Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1924, p. 7

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T HE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG By the Author of "Madame Claire" NINA By SUSAN ERTZ In "Nine" the author of that great popular favorite, "Madame Claire,' 'again proves herself the possessor of a talent as delightful and individual as any that has appeared over the literary hori zon in many moons. "Nina" is a novel that is witty, is salty with keenly real- ized human character, and that bears that indefinable stamp of smartness that brings woman of the world. 'R. Uglow & Co. to mind a well-dressed a Monument, or having Letter- | ing done in cemetery SEE 857 Froctenac St., Kingston "Phone 1417. Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling snd Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 810 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington st. Phone 256. Fine English Playing Cards The celebrated Chas. Goodall Co. Gilt Edge Cards. $1.00 a package These are very ap- propriate as bridge prizes, Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. om, -- JOBBING WORK A PHONES 2267¥---923W, BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS SPECIALTY. 400 ALBERT STREET | EERE RNR DON'T READ THIS : Unless you save $10.00 We are offering two patterns of English Dinner Sets, lar $30.00-- for $20.00 One of these sets, with Gold Lines, a pattern, The other: "The Orleans," a Rose wish to 97 pieces, regu- "Bangor Blue," new up-to-date colored border with black lines, both made by Meakin's. J nr The problem of School Shoes will be economically solved if you will let us outfit the youngsters. , Strong, durable Shoes for styles; constructed to protect taste nd. Jndgmens. Boys and Girls; comfortable and support growing foot muscles. by your children is evidence of your own Maxson > 1 Jmez No Doubt Of It. Young Hopeful: "Say Dad, write | me 'a check for fifty, and I'll be | everlasintgly indebted to you." | Wise Pa: "Yes, my son, I'm sure | of that," --Ernest C. Rutherford. The Reason. Morgan: "Filkins complains that he isn't getting his proper meals | these days." | Schuyler: "No, his wife is on a } diet." { ' ~--Marvin Creager. Modern Improvements. | Crabshaw: "So you made a hit | In school today when the teacher } acked you to spell Schenectady? How did you spel] it?" Willie: "WGY." As In a Looking Glass. Modern daughter to her bald- headed father; 'Lean over this way a little, papa, I want to see if my | nose needs powdr." ~--Donald M. Davenport. Brothers In Labor. Bill: "I belong to the union." John: "I don't work hard either." --Edward Pike. A Vital Question In the Case. Judge, "Witness, tell this jury your opinion, if any, of. what bear- ing, if bearing may it be called, the extreme cost of cosmetics has on ....s particular case?" Witness: ""Yessir--I seen it my- self, Judge." --John M. Wells. Reverse English. Little Wilbur's frequent injuries resulting from riding his new tri- cycle naturally worfied his mother, One day, hearing him scream, she ran out in time to see him rise from the gutter. He had a great gash cut over his eye, and the blood flow- ed freely. She examined his wound closely and exclaimed: "Thank God it's your head instead of your eye." In a little while, properly band- aged, Wilbur went visiting his friends to show off his wounds. "Lawsie me!" sald one neighbor, ""what did your mother say?" "She jest said: 'Thank God that I got knocked in the head', " sald Wil- bur. In Exact Terms. He's a friend I praise with vim-- Friends like that I ask of Fate. Much 1t is I owe to him-- Ninety dollars up to date! --L. M. N. Forestalled. Ted: "As she told you she'd never marry, why didn't you try to get her to change her mind?" Ned: "It's mo use now, my boy. That old rival of mine has done it." " ~Clara Byody. Do You Know That-- A course grade of sand-paper ov- er a wart will remove it in time? (Copyright, 1924. Reproduction Forbidden). Readers are requested to contri bute. All humor: epigrams (or .0itoes), jokes, anece 'Y. burlesque: satires, sayings of children, must I and unpublished. Ac- ill be paid for at to 10.99 ng Sentributian; . er line for poe he character and HA bution, as determined by the Editor of "The Fun Shop." All manuscripts must be wiitten on one side of the paper only, should bear 'name of this newspaper, should be addressed to #un Shop Headquarters, 110 West 40th Street, New York City. Unaccepted contri butions cannot be returned. GENERAL HOSPITAL TAG DAY. The Women's Aid to Collect on Sat. urday, the 27th, The Women's Aid of the General Hospital are completing plans for the carrying out of their tag day on Saturday, Sept. 27th. It is the hope of all interested in this insti- tution that the response of the pub- He will be very generous, that giv- ings to other tag days will not af- fect this one. It should be remem- bered that the work in which the ladies assist so materially at the hos- pital has greatly increased, owing to the extensive programme which has, and continues to be, carried out by 'the board of governors. The officers of the Women's Ald are: President, Mrs. John McKay; vice-presidents, Mrs. G. W. Mylks and Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw; secretaary, Mrs. Arthur Ellis; assistant secre- tary, Miss M. Hewitt; treasurer, Mrs. Francis King. ------------------ FOR EARLY BREAKFAST. GANANOQUE | Sept. 25.--A very pretty wedding was solemnized this morning at ten o'clock at St. John's presoytery when the Rev. Father Hanley united in marriage Rita Madeline, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bishop and Frederick Leslie son of Mrs. Alexander Bamford, both of Gana- noque. The bride was most becom- ingly attired in her travelling suit of navy blue poiret twill, with neck plece of grey squirrel. Her hat was a very smart black tailored crea- tion. They were attended by Miss Kathryne Brennan and Edward Chapman. Both the bride and brides- maid carried shower bouquets of sweetheart roses. Following the Ceremony a dainty dejeuner was ser- ved at the home of the bride's par- ents, Stone street south, where the guests included only the immediate friends and relatives of the con- tracting parties. There was a great profusion of flowers carrying out the color scheme of pink and white in the table and other decorations. The groom's gift to the bride was a sub- stantial cheque, and the very large number of beautiful presents was evidence of the popularity of 'these young people. Among the out-of- town guests were Mr. M. Goodwin and Mr. Lunmen, Kingston. The honeymoon is being spent in Roch- ester and other American cities, af- ter which they will take up resi- dence in Gananoque. Stirling Reld and mother are spending a few days in Montreal. During the absence of Mr. Reid, ed holidays here, studio. There is some possibility Blinkbonnie will remain open winter, that all eee NAPANEE: YOUNG MEN ORGANIZE A CLUB For Sports and Physical De- velopment--It Is Called The Frontenac. Napanee, Sept. 24.--The Fronte- nac Club is the latest association to be instituted in Napanee and while still in its infancy it {is decidedly a lpsty infant and much more will be heard of and from it in the fu- ture, It will prove to be a boon to the young men of the town who may become members by providing & place where they can indulge in sports, have healthy and inv'gorat- ing recreation and have their phy- sical development improved by drill and gymnastic evolutions under competent instructors. Other branches of activity which the pro- juctors of the club have in visw will prove: wonderfully attractive to young men. The club is composed of members of "B"" Company, Frontenac Regi- ment, and other returned soldiers; also of members of the militia. The honorary presidents are Col. Partridge, Kingston, and Mayor Alexander MacGregor, Napanee. The rresident is Lieut, Frank Bell; sec- retary, is Lieut. C. Milis and the treasurer is Sgt.-Major MacGiliivray. These men are all in earnest in re- gard to their undertaking and thelr goal is success. Through the courtesy of the Mil- itia department, the club ha: been provided with quarters in the ar- mouries, rent-free. The members will have a large club-room, a read- ing room, a cloak-room and a toilet- room, the two last mentioned hav- ing hot and cold water; the whole being steam-heated . By day the rooms will be bright as they are well provided with windows and at night an ample supply of electric light will be provided. Already a good start has been made towards furnishing. It is in- tended to have the walls and ceil- ings tinted a pleasing color and have necessary painting done. Then the furnishing will be gone on with as rapidly as possible. Good pic- tures will be wanted for the walls, dlso a supply of magazines and newspapers for the reading rcom. The club hopes to acquire a small, but good useful geference library, and no doubt friends of the move- ment will help in this direction. 'The club has the use of the main floor of the armouries for games, drills, etc. Proficient officers come periodically from Kingston to im- part drill instruction, The members have purchased the necessary equipment for the follow- ing indoor sports, viz., boxing, punching bag, medicime ball and basketball. They also intend to train, for outdoor sports, good hock- ey, baseball and lacrosse. Later on they expect to provide for good concerts, dances, lectures and other attractions, and they even aspire to dramatic entertainments, The formal opening of the rooms and Inauguration of the club will take place as soon as arrangements can be completed. Mrs. Tamblyn, wife of J. F. Tam- Blyn, postmaster of Oshawa, is dead aged 'sixty-eight years. Mrs. Tam- blyn was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Bradford Tut- tle, Shannonville. Walter P. Johnson, born at Plc- has been for n years the of police at Moose Jaw, Sask. A Meeting of The W.C.T. U. Lansdowne, Sept. 24.--The town- ship of Front of Lansdowne have or- ganized for the coming plebiscite, in the interest of prohibit.on. A number of temperance workers met in the lecture room of the Methodist church, on Monday, Sept. 15th and the following organization was form- ed: President, T. J. Webster; 1st vice-president, John H. Donevan; 2nd vice-president, Robert. Jack; his brother Frank, who is spending | will be in his] secretary-treasurer, C. W. Landon; programme committee, president, secretary-treasurer and clergyman of the township; publicity commit- tee, Mrs. I. N. Beckstead, ' Rev. George Dustin, Rev. Mr. Throop. The following committees of polling and divisions with power to add to their numbers; No. 3, Guy Clenden- ning, Mrs. Curtis Anderson; No. 4, John H. Allen, Mrs. Wm. Coopper, Mrs. J. H. Donevan; No. 5, Robert Jack, Mrs. Gordon H. Landon, W. W. Shipman, Mrs, Kenneth Shipman, George Randall, Mrs. C. W, McCul- lough; No. 7, Wm. Vanderburg, Miss Taylor, Wilfred Webster, Percy Has- kins, T. J. Webster, Clarence Cross; No. 6, C. W. Landon, Miss Ena Big- ford, Reece Webster, Mrs. E. R. Bradley, S. E. Johnston, Mrs. T. A. Webster, E. R. Bradley, The school fair was well attend- ed on Tuesday, although the wind was cold, The exhibits in the main hall were splendid--and the cni'dren certainly deserve credit for the won- derful display. Greenfield school won the prize for the parade. The Alpha class and the school fair each had a booth, on the grounds and both did well. At a largely attended meeting of the W.C.T.U. on Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. S.P. Moore, Mrs. Jonas Hagerman was presented with a star of honor pin. A number of new members were received. Mrs. E. R. Bradley, was appointed Tra- vellers' Ald representative for Lansdowne, Rev. I. N. Beckstead and C. W. Landon are in Toronto attending the synod of Toronto and Kingston. Miss M .McCormack and Mrs. R. Williams have returned from spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Williams, Stirling. Miss Gladys Graham, Miss Marjorie Williams and Edwin Bradley are attending Ot- tawa Normal and Miss Elsie McNiell, Toronto Normal. Communion Service will be held in Fairfax Presbyterian church on vice at 11 a.m.' in Lansdowne. Edward Deam, Ivy Lea, had the misfortune, on Friday night, to lose his barn by fire, with all the sea- son's crop, implements, and part of the stock. The cause of the fire is unknown. Service in St. John's church on Sunday next at 7.30 p.m. The rec- tor, Rev. Cecil Winter, the preacher. clude George Evershed, Picion; B. Chowder, Kemptville; W, F. Hard- ing, Longueuil; George A. Harris, Toronto; BE. W. Earle, Cornwall; J. C. Dalton, Ottawa; J. Perrin, Otta- wa; BE. W. Cooley, Toronto; F. A. Curzon, Toronto; J. A. Jackson, Gananoque; A. T. Lawson, Ottawa; A. H. Ross, Toronto; H. O. Switzer, Ottawa; W. Mcintyre, Ottawa; G. Hamilton, Toronto; W. M. Graham, Ottawa; D. Houstoli, Toronto; W. F. Neff, Athens; M. F. Cobery, Alex- andria Bay; J. H. Arnold, Westport; KE. Morrison, Toronto; Dr. J. De L. Campbell, Kingston. Miss Grace Beckstead left on Mon- day to attend Normal schooi in Ot- tawa, and will be with former resi- dents of Lansdowne, Mr. and Mrs. j John Shields. Dr. J. A. Bradley re- turned on Saturday from spending a week in Toronto, when he Look up a course in dentistry. Joseph Shields left on Tuesday to act as judge on cattle at Sunderland and Campbell- ford. Dr. J. de L. Campbell was in the village on Tuesday. 'The Lansdowne drug store is sold to George Hamilton, Toronto. Sev- eral from here attended the horse races held on Thursday in Montreal A. T. Lawson, 8r., Ottawa, spent a few days at the Stewart House, ar- riving on Saturday, Kenneta Steacy was taken to the Brockville General on Sunday for an operation for ap- pendicitis and at present is progres- fing favorably. Clark Shipman is in the Kingston General hospital, The street roller is operating on King street. F. W. B. Fitzgerald, manager of the local Bank of Toronto, was groomsman at the Britton-Boyce wedding at Ot- taws on Monday, Sept. 15th. Mrs. Thomas Steacy spent Tuesday in Brockville with her son, Kenneth. Fishing by Radio. Herring fishing off the coast of Scotland has the ald of radio and airplanes. planes, with trans- mitting sets, 'spot the fish and trans- mit the information to the waiting boatmen. That simplifies and speeds the entire industry. San Francisco Sfation. San Francisco may have a munici- pal broadcasting station, somewhat like that owned by New York. Ap- propriations for its erection have been requested of the board of su- pervisors by Mayor James Rolph. Radio Hunt is On, Switgeriand has a new "hunting same," thanks to radio. A boat with prey" 1 the "hounds," with receiving sets are supposed to locate. Under cover of night this proves an interesting game, RR Ernest Chisamon, Mr. | A shipment of Winter Bedroom Slippers just arrived in many styles of Fawns. Felt, Cosy and Kid Cosy. Blues, Greys, Browns, Blacks and All...... .. vives. 31.25 ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Sunday afternoon, Rally Day ser- Guests at the Stewart House in- by us. around his jaws. south. Abstain from dissolute laughter, uncomely jests, loud talking and called indecencies and incivilities. "My stomach was out of order," says Mrs. A. Thomson, of 192 Ken- tyre street, Winnipeg. "it would not digest my food properly and I was troubled with gas and sourness after My feet and legs would get stiff and sore. They would also "I have only taken two bottles of Dreco, but feel like Parone ats 1s sla st Whig | | Jeering, which in civil account, areito preserve & disposition to Suffering Was Taking | The Joy Out of Life Winnipeg Lady Suffered Al the Run-down System Till She Marked Improvement Followed She Feels Like a New Woman. swell painfully and I was very ner- vous. . Tojef Does the Manufacturers' Guarantee Mean Anything to You ? Here is' what it means--Satisfaction doubly guaranteed--first by the manufacturer and then All this week, we send to your home any of these nationally advertised and guaranteed Furniture at reduced prices:--=Snyder's Sani-Belt Chester field sets, McLagan's Master-Craft Bedroom and Dining Room Sets, Krochler Davehports and Davenetts, Simmons' Bed, Springs and Mattresses. JAMES REID Po ae Rn SRA HE WAS TOO INQUISITIVE! "Pirate Pete" had things pretty much his own way for 20 years. Farmers along Lake Prien, in southwestern Louisiana; would see him sneak up and kill off their ound alligator always succeeded in elu br to his lair. The other day, though, he grew curious when he heard a lot of noise around. And that was his undoing. When he shot his head up through the sand, a lasso tightened Now "Pete's" making all the fairs . down igs. But the big 625~ ing them: on the way Take it as a rule, proper to be observed in all occurrences of nw Te pleased. Hered of Dror = already. My food digests much easd fer now, the pains in my back Dave gone and the rheumatic pains, aches and swellings are practically a. g of the past. 1 fect hetser and stronss er in every way, thanks to = Dreco is an effective system er and blood purifier. Beside possesses remarkable le proper 8 new womaa |

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