Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1924, p. 7

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i: T hi | | Announcement to Queer' s Students We are ready for the Fall trade with a complete stock of Ay QUEEN'S SWEATERS SWEATER COATS GYMNASIUM SUITS Full line of Furnishings. Agents for Sem i-Ready Clothing. George VanHorne' S ayeorge V Light Hurts Some Eyes Some eyes are extremely sen- sitive to light. For such patients we: supply special Ji lenses that prevent the harmful rays of light from entering the I even. lenses. W. D. Graham, R0. Bacto 4 sao EE TT Evenings by Amin If the movies, bright lights, J travelling on the water or by |i suto bothegs your eyes, let. me Jj fit you out with a pair of these Opp. Post O cell _. Phone 362w. Fine English Playing Cards The celebrated Chas. Goodall Co. Gilt Edge Cards. $1.00 a package These are very ap- propriate as bridge 4 prizes. Dr. Waugh 106 Wallington st. Phone 256. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. I BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. ¥ PHonm 4 212677 --928W, ~ 400 ALBERT STREET Ld By T. M. Thomas. He stopped to admire her baby 'While passing through her train. He was old, with years of wisdom, And could not quite refrain, From giving the fair young mother A bit of good advice, So, patting the head of the baby He spoke in tones concise. "You have there a right fine young- ster; I hope that you," said he, { "Will bring btm up an And upright man to be." She smiled as she made him answer: ""Thef will be hand, I fear." "Oh, no," he sald, 'If you follow The old time saying, my dear. You'll ind It an easy mater, Just to keep this thought in mind, That as the little twig is bent, So is the tree inoifhed." Again she smiled at the wise man, As she tossed back a vagrant curl, "But the trouble is, this twig, "she said, "Is bent on being a girl!" Divided Work. "My wife and I have a joint bank account." "That's a good idea. Saves a lot of trouble, doesn't it?" ' Oh yes. All I have to do it to put the money in. She draws it out." You Said It! Bill: "What do you thing of this | bootleg stutt?" Hill: "Well', it's a good way to turn nights foto daze." ~--Willlam Sanford. No Gifts to ange. Ethel: "Was Gladys' wedding a successful affair, dear?" Clara: "Goodness, yes! I never saw 80 meny presents, and not a duplicate among them." --QGertrude M. Heller. Hints For Flappers. Corsets will last a long time if dot worn out! Speed. . "Has she got speed?" He grumbled low, "My last typist Worked too darn slow." 'The new girl came. His heart was glad; He took her out And found she had. : --B. D. K. « Time Will Tell. Mrs. Youngbride was radignt with hapiness. . She just coujdn't keep DON'T READ THIS Unless you wish to save $10.00 We are offering two patterns of Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, regu- English for $20.00 One of these sets, "Bangor Blue," with Gold Lines, 'a new up-to-date pattern. The other: "The Orleans," a Rise colored 'border with black lines, both made by Meakin's _ The problem of School Shoes will be 'economically solved if you will let us outfit comfortable her mind on the bridge game. When the talk drifted to the subject of busbands (each lady present hav- ing one) she could contain bher- self no longer. "Oh, I just know my husband is different from other men!" she enthused. / One middle-aged matron eyed her pittyingly. Youth was so trusting. "Of course, my dear," she agreed, "But just wait until you've been married a year, then you'll under- stand how really 'different' he is!" --Bthel Keeley. Sarcasm! Birdie: "Don't you think, dear, that Gertrude"s hair is a pretty shade?" Betty: "Is it, really? 1 haven't seen her since yesterday, you know." Long and Short. Despite the faot that I am tall And love to be a sport I seldom make a hit because I usually am short. Last night I frolicked with a blonde 'Who helped to make things buss, And now although-my height's the same, I'm shorter then I was. ~Wildiam Craig. A Footbal coach: fe low." College player: "I thought I cams here to get a higher education." Counter Claim. Howson Lott: "Your chickens 'have done & heap of damage in my garden." . : Suburbs: "How about all the eggs tare } laid in your place?" ~--James J. O'Connell. Give a man rope enough and he'll smoke himself to death. (Copyright, 1934. Reproduction Forbidden). \ "You should tack- " POISON IN WATER OF HASTINGS LAKE tp Was Proved by Experiment With Calf, Which Died After Drinking. Belleville, Sept. 24.--That poison | exists in the waters of Fraser Lake, North Hastings, has just been de- monstrated. Veterinary surgeon H. Wellbanks, of this city, in company with provincial officers, visited the lake on Saturday. A calf was pur- chased and was given some of the water. In twenty-one minutes af- ter partaking of it the animal! was dead. Although the lake is' sald to abound in fish no dead ones have been seen. The poisoned water ap- pears to be on the outer edge, where cattle went to drink. The legs of the dead animals were covered with a greenish colored slime, they hav- ing stood in shallow water near the shore. Samples of the water have been sent to Toronto for analysis. GANANOQUE Sept. 24.--Mrs. Frank Keyes and son Gerald are spending a few days with friends in Lansdowne and Jones' Falls. Stanley Lebrocq of the Steel Com- pany of Canada, Hamilton, and wife, motored through Gananoque yester- day and will spend a few days with friends in Newboro, Mrs. George Andress and Mrs. Ray Andress are visiting friends in Kingston. Miss Nellie Haffley, who has been spending the past few weeks with Peterboro friends, has returned to Kingston, and is expected in Gana- noque in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Levy, Schenectady, N.Y., who have been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, return- ed home yesterday. Grant Henne is spending a few days here with his parents prior te resuming his studies at Varsity. Miss Agnes Nobés has léft to spend a short time with her sister, Mrs. Levy in Schenectady. Mrs. Fred Dansfleld has returned after spending a few days at Al- monte and taking in the Fair. Mrs. Stephen Dorey who is under- going treatment at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, is reported as doing very LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OPENS PICTON FAIR -------- (Continued from Page 1.) with Miss Zufelt in charge, Number 5, Hallowell, with Miss Lulu Gilles- ple, Number 6, Hillier, wiin Miss Johnston, and North Marysburg, Number 2, with Miss Grimmer. The judging of ponies aiso took place during the afternoon, and the following are the children 'who drove the ponies, which won the prizes, in order of merit: Mary Leavens on Fred Moffatt's pony, Katherine Had- den on Wellbanks' pony, George Publow and Ward, in the eleven hands and under class. Dorothy Leavens, (Curry pony), Rose Wal- ters, Edith Willlams, Ruth Leavens (McStevens' pony), Jean Weir and Mary Leavens, in the eleven hands and over class. Mary Curry (Wright's pony), Geraldine Cahoen, Kathleen Huffman (Kerr pony), Mary Shaw, Mary Leavens, Marion Cronk and Edna Wildman, larger ponies, One of the things which appeal to a person visiting the Picton fair is the excellent mianner in which the exhibits are displayed, and the clean- liness of the buildings, as well as the excellent show which the directors are putting up. From the time one enters the gates until it is time to Bedroom Slippers 1.25 A shipment of Winter Bedroom Slippers just arrived in many styles of Felt, Cosy and Kid Cosy. Blues, Greys, Browns, Blacks and Fawns. All ...... ...:... 081.5 / go home, there is something of in- terest to view. It has been arrang- ed that a number of first class horse | races will take place during the re-| maining three days, and the follow- ing Kingston horses have been en- tered: "Fred Patch," "Sister Sire," "Pauline" and "Cherry Chimes." The men of the Riding Establish- ment of the Royal Military College were on hand and gave an exhibition both afternoon and evening. Cast of Pageant. 'The following is the cast of those taking part in the pageant: Miss Picton--Mrs. (Dr.) Allison. Miss Canada--Miss Lillian Carter, Train bearers -- Betty Relive, George Fraser, Bobby Relive, Olga Cook. Provinces -- Grace Codwin, M. Hammett, Phyllis Brown, Vera Craw- ford, Dorothy Carter, Hilda Clapp, Marjorie Gough, Marjorie Bower- man, Mrs, E. A. Adams, Attendants--Mrs. Richard Had- den, Mrs. Joseph Bolton, Miss Edith Allison, Miss K. Roblin, Miss Lilias nicely. Messrs. Francisco and Wedge comb, Syracuse, N.Y., who have been the river motored to Ottawa Montreal yesterday. They were aé- companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wing. Napanee Dance and Personals. Napanee, Sept. 24.--A mos: char- ming and enjoyable dance was given on Monday night in the Masonic rooms by the Uwana Club, largely in honor of the young ladies who at the end of the month will depart from town for colleges at various places. The music by Walters' or- chestra was fine and everyone had a good time. Felix Jerome of Buffalo, N.\Y., is in town the guest of his daughter, Mrs. James McGrath. Dr, H. J, Gleeson, the youngest and a popular physician here, has purchased a medical practices In Lind- say, Ont, and will move thee in a short time. Rev. J. H, H. Coleman, M.A., is attending the General Synod meet- ings at London, Ont. Jack Metsler leaves today for Ohl- cago, Ill, where he will spend a year at the university there and lake up post-graduate work, Hayes Gleeson left today for To- ronto where he will continue his me- dical studies. A s0n was born on Saturday, 20th inst, to Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Wil loughby. -- + Deseronto Officers, Deseronto, Sept. 23.--At the pub- lic meeting held in the town hall on the evening of Sept. 18th, the fol- lowiig were elected for office for the Ontario Temperance Ast cam- paign: Hon. presidént, Mayor R. Miller; president, W. J. McMickiny; vice-president, Perry Stover; secre- tary, A. B, Sharpe; treasurer, Mil- ton Hunt. These officers, with the ministers of the town constitute ths local exécutive. spending the past few days here on | man, and | Porter, Miss C. A. FolKard. Barker, Miss Rebecca Hepburn, Mrs. James Hepburn, Mrs. (Pr.) White- Mrs. (Dr.) Knight, Miss Clara Father Timeé--Mr. Bill Brans- combe, Creation girls--Hilda Rolston, Keithg Platt, Bernice Woods, Emma Haylock, Doris Arthur, Thelma Mun- roe, Keitha Stark, Burnice Reid, Hazel Thompson, Kathlyne Huffman, Marion Insley, Catherine Hunt, Mar- tha Carl, Nell Reid, Margaret Hazel, Hilda McLaren, Alma Thompson, Lenora Goodmurphy, Ruth Haight, Marjorie Purtelle, Flower girls--Catharine Tulley, Hilda Collier, Fréda Jenkins, Dor- othy Clement, Margaret Caso, Edy- tha Vandusen, Myrtle Williams, Dor- othea Milford, Helen Molyneux, Lena Hicks, Margaret Goodwin, Grace Magg," Dorothy Millman, Margaret Hubbs.~ Indian Ohief--Mr. George Moore. Indian Braves--W. McDowell, C. H. MoGibbon, T. M. Mounce, C. Mc- Cabe, C. Lambert, C. Boyd, C. Sedg- wick, Clarence Cole, Claude Cole, Colin Carter, A. McCoy, D. Haylock, Carl Smith, Raymond Sheppard. Indian Squaws--Eva Thompson, Marion Bowerman, Hazel Grimmon, Beatrice Sedgwick, Greta Welsh, Ola Dever, Mrs. McDowell, Molly Shackleton, Phyllis Mounce: Spirit of the Wilderfiess--Miss Marjorie Purtelle. Powers of the Forest--Gwen Wan- namaker, Isobel Norman, Margaret Me¢Quade, Eleanor Cronk, Marion Fox, Irene Lumley, Helen Sione, Mil- dred Stone. Powers of the Rivers--Dorothy Bowerman, Olive McDonald, Bertha Houck, Mary VanDusen, Mary Shaw, Rose Yanover, Geraldine Cahoon, Winnie Mounce, Mist Maidens--Helen Miiis, Dor- othy Cahoon, Lucille Anderson, Le- ona Murphy, Jean David, Erma Clarke, Léola Palmatier, Mabel Griadrod. Pioneer Man--Bert Tully. Ploneer Woman--M#s. C. A. Wright. Fever--Mrs. (Dr.) Frapk. Famine--Miss Luella Thibault. Déath--B. R. Leavens. Champlain--Jack Wear, Followers--Earl Vanmeer, David Young, David Gordon, John Arthurs, Harry Young, Clarence Jones, Fred Stafford, H. S. Armstrong. Circuit Rider--R. Dulmage. United Empire Loyalists--Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. R. Dulmage, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pur- telle, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Leavens, Lyle Branscombe, Genevieve Smith, and Mrs, F. Lazier, Mr. H. Wells, Cl ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE by us. The Busy Store "Phone 704 or 2078w - Does the Manufacturers' Guarantee Mean Anything to You ? Here is what it means--Satisfaction doubly guaranteed--first by the manufacturer and then All this week, we send to your home any of these nationally advertised and guaranteed Furniture at reduced prices:--Snyder's Sani-Belt Ohestén field sets, McLagan's Master-Craft Bedroom and Dining Room Sets, Kroehles Davenports and Davenetfs, Simmons' Bed, Springs and Mattresses. JAMES REID Phone 147 FOR SALE SOLID BRICK HOUSE, double, with frame kitchen on stone foundation. 5 rooms each, two bedrooms, lights with nice fix tures, toilet, newly decorated, good shed in rear of lot for each side. Driveway. This house is in splendid repair and excellent location on Brock Street. Now renting for $16.00 per side. This property is an excellent investment at $8,000. M. B. TRUMPOUR - fred Wycott, Margaret Bailie, Made- leine Jarvis, Alice Martell. Dutch Girls--Kathleen Hamilton, Laurene Barker, Grace Bailey, Mary Dawe, Annie Carter, Marie Stafford, Phyllis Pringle, Fannie Williams, Marion Lyons, Marion Rodway, Mar- garet Fraser, Marguerite Nicholas: English. Girls--Dorothy French, Margaret Hubbs, Carmaletta Lock- wood, Olive Carter, Catherine Mc- Lean, Hilda Welsh, Hazel Jarvis, Ruth Shackleton, Mildred Irvine, Edith Williams, Grace Martin, U. 8. Jackies--Eileen McCalpin, Elleda McCalpin, Geneva Milligan, Annie Wilson, Coreta Gibson, Mar- ion Knight, Jean Insley, Henrietta Foster, Ethel Wannamaker, Ruth Grimmon, Hamilton McLean, Bill Rorke, Harold Vandewater, Verne Zufelt, Ralph Harrison, Ralph Van- Dusen, John Mallory, Don Carr, Mor- ley Moran, Arthur Storms. * Canadian Girls--Enid Gr'mmon, Bernice Collier; Audrey Minaker, Dorothy Thompson, Kathryn Had- den, Jean Wear, Freda Healy, Elea- nor MacVannel, Marion Hart, Mary Keyes, Mary Mellor, Coral . Jenkins, 'Grace Miller, Clara Croft, Marion Tulley, Madeline Vincent® Ma.y Reid, Adelia Leslie, Stella Welsh, Her- moine Wark, Iola Daubney, Ruth Zimmerman, Dorothy Leavens, Mary Leavens, Ruth .Leavens, Kathleen Moore, Margaret Moore, Marion Wy- cott, Miriam Vincent, Lucella Jarvis, Ida Prior, Olive Bristol, Gwennie Henley, Annie Brough, Josephine Gentile, Mary Kinney, Louisa Air- hart, Winnifred Gentile, Mar.ha Al- én, Daisy Turpin, Dorothy Fergu- son, Bessie Wheeler, Margaret Col- Her, Genevieve McCoid, Eleanor Wil- liams, Jean Rorke. Officers of the society for 1924 are | as follows: Pregident, I. Firth Fraser; 1st , | vice-president, Ed. B. Purtelle; 2nd nel, A' ¥. Welbamks, S. A. Welbanks, Picton; W. H. Gough, Fred H. Hubbs, Howard Leavens, B. R. Leav- ens, H. D. Ledvens, Bert Wilson, M. Grant Thompson, Bloomfield; Arthur Wright, Waupoos; Morden Gilbert, Demorestville, B.3. ° Honorary Directors--W, R. Ad : ams, J. W. Hamly, E. P. Smith, P.8. I, M. W. Relve, Dr. C. A. Publow; C. A. Wright, J. A. Cooke, Arthur Rightmyer. FINDS COSTLY PEARLS WHILE EATING OYSTERS Toronto Man Might Have Made $300 by Taking Delicacies London, Sept. 24.--Because H. R. Schook, of Toronto, preferred his oysters fried rather than raw it cost him $300 last night. While eating oysters at a loosl cafe last might, several beautiful pearls rolled into his mouth. Mr. Shook thought for a while that fortune was smiling upon him, bul disappointment awaited him. On finishing his dinner he took the pearis to a local jeweler, to dis cover their value. J The jeweler declared that, while they were real pearls of excellent quality, they had lost aM value be- & cause they had been subjected 10 heat. If they had not been sub- jected to the frying pan they would have beent worth at least $300. There was one pearl that stood out above the rest. It was the size of a pea and was perfectly shaped. There were smailer ones that were well matched, and these, the jeweler said, could have been made into 8 beautiful ring. Col. Wilson, Belleville, caught & thirty-two pound Jungé, medsuring four feet in length in Muscote Bay vice-president, Fred Newman; sec-|

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