| Opportunities Not THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Obtainable Elsewhere Are Begging Your Careful Attention RHORN -- At Napanee, 18th, RN or. and Ms. H rhofn, a Son. BY---At Napanee h, to Dr. and Mrs. 3 MARRIAGES. HERRINGTON--LANCASTE , on Sept. 20th, Harry Herrington, B fincester, Strathroy, Ont NSON--W ILLIAMS--In y t., R Saturday, Sept. Frank Sanders, on L. , on Sept. | Willoughby, a At Na R Du of Camden, | Lo A of George | Kingston, | 20th, 1924, Charlotte | ev to James Albert Robin- om, both of Napanee. DEATHS. "bl 'WIN--At North Fredericksb pt. FH George Brown, na G--In King 3nd, 1924, Grace Cooke Davis, urgh, on aged 81 ston, on September be- foved wife of Walter Arthur Flem- Please omit flowers. k RSON--- ingston on Sep I PATTE RO Ta, Ein pay residence, i incess Street, Patterson, daughter David John and tem 801 Margaret Craig of the late Margaret Patter- rai trom her late residence, Thurs- ay aft i fe Cemetery. OARD OF THANKS ernoun at 3 o'clock to Cat- The Mother Superior and Sisters of to and the directors of 1 Exhibition, n vetria ! 1 Dieu extend thelr : Anke 16 Mr. R. J. Bushell, Sec.-Treas. the George Miles and for ro donation of $100 to Ho- ? hospital. ¥ JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers | 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET i Phone 147 for Anibulance ROBERT J. I] i The Leading U Phone 577. i M. P. KEYES 230 Princess Steeet NB 5. -- _Halr, Warts, Birthmar Scars, Pils, etc, removed perm £5 1p, tistactory Glasses fitte Ton atter others Uojt ur wit a rs experience. Be r, Nose, agot Street. Phone - Lost and ound Throat, Skin, Moles, Skin Cancers, &1 $1900 r in, £0 hout operatio Dr. Elmer J. La ke, 268 301w. House 1135J Av LES---Found, on Fair Grounds, awn brushed | saver neckplece, faw or at Mr. Sirrett's office, 1 green Wobl sweater coat, ¥ be had LD---Licst, black, Tuesday, on FO! w of Johndon and ®, containing cheque and t.-or phone 761w. QF KEYS--Found, ly Apply Wii Rooms. UNOCH Ontario loose | Pinder return to 143 Beverly on Barrié- ham Mur- BROWN LEATHER - SWORD SHEATH who picked up ibition Grounds evening last, return it to borrowed BE a ag was t and is highly valued by owner. VES---Found, strayed to one x Te and ved, an for prem- black ifers. Owner apply C. N. R 1, Glenburnie and od to collar. whi number Please te, 26 to 1504w or police Chk waite Jog and roast pr TAP EN Tends, Ovo PIDCE-~Found, on the Pro- er can WH. Macdonald Barrie PURSE--Foun n h Owner SY 1 we e ». NE Ap) FUR--Found, a small neck fur. 3177. | OF MONEY--Lost, and 3 bank eques, at Fair Grou on Thurs- y even ing. Reward for thedr Summ to ames E. Davideon, Found, at Zion a of Owner may re- church lady a have ! Or MONEY---_Found in As- » on may have same by applying at INNER TUBE--Found, od yher apply Reiving ind, lady's gold wat may Tava ak R EDITOR DEAD, ---- A Published the Belle. Sept. 34.--James Ja- rmer publisher and man-' 16 Intelligencer, died on at his home in Si. Paul, Was bora advertisement business. two sons, James, 'Mackenzie, realtor, of the age of eighty years. Twedd and was a e late Sir Mackenzie Be in 1897 he left Belle- ville for 8t. Paul where he engaged He in the Cus- St. Was a member of Bridge church at the time here. Mrs. O. P. Holton and Mrs. G. ar. P. of Ww. this city are sisters-in- | The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. indexed, standardized and popular. ized according to All ads. are restricted to prcper classification, and to regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line .r gonsecutive . 'nsertions: Minlnum charge, 25 cents. ! Dally rates per line. Cnarge Cab 6 » 'ee their ihe nd moria Notices--Charged, $1.00; cash, 31.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the one-time nser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Fount six average words to the 4 ne. Charged ads. will bo received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Oftice within 6 days from the first day of 'nsertion, cash rate will be aliowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for th. number of times the ad. appeared and adjust. ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right is edit is'ng or reject au classified adver copy. Telephone 243, ask for a waat ad. taker. Automobiles 11 McLAUGHLIN CAR--In good condition, or will exchange' for Upright or .Player Plano of good make. Box E-20, Whig Office. SPEED WAGON---New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Earl Streets. 'Phone 47. TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in splendid shape. Gray Dort special touring. Robinson Motor Sales, Blye Garages, 'Phone 567. $175---~Buys Chevrolet touring car, re- cently overhauled, in good condition, Apply 264 Nelson Street ox, telephone 256084. FOR SALE 5 passenger Chevrolet, $216. 1 Ford Truck, $110. 1 six cylinder McLaughlin, $350. One Durant Touring, $800. E. LAWRENSON 387 PRINCESS STREET $475 ditioned. $250 $225 Automobiles For Sale ---~H. 45 McLaughlin Tour- ing, overhauled and re-con- --Overalnd Touring, new tires, thoroughly overhauled Chevrolet Touring, new top, new tires, fine condition. hauled. | BLUE GARAGES Ltd. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets Automobiles and Parts For Sale One Studebaker Truck in good condl- tion. Also Gears, Generators, Starters, and all kinds of parts for all makes of cars. | Also second hand tops, cushions and tires. Sell your old cars here. Highest prices paid. H. ROSEN 140 Rideau Street - - 'Phone 2475w. Careful Inspection of Our Used Cars Will convince you tnat, considering their excellent condition and price ask- ed they represent values which are dif- ficult to duplicate. 1923 4 cylinder McLaughlin Coupe, Essex 4 cylinder Phaeton, McLaughlin K45 Special Touring ar. e, almost new, driven only ully equipped. Overland, model No, Touring Car, 6 cyliuder continental motor. Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock St. Phone 201w. Landed A Big Pike. Tysic's Corners, Sept. 22, -- The weather for the past few. days has been very warm and has béen appre- ciated by farmers, . Mr. and Mrs. Arnelius Tysic, accompanied by Mrs. E. J. Stafford, motored to Kingston to attend the exhibition. M. Cham- bers, Irene and Milford motored from Carleton Place and spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Don- nelys. A number of the young. peo- ple attended the dance at Snow Road. George Crane made a busi- nesg trip to Lanark on Friday. Miss Barbara Donnely spent the week- end with Misg Letta Ferguson, John Orain, while spending a couple of days at Crutch Lake, had the good luck to land a pike weighing twenty pounds. Wedding bells will soon be heard to ring around Tysic's Corners. Special rates 'on which characterize the Whig and which are so helpful in And there they go! That's the way with them. gone to-morrow. they are at hand, someone el wait for slothful people. Read the A-B-C Classified opportunities that look good hand--before somebody else crowds THE A-B-C CLA Here They Come--And There They Go! Here they come--all those encouraging opportunities every man, woman and child in the community. If you don't seize upon them while your reach, and they will be lost to you forever. The A-B-C Classified Opportunities don't have time to They are so temptingly attrac- tive that alert people refuse to give them time to you into life's rear ranks! ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SBERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY 's A-B-C Classified Section $0 many practical ways to They are here to-day and se will snatch them out of wait, Section daily. Take these to you while they are at steps in front of you and SSIFIED ADS. --_ Automobiles Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 TWO GARAGES--At corner of Princese and Alfred streets; conveniently lo- cated. F. B. McNamee. 'Phone 2292w. Wanted--Automobile 17 | | FORD COUPE--Must be in good condi- | tion. Apply stating price to Box! H-24, Wihig Office. | Business Service Business Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER~--TFor courtesy and hon- est Gealing, W. A. Twigg. 192 Barrie Street. Phone 8204. ' Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary well driliers in Frontenac and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America, Jor tull information write to ¥. J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Coates, 393 Division Street. Pupil of O, J. Telgmann school of Music. Ladics' Halr Parlor. 21a 'PHONE 1318J For appointment. Frark J. Robba. 185 Wellington St, FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Halr ebbing and Trimming, Facial and lp Treatment. * Special attention given to Hair Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 2v7 Queen Street. For ap- pointmeént 'phone 2016. LADIES THANSFOKMALIONS-- Bob bed wurls, switches, sQampovIng, slugeing, curling, Leales ana Chila- ren's halr cutung. Mrs. Cunningham, 68 Bay street, Kingstun. Phone 1613w. MRS. WILKINSON -- Frontenac street hair dresser, on vacation till October - 1st. Hemstitching 21b PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Felld, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. Card. Hat Cleaners 21c HOW----About your felt hat ? The time is here. George, the Hatter, 90 Prin. Phone 1333, next the Scotia. Business Services Moving, Trucking, Storge 25 ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars ards, clean job dome. A. MacGregor, 4 Russell Street. 'Phone 2255. STORAGE--For furniture, airy rooms and spaces; your own loc and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 306 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. Painting, Fapering, Decorating 20 PAPER HANGING -- Supplyin select papers with service. Also outs de and inside painting. Large and smal] con- clean, dry, Employment * Help Wantea--Male ADDITIONAL SALESPEOPLE -- For Watkins 150 oducts. Direct te home supreme quality toilet articles, Flavor- ings, Spices, Home Remedies, Washing Compound. Ezywash, Polish, etc. Big gost and best line. Established 5 years. Write The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept, SD, Hamilton, Ont, MAN---Experjenced, single or married, to work on Dairy Farm. Apply Box M-33, Whig Office. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--§1 to $3 an hour for your spare time writing 0 canvassing. We a | showcards for us. instruct and supply you with work West-Angus Showcard Service, 17 Col- borne Building, Toronto. SALESMAN -- To represent a thriving x y in Kingeton dis- stating qualifications to P. O. Box 282, Klng- Help--Male or Female 84 $5--Private Christmas Greeting Card sample book free; men and women already making $6 up daily, In spare time. Garretson Limited, Brantford, Ont. i Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 30 DISTRIBUTING -- Relighous litérature ya Christian men and women $30 to 50 weekly. $225 guaranteed for 90 days' work. Commission besides. May work spare time. Mr. Conrad, Spadina | Building, Toronto. SALES AGENT--R liable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental treeg in Canada, Sell for a Nursery, not_ for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Situations Wanted----Male BUTCHER--First class, requires steady Job, moderate wages. Can start any tipe. "Phone 2646J. 87 Financial Merchandise . Articles For Sale 51 | JUST ARRIVED-- A large number of! pURN ladles' and gentlemen's chairs, etc Lesses Antique Shop, 307 Princess St. 'Phone 2610. MY NEW FALL PRICES--Are exceed- ingly low_on threshers, tractors, hay presses, silo fillers, plows. Write me. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street. REFRIGERATOR--Suitable for TO~ cer, APPLY New England Bakery, Col. lingwood street. SCALES--A]l kinds, new and second- band. Cash or easy terms. Toledo Scale Co. Ltd, 209 Princess St. King- ston. 'Phone 1228, SPECIAL-- Frontenac Felt Mattresses, built of Layer Cotton Felt; well ma with attractive drill art ticking, $10.00. Frontenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1981J. WE--Have a good line in Men's Sweat- er Coats, Army Blankets, Sheepskin Vests, Bedford Cord Breeches, Leg- gins, etc. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess St. WE--WIill rent you a new plano at $6 per month for 6 months, and if you! wish to purchase at end of that time we will allow you all money paid. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. WOOD--Dry hara maple, dry body soft wood, hardwood slabs, kindling cut and delivered; living prices. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Toron- to streets. 'Phone §89. $30.00--Fall sults and overcoats made to your. order with easy terms of payment. Phone 2306W, J. G. Patter- son. 120 Johnson street. Radio Equipment 62a, RADIO--100% guarantee on every thing. We give you every oent back if you are nut entirely satisfied. Open évenings. Canada Radlo Stores.-- Eastern Ontario's only real radio firm Rooms For Rent x Rooms With Board 47 tracts. Best material and k 8 prices. H. Rowley, Telephone 1852F. PAINTING--Papering, Decora he class work guaranteed. 1'a, Hag. rat in stock. A. Anderson, 73 ellington Street. Phone 1966. SIGN PAINTING--J. 8 Rob 275 Bagot Street. 18302, rea: J. FLANAGAN---Psinter, Pa erhanger and Decorator. Estimat fAvir v 'Phone 1432. 247 Montreal Street, Kingston. Sampie books in stock. Chiropractic 28c. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro. practic Specialists and Registerea Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phon 943w, Hours: 9-12 a.m, 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 Pm. Sunday and other hours by ap- bointment. Consultation Iree. PUDNEY--Dr. W, G., i823 Welling. ton street; upstairs. Consultation free. Hours: 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, and by appoint- ment, Phone 2570, Jady attendant. Dental 28d, SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentista. 153 Wellington street. oo; Phone 346. TROF 01 Bivek KNAPP--DI. A. BE. Dentist. 2: » 5 Princess Street. Phone an Se evenings by appointment. Legal CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Kiger, ariest Set Cyril M. Smith, SANINE BG DAY AND REVELLE--Barrist, solicitors, 69 Clarence Stre tha ston, E. Day, Adrian Mortgages arranged, Phone Barrister, Solicftor Office: 38 Clarence Telegraphs. Tele- Over C.P.R. phone 1980. REYNOLD) .. C.; Barrister a - licitor, 58 Brock Street. Money aa -- SHEA--Ambrose, A. Barrister Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank Money to loan. 'Phpne 1999. Repairing 20 ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRED -- All kinds; first class work guaranteed. Jackson & Timms. 'Phone 1939w. FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 33 John street. Phone 296F. A Insurance C. 8. KIRKPATRICK--36 UPHOLSTERING-=New or used furni- ture; work guarantged, ll or drop a W. J. Gavine, 214 Bagot Street. Re Clarence Su Kingston. ne, Fire, 1d an Automobile nsurafice. Lloyds Agent Kingston distriot. Telephone 388w. FIRES--WiUll happen. Your property, household effects, business 'or other valuables require protection. Consult E. Willams, 2 Couper street. G. HUNTER OGILVIE -- Representing all branches of Insurance. Necure pro- UPHOLSTERING--ARA general repair. oe, have riots at oz drop a card o PF. W. 0 e Phone 1600J. TRY. Street. Employment Help Wanted--Female Investments, Stocks, Bonds 39 FOR SALE--New issue Déminién of Canada 4%, 20 year. Price 97. Your order solicited. Mills Company, Money to Loan =. ~ 4 FURNISHED ROOMS--With board. Ap- ori University avenue, phone 1216M. FURNISHED ROOMS--With board, one large room suitable for two chum students. Apply 292 Barrie Street. 'Phone 1054J. | Real Estate For Rent a] Houses For Rent, n ISHED HOUSE--Albert street (to May 1st). Apply Kingston Agencies, ' Litd., 67 Clarence Street. Phone 7q3. BRICK HOUSE--At once, barn and acres, of which § would make garden. Apply to E. Ll. Martin, 237 Bagot Street. Phone 229. DWELLING--7 roomed, brick, furnish- ed, hardwood floors throughout, * all improvements; convenient to the Unis vergity; rent moderate. 'Phone 539w. DWBLLING--Modern brick, h.w. heat- ing, electric light, Queen's College. Possession October. Apply to D. A, Cays, Bagot street. FURNISHED HOUSE--S rooms; = ern; plano. Possession immediately. Apply T. M. Assélstine, Court House. HOUSE--8 roomed, well furnished, piano, fireplace, gas, electric, garage, SApUSS, Apply 4 Chestnut street, phone HOUBE--Centrally located, all modern equipment, gas and electric. Apply Trotter's Hardware, 345 Princess St. 'Phone 2481. HOUSES--House and single at 69 Queen street, two 5-room houses, 41 and 47 Concession street. Apply 136 Queen street, phone 988W, NO. 1, VICTORIA TERRACE--Montresal Street. Possession September 15th. Ap- py Xing & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Stree ERTIES Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land for Sale. FARM--About 70 acres, about 4 mfles west of Collin's Bay. Apply John Sterling, Collin's Bay, t FARMS--Two truck farms, Squipped for gardening. Four miles from city, or would rent. Apply 470 Albert tsreet, phone 1155W. 0 FARM---Valuable stock and dairy farm in Kingston township, 200 acres, 100 under cultivation, lots of water and woud and valuable timber, good build ings; one mile to school, cheese Mic- tory and rafiway station. Terms to suit purchaser. §6.800. Mrs. N. Townsend, R. R. No. 2, Biginburg. Houses For Sale - 8A FRONTENAC -- Loan and Investment Society incorporated 1961. President, A. B. Cunningham; vice-president, A D. Cartwright. Moey to loan on City and farm properties; Investments Bonds bought and sold; deposits re- celved and Interest paid on minimum monthly balance. R. C. Cartwright, manager, #7 Clarence Street, King- ston. Wanted--To Borrow 41 MORTGAGE MONEY«--In amounts from $1000 to $4000. Apply Kingston Agen- Slea, Ltd, 67 Clarence Street. 'Phone 703. $4,000--Mortgage Loan on new brick | house; wel] located. 79, half yearly. Hingston Agencies Ltd, 67 Clarence treet. Instruction Musical, Dancing, Dr. 44 PEARL A. NESBIT--L.T.C.M., local pu- pil of M. M. Stevenson, Toronto. Teach- er of Singing and Plano. Brock Street. Phone 1147f. Term to . begin September 2nd, 1924. a Poultry and Supplies 49 COCKERELS--Barred and White Ply- mouth Rock, from hens with re 8 of 219 to 227 eggs in their pullet year. Abply 260 Nelson street, or phone 1653J. Merchandise . Articles For Sale 51 BICYCLES--A number of used bicycles for ladies and gents. Also baby car- riage repairing. Muller's Bicycle Works, R71-378 King Street . Tele- phone 1961w. BRUNSWICK RECORDS -- September Jalease now on sale at Elder's Cigar hop. BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Phones 1391] or 618. (Agent for Baker Brick). BRASS BEDS--Refinished, also springs repaired. Get our prices on all plating and refinishing. Partridge Wire Works, Phone 330. BUFFETS--Dining Chairs, Tables, Two Easy Chairs, Beds, Mattresses, elc. We buy furniture and .good clothes. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Tele- phone 1600w. CEDARSTRIP SKIFF---Painted, qual- ity, 1% feet long, 44 inch beam, 17 inches deep, nickle trimmings, 1 pair Spoon Oars, new. Apply H. J. Thom- son Co. Sharbot Lake. COKE--The last month to buy Coke at tection for Breeding and Racing stock. oxes. 38 ence Street. 'Phone 568J. . SURANCE~--Only the most reliable A rvs represented. Strange & Strange. established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Streot, opposite Post Office. FIRE--Automoblle anu Casualty Iasur. ance. E. M. Crumley, (30 Earl Street Phone 1783M. Accident and OAD Life, on: Office 203% Ren. 173m. ? When the government undertakes the Investigation of trade conditions between Canada and the West In- dies, it likely that Hon. T. A. Low, mi r of trade and com- merce, will be selected to pay a visit to the islands. . ---- BRINGING UP FATHER #80 # Nn =n MAID---For genera] housework. Apply 37 King Street West, MAID--For general house k. Appl rs. ¢ Stanley Graham, 123 Chien Street © : MAID--Experienced, general; one who understands cooking, feren re Jusred. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Mcielvey, 34 Bagot Street West. M. For general housework. in ily. Apply 383 Alfred St . Germany will be admitted to the 1928 Olympic games, at Amsterdam, Holland, and games will not be cur- tailed in extent. : > Sorrow which "is never spoken is the hegviest load to bear, 3 = 3 Ht a the r ces for cash, $9.00 ton, or $8.50 in § ton lots. After this month 10.00 ton. Dry soft wood slabs $2.50 oad. Di hardwood $2.75 lot, dou- 'ble lot $5.00. Clinkers and cinders always on hand. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington street, corner Ordnance. Phone 2440w. ~ d BNGINE--Used, ten horse power, In- ternational engine and Vissott Grind- er. Apply M. E. Ward, 478 Princess Street or phone 1528J. GARDEN HOSE -- Window Scree ces, - ton's, i Pr Street b cess Phone 418. LUMBER -- Quantity of inch lumber. son street. E E. Waehen, 157 New GREEN 00D -- Tock 1imber Ag sor "Phone 1391J. or 618. mixed hem - D. Rooms Without Board Li] ' FURNISHED ROOMS--Apply 110 Clar- ence street. . ROOMS-- Bed sitting room with fire- place and kitchen on ground floor. Also one or two bedrooms on bathroom floor. Gas and electricity. Apply 44 O'Kill street. 'Phone 1632m. "Rooms for Housekeeping 69 ROOMS---Three furnished rooms, on bath room tloor. Gas for cooking and electric light. Apply 350 Alfred st. Wanted--Rooms or Board 78 ROOMS--Two, unfurnished, with board. Good location, for one person. Box F-22, Whig Office. 'Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 teeta, ss APARTMENT---Three room, with bath. room. Heated. In business distriot. J. E. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence St. APARTMENT , immediate pos- session. Appl, Kingston ' Agencies Ltd., 67 Clarence street. 'Phone 703. APARTMENTS--On Sixth street, 2, one upstairs $20.00; one ground floor $25.00; § rooms, electric light, gag for cook- ing, 3 piece bath, good cellar. Apply 69 Patrick street, phone 730W. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT---Well heated, electric light, gas, choice loca- tion, large rooms. Apply 134 Earl 6 street or phone 1630--12-2 p.m. ------------------ ents met. HEATED APARTMENT---Central looca- tion, now vacant, and new store, 290 Princess, will complete to suit desir- able tenant. I. Cohen & Co., 276 Qn- tario street. ngles $4 WH : 8 ehsion Gres Shrek Xocd hone l HEATED APARTMENT---~Three rooms and a bathroom. $300.00 per year, payable $25.00 monthly. J, E. Cunning- ham, Agent, Clarence Street, IN THE WINSTON---56 Earl Street, an attractive, 6 roomed apartment, large sitting room, 2 big clothes closets, heated and hot water supplied all year. Also gas stove in kitchen. Pos-~ session at once. Apply W. w. Anglin. 'Phone 442. LOWER FLAT---Use of phone, lots and road at back; stabling for 2 horses; garage. Apply E. Bla Thompson, 39 Brock street. Business Places For Rent wn OFFICES--With largé vault. Th 'complete bathroom attached making rs suitable for living apartment. Heated J. BE. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence NOTHING on earth is foung fore easily than a classified oppor uuity. . use of BRICK RESIDENCE--And 66 foot lot, known as 188 Ordnance Street, facing Frontenac Park. Apply to Miss Gar- diner on premises. ~ E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone 539w. See advt. Page 3. HOUSE--New, solid brick § poomed, hardwood floor, electric, he furnace, fireplace, garage, gard: gain, ideal tor retired farmer. 4 Chest- nut street. NEW BRICK HOUSEe-Stuant St. $3,700--7 roomed frame, Victoria St. $3,300--$6 roomed Bungalow, North end. $6,600--Brick dwelling, North Frone tenac street. KINGSTON AGENCIES LTD. 'Phone 703. 67 Clarence Street. J. E, CUNNINGHAM Real Estate, Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street $4,300-- Brick, 7 rooms, all improves ments. South side. improve $4,700--Brick, 7 rooms, all ments, south side. $4,700~10 roomed house, all improves ments, central. FAR for sale. TT: O CONNOR, 316 Barrie Street, fleas Pri ncess 'Phone 1268J. MERCHANDISE TAKE NOTICE We have Dressers, Chiffoniers, Morris and other chairs, library tables and kK 'eases, Also stoves at reasounnble prices. J. Turk's PHONE 708 pane BUSINESS SERVICE W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automoblie, Ag. cident," Sickness, Plate Cine As other lines of Insurance. 'PHONE 585w. | 33 BROCK ST. People advertising a room an article for sale, would save them selves a lot of time dnd get better and more satisfactory results by telling al there is to be sald In the ad. This get them in direct touch with the peo- ple they want to reach. TH CLABSIFICATION numbers show the addresses of the differen kinds of opportunities that dwell i" the classified section. for rent, or All Rail Anthracite IT'S CLEAN! funy size you want: Egg, Stove, Split Pea We offer expert advice on the best size for your purpose, | James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street BY GEORGE McMANUS Nut, Pea, KIN <O our NOW? | WOZ IN LAST NIGHT You MAKE mg SKK - THAT'S ALL YOU THINK OF YOU HAROLY FINISN GO ON. IM WASTING TIME TALKING TQ YOu AND FLL ETT TIRED OF IT > GET OUT - NG HELLO - JERRY - COME ON DOWN TO DINTYS " YOU COME WITH ™M GOIN TO CA MALL © WELL BE JUST MN Time To HEAR THE AFTER. SS ME MNO - THANKS; - I JOST To Cl LISTENE ONE? 0