> THE DAILY BRITISH WHILG =p . a PRECAUTION! Flu in a mild form is preva- lent at present in this district. Experience has proved that Dr. Hickey's Flu and Cold Capsules are the best preventative and Joliet for this .distressing ma- A few capsules taken now will save suffering and incon- . venience. Hickey's Speedy Relief will put an end to that early Fall cough. Hickey's Analgic Rub for all paips, Gives instant re-- sults.' ¢ LL. T.B Best Brick, © rooms, 8 piece bath, clec- tre ght and gan bok iv, hv. oor Batemans Real Estate 111% BROCK ST., KINGETON Televhone 1925F, SILVER PLATED | CIGARETTE CASES at a HALF PRICE We are offering | about two dozen cases in the best quality Silver Plate at the above discounts. This is a chance to procure a very serviceable arti- cle at a remark- ably low price. | { The new enamel ware that looks like china. Special assortment at at- tractive prices. Broken Stove & Faia Castings Welded When you have a Stove or'a Furnace for which it is hard to get repairs, bring your old castings and have them welded. McKelvey & Birch, Limited Heating Specialists, Stemu Fitters and Plomoers, | and Gas-Filiters' Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Reavy 'with two ladies. or one, curb side 'of the { RADIO BROADCASTING The following is a list of radio stations and their broadcasting pro- 'grammes which may be heard local- ly on Wednesday: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8. KDEA (826) Pittsburgh, Pa. 12.00 m.~--Reports of the Pitts- burgh livestock markets and whole- sale produce markets. 1215 p.m.--Concert by Daugh- erty's Orchestra. '6,30 'p.m.--Dinner concert by the Pittsburgh Athletic Association Or- chestra. ~ . 7.15 p.m.--The Children's Period. 7:30 _p.m.--Late news. - 7.40 p.m.--Reports of the primary livestock and wholesale produce markets. 8 p.m.--Programme arranged by the League of American Pen Women. WJZ (455) New York City. 10.50 a.m.--Eleanor Gunn's fash- fon talk. 4 p.m.--Specialty numbers. 5.30 p.m --State and Federal agricultural reports; farm and home reports; New York stock exchange. 7 p.m.--Irving Selzer's Boulevard orchestra. 8.10 p.m.--~New York University Cafe Magoffin, president Archéologiqal In- stitute of America. "Facts, Fancles and Pigutes of Archeology." 8.30 p.m.--Talk, under the aus- pices of the Democratic National committee. 8.45 p.m.--New York University Ald, Colleéges-aerohautical course; "Modern Airplane," by Prof. Alex. Klemin. 9.05 p.m.--Piano recital by Alex} ander Brachocki, direct from Aeolian Hall. 10.30 p.m.-- Greenwich Village Inn orchestra. / WGY (880) Schenectady, N 12.30 p.m!--8tock market Lid 12.40 p.m.--Produce market re- port. 6 p.m.--Produce and stock market quotations; news bulletins. 6:30 p.m.--"Adventure Story." WLW (428) Cincinnati. 4 p.m, --Lesson in "Ilo," the in- térnational language, by Fred Smith; programme for the "Shut Ins." 8 p.m.--The Virginia Entertain- ers, presenting popular music sym- phonically. 9 p.m.---Band. concert and enter- tainment by the Formica band. un- der the direction of Walter Esber- ! ger; soloist, Richard Pavey, tenor. WEAF (492) New York City. 11 a.m. to 12 noon--Musical pro- gramme by Minnie Weil, pianist, and "Young Mothers" Programme," with talks; market and weather reports. 4-6, p.m.--Mark Davis and His Dance Orchestra. 6-10 p.m. --Dinner music. Complete radio programmes sol at 'Canada Radio Stores. | "WALKING WITH LADIES. walging takes the A goliuicilsy, Wuswusd should never sandwich himself in "Atkinsons godds," Gibson's. - closing quotations of the Aid College; Prof. Charles 'V. Dis pavement. Hel' -. "OLE BILL" As he appears in the great "fiim now playing at the Grand Opera House. SEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS Trifles make perfection, but perfec- tion is no trifle. --Michael Angelo. Christ gives a new heredity when he teaches us "Our Father."--Maltbie D. Babcock. To grow a little wiser day by day To school my mind and body to obey, To keep my inner life both clean and strong, To free my life from guile, my hand « from wrong, To shut the door on hate and, scorn and pride, To open them to love the windows wide To meet with cheerful 3 comes to me, To turn life's discords into harmony, To share some weary worker's heavy load, heart what 4To point some straying comrade to the road; To know that what 'l have is not my own, 2 To feel that I am never -quite alone: This would I pray from day to day. . For then I know my life would flow In peace until it be God's will I go. --Annonymoys only competition worthy a wise man is with himself.--~Mrs. Jameson. 1 Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the. first fruits of them! that slept.--First Corinthians 15:20. For mankind are one in spirit, and an instinct bears along, Round the 'earth's electric circle, the swift flash of right or wrong; Whether conscious or uriconscious yet humanity's vast frame. Through its ocean-sundered fibers fecls the gush of oy or shame -- In the gain or loss of one race all the rest have equal claim. ~James Russell Lowell. To see what is right and do it is want of courage. ~Confucius, Wr PROBS: -- Wednesday, partly cloudy, not much - change in temperature. g 2 AWEDNESDAY MORNING SALE DOUBLE DISCOUNT STAMPS! "From 9 to 10'clock SHOP EARLY--SAVE 10% This special morning event should find a ready response from economical shoppers. 'These sale events are to encourage early in the day shopping. Accept this as a special invitation and participate in the savings to-morrow. ° 9 The enchantment of New Fashions turn Women's eyes toward the beautiful apparel of this store We welcome you most cordially to inbpoct our showings of new _ Coats, Suits, Dresses and Accessories--Autumn is here and Winter "approaches and Milady i is well advised to be prepared | New Coats 512 95 up to *75.00 Many words may describe the gorgeous beauty of these Coats, * 1 es They are the "last word" from b Ny and symbolize to you the extreme in style without losing f thes practicglness There are Coats for very pitpose ia New Dresses 00 0.75 to $50.00