oz. ball Duchess Sweater Wool, 4 ply, 15¢. per oz. ball Komfort Sweater Wool, 4 ply 15c¢. per oz. ball Silkanese Sweater Wool, 4 ply, 35¢. per oz ball Silver Strand Sweater Wool, 4 ply, 35¢. oz ball Wool--2 ord ply .........25¢c. per 2oz. skein FACTORY WOOL in the Celebrated O. V. Pure Wool A nice, clean quality, comes Scarlet, Cardinal, Brown, Heather, Black, White, in light, medium and dark Greys, in 2 or 4 ply--$1.00 Peres seimine ae -iiei« $1.25 per pound Yarn--4 ply -- Cardinal, light, £44 ag Aa 2 his car and with four of his friends made a trip to Belleville to witness the Circle-Six-Peterboro game. was of course, disappointed that the local lads were defeated in the close- ly contested game, but says that'the boys'are deserving great credit for the class of bail they put up all sum- mer, and that they are sure to be heard from next season. Mayor Angrove has been a warm supporter of all the local teams, and (believes In the encouragement of all kinds of good sports, -------------- Striking Out Alone, to be entered alone by the largest radio organization in Amefica. Pre- viously this company had been allied with the British, French and German interests for the distribution of their products by one sales agéncy. Tabernacle, Service Pentecostal street, An Immersion night, 7.45. to- + 7 YKINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" Your Fur Coat! ~ GIVET YOUR ATTENTION NOW ~ We are a long time in the Fur business, but we have never had _ as large or as attractive a range _ of Fur Coats as right now. Scores | of them are here for your choos- ing in all in most Furs than last year, Fn - DOES YOUR 2 We 5 the wanted Furs, and prices are lower R FUR' COAT A NEW LINING ? have a big selection of the very and pay particular attention to viceable, 5 Wh cheerfully ive of altera res tion ow g estimates for all kinds nd repairs or fur work of any He | | The South American radio field is' Queen : { The Right Hat at the ii Detached dwelling, 7 rooms, hot | water beating, electric lights, bath room, garage, deep lot. $3,250 York Street Double frame dwellings, 7 rooms each, electric light, gas, wide frontage, $4,500 We Manage Real Estate Becure tenants, arrange leases, collect rents, keep properties in repair, and fully insured, pay insurance premiums and taxes, send statements of all our transactions to our clients at regular intervals, MULLIN Real Estaté and Insurance Broker: * "Cor. J and Division Streets 'Phones 539w and 6095. John H. Clarke, 66, is the champ vet bicycler of Grand Rapids, Mich. For the past 30 years he's been pedaling through his home town Streets. He recently celebrated his birthday by taking a 20-mile spin and following it with a swim across a two-mile lake. -------------- Tuned R. ¥. Popular. Tuned radio frequency receivers! have become the most popular of all types of sets. This has been dis- covered after three separate investi- gations made recently. Appeal to workers to get Ad of the capitalistic class with one blow, was made by speakers at "No More War" demonstration at Winnipeg. ~~ WHEN. VISITING OUR CITY ! Have your meals at the "GRAND CAFE" We serve the best, at reasonable prices. OPPOSITE CAPITOL THEATRE. PETER LEE. PROP. -

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