Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1924, p. 10

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bh 5 it ACIDS IN STOMACH ~ ach trouble, indigestion, are due . Phone 316 . clean and red try simple glycerine, Hong and Hauling 10 CAUSE INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How to Treat. : } Medical authorities state that near- nine-tenths of the cases of stom- sourness, , gas, bloating, nausea, etc. to an excess of hydrochloric #ecid in the stomach and not as some to a lack of digestive juices. The delicate stomach lining is firri- tated, digestion is delayed and food Sours, causing the disagreeable symp- toms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestents are not need- od in such cases and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive | aids and instead get from any drug- | gist a few ounces of Bisurated Mag- | nesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after esting. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or "tablet form---never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpen- sive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stomach pur- poses. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. THE LATEST HITS Special: Tessie Stop Teasing, It's a Man. Banjos, Ukuleles and Violins. September Etude now in. THE MELODY SHOPPE 383 PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 153. - Godkin's Livery For Bus and Taxi Service Buggies and Saddle Horses BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Dally except Monday and Saturday at 1.45 p.m. Is Tongue Coated ? Try Glycerine Mixture A badly coated tongue is a sure sign of stomach or bowel trouble. To overcome this and make the tongue buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad- Jerika. Most medicines act only on lower bowel, but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and brings out all gasses and poisons. Helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. T. H. Sargent. Filta ik, FURNITURE, i PIANOS, ETO. Local and long distance giv. en our careful attention. AFHONE 1375F -- A H oben =o] ATTENTION! + Photo Studio Now Open. § M.S. Gartland 237 PRINCESS STREET One Door Above Harrison's THE PRINCE EDWARD RURAL SCHOOL FAR Results of the Competitions Held -- Eighteen Hundred Children Took Part. Picton, Sept. 25.--The judges who were appointed to award the prizes in the rural school championship fair, which for the first time was held in the story of the Picton fair, complet their work on Wed- nesday and prize list was issued late in the a..ernoon. The eight- een hundrec children who competed in this event, have certainly done honor to the schools which they at- tend, and it is a certainty that next year this part of the Plcton fair will be even better than this year. A great deal of the credit is due to Mr. McVanell, agricultural represen- tative, and his assistant, Miss Haz- ard. Following is winners: Wheat, Marquir, half gallon--Eve- lyn Montgomery, Margaret Ander- son, Alma Blackburn, John Smith, Harold Stephens, a list of the prize Wheat, Marquis, sheaf--Evelyn Montgomery, Morley Way, John Smith, Oats, 0.A.C. No. 72, half gallon-- Jean Blackburn, Vanley Kennedy, Oscar Rolston, Ellis Stephens, Bert Hughes, Royden Hicks. Oats, O.A.C. No. 72, sheaf--Havi- land Hubbs, Henry Leavens, Norman Way, Arthur McDermaid, Royden Hicks, Oscar Rolston, Barley, 0.A.C. No. 21, half gallon --Haviland Hubbs, Maurice Ste- phens, Evelyn Montgomery, James Tayler, Carl Payne, John Smith. Barley, O0.A.C. No. 21, sheaf-- Haviland Hubbs, John Haggerty, James Taylor, John Smith, Oscar Rolston, Benton Goodman. Ensilage corn, sheaf--Henry Leav- ens, Allan Rout, Howard Gorsline, Elmer Huff, Harry Gorsline, Abra- ham Maycock. Ensilage corn, ears--Arthur Huff, Henry Leavens, Howard Gorsline. Flint corn, stalks--Harry Gor- slime. Flint corn, ears--Morley Lambert, Harry Gorsline, James Jickels, Ed- ward Milford, Clare Robertson, John Smith, Sweet corn--HIilda Brown, Kath- leen Giles, Isabel Morton, Clifford Roundell, Clarence Carson, David Leavitt, Potatoes, Irish Cobbler--Henry Leavens, Vivian Fox, Edward Caton, Harold McKenna, Bessie Merritt. Potatoes, Dooley--Alice Hughes, Evelyn Thompson, Rex Hicks, Hilda Brown, Orval Hughes, James Taylor, Mangels--Douglas Burr, Howard Gorsline, Abraham Maycock, Roy Brickman, Leslie Pope, Betty What- tam, : Turnips -- John Smith, ' Elsie Clarke, George McQuade, Ray Milli- gan, John Cole, Lillian VanDeusen. Beets--Harry Gorsline, Bernadine Emlaw, Florence German, George McQuade, Dorothy Giles, Freda Smith, Carrots--Keith Onderdonk, James Taylor, John Haggérty, Willle Rab- bie, Norman Welsh, Albert Reed. Parsnips--John Haggerty, Morley Lovelace, Arnold MecFaul,- Albert Reed, Claribel Hughes, Betty What- tam, Onions--Mabel Turner, Henrietta 1 Milford, Jean Killip, Willie Rabble, Bessie Merritt, Freda Smith. Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock ~--Ellis Stephens, Helen Aman, Hilda Brown, Malcolm Wright, Elmer Huff, Claribel Hughes. Pullet, Barred Plymouth Rock-- Hilda Brown, Elmer Huff, /Bert Hughes, Helen Aman, Hughes, Ellis Stephens. Pen, Barred Plymouth Rock-- Hilda Brown, Malcolm Wright, Har- old Stephens, Helen Aman, Elmer Huff, Claribel Hughes, Brown eggs--Benton Goodman, Carl Payne, Marguerite McNally, Gerald Brickman, Bernard Reed, Hilda Brown, White eggs -- Harry Corsline, Hilda Raynor, Lillian Vandusen, Stanley Rankin, Harold Turner, Jean Killip. . Dairy calf, heifer--Roger Hubs, Edna Foster, Dairy calf, bull--Henry ,Leavens, Gena Clarke, Ralph Dodds, Josie Dodds. Beef calf--Dorothy Dorothy Welbanks, Welbanks, Apples. Northern Spy--Margaret Goodwin, Haviland Hubbs, Margaret Shannon, Elmer Huff, fil ip i hi | lo man ought to be charged with tiples he actually disowns, un- his practices contradict his pro- Snow---Annie Bent, Keith Onder- donk, Betty Whattam, Alice Hughes, Roy Brickman, James Cleminson. McIntosh Red---Malcolm Wright, Annie Bent, Gerald Brickman, Betty Whattam, Evelyn Hurlburt, Mar- garet Shannon. Stark--Arthur Huff, Gerald Brick- man, Alice Hubbs, Margaret Good- Join, Clarence Carson, Morley Lam- rt. Baldwin--Rose Walters, Mariam Welsh, Lancy Hudgin, James Clem- inson, Else: Shannon, : Eo x RI Greening--Margaret Shan- non, Bert Hughes, Edwin Bent, Stan- ley Rankin, "Claribel Hughes, Mar- garet Goodwin, : _King---Bert Hughes, Margaret Goodwin, Teddy Goodwin, Jack Suedwia, Willie Caton, Edward Ca- Golden Russet--Isabel Morton, Margaret Goodwin, Gena Heffer, Dante Hurlburt, Alice Hughes, Edna Carson. \ Ben Davis--aAlice Hubbs, Florence -Carson, Rose Walters, Malcolm Wright, Bert Hughes, Gena Heffer. Cranberry Pippin--Eisie McCon- nell, James Cleminson, Ruth Smith, Edwin Bent, Isabel Morton, Malcolm Wright, wig Claribel |. \ McConnell, Margaret | ' Wealthy--Laura Latehford, Arnie Bent, Isabel Morton, Florence Hubbs, Alice Hughes, Ray Milligan. THE DAILY BRITISH School Fairs LEAF TL ER TY WHIG Clarence Carson, Laura Latchford, Haviland Hubbs. - Any other variety--Laura Latch- ford, Hilda Brown. Collection of eight pieces of art, from one school---Bloomfleld public school, Waring's Cornérs school (No. 6, Hallowell), Waupoos school (No. 6, N. Marysburg), Doxsee's school (No. 3, Bophiasburg), Point Petre (No. 7, Athol), No. 4, Athol. Manual training, model made from wood--Keith Onderdonk, Edward Milford, Edward Caton, Lillian Van- dusen, Willle Rose, Ralph Dodds. Piece of work made from school fair prize ribbons--Olive Wellman, Alice Hubbs, Evelyn Montgomery, Dorothy Giles, Florence German, Dorothy Welbanks. Embroidered table runner--Dor- othy Welbanks, Claribel Hughes, Jean Killip, Margaret Goodwin, Ena Walker, Evelyn Montgomery, Hemmed table napkin--Edna Fos- ter, Lillian Vandusen, Alice Hubbs, Marguerite McNally, Marion Platt, Gladys Rabble, Plece of knitting--Marguerite Mc- Nally, Rita Welbanks, Vera Acker- man, Kathleen Glles, Florence Wan- namaker, Eleanor York. Dark cake--Lillian Vandusen, Mary Platford, Vera Foster, Mar- guerite McNally, Gena Clarke, Vivian Fox. Brown bread--ILillian Vandusen, Florence German, Marguerite Mec- Nally, Evelyn. Montgomery, Edna Foster, Apple ple--Evelyn Montgomery, Lillian Vandusen, Irma Wannamak- er, Bessie Welbanks, Nedra Ostran- der, Marguerite McNally. School lunch--Lilllan Vandusen, Elsie Clarke, Jean Killip, Caribel Hughes, Edna Foster, Vera Foster. Essay, IV Class--Morley Jackson, Claribel Hughes, Lillian Vandusen, Oscar Grimmon, Vera Ackerman, Edna Foster. Essay, III Class--Marion Edge- combe, - Olive Wellman, Donald Thompson, Donald Kerr, Clifford Purtélle, Jean Burris. Essay, I and II Class--Albert Broadbridge, Jenny Dainard, Iris Brooks, Nevada Irish, Charies Bar- ber, Mary Delaney. Writing, 1st Class and Primary-- Teddy Goodwin, Vera Foster, Nellie Burdette, Mabel Kerr, Wili Ostran- der, Mildred Spencer. 80 80 Bo e Asters--Ruth Smith, Vandusen, Edna Foster, Vivian Fox, Iris Brooks, Olaribel Hughes, African Marjgolds--Pearl Latch- ford, Evelyn Montgomery, Marion Cronk, Mabel Alexander, Jack Bu- chanan, Verbena--Edith Leavens, Marion Cronk, Vivian Fox, Lillian Vandusen, Calendula--Jean Killip, Jack Bu- chanan, Sara Cunningham, Rita Wel- banks. : Salpiglossis--Isabel Morton, Dor- othy Giles, James Taylor. French Marigolds -- Claribel Hughes, Eleanor Vandusen, Alice Hubbs, John Smith, Florence Ger- man. Collection of vegetables from home garden contest plot--Harmon Montgomery, Morley Lambert, Ar- thur McDermaid, Under the direction of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, A. P. MacVannel, B.S.A., MS., on the afternoon of Tuesday, Sent 23rd. a drill and marching competition took place before the Grand Stand, the competitors being the puplis of the schools that had won the township school air sflelds in the seven town- ships of the county. For this drill competition awards were made as follows: : ; 1. 8.8. No. 5, Hallowell; teacher, Miss Lulu Gilespie. El Ww Li Cl 80! 4. 8.8. No. 8, Ameliasburg; teach- er, Clare Zufelt. 5. 88. No. 6, North Marysburg; teacher, Miss Meda Grimmon. 6. 8.8. No. 10, South Marysburg; teacher, Malcolm W. Love, and S8. No." 9, Sophiasburg; teacher, Alex. Izard. \ 'The judges of this coiitest were Joseph Wilson, B.S.A., of Oakville; A. G; Ireton, BS.A., of Perth; Miss Geraldine Hasard, M.A., of Picton, and Ray Atkin, B.8.A., Agricultural Representative for Hastings county. For the drill competition, together with the prises won on exhibits in the various classes, a championship shield was donated by I Frith Fras-|¥ er, president of Prince Edward Agri- Thursday, Sept. 4th. mings, Mansfield Francis, Burke. Donald Conboy, George Stanley Burke, Mansfield Francis. Stanley Burke. Lloyd Henderson, Stanley Burke, Elwood Conboy, Les- lie Conboy. strong, Grace McVeigh, Amie Barr, May Palmer, Margaret Thomlinson. Armstrong, Barr. derson, ford. Crawford, Dawson Webster, Leonard Burke. ster, Leonard Burke, Norman Haw- ley, Harold Conboy, Thelma Craw- ford, Lloyd Henderson. Twelve Irish Cobbler potatoes-- Emmeline Henderson, Carrie Con- boy, Russell Conboy, Alex McPher- Charleton, boy, Henderson, Armstrong, Myra Hawley. Henderson, Russell Conboy, Lindsay Burke, Carrie Conboy, Alvin Patter- Conboy, Emmeline Henderson, May Conboy, Alex McPherson, Davis, Percy Webster. mer Alma Charles, Willie Duffy. Evelyn Henderson, May Conboy. --Russell Conboy, Willis Grace McVeigh, Thomas Burke. Wilfred Stevenson, Leonard Tryon, Violet Burke. Bert Neeley, Margaret Vera Armstrong, Alma Edns Garrett. Garrett, Ronald Lee, Daisy Dodd. Dodd, Clarke Dodd, Dood, strong, boy. zsie Francis. Twelve Coreopsis--Willo Dodd, Carrie Conboy, Vera Armstrong, Susanna Conboy, Douglas Reynolds. Irene Gracé McVeigh, Marjorie Reynolds, May Conboy, Vera Armstrong. Susanna Conboy, George Smith, Howard Clay, George Cummings, Margaret Tomlinson. Jack Shanks. Shanks, Bert Henderson, Shanks, Howard Clay, Bert Hender- Emmaline Henderson, Alvin Patter- strong, Leslie Conboy, Harold Con- boy, Susanna Conboy. Percy Webster, Willis Armstrong, Dhwson Webster, May Conboy, 3 son, Gracé McVeigh, Daisy Dodd, Marjorie Reynolds, Myra = Hawley, --Dalsy Dodd, Myra Hawley, Lepha Barker, n garet Charleton, Mona Drew. J Six sweet tea buns--Willo Dodd, One loaf whole wheat bread-- Halt yard white crochet edging-- Grace McVeigh, Willo Dodd, Melinda Duffy, Emmeline Hendersony Bea- Towel rack--George Cummings, Ronald Lee. ; 8t. Lawrence--Margaret Goodwin, Lepha Barker, Thelma Crawford, Edwin Bent, Jack Goodwin, Roy Gladys Raymo, Kenneth Millar, 'Brickman, Teddy Goodwin, Lillian Ethel Badour, Bert Neeley. Vandusen, Oso. Writing, . "Maple Leaf"--Myrtle Tallman Sweet--Gena Hefler, List of Prize Winners at the Oso McGonegal, Violet Burke, Marguerite Betty Whattam, Elsie McConnell, | School Fair held at Sharbot Lake on Donnelly. Four quarts wheat--George Cum- Stanley Conboy, Cummings, Bheat wheat--Elwood Four quarts oats--Leslie Conboy, Sheaf oats--Bert Henderson, Russell Conboy, di Sheaf barley--Lloyd Henderson. Six ears sweet corn--Ellis Arm- Single ear sweet corn--Willis| m Grace McVeigh, Annie Sheaf sweet corn--Emmeline Hen- Six ears fleld corn--Thelma Craw- Single ear field corn--Thelma Bheaf fleld corn--Dawson Web- n, Alvin Patterson, Margaret Peck Irish Cobblers--Russell Con- Mansfield Francis, Emmeline | st Melinda Duffy, Elmer --Elva McPherson, Dorothy Drew, Douglas Reynolds, Jack Shanks. Veigh, Lizzie Francis, Irene Conboy, Daisy Dodd, Catharine Geddes. lyne Gladys Raymo, Douglas Jack Shanks, Bert Neeley. Geddes, Emmeline Henderson, Daisy Dodd, Lloyd Reynolds, Ronald Lee. boys--Willlam Duffy. Margaret Tomlinson, Pauline No. 3, 8.8. No. 8 and 10 Olden and Oso, 8.8. No. 1. points--Emmeline Henderson. points--Russell Conboy. points--8.8. No. 1. garden--May Conboy. George Cummings. Writing, "God Save the King"-- Writing, "O Canada"--Grace Mc- Crayon or chalk drawing--Eve- Henderson, Melinda Duffy, Reynolds, Water -color drawifig--Catharine Henderson, Marjorie Essay, "The North American In- ans"--Beatrice Burke. Hitching and driving contest for for girls-- Ray- Nail driving contest ond. School parade--8.8. No. 9, 88. Girl winning highest number of Boy winning highest number of Special Prizes. School winning highest number of Best calf--Russell Conboy. Best Lamb--Bert Henderson. Best bouquet grown from school Best piece manual training-- Six best carrots--Russell Conboy. Best peck potatoes--Percy Web- er, Single Irish , Cobbles--Emmeline n, Mansfield Francis. Twelve Dooley potatoes--Elmer Everett Peck Dooleys--Percy Webster, El- Conboy, Eyelyn Henderson, Warrington, Leonard Mec- to Single Dooley+--ElImer Conboy, Peck Irish Cobblers from old seed Carrie Conboy, Howard Clay, m Armstrong, Webster, Five mangles--Percy Single mangel--Percy Webster. |X Six beets--Evelyne Henderson, Tomlinson, McPherson, to Margaret Single beet--Vera Armstrong, Shannon, Eleanor Vandusen, Eleanor |, ,.,y purge, Evelyne Henderson, | $4.50 to $6; do., yearlings, $8 to York, Miriam Welsh, Albert Reed, Edna Garrett, Daisy Dodd, Bert $9. . Phlox--Lillian Vandusen. Neeley ! , Zinnia--Gena Clarke, Benton r Goodman, Malcolm Wright, Eleanor B Six Sarto Russell Conboy, Montreal, ' ,| Blanche Garrett, Howard Clay, Annie Yandusen, Crain, Arthur . Cantrell, Robert|, Montreal, Sept. 23.--Cattle, Good Cosmos--Olive Wellman, Eleanor Burke , brought from $3 to $5. Hogs, . steers, $6 to $6.50; medium, $6 to Single carrot--Russell:. Conboy, sle Burke, Howard Clay, Blanche mi Six onions--Lily Conboy, Willo, Robbie Barr, illis Armstrong. Single onion---May Conboy, Willo or Robbie Barr, Willis Arm- Twelve Salpiglossis--Irene Con- Twelve Calendulas--Alden Burke, Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- Conboy, Susanna Conboy, lo Potted house plant in bloom-- Grace McVeigh, Two pullets and one cockerel-- Jack Howard Cockerel--Irene Conbdy, ay. Pullet -- Irene Jack Conboy, n. Cock and hen from home flock-- 2.88. No. 3, Athol; teachers, | *°™ Calf beef heifer-<--Russell Con- Misses Pauline Vipond and Mildred boy, ' Margaret Donnelly, Harold to i 2 Conboy. -- 38 Hig Mer: teacher, Lamb--Bert Henderson, Russell . Conboy. Five winter apples--Vera Arm- Five fall apples--Leslie Conboy, Vera Armstrong, Oatmeal cake--Emmeline Hender- th sanna Conboy. One crust ple with meringue top Marjorie Reynolds, Mar- cultural Society. Daisy Dodd ie to. Pratt ana relish sows, 38.60 to $8.90; Sheng eight Tr-- 2.3rtcs: MoVelgh, Bmmeline Hath $9.05. Shep, bulk natives, 913.00 Had Good Time At Fair. Pint jar of salad dressing-=Mon bulk Western lambs, $13; weather has Te ey nolds. ne Mev: ah. Marios bulk fat Tio; 4 Pods tato digeing is the onder of the day, Francis, Daisy 3 yearlings and wether .- The mica mine is still in operation. Fancy plo cushion--Bve gvel Hen-y bulk desirable feed GS 0; The school is progressing favorably | derson Bu cushio ive Mes $13.10; top, $13.25; ES foll-motineg with Miss McLean as A y | breeding ewes, $7 to $8.25. steers, $6.25 to $7.50; Stores, $5.50 $6.75; do., medium, $5.25 to $5.75; do., common, $4 to $4.25; Cows, fat, choice, $4.25 to $4.50; do., canners and cutters, $1.50 to $2.50; Bulls, butcher, good, $3.50 to $4.25; go. $2.26 to good, $5.50 to $6; Feeders, $4.50 to $5.25; Stockers, $4.25 to $4.75; $5; Calves, choice, $10 to $11; do., $3.50 to $5; Springers, choice, $80 $90; Lambs, choice, $11 to $11.75; Buck lantbs, $9.50 to $10.25; Sheep, choice, $6.60 to $5.60; common, $3.75 $4.50; common, $2.50 good butcher cows, $2.50 to $3.25; canners, $1.25; cut- ters, $1.50 to $1.75; common butch- weighed up $8 to $9, with the bulk from $8 to $8.50 grass calves were 60 cents lower and loads sold for $3.50. A few heavy ones brought $3.75 to $4 and grain- fed calves sold for $4 to $5. $10.50, paid for one lot of ewes and wethers, but the bulk of the good ed lots of fairly good average qual- ity brought from $9.25 to $9.75 and common lambs from $8 to $9. Sheep brought from $3 to $6. Hogs, selects were bid for at $10.25. Mixed lots realized from $9.60 to $9.75 and sows remained steady at $6 to §7. Cattle, shipping steers, $9 to $10; butchers, $7 to $9. Hogs, heavy and mixed $10.75 to $10.85; $10 to $10.75; light yorkers and pigs, $9.76 to $10; roughs, $8.50 [to $8.75; stags, $4 to $5. Sheep .and lambs, 'active; lambs, $7 to $13.50; yearlings, $7 to $9.50; wethers, $7 sheep, $6.50 to $7. yearlings, $11.25; mixed steers and heifers $10.50 weights averaging $11.25; some 1,208-pound average, $11; best weighty steers, average weight 1,406 pounds; few weighty bullocks, $10.50 to $10.60, weighty steers, 1 ; pounds, $9.25; 1,644-pound age, $9.75; Western grassers §$ $7; Montana yearlings, $7.50. top, $10.30; { 230-pound weight $9.90 to $10.25; good and choice 250 to 350-pound butchers, largely majority better 140 kind, $9.50 to $9.90; bulk packing Creamery solids, 37¢ per Ib., prints, 38c per Ib.; cooking butter, 31c to PRODUCE MARKETS { LIVE STOUK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, Sept. 23.--Heavy export $6; Butchers, choice, $6.25 to edium, $3 to $3.50; do., common, three I x Just use Rinso where you used to use bar soap--for soaking, boiling, or in your washing machine. T= hardest part of wash-day, 1 rubbing, rubbing, rubbing. has given way to the new method of soaking the clothes clean with Rinso. This wonderful new soap gentl loosens the dirt and a ah rinsing leaves things white and glistening as you never could get them before. Only spots where the dirt is ground: in, such as nec: bands, cuff edges, and the like need a light rubbing, and a little dry Rinso rubbed on these spots quickly makes the dirt disappear. Rinso is sold by all grocers and department stores Rinso | BE MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX 19 $2.75; Feeding steers, fair, Western stockers, $3.50 to edium, $6 to $8.50; do., grassers, $100; Milkers, choice, $70 to $7; do., heavy, to $4.75; edium butcher heifgrs, $3.76 to to $3.50; HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! Now is preserving time and we are ready with a complete stock of Preserv- ing Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jar Rings, etc., etc. Call and see us before buying. attention. 'Phone orders {ven prompt LEMMON & SONS Telephone 840 - - - 187 Princess St. $4; medium, bulls, $2 to $2.25. Good veals straight car Sheep. The best sale to-day was ts were weighed up to $10. Mix- --en Buffalo. East Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 23.-- yorkers, $7.50; ewes, $2 to $6.50; mixed -- Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 23.--Cattle, top $11; handy- 1,116 pounds, to $10.65; ese grades very choice; averaging rough 1,554 aver to ogs, bulk better 160 to $9.75 to $9.90; to 150-pound ~ All the leading designs and finishes Special Prices: "on Bedroom in Walnut, Mahogdny and Enamel. Robt. J. Reid Ambulance 577. . GENERAL TRADE. Montreal. Montreal, Sept. 23.-- Butter-- per Ib.; breakfast, 24c to 30c per| Militeed-- Bran, Ib.; smoked ham, 26¢c to 28c. Dressed poultry--Milkfed ens, 30c to 33¢ per 36¢ to 45c; selected chickens, 27¢ to 31¢;, turkeys, 30¢ to 36s; 25¢ to 35¢; green ducks, 1b.; broken lots, in cotton bags, $7.20. chick- broilers, ducks, 30c to | $27.25; shorts, $35.25. $3 to $3.20 per 90-1b. bag. 80c per 90 Ibs, in car lots. $15.50; delivered in Montreal in box car lots, $29.25; middlings,! Rolled oats--Standard grades,' Potatoes--N.B. Green Mts, $1.50 to $1.65 per 90 Ibs.; Quebec, 7c to fsagreeabie Collection of wild flowers--Emme- | 32¢. 38c per Ib.; geese, 21¢ to 25c. Jes. 4, Dating, 3. Darling and Miss | line Henderson, Elmer Armstrong. Pggs--Fresh, special, 50¢c; fresh| Flour--First patents, per] Hay--Baled, per ton, in car lots, » Henderson spent 'Sundey at| Collection of twenty-five insacts-- | extra, 43c; firsts, 37¢; seconds, |bblL; per 98-Ib. bag $4; seconds pat-| new crop; No. 2 timothy, $16 to: Wilmur Spatfordton, Emmeline Henderson, Irene Conboy. | 32¢c. ents, $7.50; strong bakers, $7.15;|%17, No. 3 timothy, $14.50 to / | T i

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