THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG { R. ORWELL TAXI SERVICE Ems 1315 DELCO- LIGHT Eleetrie Light and Pewer plant for every country home. W.C.CANNON 164 Barrie Street. Phone 1158J. TO LET Furnished House--October 1st to May iat. 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, all cone venishoces. Central location. $65.00 per mionth. 8 ou bd venlences. Central location. per month. General Insurance. R. H. Waddell Phones 326, 806. 86 Brock Street use--Ootober 1st to May 4 bedrooms, al S00 WHEN THE CHILDREN | ARE TROUBLED WITH Summer Complaints And you will be agreeably surprised to find out how quickly they wil be- come relieved of their troubles. This ration has been on the market for the past 80 years. Put up only by The T. Milburn Limited, Toronto, Ont oy PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing dnd Player Piano Adjusting. Norman "H, Butcher, 27 Pine street. 'PHONE 134. 6. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS Have removed to their new building 234-236 ONTARIO STREET Opposite Fire Department DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Telephone 868. For Moving of PIANGS. CARTAGH snd FORAGE OF Y DESCRIPTION ingston Transfer Co. PRO, 277. BVENINGS 2331. 154 WELLINGTON STREKT DR. J. C. W, BROOM L.D.8., D.D.S. Wellington and Breck Streets, 1 150 Wellington 8¢ Rvenings by appointment, Phone 679. WATTS | People's Florist 177 Wellington Street Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence 1187 W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block Thiswould be a Sad Old World without fire. Fires you must have, and they might as well be good ones. We have the coal that makes the best kind of good fires. : BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards We Sell New & Used Lumber Iron Sheeting At Lowest Prices I. Cohen & Co, 967-275 ONTARIO STREKY PHONES 886 and 887. * BSTABLISHED 1371. HANLEY'S "AGENCY WITTE. 77 T Ra Toiltoiali [A JARS 50c. & 00c.--TUBES 30c.--At all Drug Stores DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 Gas for Painless Extraction OFEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Phone 316 Godkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service Buggies and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Daily except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Dental-Dr. Alex. M. Clark will continue to conduet thé practice of Dr. H. A. Stewart. OFFICE: 84 BROCK STREET Evenings by appointment. Phone 2002 SPRA ACHING F Walter Cannem Tinsmith and Roofing Jobbing a specialty. ! Automobile Radiators repaired. 60 I'AGOT ST. 'PHONE 2188m. DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and. Barrie Streets. Eatrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE 24043, $3,200--7 room, frame, 3 bedrooms, 3 p.b, alec, hot air furnace, large garden. $4,700--7 room, brick, 4 bedrooms, 2 p.b. with separate toilet, elec. and gas, hot air furnace, 2 staira, Z storey verandah, hard- wood floors complete on both floors, good garden aud garage. Just the one you have been looking for and it is on the South side, central and near the car line. $6,600--7 room solid brick, hot wa- + ter heating, slate roof, fireplace, "hardwood floors. Modern. South. E. L MARTIN Phones: 220--1428m res. or 1181f. A Special Salo of this excel- lent Soap this week ONLY. Sold in Kingston by-- M. R. McColl ® Bescon) || Its regular use keeps the KINGSTON anp DISTRICT Have Closed Summer Home. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Hackett have closed their summer home, "Zenda," at Clayton, N.Y., and re- turned to New York. The Civic Elections. The municipal elections and the election of school trustees in King- ston will take place on Dec. 1st, the nominations taking place a week previously. Visiting A Sister. Miss M. Roberts, Roblin, spent the week-end with her sister, in the Kingston General Hospital, suffer- ing from a serious accident sustain- ed seven weeks ago. A Former Secretary. Rev. D. W, Snider, Toroato, died in the general Hospital there on Sunday, aged sixty-eight years. He was known in Kingston ag a secre- tary of the Lord's Day Alliance. For many years he held appoiniments in the Hamilton Methodist' conference. Maskinonge Weighed 34 Pounds, The largest -lunge caught in the Trent waters this season was land- ed by Jack Hartman, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis; the fish weighed ex- actly 34 1-2 pounds, the balt used being a double spoon. He siowed it in Campbellford. Kingstonians In London, Ont. The general synod of the Church of England in Canada is to meet in London, Ont.,, on Wednesday next. Bishop Bidwell is the guest of Brig.- Gen. King at Wolsely Dean Starr with Lieut.-Col. ple; Archdeacon Dobbs Jones, Queen's avenue, Frankville Resident Passes. Frankville lost another good citi- zen in the person of Lawson Living- stone, who passed away in the Brockville General Hospital. He was a Methodist in religion and a good man all his life, He leaves to mourn, two sons, Frank Living- stone, Athens; and Carl, on the MAGNESIA FINE FOR ACID STOMACH Quickly Neutralizes Acidity, Stope Fermentation, Sweetens the Stomach. Nine people in ten, when food up- frets the stomach causing distress, bink they have indigestion. In ality they are suffering from "acid stomach." An excess of acid in the stomach causes gas, heartburn, bloat- ing and sourness, To have a strong healthy stomach capable of easily and normally digest: ing three hearty meals a day you simply must keep these stomach acids neutralized and the stomach - con- tents sweet. No artificial digestents are necessary. Just get a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia from any good drug store and take a teaspoon- ful of the powder or two tablets in a half glass of water right after eat- ing or whenever the slightest pain is felt. The result is amazing and you will be delighted with the al- wost instant relief it brings. This famous stomach sweetener combines Magnesia and Bismuth in desirable proportions and is not only splendid- y effective but perfectly harmless. stomach eweet, strong and healthy all the time. Bisurated Magnesia is well known to druggists everywhere and is used annually by more than a half mil- lion people who now eat as they 1 in reason with no more fear of indigestion. DO? THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OolL i y We're going to build a rectory for Barracks; | Gilles- | with Miss | '| For_Silas had been through the war homestead, and one brother, W. Liv- ingstone, Frankville. Miss Leeder To Attend, Victorian Order of Nurses repre- senting all provinces of Canada will be in Ottawa to attend a national nursing conference, Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th. Miss Leeder wi:l be pre- sent from Kingston, Splendid en- tertainment for the nurses will bey provided. Have a Poultry Fair. Why cannot Kingston have a poul- try fair? They are held in ali parts of the province. Kingston would make an ideal place for handling fowls of all kinds, its proximity to New York state being a greal advan- tage as a shipping point. Napanee, Smith's Falls, Picton and other plac- es have very successfui poultry fairs, Can the Board of Trade ini- tiate one here? ' Cheese Board Sales, Perth, 1,137 at 16 1-2¢ to 16 5-8c. Na nee, 400 at 16 5-16¢c. Pic on, 869 at 16 11-16¢c. Cornwall, 2,683 at 16 5-8¢ 16 11-16c. London, 95 offered; 15 3-4c bid] no sales. Vankleek Hill, to 16 3-4c. Belleville, 2,830 at 16 15-16¢. Victoriaville, Que,, 2,630 16 1-4c. to 1,268 at 16 1-2¢ at Sold By Auction. The Home Bank property at Mel- bourne, Ont., has been sold by auc- tion and brought $1,700. The sale of this little frame build- ing recalls the tragedy of April 27th, 1921, when the Murrell bro- thers and "Slim" Williams held up the bank and made a desparate at- BASE PLUGS OUT OF VIEW. The electric receptacles or plugs in the baseboards of a room should not be open to view. A chair or table furnishes a good way to hide them from view, "How ie Vine Halfed Our Cause. (Crawf. C. Slack.) I have often heard it stated there was good and bad in all; \ That sometimes good came from evil, though the portion might be small. While I'm not a close adherent of old slogans or old saws, I must here give testimony that the late war helped our cause. it's about the only, blessing I off-hand can call to mind, - But I've no doubt there are others of a less important kind. We built a place of worship, way back here in ninety-nine; ; Had a union congregation, everything was working fine. Working fine with one exception which I much regret*to sfate, But a mystery was encircled around our collection plate. : Our adherents all were thrifty and of the giving sort, But when weighed in 'the balance our | collections they were short. At first we started passing Deaton Skinum's castor hat, " But after years of patience we did away with that. Then we got a nickle tea-tray and ap- pointed Elder Gore, To take up the collection from the members at the door. This move was an improvement and went on from year to year, When we all got wise to something which we couldn't cypher clear, ENer Gore had bought an auto; and had paid for it in part, And we all knew well the Elder couldn't buy a kiddy-cirt. We sought his resignation, which he gave and left the church, And for an honest mortal we started in to search. Fa We held a score of meetings and de- cided that we'd try, ° The "female of the species," so we put in Mrs. Sly. This seemed to right the matter, but only for a time, For where we used to get a quarter soon we only got a dime. We approached her on the matter, and she told us blunt and stout, That she bossed the situation and we _ dare not put her out!" Thus yve left the matter standing, thus |. it stood from day to day, Until fate dealt with us kindly--Mrs. Sly was called away. Then we called another meeting to select and wisely plan, And shrewd Silvester Skinner of judg- ment picked the man. He selected Silas Doughboy and his choice worked like a charm, and only had one arm. "ve money in the bank; we reverence Deacon Skinner but we have the war to thank. It's about the only blessing I off-hand tempt at robbery. In the melee, Russell Campbell was sBot for which crime Sydney Murrell was hanged at London, following his recapture and trial after his picturesque escape from jail. Engagemen's Announced. The engagement is announced of Lilllan Gertrude, daughter of the late John A. McCallum and of Mrs. McCallum, Deloro, Ont., and Albert Eubald Robillard, son of the late Alexander Robillard, M.P.P., and Mrs. Robillard, Ottawa, the marriage to take place early in October. Mr, and Mrs. Thornton H. Reid, Powasan, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Helen Edith Agnes, to Elzwood Bar- ker, New York City, son of Mrs. James Barker, Newboro, Ont., marriage to take place in October. Costly Generosity. Charged with giving intoxicating liquor in a place other than his own private dwelling where he resides on information laid by Inspector F. B. Taber, a summer resident at Brock- ville paid a fine of $200 and $5.99 costs in police court. The defend- ant stated that, as he was closing up his summer home preparatory to returning to Montreal, he had a bot- tle of liquor which he did not care to leave behind and which he knew could not legally be transferred to kis Montreal home. On a previous occasion when he had left liquor in the cottage the place was entered by parties unknown who helped them- selves to the stimulants and then created some damage about the summer home. Not desiring a re- currence of a visit from prowlers, the owner hit upon the idea of pre- senting a neighbor with the bottle of liquor, which he did. The offence Is contrary to the O.T.A. and Magis- trate J. Albert Page had no choice but to administer a fine, as stated above, Av wierir Ieee md For Free Baby Books write he Breen Cr Limited pi he dig ev mind, the | i Kreo-Kolored Red Cedar Shingles Red, Green and Brown shades thor- oughly stained. These Shingles are Edge- Grain--will not warp 1 . They are 100% perfect and under ordinary conditions will last twenty-five years. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1574. | Kingston Music Studios Plano sn THEOOFY ...... vile vevissss Mr. H. Packer, A.T.C.M. Violin, Junior and Kindergarten Plano . Voice and Sight Singing Mr. H. Modern methods. HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! Now is preserving time and we are ready with a complete stock of Preserv- ing Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jar Rings, etc., etc. Call and see us before buying. 'Phone orders given prompt attention, LEMMON & SONS Telephone 840 - - - 187 Princess St. a, HDA FINDLAY SPECIAL TORTOISE COOK Six Cooking Holes, Special Fire Box for Wood. Another masterpiece in Tortoise Cook construction. Large and roomy Fire Box for burning wood, and still retaining the advantages of round firepot for coal. Ie Come in and see this excellent Range. Stevenson & Hunter TINSMITHS and PLUMBERS 85-87 PRINCESS &5T. TTT cs E E = for HUDSON SEAL COATS uofiZrms see-- GOURDIER'S Brock Street. : TWEDDELL'S SALE ~ . MEN'S SUITS $15.00 to $32.00, 28.50 TWEDDELL'S Jo Prince St,