- 4 FOR $125.00 You can buy a McKay made, beau- Muskrat Coat, 45 inches long with full collar and deep cuffs. The very latest style Coats are beautifully made and lined, and will give years of wear. By buy- ing a Fur Coat you se- cure for yourself warmth, health, happi- 'ness and a look- ing Coat you and your friends appreciate. tiful, full furred Remember the snowy days are coming. A Cloth Coat will not keep' you warm then. is an assurance ection in Quality, | and Workmanship. "A small deposit and we put it away until "you require it this Fall. : Satisfactory credit terms may be ar- «of | 70 ASK FOR $25,000 | FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY This Amount Would Fit Up Two Floors of Chown + Bullding. At a meeting in the milk trust building on Tuesday afternoon the committee répresenting the King- ston Public Library board and the Board of Trade decided to approach the city finance committee to ask for $25,000 for fitting up two floors in the trust building which 18 being given to the city for a library by the Chown estate. The committee made an inspection of the building with members of the McKelvey and Birch firm, and the latter confirmed estimates made by W. Newlands that it would cost about $32,000 to put the entire building in shape. Leaving out the basement would cut off $6,000 from this amount, and the committee de- cided on fixing only the upper two floors now. The heating system will require close to $9,000. The rooms will also need plastering. Two floors alone will mean a great Improve- ment. Mrs. Kennedy said that of late space was SO cramped that the WINSOME SOAP 10c. EACH--38 CAKES FOR 25c. 1 CAKE WINSOME SOAP FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF THREE Branigan's Drug + 208 PRINCESS ST. Next to Strand STORE LIMITED 'Phone 18. work among the children was almost impossible. The question of the site took up & long, discussion. The land will cost $10,000. The committee could see its way to paying the rent of it with the revenue from a garage on the south side of the lot. But as city finance favors owning the site in such cases, the committee advises the purchase of the site by the cliy. The | committee is desirous of helping the city all it can in the matter, having to offer $1,000 a year, made up of garage rent saved by giving up the present library building. It is not possible to use the city's grant to the library, as the Chown offer at pre- sent has a clause objecting to cut- ting into the grant for such a pur- pose. Thos2 present were W. Craig, A. N. Lyster, Francis King, K.C., Dr. A. E. Neish, Capt. John Donnelly, Mrs. Kennedy, J. J. Druce, C. A. Macpher- son and W. H. Ratcliffe. THOSE WHO MAY VOTE, -- On The O.T.A, Plebiscite on the 28rd October. YOU BUY WHEN! > The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste. i HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Butter, Butter Quality and fresh made. Belleville Creamery, Ib... .38c, MALT EXTRACT Excellent tonic, bottle .. LUX! LUX! LUX! 500 pkgs. (Tuesday) eserves ess 3 pkgs. for 80c. RAISINS 500 lbs. fancy Beedless ++ .8 lbs, 20c. + 20c, SOAP! BOAP! Comfort, Surprise, P. & G., Sunlight, Gold, Wonderful-----on sale (Tuesday) ..18 bars $1.00 Get some of these Tuesday. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY - Drug Co. Ltd. Corner Vrincess and Bagot Sts. Telephone 510. "Campbell's--Where uality Is The True Measure of Value" We're ready to serve , with and seasonable merchan- ise prices Oh are mos surpassed in Canada. «Just put in stock the most classy shapes it Scores of New Ties 49c., 78¢., $1, $1.35. For the information of the publie] it is pointed out that the following persons, being entered on the pro- per polling list, and no others will be entitled to vote on the Plebiscite on Oct 23rd: Every man and every woman who, at the time of voting: (a) Is of the full. age of twenty- one years; (b) Is a British subject; (c) Is not disqualified or other- wise by law prohibited from voting; (d) Is and has been for a period of twelve months next preceding the day of polling a resident of and do- miciled in Canada. (e) Is and has been for a period of three months next preceding such day a resident of and domiciled in the electoral district. Or in the case of a city, is and has been for a periofl of one month next preceding such day a resident of, and domiciled in, the electoral district and is and has been for a period of three months next preced- ing such day a resident of and do- miciled in such city. -------------- AT THE GRAND. "The Man They Could Not Hang" Draws Good Audiences. Another good crowd was at the Grand Opera House Tuesday night to enjoy the unusual photoplay, "The Man They Could Not Hang." This thrilling production, based on tacts in the life of John Lee, held the interest of the audience through- out The story is so well portrayed, passing rapidly from episode to episode, with humor, love, beautiful scenéry and interesting characters making it a picture well worth see- ing, The striking scenic prologue, showing Lee and his mother the. night before the execution, which miraculously failed to work three times in succession, is an interest- ing feature of the programme. The scenic pictufes, the Century comedy, and Miss Thompson's sing- ing and Spanish dance were enjoy- able additions to the evening's en- tertainment. , The picture will be seen for the last time Wednesday night.' Our "Lackawanna" coal is pro- pounced by experts as the very best. $16 per ton, Mitchell & Co. rE -------------- al HOTEL ARRIVALS | R. L. Wilson, Montreal; W. od Litt, Toronto; H. P. Mcintyre, Mon- | treal; Geo. W. Brooks, F. L. Wyatt, Toronto; C. J. Tellier, Montreal; | H. Morehouse, Ottawa; J. P. Wil- | liamson and wife, Montreal; F. C. Wilson, W. F,_ Archibald, J. B. Ar- chibald, F. 8. Douglas, R. P. Qua, Toronto; A. Baltz and party, Clay- ton, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jares, J, Satava, J. F. Hughes, Cleveland, Ohio; E. Morse, San Francisco, Cal.; J. W. MacDonald, Hamilton; W. D. Hewitt, J. C. Mills, F. D. Chapman, Toronto; A, Samuel, Hamilton; W. J. Grant, R. O. Grant, Toronto; T. P. McGowan, Cobalt; 8. H. Flem- ming, Ottawa; M. Mitchell, Luck- now; H. W. Spencer, 8. Kayne, To- ronto; C. R. Buss, Thorold; M. J. Sproule, Toronto. Stanley Brent, of the National Council of the Y.M.C.A., is to be chief speaker at the first annual setting up conference of the local "y," which will hold its first ses- sion next Saturday evening follow- ing a supper served by the Ladies' Auxiliary at 6.15. Gym classes for the winter will begin next Monday under Mr. C. 0. Chamberlain. Through the courtesy of Chief Armstrong members of the fire brigade, including Capt. Cockade, were at the *""Y"" Tuesday night to help the boys put in the new lights in the gym. The brigade's ladders were needed to reach the lofty ceil- ing. The Ladies' Auxiliary, under the presidency of Mrs. R. H. Ward, meets on Friday afternoon. A Queen's student arrived on Tuesday to become a roomer in .he "y's" new dormitories. * Y.M.C.A. NOTES i The-swimming tank has been giv- en its first coat of paint. Oftice Supplies. Cash Books, Ledgers, and Loose Leaf Devices. The Jackson Press, 177 Wellington street. Several more rooms will soon be finished. | \ "THE HAT STORE" NEWEST FALL HATS We Show the Latest We carry one of the most complete Hat stocks in Can ada. We sell all kinds and the new Fall styles are unusual- ly attractive. SOFT HATS Velours, Radios, Camel's Hair and fine Felts--all from the best makers are here ready for your choosing. Radios ...... $3.00 to $4.00 Soft Felts .... $2.75 to $7.50 STIFF HATS It's hard to beat the Derby for all occasions -- it always looks well and is strongly fav. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SEE WINDOWS MOORE'S ---- I 'SPECIAL DOLL SALE! | | Clearing out every Doll in stock to make room for new stock. : | BIGGEST DOLL BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ; BUY FOR CHRISTMAS : | DRESSED, UNDRESSED, FULL JOINTED and MA MA DOLLS EVERY DOLL WILL BE CLEARED. SPECIAL --13 INCH MA MA DOLL ....... cc een. 986 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET As Eo Ell to let. Furnishings. COMFO WOOL FLOOR FLOOR ucer. LIVELY ARGUMENT IN THE POLICE COURT On Second Oharge Against Alderman for Passing Stand- ing Street Oar. -- '* On August 2Tth, the day the Con- servative picnic was held at Lake Ontario park; a city alderman was driving a car, helping out the rush to the park. It was aMeged that he drove his car passed a standing street car at the corner of King and Pembroke streets. He was charged under the provincial highway act and the charge against him was dis- missed. In the police court on Wednesday morning, he was charged with the offence under a municipal by-law. No additional evidence was taken in the case, the time' of the court being taken up with argument on the part of A. E. Day, counsel for the accused and T. J. Rigney, conducting the prosecution, and at the close of the argument the case was further enlarged. Mr. Day pointed out to the magis- trate that the accused had already tried and acquitted under the statutes, and taking up the muniei- pal by-law and the provincial hgih- way aot, contended that the by-law passed by the city was inconsistent with the other, in that the city law prevented the driver of a car from doing what the other allowed a driv- er to do. 'Mr. Day also pointed out thet the provincial law required that a summons in such a case be issued inside of ten days after the alleged offence, and further that the municipal law required the sanc- tion of the provincial highway de- t. Mr. Rigney said that it would ap- pear as if an attempt Was being to invoke the powers of the provin- cal highway act to defeat the powers given under the municipal act to regulate traffic. It was held by Mr. Day that the by-law passed under the of the municipal act FEATHER PILLOWS--all sizes. PILLOW COTTONS--all widths. PILLOW SLIPS--all widths. SHEETINGS--all widths. SHEETS--all widths. RTERS--all sizes. BLANKETS--all sizes. RUGS--all sizes. MATS--all sizes. . The Right Hat at the Right Price PARISIAN MILLINERY 882 BROCK STREET' The steamer west last night. The steamer Kamloops passed down to Montreal this morning. Thé steanler A. E. McKinstry cleared for Port Colborne. The steamer Mapleboro arrived from Toronto and cleared for Mont- real. The 88. Collier No. 1, of the Can- ada Bteamship Lines, is at the Ship- building Company's dock with coal. The steamer Brockville is carry- | ing an excursion to-day from Nap- anee to the Picton fair. Mapleton passed Royal True Blues® Euchre. The fortnightly euchre and dance of the Royal Blues was held on Tuesday evening. Bixteen tables were in play and the prizes were won by Mrs. 8. Nicholson and Mrs. C. Wandewater. The ladies' prize was donated by Miss Reynolds. The consolation prizes were won by Miss Fairbanks and her brother, Mr. Fairbanks. Square dances were much enjoyed, the excellent music of S. Salisbury's orchestra adding to the pleasure of the evening. The com- mittee in charge Included Mrs. W. Simpson, Miss L. Reynolds, Miss N. Oderkirk, Mr. C. Kirkpatrick, Mr. W. Simpson, Mr. A. MoGregor and Mr. Weir. $ $$$ BE PREPARED This motto is very suitable for housekeepers having rooms We are headquarters for the very best lines in Bedroom FLANNELETTE BLANKETS--all sizes. BEDROOM TOWELS--ll sizes. BATH TOWELS--all sizes. * Drop in ard let us show you how very little money is re- quad to fit up a spare bedroom, to make it a revenue pro- Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE Real Estate 81,1004 room Bungalow $8,300-~Frame dwelling, 7 rooms: hot water furnace, electric light, gas, garden, extra lot, sarage. $3,700-Dwelling, 7 rooms, air furnace, electri Hght, Pg $4.500Double frame, 6 rooms each, eclectrie light, good yard. Come to office and get list of our bargains. Fire Insurance. Dominion of Canada ling or refunding MULLIN Broker i Oo ones Siow wad To Discontinue With the change in the table on Sunday, Septembér 28th, Cana- dian National Rallways local trains Nos. 9 and 10, which leave Kingston City at 12.20 p.m. and 3.36 p.m. will be discontinued between and Belleville on Sundays only, Nature works on a method of all for each and each for all. , '